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Sweet Surrender

Page 1

by Jill Sanders

  Sweet Surrender

  Jill Sanders




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28


  Also by Jill Sanders

  About the Author

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  * * *


  DIGITAL ISBN: 978-1-945100-16-1

  PRINT ISBN: 979-8-647120-17-5

  Copyright © 2020 Grayton Press

  All rights reserved.

  * * *

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.


  Bella Rothschild has finally done it. She’s hit the big time. Being a music star was all she’d ever wanted, but with her new fame and the release of her second album comes a lack of privacy. After a few credible and scary threats, she decides to hide away in the small town of Silver Cove until things blow over. The last thing she expects is to fall for the hired help.

  Calvin has worked hard his entire life to get where he is. As the new manager of the Haven Resorts, he’s built up his reputation as a man of his word. So, when he promises the sexy starlet the privacy and protection of the resort, he’ll make sure she gets it. Even if it means guarding the pretty brunette himself.


  Bella opened the email once more and read it again slowly as the plane took off. She felt a shiver run down her spine when she got to the part about signing the contract with Sunflower Records. She was officially going to be an artist.

  Here she was, her eighteenth birthday only three weeks behind her, and she had made it. Or was about to, at least.

  Her brother Ben had had a hand in making this happen, but for the most part, it was her hard work and talent that had gotten her this far.

  Now, she just needed to rely on that talent to carry her through her first record deal.

  Maggie, her agent, was going to be meeting her at the airport in Atlanta where they would travel to LA together. She’d signed on with Maggie Harris, one of the top vocal agents, shortly after her brother had introduced them when the woman had been staying at her sisters-in-law’s elite resort, East Haven.

  Bella had moved out of her parents’ home shortly after her sixteenth birthday and moved in with her brother and his new wife, Sarah, in their brand-new home. And she’d never been happier.

  As her brother knew firsthand, their parents could be a little—okay, a lot—to handle.

  They had actually wanted to ship her off to Europe somewhere for school. Back then, she’d been sure it was because they hated her. But now she understood it was because she had been more than they had wanted to handle at the time.

  Her father’s career and her mother’s social life had been their priority, not raising their “oops” child.

  She’d been even more hardheaded as a child than her brother had been and had been determined to have things her way. So, naturally, when she’d found out that they were about to ship her away, she’d run away. Straight into the arms of her brother. Thankfully, he’d taken her in and fought for her.

  Spending two years with Ben and Sarah had been wonderful. She’d gone to school at Brighton, a private school. Ben and Sarah ran Elite Resorts International and East Haven, an exclusive resort on a private island off the coast of Maine. Elite Resorts was a business their father had desperately wanted to sink his teeth into all his life.

  Since Sarah had inherited the lucrative business from her late grandfather, Bella’s parents had focused all their attention on their only son and their new daughter-in-law, instead of their only daughter.

  She’d talked to them only a handful of times since moving out and had only seen them twice, during holidays. Ben and Sarah played nice to them but kept them at arm’s length. They were wise to their tactics.

  Bella smiled down at the email once more. She figured that the path laid out in front of her would dim the hurt and pain of being shunned by her folks.

  She didn’t need them. The only family she needed she had, and they supported her one hundred percent. After all, Sarah and Ben had bought her the plane tickets and had helped her arrange for the apartment in LA. In the two years that she’d lived with them, they had given her far more personally and emotionally than her parents had in the sixteen years she’d lived under their roof.

  Now, because of her brother and Sarah, she knew she could handle being on her own in California, starting her career as a singer and becoming a star. She told herself that once she stepped foot in LA, she would never think about her parents again.

  Chapter One

  Four years later…

  Bella stepped off the boat and took a deep breath. How had she forgotten how fresh salt air smelled? Closing her eyes for a moment, she enjoyed the sounds of the seagulls floating overhead and the water lapping at the rocks under the dock. More importantly, no vehicles were blasting their horns.

  “Are you okay?” JT Thomas asked her. She’d known the man since first coming to Silver Cove. She’d been shocked to find out that he was one of her favorite authors, the infamous JT Whistler. Some of his horror stories had kept her up at night before she’d met him and now one of his latest books was tucked in her suitcase. She’d almost finished it on her flight and had every intention of finishing it later that night. Even if it meant staying up late.

  “Yes.” She smiled up at him. “I heard you’re a father now.” She picked up her small backpack, leaving the larger bags for the crew at Holley Hall to take up to the main lodge in their carts.

  JT’s smile tripled, if there was such a thing. “Yes.” His chest puffed out slightly. “Twins. They just had their first birthday last month.” He laughed. “Who would have thought…” He whipped out his phone and showed her a picture of two sleeping babies.

