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Troubled Hearts

Page 14

by Jolie Cain

  Rachel’s tongue worked faster and faster, keeping time with the motions of their fingers. Pleading moans now fell constantly from Katherine’s lips. “God, please. Oh, help me. I want to cum. I need to cum. Faster, faster. Please.”

  Katherine felt as if every nerve in her body were being drawn tighter and tighter. She knew she wouldn’t be able to take much more before she went completely insane. How much pleasure could a body take?

  “Not yet, baby.” Beau said it again, and she almost sobbed in denial. Then they stopped.

  Beau pulled his finger out and Rachel’s slid out with it. She leaned back and swiped her tongue over the lips that were wet with Katherine’s juices. “No,” Katherine cried. “Oh, please, don’t stop.”

  “Quiet, kitten. You will do as I say. Do you understand?” Beau’s hands soothed up and down her arms, stroking her. He pushed her up and followed, while Rachel rose to her feet. She stepped forward and pressed a warm kiss against Katherine’s lips, parting them and sending her tongue exploring into Katherine’s mouth. Beau’s hands were wrapped around Katherine, and eagerly caressed her breasts before moving over to tug on Rachel’s nipples. Katherine tasted herself on Rachel’s mouth but didn’t retreat, opening herself more and letting her own tongue slide across Rachel’s in a hot, wet kiss.

  The three of them moved back to the bed. Beau pressed Katherine down until she lay on her back and Rachel climbed up, to straddle Katherine’s body, her head facing Katherine’s feet. She bent down and kissed Katherine’s cunt and Kat arched up into the caress. Looking up, Katherine could see the glistening wetness that seeped from Rachel’s own pussy. Rachel lowered herself closer and closer to Katherine’s face and Beau whispered, “Lick her, Katherine. Lick her sweet pussy. You’ll like it. It tastes delicious.”

  Unable to deny his request, she reached up to grasp Rachel’s hips and guided them down so that she could tongue her pussy. After the first delicate swipe, she drew her tongue back in to her mouth to savor the sensation of tasting another woman’s juices. Tentatively she flicked out her tongue again, finding Rachel’s swollen clit. Beau’s voice urged her on, and Katherine became completely caught up in the feelings that were flooding her. Rachel continued to eat her, drawing her closer and closer to climax, and her own tongue and lips were busy with the newfound territory they were exploring. When Rachel added her finger to the mix, Katherine knew her climax was upon her. “Beau, I’m going to cum. Please, let me … please, oh, please…”

  “Yes, cum, kitten. Cum for me and Rachel.”

  Her body bowed up off the bed as her orgasm hit her. When the pulses died down, she returned her attention to Rachel’s wet cunt. Before long, Rachel, too, was gasping in climax, and Katherine tasted the flood of her cum as it seeped into her mouth. Rachel rolled off her and Beau was leaning over. “That was beautiful, kitten. Beautiful.” He bent down to kiss her, licking Rachel’s cum from her lips. “Delicious. I told you. Now, I’m going to fuck you, and Rachel is going to watch.” He spoke to Rachel, “Hold her hands down. Don’t let her lift them.”

  “With pleasure.” She smiled as she stretched out next to Katherine and took her wrists in a tight grip. Then Beau was pulling her to the end of the bed so that her legs dangled over the side. He pushed into her with a hard thrust. Balls deep, he gripped her thighs in his hands, and pushed them up and apart until she was stretched wide for his pleasure. Rachel bent down to take one of Katherine’s nipples in her mouth, and Beau began fucking her, slowly at first. Pushing in as deeply as he could before almost pulling out completely.

