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Page 17

by Cheryl Brooks

  Trag started to say something, but obviously thought better of it, so it was Tychar who spoke. “We did not intend to drive her away,” he said. “We will be more cautious in the future.”

  “See that you are,” Wazak said. He glared at them for a second or two longer and then left, his tail sweeping the floor behind him.

  Trag was the first to recover, going immediately for the water pitcher. “I think we all need a drink,” he said, pouring out a glassful—which he gulped down himself before refilling it and handing it to me.

  I drank it gratefully, and then gave it to Tychar, who said graciously, “We apologize for our behavior.”

  Trag nodded in agreement, adding, “And I won’t bother you again, Kyra. I’ll stay away, if that’s what you want.”

  I could tell just how much it cost him to say that. “Do you have any idea how hard it would be for me to tell you to never come near me again?”

  Looking chagrined, he said, “About as hard as it would be for me to have to do it, I’d imagine.”

  “Well, we’ve got a problem then,” I said. “I hate the thought of depriving you, Trag, but I don’t want to be unfaithful to Tychar, either—I do love him, you know! My biggest fear is that in trying to love you both, I could also end up losing you both—and that’s the very last thing I want! I want you to think about how you would feel if your situations were reversed.” I looked up at my blue-eyed lover. “You two talk about it. I’ll do whatever you decide.”

  They exchanged a meaningful look. “We have talked,” Trag said. “Talked it to death, in fact.”

  “And… ?”

  “I might not want to share if you were mine,” Trag said, “but I’d do it for my brother.”

  “And I would wish for him to share you with me if you loved him, instead,” Tychar said firmly. “But I would also understand if he did not.” He said this with a meaningful glance at Trag before adding, “I know what he is feeling. I felt that way not long ago, myself.”

  “Well, for heaven’s sake, why didn’t you say so before?” I demanded. “It would have saved a lot of trouble—not to mention that mad dash down the hall!”

  “But we didn’t know what your wishes were,” Tychar purred, his eyes already beginning to glow with desire. “You haven’t told us—and we have been waiting.”

  “And not very patiently,” Trag put in.

  Which was obviously why Tychar hadn’t told Trag to get lost. “Well, if I haven’t said anything, it’s because I didn’t want to screw everything up by admitting that I wouldn’t mind having both of you.”

  “Wouldn’t mind?” Trag repeated, looking a bit miffed. “Is that all?”

  Desperate though he might have been, Trag still had plenty of pride left. “Let me rephrase that,” I said. “I would absolutely love to have both of you.” I hesitated a moment before adding, “But I still think we would all be happier if you found someone else, Trag. I doubt if this could be permanent.”

  “I can live with that,” he said staunchly. “After all, nothing else is—permanent, I mean.”

  I wasn’t sure what to say after that, and it was fairly obvious that they didn’t either. I ran a hand through my hair again, noting that the sweat seemed to have dried.

  “Boy, that run was a mistake!” I exclaimed. “I feel terrible! I must be in worse shape than I thought.”

  “You should run with us sometime,” Tychar suggested.

  “That’s how you stay in such perfect condition? You run? In this heat? It nearly killed me!”

  “We run at night,” Tychar said.

  I’d thought they were locked up at night; The Shrine was pretty big, but still… “You run in The Shrine? There has to be some sort of law against that!”

  “Not in The Shrine,” said Trag. “You know the door in the wall around the patio? It’s not locked, because it only leads out onto the top of the portico, which has a wall around it, too. Not sure why it’s there, unless it’s a defensive thing,” he added reflectively. “Anyway, it goes all the way around the palace, and we run up there where no one can see us.”

  “Which one of you is faster?”

  Trag grinned. “Me.” He rolled his eyes at his brother. “He’s older than I am.”

  “I’d never have guessed. Except for your coloring, you two could almost pass for twins.”

  “We are littermates,” Tychar said, “but littermates are rarely identical.” With a withering glance at Trag, he added, “Fortunately.”

