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Venice Vampyr - The Beginning (Novellas 1 - 3)

Page 20

by Tina Folsom

  In the meantime, she went back downstairs and made her way to the kitchen. The stove was an old cast iron one. She had to get a fire started there as well if she wanted hot water for a quick bath. Pumping the water from the hand pump, she filled several large cooking pots and placed them onto the surface of the stove. Then she went about to light a fire in it.

  Sweat already accumulated on her brow from heaving the heavy pots onto the stove. It would be even harder to lift them off once the water was boiling. There was no way she would carry them all the way upstairs into the small bathing chamber next to her mother’s room. Instead, she would use the tub that was located in the room next to the kitchen where the servants used to do the laundry. It would do for the night.

  Chapter Three

  Lorenzo had planned on arriving at his new home just after sunset, however his friends had thwarted his efforts to take possession of his new residence by calling another meeting to discuss more details about the acquisition of the remaining twenty-six homes. He’d only listened half-heartedly, eager to inspect his new place. After all, he’d bought it sight unseen. He’d never stepped foot inside. For all he knew, the place was in shambles.

  However, the solicitor had assured him the property was habitable and only needed some cleaning. It didn’t matter much to Lorenzo. He was going to change the interior anyway. For starters, hidden exits would have to be incorporated into the layout of the home, and once the house between his and that of the brothers Dante and Raphael was in vampire hands, connecting tunnels would be built between the homes (all above the level of the canals of course). Well, they wouldn’t really be tunnels, merely covered walkways that would allow them to move around during the day.

  It was well past midnight by the time Lorenzo reached the front door of his new home and turned the key. The smell that greeted him wasn’t what he’d expected from a vacant house. It was welcoming, instantly feeling like a home. And he immediately realized why: somewhere in the house, a fire was burning in a fireplace. He was not alone.

  Dropping his traveling bag in the foyer, he inhaled deeply, taking in the various scents of the house: smoke, soap, dust, and mold. And another very faint smell of something entirely unexpected.

  A smile curled around his lips. Dante and Nico were the best. They knew him too well, and there was no doubt in his mind about what they’d gotten him as a housewarming gift. Emphasis on the “warming.”

  Lorenzo followed the alluring scent upstairs and trailed it along the corridor. In front of one door, he stopped and inhaled again. Yes, his gift was right behind this door, waiting for him. His ears captured every sound, but it was quiet behind the door except for the crackling of the fire.

  Quietly, he turned the door knob and eased the door open, sliding inside the nearly dark room. Only the low fire in the fireplace provided some light, but Lorenzo’s superior night vision didn’t need bright light to make out the outlines of his present.

  There, in the entirely feminine chamber, which at one time must have belonged to the lady of the house, a young woman slumbered under the sheets. Her dark hair fanned out like a halo around her porcelain face, her lips slightly parted, her breath beckoning him to approach.

  He wondered what color her eyes were. Maybe as dark as her thick lashes, which seemed so long they caressed her cheeks.

  Why had Nico and Dante kept him so long when they knew this enthralling beauty was waiting for him? It was inexcusable to let a woman like her wait and not give her the attention she deserved. He had every intention of making it up to her.

  Without making a sound, Lorenzo took off his cloak and dropped it on a nearby chair before divesting himself of his shirt. When he opened the top button of his breeches, he realized that he was already hard. He stripped himself of his trousers and shoes, placing them next to the rest of his clothing. Then he looked back at the sleeping woman in his bed and touched his cock, trying to ease some of the tension.

  His arousal was heavy and unstoppable. As much as he enjoyed looking at her, what he wanted even more was to touch her. And then wake her. Fuck her. Bite her. Not necessarily in that order.

  Lorenzo released his erection and lifted the coverlet, revealing more of the woman’s body. She wore a nightrail which revealed more than it concealed. The thin lilac fabric was virtually transparent, putting her dark nipples on display. With every breath, her full breasts rose and pressed the little buds against the fabric, the chafing action seemingly turning them hard.

  He licked his lips at the sight and slid onto the bed. His eyes continued scanning her body, moving over her slender waist and further down. A dark thatch of hair shone through the fabric where her thighs met. Slightly parted, her sex was open to be explored if he chose to do so.

  Her nightgown had ridden up, revealing a creamy thigh, the skin pink and unblemished, toned, yet not muscular. Surely, those thighs would grip him tightly when he thrust into her. Those were not the thighs of a virgin. They’d known a man between them.

