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Sin & Savage

Page 32

by Anna Mara

  And with that, the older couple disappeared.

  Savage reluctantly pulled his lips off of Tori’s and grinned. “You know your father is going to shoot me full of buckshot once he finds out I eloped with his little girl, don’t you?”

  Tori giggled and nodded. “Probably, but don’t worry, I’m sure he and my mom will blame Nana for everything like they always do. But she’ll love it. Sticking it to my dad is one of her favorite pastimes.”

  Savage’s smile gave way to an uneasy frown. “What about you? How do you really feel about eloping? I love you, Tori and want to marry you now, no bones about it! But if you want a proper wedding with your parents and friends there, then we’ll put it off and arrange something back home. I just want to make you happy…”

  Tori cut him off. “Listen to me—I’ve already had the big wedding and look at what happened. None of that means anything to me. I love you, Matthew Monroe and I will be proud to become your wife tomorrow.”

  “But your parents…?”

  “My parents are in Haiti and won’t be back until the fall, and I’m not waiting that long to marry you. Don’t worry, they’ll understand. And once they get to know the good man that you are and how much you really love their daughter, they’ll be thrilled to have you for a son-in-law, I know it.” She raised her hand and gently brushed his cheek. “I love you, Matt, and all I want is you.”

  Savage noticed how her eyes shimmered with love and his heart skipped a beat, knowing that it was all for him. But suddenly, a wave of shame engulfed him. He broke away from her to sit back on the edge of the bed.

  Tori frowned at the sudden change of mood. “What’s wrong? Are you in pain?”

  Savage shook his head no. “It’s not that—it’s just that you need to understand something about me, before you go through with this. I’ve been undercover for over two years. For that entire time, I’ve had to live like them—like an animal. The line between Matthew and Savage blurred many moons ago for me, Tori, and I don’t even know what normal is anymore.”

  Tori plopped down beside him. “Well, it’s a good thing you’re marrying a pastor’s daughter, because I’m the perfect person to remind you.”

  Relief washed over him. “You know, I knew you were trouble from that first moment you walked into Delilah’s.”

  Tori wrapped her arms around his neck and brought her lips close to his. “Oh yeah?”

  He nodded. “You were the hottest, sexiest piece-of-ass I’d seen in a long time,” he grinned as his own arms curved around her, his hands caressing her back. “The only problem was you came with a conscience that convicted me to the bone at every turn.”

  “Good!” she laughed.

  “I’d lost my way, Snow White, and I didn’t even know it until I met you. In no time flat, you blew my world apart and the walls came crashing down around me.”

  “But I thought you said it was your world and your rules, mister? What happened?” she teased.

  “I met a force more powerful than all that. Love.”

  Savaged reclaimed her lips in a soft kiss that spoke only of the truth.

  Chapter 67

  Sunday – 2:51 p.m.

  The Little Chapel of Golden Hearts, Las Vegas

  Ensconced in a separate room to the right of the chapel area, Estelle Crumpton studied her precious granddaughter’s reflection in the mirror and tears began falling down her cheeks.

  Tori had on a white, strapless chiffon sheath gown that accentuated her curves to a tee. She had chosen to wear a tiny matching bolero jacket overtop that concealed her arms, to cover the fading bruises that Wizard had caused.

  Her glossy brown hair had been brushed back but left loose, with one carefully placed white rose clipped behind her right ear. In her hands, she clutched a simple grouping of more white roses that matched the one in her hair. She looked stunning and, even though the dress was simple, it gave her an ethereal quality, like that of an angel.

  “Sugarplum, you look so beautiful,” the older woman sniffled into her tissue.

  “Don’t cry, Nana, please.” Tori wrapped her arm around her and gave her a quick hug.

  “I can’t help it. You’re even lovelier now than you were at your first wedding, if that’s possible.”

  The pair had spent the morning in a mad rush, shopping for the dress and accessories. Nana insisted on paying for everything. She had purchased a two-piece suit for herself and had spent what was left of the morning at the beauty parlor undoing the damage that had been done to her beloved bouffant by those “horrible biker people” as she continued to call them.

