by Morris, Ian;
Laws, The (Plato), 260
League of Nations, 610
Leakey, Louis, 43
Leakey, Mary, 43
Lebanon, ancient, 190, 200, 239
Le Clerc, Peg-Leg, 462
Lee, James, 18n
Legalist Tradition, 257, 259, 265
Leibniz, Gottfried, 470n, 481
Lenin, V. I., 15, 530, 543
Leninists, 15–16
Lenovo, 597
Leo III, Pope, 362
Leonardo da Vinci, 419, 420, 589
Leopold, King, 519
Levant, 189, 248
Levellers, 452–53
Levitra, 594
Li, King, 233
Liang dynasty, 333
Libya, 218, 235, 605n
Liezi, 258
Li Jianping, 546
Lincoln, Abraham, 594
Ling, Duke, 252–53
Lingdi, Emperor, 301, 302
Linnaeus, Carolus, 474
Lin Xin, King, 213
Lin Zexu, 8, 12
Linzi (China), 251
Li Ruzhen, 514
Lithuania, 455
Little Ice Age, 398
Liu Bang, 283
Liu Daxia, 417
Liujiang (China), 68
Liverpool–Manchester railroad, 509
Locke, John, 471, 481
London, 39, 92, 436, 451, 482, 501, 502, 528, 529
plague in, 455
population of, 152, 482n
Longmen (China), 340, 341
Longwangcan (China), 97
Lord of the Rings, The (Tolkien), films based on, 53
Los Alamos National
Laboratory, 613
Lost Tribes of Israel, 391
Louis XVI, King, 488
Lu (China), 251–52, 262
Lü Buwei, 204
Lucky Latitudes, 85, 114, 561
Lu Gwei-djen, 475–76
Luoyang (China), 273, 299–302, 305, 336, 338
Luoyi (China), 243
Luther, Martin, 447, 453, 573
Lydia (Anatolia), 250
Maastricht Treaty, 533n
Macao, 435, 477, 548
Macartney, Lord, 484, 515, 572–73
Macedon, 186, 268, 269, 292, 524
Machiavelli, Niccolò, 404, 418–20
MacNeish, Richard, 120–21
Maddison, Angus, 582–83, 587
Madeira Islands, 414
Mafia, 231
Magadha (India), 254n
Magnificent Seven, The (film), 440n
Magyars, 363
Mahavira, 254n
Majapahit (Java), 393, 406
Majors, Lee, 594
Malacca, 431–32
Malaya, 535
Malaya Síya (Siberia), 79
Malaysia, 534, 567
Malcolm X, 351
Malinowski, Bronislaw, 133–34, 136
Malta, 189, 193
Ma’mun, Caliph al-, 357, 358, 370
Manchuria, 290, 335, 386, 531
Manchus, 458, 473, 478
Manhattan, 465
Mann, James, 588
Man peoples, 245
Maodun, 293
Mao Zedong, 16, 62n, 149, 423, 425n, 522, 534–35, 543–48, 552, 553, 567, 579, 589
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Emperor, 273, 308–10
Marines, U.S., 52
Marshall Plan, 533
Marx, Karl, 15, 21, 503–506, 512–14, 544, 549, 566
Massachusetts, colonial, 470
Massagetae, 277, 278
Mauryan Empire, 284
Mecca, 349, 351, 408
Medes, 248, 278
Medieval Warm Period, 363, 366, 367, 371, 373, 376, 397, 599
Medina, 349
Meditations, The (Marcus Aurelius), 308n
Mehrgarh, 105
Melbourne, Lord, 8, 12, 148
Memphis (Egypt), 187
Mencius, 230
Menes, 185
Menzies, Gavin, 408, 410, 420n, 421
Merneptah, Pharaoh, 218
Merton, Robert, 568
Mesopotamia, 33, 34, 179–84, 203, 205, 221, 235, 271, 358n
Akkadian Empire in, 189, 192–94, 209
Arabs in, 352, 353
Arameans in, 218
archaeological sites in, 188–89
cities of, 181, 184, 186, 191, 197, 200, 201, 562 (see also Uruk)
collapse of, 206, 210, 215
farming in, 177, 179, 184, 196, 250, 499, 561–62
impact of climate change on, 180–81
metallurgy in, 181
redistributive economy of, 196, 225
Roman Empire and, 294–95
trade of, 181
Turks in, 348, 349, 354n
writing in, 123, 124; see also Assyria
metallurgy, 222, 233, 420; see also specific metals
Metz, Steven, 615
Mexico, 8, 17, 19, 32, 139, 159, 213, 410, 464, 601
prehistoric, 114, 117, 120