  Lorenzo forced his gaze upwards again, past her tempting cunt and her luscious breasts to that little hollow at the base of her neck. Graceful, elegant. She was all that and more. The long column of her neck fairly screamed to be bitten, and her ears were petite and beautifully shaped, ready to be nibbled on.

  He had to hand it to Nico and Dante: they knew what he liked in a woman. And this time, they’d outdone themselves. He would have to thank them for this thoughtful gift—later. After he’d devoured her and had his fill of her. And he wasn’t going to wait a second longer, whether she woke up while he touched her or not. In fact, he liked the idea of her waking up only once he was thrusting inside her.

  He would arouse her while she was asleep, then take her and continue when she awoke in his arms, surprised and delighted at his mastery over her body.

  Lorenzo allowed his fingers to lightly glide over her breasts, making the fabric rub more tightly against her nipples. Even through the fabric, he sensed the heat in her body and the sensitivity of her skin to his touch. Without haste, he explored her. His eyes mapped her body for a later conquest while his hands forged ahead to touch her lush curves. Her breasts were firm and sitting high on her chest, evidence of a young and well-tended body. As he squeezed one of the round globes lightly, a soft breath rushed past her lips and bounced against him. The taste of mint and vanilla engulfed him, making him pause for a moment.

  Mint and vanilla—the scents he associated with innocence when he knew that the woman in his bed was far from innocent. His friends had bought her for the night to please him with her body. And while she didn’t look like she’d been cheap, she was no innocent but a seductress as sophisticated as they came. Her nightgown spoke to that effect. But as much as he liked the gown, it had to go.

  Lorenzo wanted to feast his eyes on her skin, her curves, her sex. He wanted nothing impeding his mouth and hands, no barriers, not even as thin as the fabric of her gown. Three purple ribbons held the nightgown together in the front now that he looked at it more closely. In fact, it appeared the gown wasn’t really as much of a gown as it was a robe meant to be worn over something else.

  Had she waited for him only dressed in this flimsy robe, wanting him to simply untie those three ribbons before he’d throw her on the bed and drive his shaft into her? Had that been her intention? A present for which he would have simply had to untie three purple ribbons? How fitting.

  As he released the top ribbon, the valley between her breasts was laid bare. He couldn’t help himself: he had to taste her. His head dipped between her breasts, and his lips brushed against her soft skin as he placed a gentle kiss on the spot. When he inhaled, he scented the soap she’d used only recently. It was the same scent he’d smelled upon entering the home. It appeared she’d bathed here. He appreciated the gesture. He liked a clean woman, and if she’d bathed, it could only mean that she would be more than happy for him to taste her beautiful cunt, something he was more than eager to do.

  But he shouldn’t get ahead of h
imself. First, he needed to unwrap his present completely and not act like a little boy who couldn’t wait to get to what was underneath, tearing the wrapping in the process. No, he wanted to peel her out of it, reveal inch by glorious inch of her body to his hungry gaze. He wanted to revel in the anticipation, because he knew he’d climax so much harder if only he’d allow himself to wait to the last possible moment.

  And she was a beauty to behold. When Lorenzo untied the last ribbon, he peeled each side of the gauzy robe to its side and laid her bare. Her breasts were as beautiful as he’d imagined, but when his gaze traveled over her flat stomach and down to where her womanly scent emanated, his heart nearly stopped.

  Her sex was guarded by a neatly trimmed triangle of dark hair, but it was shorter and slimmer than what he was used to from other women. She’d shaped it into a long stripe, a little wider at the top, but slimming toward the bottom, almost as if it was an arrow pointing the way. Not that he needed any directions.

  His hand followed the arrow of hair and slid between her parted legs. Her sex was damp, either from her recent bath or maybe already her arousal. Lorenzo glanced back at her face, but her eyes were closed and her breathing was even.

  He smiled, liking the fact that she was still asleep, giving him the opportunity to explore at his leisure. Again, he dipped his head to her breasts and licked his tongue over one hard nipple. He loved the hard nipple grazing his tongue and took another lick before he closed his lips around it and sucked.

  But his hand wasn’t idle either. He rubbed one finger against her female folds, feeling the moisture spread under his ministrations. She shifted under him, and he realized it was to open her legs wider and give him better access. He thanked her by sucking her nipple harder before he released it and moved to the other breast where he unleashed the same treatment.

  Whether it was him sucking her breasts, or his finger stroking her softly, but her cunt released more moisture. He swept it up with the pad of his finger and stroked upwards, finding the little bundle of flesh that was now peaking from its hood. He slid his moist finger over it and simultaneously heard her moan out a breath.

  She was responding to him in her sleep. Uninhibited, just like he loved it. Her aroma drifted into his nostrils, making his cock throb in anticipation. Soon, he promised himself. As soon as he’d tasted her.