  “I thought you said you were younger?” I said to Trag.

  “I am,” he replied. “By about fifteen minutes.”

  Another lull. Obviously this was going to be up to me. “So, how will this work? One after the other? Both at once? Or will you just demand equal time?”

  “Any way you wish,” Tychar said with a slow smile. “We will not… keep score.”

  “So, what are you, then? My love slaves? My boyfriends?”

  “He’s your boyfriend,” Trag said with a gesture toward Tychar. “I’ll just be the bad little slave boy you like to fuck once in a while.”

  I experienced a bit of a spasm with that last statement, but it sounded way too good to be true. There had to be a catch somewhere, and I had a feeling that “once in a while” would probably turn out to be a fairly frequent event. “You’re sure about this? Both of you?”

  They were both nodding and smiling.

  “Great Mother of the Desert!” I muttered, mimicking Scalia. I was in deep shit now!

  Chapter 12

  No one had cleared away the lunch tray yet, and Trag sauntered over and cut up some of those kiwi-like fruits for me. “I thought you might like a little something after your run,” he explained.

  Tychar picked up a scrail cloth. “This will make you feel better, as well.”

  Then they converged on me like two hunting cats circling in for the kill; their eyes glowing and both of them purring like crazy. It became quite apparent that they weren’t intending to waste any time, and also that they were going to do it together.

  Curling up beside me, Trag fed me with his fingers—making sure I had to taste him along with the fruit. After each bite, instead of using a napkin, he licked me right across the mouth, and with every swipe of his tongue drove me further from reality and deeper into the realm of erotic fantasy. Tychar polished me with the scrail cloth, sensuously brushing my skin where it was exposed, exposing more as he removed my clothing, which was one of those long, flowing dresses Trag had told me I shouldn’t wear. It hadn’t been much good for running, but it was wonderfully sensuous as Tychar slowly moved it aside. Trag gave me more to drink, and this time, when he wiped my lips with his tongue, I captured it, sucking it into my mouth.

  His purr became a groan as he leaned into me for the kiss. Tychar was behind me, moving my dress higher, and I could feel his cock, hot and wet against my bare skin. When he pulled me away from Trag and slipped the last of the fabric from my body, his brother fell forward onto my chest, devouring my tits, sucking my nipples, and licking me to a sensuous daze.

  “She is beautiful, isn’t she?” Tychar murmured.

  “The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” Trag agreed, backing away from my breast. “She smells of love and passion, and she tastes like desire.”

  “You have not yet reached the source of those delights,” Tychar told him. “She has more.”

  Leaning against the headboard with his legs spread wide, Tychar pulled my languid body up against his own. I could feel his penis against the small of my back, sweeping back and forth, spreading his fluid, allowing it to glide smoothly. Reaching down, he pulled my thighs apart. “Lick her,” he told Trag. “She will feed your desire as no other woman ever has.”

  Tychar was purring in my ear, nipping at my earlobe as he caressed my nipples, rolling them in his fingers and then teasing them with feathe
ry touches. His touch spoke of his love, and I kissed him in reply, and through that kiss did my best to convey my deep feelings for him. He was so sweet to me, and I loved him so…

  But Trag’s hot tongue pulled me back to reality, nearly making me scream as my back arched in response. After the first taste, Trag thrust his tongue in for more, sucking the fluid from me, drinking it like wine.

  “She tastes like our own women,” Tychar whispered to him. “Perhaps even better.”

  “I never did it with one of ours,” Trag gasped. “Women in spaceports—alien women—they were great, but they never did this to me. Never…” His voice trailed off as he plundered the recesses of my body, seeking more of me to taste. Purring loudly, the vibrations in his lips and tongue drove me to near madness until, with a sudden gush of fluid, I climaxed right in his face. Trag made a sound the likes of which I’d never heard before, and Tychar placed his hands on my shoulders and pushed me down, sliding me right underneath his brother. My head was now pillowed in Tychar’s groin, his hot cock standing like a tree trunk beside my cheek while his coronal fluids dripped down on my face.