  “A boy and girl.” She took his phone and looked at the kids closer. “She looks like you.”

  “Sophia and Liam,” he added with a smile.

  “Sophia looks like you, Liam takes after Emma. How is she doing by the way?” Bella asked.

  “Great,” he answered when she handed him back his phone. “Enjoying having me working the ferry again and out of the house two days a week.” He chuckled.

  “Getting underfoot?” she asked.

  “No. Apparently, I keep waking the kids up. Checking on them too much.” He shrugged.

  “Well, I for one am glad you were here to greet me and take me to the island.” She touched his arm.

  “Had enough of your brother and sister-in-law?” he asked.

  “No, I’m planning on telling them I’m in town later tonight,” she admitted.

sp; That stopped him. “They don’t know yet?” JT’s tone turned worried and he glanced around.

  “What?” she asked.

  “It’s just… last time I knew something before Sarah…” Bella remembered that JT had known Sarah his entire life. “She about skinned me.” He wiped the sweat from the back of his neck. Since Bella had known him, JT had kept his blond hair long, but now it was cut shorter, and she wondered if it was because of the kids or the summer heat.

  “Then don’t tell her you know,” she joked as she touched his arm. She walked off the dock just as a golf cart came rolling up to the end of the dock.

  She squinted behind her sunglasses and shielded her face from the sun with her free hand to get a better look at who was driving. Then she stopped.

  “What’s he doing here?” she asked quietly. JT shifted her bags under his arms and glanced up. She hadn’t let him take her guitar case from her, since his hands had been full with her other luggage.

  “Oh, that’s Calvin. He runs the place now.” JT continued down the dock.

  She’d known Calvin Winters for what seemed like her entire life. The man was her brother’s best friend. She’d only met him personally a handful of times back in her preteen years, when Ben and he had been going to the same boarding school. Back when she’d been an awkward teen with pimples, uncontrollable hair, and skinny legs that were too long for her body.

  She’d had a crush on him from the moment she’d laid eyes on the picture Ben had sent of the pair of them at school.

  The first time she’d met him was the year he’d tagged along with Ben on their summer vacation, when his parents had had something to deal with and hadn’t wanted their son around. Calvin had gone along with their family to Cancun for two weeks. He’d been a broody thirteen-year-old and Bella’s nine-year-old heart had been lost instantly. The entire trip, he’d barely said two words to her, but she’d lost her heart all the same.

  She watched now as Calvin easily helped JT load her luggage into the back of the golf cart. The two men chatted casually as they went along.

  She had felt the pull of sexual desire from plenty of men over the years, but none like what she’d experienced for Calvin.

  Squaring her shoulders, she made her way slowly to the foot of the dock. She tried to focus on the dragonflies buzzing the water near the shoreline instead of the man watching her as if she were walking down a catwalk instead of the old dock.

  “Hi.” She stopped and removed her glasses as he took her smaller bag from her hands.

  “Miss Rothschild.” He nodded. “When I noticed your name on the registration, I thought it best to greet you myself.” He glanced back at the boat. “Your brother didn’t come with you?” He was treating her as if he’d never met her before. Did he even remember her? Maybe he didn’t? After all, it had been over six years since she’d last seen him.

  He hadn’t changed much except for the slight dusting of dark hair over his chin and those new muscles she could see through his dress shirt. And he looked taller than he had before.

  “No.” She frowned. “Why would he?”

  He shook his head quickly. “No reason.” He reached for her guitar case, but she shook her head.

  “I’ve got this.” She moved over to set it down on the seat in the golf cart.

  His dark eyebrows rose slightly, but then he nodded and watched her. When she turned back to him, he shifted his gaze as the sound of a boat motor sounded in the distance.

  “Shit.” JT groaned and tried to shrink behind Bella.

  She glanced over, and her shoulders sagged slightly when she noticed Ben, Sarah, and Aurora standing at the helm of the boat as it docked next to the ferry. Her sister-in-law was holding Luna in her arms. Bella had last seen the two-year-old on her first birthday. The mass of fluffy blonde hair the girl had was now in short little braids.

  Aurora, her oldest niece, was a few months shy of her fifth birthday. Both of Bella’s nieces were dressed in blue-flowered jumpers and white sandals and had white ribbons in their braided hair.

  “You have to stick up for me,” JT said behind her back. “Tell them I had nothing to do with…” He stopped talking when Sarah rushed over and grabbed her in a big hug as she shifted Luna in her arms slightly so she didn’t smoosh the little girl between them.