  Katherine felt like she was going out of her mind from all the sensations flooding her body. She heard the moaning, mewling whimpers and at first didn’t realize they were coming from her own mouth. “Please, please, oh, God, please. Don’t stop. Oh, don’t, don’t stop.” Over and over the pleading litany echoed in the room. Hard pinches on her nipples and the deep thrusts filling her had awakened an uncontrollable need in Katherine. She needed … everything … anything they wanted to give her. Rachel’s mouth covered hers, kissing her deeply. She whispered into her ear, “Yes, beautiful. You love this, don’t you? So much need in you, sweetheart. Beau is fucking you so hard, so good. I like seeing his cock pounding into your pussy, all stretched wide to take him in.”

  Finally, Katherine gave in to the sensations and screamed as she was hit by the strongest orgasm she had ever experienced. She dimly heard Beau’s shout as he, too, reached completion, emptying himself into her.

  It was a while before Katherine roused enough to take stock of her surroundings. She lay alone in the bed, covered lightly with a sheet. Her eyes darted around the room, searching for signs of the others. Finally she realized she could hear the dim sound of the shower. Just as she moved to get up, the sound stopped. A few moments later, Beau came into the bedroom, a towel fastened loosely around his waist. When he saw she was awake, he smiled and quickly crossed to her.

  “Rachel?” Katherine asked as he sat down on the bed and leaned forward to drop a kiss on her lips.

  “She left while you were zonked out.” He smiled and reached forward to push her hair back from her face. “She said to tell you how much she enjoyed herself. And that she would be glad to repeat the experience any time.” Katherine blushed, and Beau chuckled. “You were beautiful. Did you like it?”

  Sheepishly she smiled. “I think you know I did. It was … different, but very…” She paused, unable to quite put into words her feelings.

  Beau smiled knowingly. “Yes, it was, wasn’t it?” He removed his towel and crawled beneath the sheets with her, pulling her against him. “I love you, you know?”

  “I know. I love you, too.” She cuddled close and fell asleep.

  * * * *

  The moment Katherine woke up the next morning, she reached out for Beau, but all her hand met was an empty bed. She sat up and looked around, finally spotting a clock on a nearby table. Ten o’clock. No wonder she was alone. After she struggled out of bed and made her usual trip to the bathroom, she shrugged on a robe and crept downstairs, searching for Beau and a cup of coffee.

  At the landing she paused listening, and finally heard the deep tones of Beau’s voice. Following the sound, she reached the doorway to the outer patio, where Beau and Clay were sitting and talking. When she emerged, the conversation halted and she paused at the grim expressions she saw on the faces of the two men. “What? Has something happened?”

  Beau stood and crossed to her. “Sit down, kitten. Clay has some news.”

  “And I’m going to need to hear it sitting down?” she questioned, her eyes focused on Clay.

  “Yes.” Clay shook his head. “Shocks are best absorbed with the knees bent.”

  Beau helped her sit down and poured her some coffee from the pot that sat on the table. Then he took the chair beside her. Katherine took a sip of the rich brew and closed her eyes, relishing the delicious taste and the caffeine kick. Opening her eyes, she nodded. “Okay, I’m ready. Tell me.”

  “They found Harper Hunt.”

  A smile broke out on Katherine’s face as she felt some of the tension slide from her at the news. “But that’s terrific news. Why do you both look so worried?”

  No one said a word until finally Clay responded. “He’s dead, Katherine. Murdered.”

  She could feel the smile freeze on her face as she struggled to accept what she was hearing. “Dead? How?”

  Beau spoke. “You don’t need the details, Kat. Really…”

  But she broke in. “I want to know everything. Beau, you can’t shield me from this. I need the truth.”

  “His throat was cut.” Clay’s blunt, matter-of-fact tone could not diminish the horror Katherine felt at the news.

  “Oh, my God.” She raised a trembling hand to her mouth, trying to hold back the sob that threatened to burst forth. “Oh, my God.” Harper—dead.

  “Jesus, Clay. Couldn’t you break it to her a little more gently?” Beau’s voice broke through her horrified thoughts. />
  “No, Beau, don’t be mad. I needed to know. It just … I … wasn’t expecting…” She turned again to Clay. “What else? There’s more, isn’t there?”