Miao, 450
Michelangelo, 418–19, 439
Michigan, University of, 106
Microsoft, 542
Midas, King, 277
Middle Ages, 14, 83, 144, 418
migration, 28, 33, 298, 317, 500, 560, 598, 601, 604, 610, 611
in ancient world, 218, 223–25
in China, 334, 359, 392, 553
mass, 577
prehistoric, 49, 60, 75
steppe, 457, 459, 564, 601
of Turkic tribes, 366
Mikado, The (Gilbert and Sullivan), 522–23
Milan, 404
Milankovich cycles, 65
Military Balance (annual), 151
Mill, John Stuart, 513
Milton, John, 32
Ming dynasty, 404–410, 413, 429, 441, 443, 444, 453, 458, 462, 473, 543, 575
mining, 155, 320, 459, 460, 473, 474, 523
Mithras, 323
Mittani, 197, 198
Mogadishu (Somalia), 408
Mongolia, 276, 295, 388, 397
Mongols, 393, 400, 401, 407, 416, 427, 441, 457, 458
in China, 388–89, 396, 398, 404–406, 576
in Europe, 391, 397, 455, 567, 574
in Muslim core, 391–92
Monte Circeo (Italy), 59
Monte Polizzo (Sicily), 240–41, 365–6
Monte San Giovanni (Italy), 404
Montesquieu, Baron de, 474
Monte Testaccio (Italy), 289
Monte Verde (Chile), 97
Montezuma, 17, 430
Monty Python’s Life of Brian (film), 286
Moore, Gordon, 592–93
Moore’s Law, 592, 596
Morgan, Captain Henry, 485
Mosaic Law, 391
Moscow, 455, 457, 465, 541
Moses, 218, 261, 391
Mountain, Armine, 143
Movius, Hallam, 47–48, 59
Movius Line, 48, 48–51, 60, 75
Mozi, 257–59, 261
Mu, King, 233
Muhammad, 349–53, 356, 357, 364, 366, 367, 452, 566, 567
Mumbai (India), 149, 274
Mumbwa Cave (Zambia), 64
Mureybet (Syria), 94, 97
Muslims, 363–68, 382, 389, 408, 447, 564, 605
in China, 407, 478
internecine conflicts of, 357–58, 360–61 (see also Shiites; Sunnis)
in Italy, 365, 371
militarism of, 351–54, 566–67
Mongols and, 389, 391–93, 401
in Spain, 360, 362, 370, 371, 396
trade of, 365, 395, 429; see also Islam
Mussi, Gabriele de’, 397n
Mutual Assured Destruction, 580
Mycenaeans, 197, 198
Nagasaki (Japan), 435, 483, 515, 532, 610, 614, 617
Nanjing, 407, 410, 413, 416, 422, 423, 442, 475; see also Jiankang
Napoleon, Emperor, 403n, 486, 488–89, 532, 551, 572
Naram-Sin, King, 189, 192
Nariokotome (Kenya), 45
Narmer, King, 1
Naroll, Raoul, 139, 140, 144, 151
National Geographic (magazine), 125
National Intelligence Council, U.S., 582, 601, 602
Nationalists, Chinese, 51, 534
National Science Foundation, 595
Native Americans, 19, 109, 119, 430, 450, 464, 522
Neanderthals, 54–61, 64, 69–70, 72, 75, 80, 88, 89, 150
Needham, Joseph, 475–76, 479
Nefertiti, Queen of Egypt, 261
Nemesis (ship), 9, 517
Neo-Confucians, 376, 422
Nero, Emperor, 307
Nerchinsk (Siberia), 455, 457, 458
Nesbit, Edith, 182
Netherlands, 160, 446, 448, 450
English wars with, 500, 573, 574
trade of, 465–67, 483, 485, 486
New Age, 261n
Newfoundland, 416
New Guinea, 116, 117, 119, 133
New Policies, 376, 422
Newton, Isaac, 113, 470, 474, 481, 500, 573, 574
New York City, 152, 509, 541
railroad from San Francisco to, 507
New Yorker magazine, 613
New York Times, The, 551, 610
New York Tribune, 15
New Zealand, 519
Nicaragua, 421
Nicholas II, Tsar, 524, 525, 528
“Nightfall” (Asimov), 92–93, 580
Nineveh, 247, 248, 278
Niuheliang (China), 126
Nixon, Richard M., 541, 546–48, 552
Noah’s Flood (Ryan and Pitman), 81n
Nobel Prize, 55, 571, 583, 593
Normans, 364, 371–72
Norsemen, 371, 398