  “You’re here,” her sister-in-law said, holding onto her while Ben helped Aurora out of the boat. The four-year-old was very independent and trying to push her father’s helping hands away.

  “I am.” She smiled. “I was going to call…” she started, but Sarah waved her off after she released her.

  “We’re surprised, not upset that you didn’t call us.” Sarah ran her eyes over Bella. “I can see the fear in your eyes.” Sarah chuckled. “Really, I’m not mad at you.” Her eyes moved to JT and Calvin quickly, and Bella noticed both men shrink slightly.

  It had only been a year since her brother and his family had visited her in LA, but still, Bella could see the slight changes in her sister-in-law and her brother.

  Sarah set Luna down, and Bella was surprised to see the girl run up and down the dock on her own now.

  She was pretty steady for a two-year-old, but Ben was still less than a foot away from both his daughters, hands at the ready in case either of them ventured too close to the edge.

  “Hey.” Ben finally made it to her side. Aurora tucked herself behind her father’s leg as she looked up at her while Luna continued to jabber and play with a stuffed dog she had been holding onto as she plopped down at her father’s feet.

  “Hi,” Bella said to her brother. She bent down to get on her niece’s level. “Hi, Aurora, do you remember me?” Before she could finish speaking, the little girl was shaking her head from side to side. Then her big blue eyes moved beyond Bella and grew larger.

  “Cal!” the little girl cried out and released her death hold on her father’s leg. She rushed past Bella to jump into the man’s waiting arms.

  Instantly, Luna glanced up and giggled. “Cal!” she mimicked her older sister and tried to get to her feet. Ben helped her, but instead of letting her rush to the man, he picked her up and held onto her himself.

  “There she is.” Calvin chuckled and spun Aurora around in circles. “My favorite lady.”

  “More,” Aurora giggled.

  “This is why I don’t bring them here often. I think they have both fallen in love. Especially, Aurora.” Ben sighed and reached over to wrap his free arm around Bella. “Hey,” he said again, “how long are you here for?”

  She closed her eyes and held onto her brother. Not wanting to tell him that she didn’t know herself, she threw out a number.

  “Two weeks.” She placed a careful smile on her face before pulling away. “I thought it would be easier to stay…”

  “Of course.” Ben squeezed her shoulder. “You don’t have to stay at our place. You’re welcome anywhere.” Her brother’s eyes moved up to where Calvin was still swinging Aurora in circles. “I take it you have my little sister all set up?”

  Calvin instantly stopped moving, keeping the giggling Aurora hanging upside down in his arms so that he could talk freely. “Yes, she’s all set up in the Summer Suite.”

  Bella noticed how much more relaxed the man was now that Ben was there.

  “I don’t need…” She started to argue about being given the largest room in the entire resort, but Sarah stepped forward and nudged her to start walking beside her on the pathway.

  “The men will take your things and the girls inside.” She motioned to the huge white building that loomed in the distance.

  Bella fell into step with Sarah easily. She’d liked her from the moment she’d met her a few years back. Who wouldn’t? Sarah was so down to earth and friendly.

  But where Sarah shined, her mother Crystal exploded. When she’d met Crystal Holley for the first time, she’d been welcomed into a new world. Both Sarah and her mother had this way about them that put everyone around them at ease.

lla had been going through some really tough times when she’d first escaped to Silver Cove. She hadn’t known how to act around either of the women, having never really experienced a mother figure. It wasn’t as if her mother, Juliette, had filled that role at any point in Bella’s young life.

  “So,” Sarah broke into her thoughts, “tell me what’s going on.”

  “What makes you think…” Sarah tugged her to a stop by pulling lightly on her elbow. The look she gave Bella had her sighing. She should have known better. There was no way she could keep her voice or her eyes from giving her troubles away. It was the main reason she’d wanted to avoid seeing them until later. She’d hoped to have a few days to recover from the scare before seeing her family.

  “Something’s up.” Sarah nudged her aside on the walking path until they sat on a stone bench under a large apple tree. “I know that your brother may be blind when it comes to you being unhappy, but I have eyes.” She smiled over at her. “You can tell me.”

  “I know.” Bella closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. “I was hoping for a few days to collect my thoughts—”

  “Does it have something to do with Shane?” Sarah asked.

  “Who?” Bella’s eyes narrowed as she frowned. Then she remembered the man she’d been dating last year and shook her head and chuckled. “That lasted a hot minute.”

  “Oh, good.” Sarah sighed. “I didn’t like the guy.”

  “You and Ben never like anyone…” She stopped herself. “Never mind.”


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