  He nodded. “He was found by the building superintendent at his condo. His body was stuffed into one of the storage compartments down in the basement.” He paused. “He’s been dead for some time, Katherine. At least several days. He is not the person who has been stalking you.”

  Katherine nodded numbly. If not Harper, then who?

  Clay continued. “The police want you to return to Jackson. They feel that all of the things that have been happening to you are related to the murder. They’d like to question you more thoroughly about what has been going on.”

  “Oh, so now they’re interested.” Beau’s anger was apparent. “Now that there’s a fucking dead body, they want to do something.”

  Katherine reached out to cover his hand as it clenched on the table. “It’s okay, Beau. Really, I understand why they couldn’t really do anything before. Of course I’ll go back. If this person is the same person who has been stalking me, I have no choice.”

  Clay agreed. “The situation has gotten very serious now. Someone is dead. We don’t want for Katherine to be next. I think it would benefit us to find out as much as we can from the Jackson police. I’m sure that they know more than they’ve told me over the phone.”

  Beau finally agreed. “I know you’re right, Clay. It’s just, dammit … no one was taking us seriously before, not really, and it just pisses me off that it took something like this…”

  His hand turned to clasp Katherine’s tightly.

  Katherine turned questioningly to Clay. “Did they say whether or not they had any suspects?”

  He just shook his head. “They wouldn’t tell me anything else. I told them we would come up today. Beau, Jack said that you have a plane…?”

  “Yeah. A small Cessna. I’ll have it checked out and fueled up. We can probably leave in an hour or so.”

  “But don’t you have a dive job today?” Katherine queried.

  “I’ll assign it to someone else. There’s no way I’m letting you out of my sight now.”

  She smiled weakly at him, glad that he would be with her. Somehow he made everything much more bearable. “I’m going to go get a shower and get dressed. I’ll see you in a bit, Clay. And thanks for coming by with the news. I appreciate it.”

  She turned and walked through the doorway, feeling the eyes of the two men following her movements as she left.


  Beau looked at Clay. “This is pretty fucking bad, isn’t it?”

  He nodded. “This guy is fixated on Katherine, and now he’s killed someone. Someone connected to her. It’s not too difficult to figure out who might be next on his list. Katherine … or you because you’re now involved with her. We have got to keep you both safe. I’ll get a couple more of my men to Jackson. They’ll keep an extra eye out. I have a feeling things are about to get a lot worse.”

  Beau stood up. “I guess I should go and call the airport. What are you going to do?”

  “I have a few errands to run. Call me on my cell and let me know what time the plane will be ready. I’ll meet you there. And listen… I’ve put some men on the house and on you both. They’ll watch out for you two until we leave for Jackson. I have a couple more guys who’ll be waiting for us at the Jackson airport. Two of my best.”

  “Thanks, buddy.” They shook hands, and Clay left.

  Beau climbed the stairs to the bedroom and moved quickly to the closed door of the connecting bath. He knocked gently, “Kat? Can I come in?” No response, though he could easily hear the sound of the shower running. He tried the knob, and it turned easily in his hand. Entering the room he walked to the shower and pushed the door open. Katherine sat in the bottom of the tub, curled into as small an area as she could get, her shoulders shaking with sobs.

  “Oh, kitten.” Beau climbed in and took her in his arms, pulling her back against him and shielding her from the pounding of the water. He stroked her hair and murmured softly to her as her heart wrenching crying gradually diminished. “It will be all right, I promise. No one is going to hurt you. No one.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  They left Gulf Shores in Beau’s plane three hours later. Katherine sat in the rear, with Beau in the pilot’s seat and Clay beside him. After her breakdown, she had actually felt somewhat better. Her eyes were still a bit swollen, but releasing all that bottled up emotion had been quite cathartic. In her mind, she kept running through the people that she knew, trying to figure out which one could be doing this to her. Most of her patients she had been treating for quite some time. It was hard to imagine one of them suddenly developing such an obsessive fixation on her. But if not a patient, then who? Someone she worked with? Perhaps at the free clinic? Or the guy who checked her out at the grocery store? Her pizza delivery boy? God, it could be anybody. Even someone she had never met. Someone who had seen her give a lecture as a guest speaker at the college. Damn, damn, damn! It was just so fruitless to try to figure this out.