  Before Tori had left Matt at the hospital the night before, he had made a call to his parents who lived in Arizona, and had broken the news about his wedding. His mother had been stunned silent for a few seconds before she let out a high-pitched squeal, thrilled. When it was Tori’s turn to speak to her, the older woman admitted that she’d all but given up hope of ever seeing her only son married, and although she would have preferred a more traditional wedding ceremony, she told Tori that she’d better get that son of hers to sign on the dotted line now before anyone changed their minds. But she added that she knew that Tori must be a very special person for her Matthew to have asked her to be his wife. With promises on both sides of visiting each other as soon as they could, they’d said goodbye.

  After making sure Savage was settled back into his hospital bed for the night, as prescribed by his doctors, Tori had kissed him long and hard, and had told him that she couldn’t wait to be his wife.

  They had discussed her situation with her teaching position and Tori had told him that even though there was only one month left in the school year, she would call her principal tomorrow and request an emergency leave of absence so that she could stay with Savage and nurse him back to health. But he said no, absolutely not! The kids needed her more, and even though it would be torture for him not to have her in his arms, he wasn’t going to be the cause of depriving those children of finishing their school year with their favorite teacher. Besides, they’d be together soon enough anyway. When her teaching job ended in June, Tori could pack up then and move to Las Vegas in July. Yes, he would miss her like crazy. It would feel like hell—but then, when she finally would come to him, they’d be together for a lifetime.

  But one thing was not negotiable, Savage had told her: he wasn’t letting her go back to Texas without his ring on her finger; that was for damned sure!

  Savage insisted on making all the arrangements for the wedding, including reserving the chapel and a small reception dinner at his favorite restaurant afterwards. All Tori had to do was to show up and say I do, he’d told her, unless she changed her mind about marrying a son-of-a-bitch like him, of course? But Tori had kissed him and told him again how much she loved him, and that nothing would stop her from becoming his wife tomorrow afternoon, as promised.

  Now, as Tori stared back at her reflection in the mirror, her pink lips pursed into a slight frown as she thought about her parents. “Mommy and Daddy are going to be so mad when they find out. And all my friends too.”

  “Fuck’em all, sweetpea!” Nana gushed. “I’m here and that’s all ya need. Besides, we tried calling your parents. It’s not our fault they’re in an area right now with no phone connections. They’ll find out soon enough, along with everybody else. You just worry about marrying that man out there because he loves you like crazy. Remember, my tingle is never wrong.”

  “I wish you could be getting married today too, with me and Matt,” Tori giggled.

  “No sir, I’m getting married in Gideon where all those evil church ladies can eat their snooty hearts out when they see me walking down the aisle with my man. Besides, baby girl, this is your special day. You don’t need an old lady like me sticking my big foot in it.”

  There was a knock at the door. After Nana shouted a “come on in” Texas style, the portal was opened and Hank entered, followed by Joe. Both men were laughing.

  “You should see that asshol
e sweating bullets out there,” Hank chortled in between breaths. “I’ve seen that guy caught in so many shootouts without so much as a blink, but today?” He laughed out loud again. “He sent us in here to see what was taking so long.”

  Nana glanced at her wristwatch. “What’s he talking about? We still have five minutes before the service is supposed to start.”

  “He thinks Tori is going to bolt,” Joe chuckled.

  Hank nodded. “Yeah, he’s afraid you’re going to come to your senses and realize what a big mistake you’re making by marrying a no-good dirt bag like him.”

  Nana frowned. “Mr. Hank, that’s not very nice to say in front of the bride.”

  “Sorry, ma’am, but those are his words, not mine.”

  Tori smiled. “Does it look like I’m changing my mind, Hank?” She twirled around for him, showing off her wedding dress.

  The agent gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “You look stunning, Tori. And no, you’re not changing your mind.” A wicked gleam glinted in his eyes and his lips twitched upwards with glee. “But the asshole doesn’t know that. So, do me a favor, huh? Instead of five more minutes, take ten. That’ll really drain the blood from his face!” Turning, he laughed to himself as he left.