  “Bury yourself in her, Trag,” he purred. “And we will both watch as you mate.”

  What they were doing to me was amazing enough, but hearing them talk while they did it was even more of a stimulant than their intoxicating fluids.

  Trag licked his lips. “She tastes so good!”

  “Mate with her then,” said Tychar, “and give her joy.”

  My body was still screaming from the first orgasm, but when Trag pushed into me, the look on his face was almost enough to make me do it again. Wonder, relief, and passion mixed with awe, he let out a sigh and leaned down to kiss me.

  “Oh, Kyra,” he whispered. “You feel like love.”

  Smiling mistily, I murmured, “But I am love,” I assured him. “I never felt it before with anyone but the two of you, never felt so…” I paused there, not being able to put it into words.

  “Laetralent,” Tychar said. “That is how you feel, and the way you make us feel, as well.”

  “Don’t know what that means,” I sighed, “but it sounds very nice.”

  “Really nice,” Trag agreed. “The best feeling in the universe.”

  Then he began to move inside me, and I thought I could come up with an even better feeling, which was that of making love with a Zetithian. His long hair teased my skin while his jeweled collar sparkled in the late afternoon light and his big, ruffled dick raked my inner walls with its wondrous drug and sent me into oblivion.

  Though it was something I rarely did, I fought to keep my eyes open, because Tychar was right: I did want to watch Trag: wanted to see his face when he came; wanted to watch him lose control. Plunging into the depths of my body, he groaned with each hard thrust, ramming me with an uncontrolled force I’d never even gotten from Tychar. Then he seemed to come to his senses and eased up and moved out slightly, until his cock inside me was all I could feel while his spine undulated as he curled his hips up and down, making me moan with delight.

  “Feels really good, doesn’t it?” he said, looking rather pleased with himself. “I learned that trick from a Markellian in a spaceport brothel. It was her favorite move.”

  “I can see why,” I gasped, though it was a wonder I could talk at all. “Don’t stop.”

  “I just love it when a woman says that,” he said. Taking a quick glance at his brother, he then said to me in a conspiratorial whisper, “Why don’t you suck his dick?”

  An orgasm hit me just then, but I think it had more to do with the conversation than as the result of any chemical reaction. Then I realized that if I sucked Tychar, I would be getting joy juice from both of them and wondered if it was possible to overdose on the stuff. I had no idea, but I had a feeling I was about to find out.

  Tychar seemed to think that having his cock sucked was an excellent notion and shifted sideways so that all I had to do was turn my head to take him in my mouth.

  “Mmmm.” He was warm, smooth, wet, and delicious. Tychar had tried to teach me to purr, and I believe this was when I came the closest to actually doing it. I couldn’t make a sound when I inhaled, but the “mmmm” with each expelled breath was pretty close. Tychar held my head and caressed my face while I sucked him: first his cock, and then his balls. The erotic display must have been getting to Trag, because, after a bit, he forgot about trying to be artistic and raised upright on his knees, scooped up my legs with his arms, and just pounded into me. Letting Tychar’s nuts pop out of my lips, I said, “Just keep on going ’til you come, guys. Fill me up with your luscious cream and give me joy.”

  “No problem,” Trag gasped.

  Tychar took his cock in his hand and rubbed my face with the head before pushing past my lips again. He fucked my mouth for a short time, then, with a growl, backed off and sprayed not only my tongue but my whole face with his snard. My own orgasm detonated then, seizing Trag’s cock with every muscle in my body.

  “Oh, fuck!” Trag exclaimed. “I’m gonna come!”

  And he did. With his head thrown back and a throaty growl, he thrust into me so hard, I slid up over Tychar’s thigh as I felt the gush of his semen. The euphoria which followed was no more intense than it had been with Tychar alone, but with the double dose, the effect seemed to be even more prolonged.