  Her eyes lit on the back of Beau’s head as he leaned over to say something to Clay. Thank God she had found him again. She couldn’t even imagine what this would be like without his strong presence there to comfort her and reassure her. He was just what she had been looking for, yearning for, all these years. And now … now that she had found him again, she had to deal with some madman. What if he decided to harm Beau? What then? How would she ever be able to forgive herself if he were hurt, or worse? Look at what had happened to Harper. His throat cut. She swallowed convulsively, shoving out the picture of him that appeared in her mind. No, she couldn’t even think of it. And Beau … he meant so much more to her than Harper ever had.

  What she should probably do was distance herself from him. Maybe then he would be safe and this lunatic would focus only on her. Could she? Could she leave him? Or could she do something that would force Beau to leave her? She almost laughed. Not in a million years. Especially not in the middle of this mess. She knew him. So well it was almost frightening considering they had not seen each other for twelve years. But she knew the man he was. He had loved her, wanted her, all these years. He sure as hell wouldn’t desert her now. Not when she was in danger. Hell, probably not ever. She had wanted a strong, dominant man who knew what he wanted and how to get it … to hold it. And she had gotten one for sure.

  She looked up as Clay rose from his seat and came back to join her in the back of the small plane. He smiled down at her and asked, “How are you holding up, sweetheart?”

  She managed a smile back. “I’m okay, Clay. Just confused and mad as hell. And worried about Beau.” She studied Clay’s expression. “Is Beau in any danger because of me, Clay? Is it possible that this maniac is going to try to hurt him the way he did Harper?”

  Clay hesitated a moment and then shrugged. “I’m not going to lie to you, Katherine. I have too much respect for you. You’re a smart girl. He killed Harper because of his connection to you. I think that is obvious. Why did he do it? Because you were lovers? Maybe. Because he hurt you? Again maybe. So is Beau in any danger?” Again he shrugged. “I think it’s possible.”

  Her expression grim, she told him, “Thanks for being honest with me, Clay. I had kind of figured it out on my own. So … do you think he would be safer if we weren’t … together?”

  Clay’s expression clouded over. “No, in fact I think he would be in even more danger, because he would be so focused on finding you that he wouldn’t even be thinking about himself. And also we would have two people in two separate places to try to protect rather than both of you together. So whatever it is that you’re thinking or planning, you’d best put it right out of your mind. If Beau even suspected you were thinking of leaving him, there would surely be hell to pay, sugar.” He paused and then leaned closer. “Think about this, too, Katherine. Harper was killed after you had broken it off with him. Obviously, that didn’t protect him. Why
would you think it would protect Beau?”

  She nodded gratefully as the truth of his words sank in. “Thanks. That’s what I thought. I just needed to hear someone say it, Clay. To be sure it wasn’t just … well … what I wanted. But truly that was for the best.”

  He squeezed her hand in gentle understanding. “Now, why don’t you tell me a bit more about your relationship with Harper Hunt? I know you two were involved, and that it ended pretty badly?”

  She grinned weakly and looked away. She had been dreading this moment ever since it became clear that Harper’s death was all a part of what was going on with her and the stalker. Clay, and the police too, would need to know the details of their relationship in order to try to figure out who was behind all of this. But it was one thing to be involved in a D/s relationship; it was a bit more difficult to talk about it to someone she didn’t know that well. Who knew what kind of reaction she would get? Many people had a lot of real misconceptions about Dominance and submission. Oh, hell. She took a deep breath and blew it out. “What exactly do you want to know, Clay?”


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