  Joe stepped forward and reached into his pocket, pulling out a black felt covered box. “Matt asked me to give you this.” He handed it to Tori. “He said it was his grandmother’s and now it belongs to you.”

  Placing her flower bouquet down on the nearest end table, Tori took the box and opened it. She gasped seeing what was inside: a diamond and sapphire encrusted brooch in the shape of a heart.

  “It’s so beautiful,” she gushed.

  Joe came forward to pin it onto her bolero jacket. “He said to tell you that it was something old and something blue.”

  Tears welled up in Tori’s eyes at her soon-to-be-husband’s thoughtfulness.

  Chapter 68

  Savage fidgeted nervously as he stood at the altar in front of the minister waiting for his Tori to emerge. He was dressed in a classic black suit and tie. He’d pulled his shoulder length locks into a low ponytail at the back, having made himself look as respectable as he could. At least his tattoos were covered by the jacket’s long sleeves. Today was one day he didn’t want to be reminded of all the dirty things he’d done in his life. No—today was for her—and he wanted her to be proud of him.

  He looked again at his watch and blew out a breath of frustration. She was late—four minutes late to be exact! Maybe she’d changed her mind? Maybe she’d finally figured out how much better she could do in the husband department and had decided to call the whole thing off? He couldn’t blame her really. He knew he wasn’t worthy of someone like her and maybe—just maybe—she’d just realized it too?

  Hank, who had been standing beside him, leaned over. “Don’t worry, buddy, she’ll show.” He grinned, a stealth smile playing on his lips, as if he was enjoying a secret joke.

  Savage’s heart kicked into high gear and he frowned. “Maybe something’s gone wrong?”

  “She’s coming.” Hank pointed to the back of the chapel. “Look…”

  Suddenly, the sweet melody that had been playing in the background swelled in intensity. Savage watched his stunning southern-belle, like a miracle, appear.

  She was bathed in white cloth—that’s all his anxious brain could process of her dress—and a light seemed to shine from within her. She was so beautiful, just so heart-stoppingly beautiful! He stared in awe as her gorgeous eyes locked onto his. She smiled then. Her love for him beamed like the sun’s life-giving rays.

  Savage’s breath caught in his throat. In her small hands, he had found hope and salvation; and she had pulled him out of the hell his life had become. And now they were going to start a life together and maybe even a family in the not too distant future. How had he gotten so lucky?

  As the music played, her feisty grandmother walked up the aisle first. As she neared him, she threw him a quick wink that said she was in his corner. At least he had one strong ally for when he’d have to finally face her father, he chuckled to himself.

  And then his beautiful Tori started towards him, her hand placed neatly in the crook of Joe Sorelli’s arm. With every step she took that brought her closer to him, he felt his heart race that much faster. She was his and he could hardly believe it!

  When she finally reached him, Joe placed her hand in his. A serene, quiet smile played on her soft lips as she stared up at him. “Are you ready to go through with this, Mr. Monroe?” she teased.

  “I’ve been ready my whole life, Snow White…” He gave her hand a small squeeze.

  “How are you feeling? Are you in pain?” She frowned, as concern for his health overcame her joy.

  He shook his head. “Are you kidding? I’ve got enough meds in me to kill a horse.”

  Tori threw him a stern glare. “I hope you’re following doctor’s orders and not your own bull-headed ideas about that?”

  Savage grinned with amusement at her spunkiness, even at a time like this. For someone so tiny, she certainly was a force to be reckoned with. “Yes, ma’am, I’m doing what I’m being told by the doctors. And by you, of course,” he bantered.

  Tori nodded. “Good to hear it!” She broke out into a wide smile. “Thank you for my gift, by the way. It’s beautiful…”

  Looking down, he noticed the brooch was pinned high on her left shoulder. His eyes moved back up and caught hers for a long moment. “Not as beautiful as you…” he whispered, his fevered stare consuming her as his total love for the woman welled up in him all over again.