  “Great Mother of the Desert!” I muttered when I regained the power of speech. “That was incredible… You know, I think I like that expression—sounds so much better than ‘Oh, my God!’ or ‘Holy shit!’ or any of my other standbys. I think I’ll start using it all the time, since I’m living in a desert oasis and everything, and ‘Oh, fuck!’ is something you can’t say in polite company—though I have been known to let it slip out from time to time. Well, I guess you can say ‘Great Mother of the Desert’ without offending anyone… I’ll have to remember to ask Zealon… or Scalia… I don’t know which… or maybe Wazak could tell me…”

  “She’s babbling,” Trag said with a chuckle.

  “She never did that before,” Tychar commented.

  “Never gotten it from two of you before,” I mumbled from my dazed, but enviable, position between the two brothers. “So, how ’bout it, Trag? Feel better now?”

  “Kyra, my dear, you have no idea,” he said sincerely.

  “Well, actually, I think I might. I mean, if you think you feel any better than I do right now, well, I just don’t see how it’s possible. It’s pretty hard to compare notes on something like that, but let me tell you, it’s an incredible feeling! Don’t know how I’ll feel in an hour—by the way, what are the time divisions called here? We call them hours in Stantongue, but what do the Darconians call the time it takes for one stone to go dark and another one to light up?”

  “A tourade,” Trag replied. “Though it’s fallen out of use since the Darconians switched over to Stantongue a few years back. They say hours now, just like everyone else. Hey, would you believe I had to give classes to the palace staff, since I was the only one around who was fluent?”

  “That must have been weird,” I remarked. I could just imagine the irony of a slave teaching his guards how to say “Get back in your cell” in Stantongue. “No, I never heard tourade, but I guess it just never came up in conversation. I’d still like to find a calendar and figure all this out, though—and, yes, I’m babbling again. I think maybe it’s best that I don’t do this double-team thing more than once a—what do they call weeks, months, and years here?”

  “Weeks, months, and years,” Tychar said. “Those are the Standard divisions of time, though the lengths differ on each planet, depending on the time it takes the planet to rotate and orbit its sun.”

  “Oh… yeah… right. Standard. I knew that.”

  “Uh, which one were you going to say just now?” Trag asked anxiously.


  “You know, once a… what?�

  “Oh, yeah. Once a week, I think.”

  “But Tychar’s been getting it more than once a day,” Trag protested.

  “You said you wouldn’t keep score,” I reminded them.

  “No,” said Trag. “Tychar said that; I didn’t.”

  “Oh, well, shit. He’s my boyfriend, remember? So he has to get more.”

  “There is logic in what she says,” Tychar agreed. “And she must be the one to decide.” If his expression was anything to go by, he wanted to be the one I decided on—all the time.

  “Logic, my ass!” Trag exclaimed. “I think you’re just saying that because—”

  “Hey, now! No fighting, or the deal’s off!” I said severely. “And remember that, because I will not have you two bickering all the time!” I was feeling more like myself as the moments passed. Maybe I could do it more often—maybe I’d even get used to it. “I’ll tell you what, I’ll give it a try again tomorrow, and if it kills me, we’ll know we have to wait a few days in between.”

  “If it kills you?” Trag repeated. “I’ve never heard of sex killing anyone.” He looked at his brother. “Have you ever heard of it killing anyone?”

  “Oh, you know what I mean!” I grumbled. “Right now, I don’t even know if I can walk.”

  Tychar’s smile was slow and satisfied. “We will bring you anything you need, or carry you, if necessary, Kyra. It is our pleasure to serve you.” The look in his eyes told me he’d like nothing more than to carry me everywhere I went—peel my fruit, feed it to me, rub my feet. Oh, yeah, another foot massage… After all, they couldn’t do it continuously—even they would have to take a break sometimes…

  “Hmmm, that’s nice,” I said drowsily. “But maybe I should just sleep for a while.”

  “And I’ll go practice the piano,” Trag said, sounding far more eager than he ever had before. Guess that’s what a little nooky will do for you after a long dry spell.


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