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 605
Northern Wei kingdom, 329, 333, 335–36, 362
North Korea, 12, 16, 194, 534
Norway, 146, 147, 398
Novum Organum (Bacon), 468
Nubians, 247
nuclear weapons, 12, 182, 532, 534, 580, 591, 605, 607, 608, 610, 614, 616
“Nylon Wars, The” (Riesman), 540
Octavian, see Augustus
Odoacer, King, 316–17
Ögödei, Khan, 389, 391, 393
oil, 510–11, 528, 531, 537, 551, 601, 604, 611, 630, 633
Arab states’ embargo on, 535, 548
world demand for, 612
Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania), 43, 47
Old World Exchange, 296–98, 301, 307, 308, 316, 321, 327–29, 347, 393, 395, 396, 401, 563
Second, 393–97, 399–401, 564
Oliver Twist (Dickens), 506
Olympic Games, 12, 594
On Christian Theology (Aquinas), 371
On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 73, 136
Opium War, 7–9, 18, 143, 517
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 583
Organization for European Economic Cooperation, 533n
Orwell, George, 530
Osman II, Sultan, 452
Ottomans, 401–403, 431, 438, 442–49, 462, 489, 526, 528, 574, 605; see also Turkey
Ouyang Xiu, 376
Oxenham, John, 462–63
Oxford University, 110, 353, 396, 574
Pachomius, 325
Pakistan, 32, 114, 115, 186, 249, 353, 605
ancient archaeological sites in, 105, 106
Palermo (Sicily), 365, 371
Palestine, 323, 349, 352
Palmerston, Henry, 518
Palmyra (Syria), 311
Paludan, Anne, 283n
Panlongcheng (China), 210
Paradise Lost (Milton), 32
Paris, 438, 469–72, 483, 489, 528
Academy of Sciences, 479
Paris, Matthew, 391
Paris, University of, 105–106, 112
Parliament, British, 8, 496, 506, 511, 518, 534
Parmenides, 261
Parthenon (Athens), 241
Parthia, 292, 294, 296, 308, 310, 335
Paul, St., 324
Pazyryk (Siberia), 276
Pearl Harbor, Japanese bombing of, 52, 533n
Pearsall, Deborah, 121
Pekah, King, 246–47
Peking Man, 50–54, 56, 57, 60, 64, 70, 72, 120n, 211
Peking Opera, 303–304
Peking University, 120
Peloponnesian War, 268
Pengtoushan (China), 120
Penido Velho (Spain), 287, 288, 309
Peony Pavilion, The (Tang Xianzu), 436
Pepy II, King, 193
Perestrello, Rafael, 385
Perry, Commodore Matthew, 10, 14, 517
Persia, 246, 248–50, 267–70, 292, 342, 343, 377, 444, 457, 478, 524, 528, 566
Alexander’s conquest of, 187, 268–69
Arabs and, 349, 352, 356–57, 360
Byzantium and, 345–48, 616
language of, 138
nomad problem of, 278, 294
oil fields in, 511
Ottoman Turks and, 445, 449, 574
Roman Empire and, 308, 310–14, 328
social development of, 253
Peru, 19, 32, 410, 421n, 450, 460, 462–63
prehistoric, 86, 114, 116, 117, 119
Peter, St., 362
Philip II, King of Macedon, 268
Philip II, King of Spain, 447–49
Philippines, 127, 421, 462, 535
Philistines, 217, 218
Phoenicia, 234, 239–42, 244, 250, 365
Phrygia, 277
Picasso, Pablo, 74
Pillow Book, The, 360
Ping, King, 243
Pinker, Steven, 85
Pinnacle Point (South Africa), 63, 64
pirates, 363, 408, 431, 442, 443, 445, 462–63, 485
Pires, Tomé, 431–33, 435
Pisa, 371
Pistorius, Oscar, 594
Pitman, Walter, 81n
Pitt, William, 486, 488
Pizarro, Francisco, 460
plagues, 217, 296–97, 301, 309, 399–400, 412; see also bubonic plague; epidemics
Plato, 148, 256, 260, 325, 589
Pliny the Elder, 273
Plotinus, 324
Poitiers (France), 352
Poland, 112, 353, 368, 419, 455, 458, 549