  A tactful cough from the minister interrupted their exchange and as the two turned to the man, he smiled. Opening his book, he began…

  “Victoria and Matthew, today you come to stand here, in the presence of Almighty God, to pledge your love for each other. As you join together in the vows of holy matrimony, may the promises you make this day…”

  Chapter 69

  Sunday – 8:38 p.m.

  126 Preclude Road

  Savage drove his black SUV to the front of the cabin and parked. He was still wearing the black suit and white shirt from the wedding but the tie had disappeared long ago. Beside him, Tori still wore her white dress. The pair had just finished having their wedding dinner at one of the top casino restaurants on the Las Vegas Strip, along with Estelle, Joe and Hank.

  Savage’s eyes followed Tori’s glance out the passenger window at the house.

  “It feels like such a long time ago that we were here, and yet it was only yesterday morning,” she murmured in awe, half to herself. “So much has happened…” Her voice trailed off.

  Savage smiled. “Yeah, last time I was here I was trying to figure out how to plant some cocaine on you without you catching my ass.”

  Tori grinned at him. “Fake cocaine, sir.”

  A lazy smile tipped at his mouth. “Now you’re my gorgeous, stunning, absolutely beautiful wife. I love you so much, Tori. Thank you for marrying me.” He lowered his mouth to hers.

  Her lips met his with their own softness, making his head spin. He wanted her so badly and that familiar heat pooled in his groin, making him hard. His hand trembled slightly as he cupped her breast, just as her own insistent hands wrapped around his neck, drawing him closer.

  The kiss grew from tame to wild in a flash. Pausing, he lifted his heated lips from hers and drew in an unsteady breath. “If we don’t stop, I think we’ll be having our honeymoon inside this truck, Mrs. Monroe.”

  Tori grinned, so happy just to have him in her arms. “Ask me if I care.”

  “Well, I care, because you deserve a helluva lot better than that. So, why don’t we go inside and see what Vivian has set up for us?”

  Tori nodded. “I do want to change into something sexy hot for you anyway.” She reached for the door handle.

  “Honey, the only thing you’ve got to change into for me is naked.” Matt went to the back to take out their bags.

“I think that can be arranged,” she giggled.

  Joe’s cousin, Vivian had graciously offered the use of her cabin for as long as they wanted. She had felt so bad about what she’d done in setting Rat on them that she’d insisted on apologizing in her own way. But Tori still had her plane ticket booked for 3:00 p.m. the next day and so, the only time they’d have for a honeymoon was this one night.

  * * *

  Inside, Savage wandered around the cabin, taking in the clean smell of the place. It was obvious that someone had been in here today to tidy up and the refrigerator had also been stocked with fresh food. White roses had been set in vases all through the house; a chilled bottle of champagne had been placed inside an ice bucket on the coffee table with two flute glasses beside it. There was a card nearby.

  Savage picked it up and read it out loud. “Tori and Matt, Sorry and Congrats. Viv.” His lips curled with disgust. “I guess this is supposed to make up for nearly getting us killed on that highway, huh?”

  Taking off his suit jacket, he threw it on the couch and was just about to unbutton his shirt when, sensing her presence, he suddenly looked up to see his beautiful wife emerging from the bathroom.

  She had changed into a short, white, satiny nightie that curved perfectly over her lush breasts, small waist and rounded hips. She was naked underneath. The hem of the garment barely covered her amazing ass, and her hardened nipples were clearly pushing against the thin material.

  He drew in an audible breath. “My God—you’re—beautiful.” His words came out choppy and uneven.

  Tori flashed him a brazen smile and remained silent. She padded barefoot into the living room, her slender legs bringing her closer to where he stood. Savage was mesmerized by the sensuous, ethereal apparition approaching him. His brain stopped working right then and there. A soft moan escaped his lips as his hungry gaze wandered over her sexy body again and an explosion of need went off inside him. She was just so damned beautiful, the sweetest thing he’d ever seen in his life. What the hell had she done in marrying someone like him anyway?


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