  Lorenzo slid down and settled between her thighs. As he spread them further, he opened up her cunt to his view. The beautiful pink flesh glistened in the light from the fireplace as if flames danced on its surface. He lowered his lips to her sex and lapped against it. When her juices hit the back of his tongue, he inhaled sharply and closed his eyes. By God, she tasted like paradise.

  Chapter Four

  Bianca had always tended toward having erotic dreams, but this one was better than any of her previous ones. Maybe it was the exhaustion of the days of travel she had behind her, or the excitement of returning to Venice to start a new life with what she would find in her home, but her entire body seemed to hum with pleasure. Not the kind of hurried pleasure some of her former lovers would grant her, but the leisurely pace of a lover who had all the time in world.

  And she had no intention of rushing him.

  This was a dream she’d give her full and undivided attention to without hurrying the events along. Because every touch was perfection, every contact with her dream lover’s hands and mouth a treat as sumptuous as any buffet at the grandest balls in Florence.

  Bianca had first become aware of her vivid dream when she’d felt something wet and warm licking over her nipple. Seconds later, firm lips had closed around her little bud and tugged, sending delicious tingles down her skin. That, together with the hand that was playing with the soft flesh between her legs, was making her want to howl. Why could none of her real lovers ever have ignited such passion in her? Why could she only conjure up such feelings in her dreams?

  She sighed when his finger slipped over her pearl and ignited her even further. His touch was soft, yet there was enough pressure for her to almost twist away at the intensity of the sensations it produced in her belly. Low and deep it churned in her, as if a fire was building, each flame stoking the fire higher, each touch turning her softer and more receptive. She had rarely ever been able to let herself go and lose herself in the sensations that her body was currently reveling in. She’d always been afraid of losing herself, of giving something she didn’t want to give to those men who only wanted her body, who had no interest in her as a person.

  But in her dream she could allow herself to open up to her lover, allow him to truly pleasure her, to show her what heights her body was capable of. When she felt hands on her thighs, she opened wider and sensed him settle between her legs. A moment later, warmth flooded her core: his mouth was on her sex, and he was licking her, lapping up the juices that oozed so freely from her now as if he loved her taste.

  Bianca even heard his moans, the deep guttural sound only a man in the throws of ecstasy could make. As if she was sucking him, not the other way. Yet her dream lover seemed to derive more pleasure from licking her pearl than if she was sucking his cock into her mouth. Only in a dream, things could be that perfect.

  Bianca arched into his touch, silently urging him on to give her more, to drive her higher. He seemed to understand her only too well, because his tongue forged ahead and drove into her quivering slit, filling that gaping void that no other man had ever truly been able to fill. Her back lifted off the mattress as she pressed her head deeper into the pillow, unable to keep her body from trembling.

  Perspiration gathered on her skin, the tiny pearls of sweat collecting in the hollow between her breasts before turning into a rivulet and racing down her stomach to pool in her navel. How a dream could make her feel so hot on such a cold night was beyond her. She wouldn’t have needed the fire she’d kindled in the fireplace had she known that a talented dream lover would visit her and shower her with his attentions.

  His speared tongue alternated between thrusting into her moist channel and then licking over her aching pearl, stroking the bundle of flesh until she was fairly begging for release. But he wouldn’t give her any. Whenever she was close to climaxing, he’d pull back and simply stroke languidly over her nether lips and lap up her juices before he’d return to teasing her most sensitive center again. Almost as if he was preparing her for a release of magnificent proportions.

  When his tongue circled her pearl again, she reached for him, intent on keeping him there and not letting him escape until he’d brought her over the edge. Her fingers found thick hair that coated his head and buried themselves in it as she cupped him and forced his mouth to suck her harder.

  “More!” Bianca cried out.

  He succumbed to her order and sucked the little bundle of sensitive flesh between his lips and tugged. A spear of energy bolted through her core, robbing her of her breath. Panting, she praised him, “Yes, yes, that’s good.”

  And as if he understood what she wanted, he tugged harder. At the same time, he drove a thick finger into her channel. She jolted at the intensity—no, two fingers. He’d driven two fingers into her, stretching her tight channel.

  Her heart beat frantically as he sucked at her pearl then lapped his tongue over it in a rapid rhythm. His fingers took on the same rhythm, pumping into her, and she couldn’t hold on any longer.

  She felt the waves before they hit her, felt her orgasm approach with a deep rumble and let herself fall. Like a massive ocean current, the sensations drowned her and swept her away until all she felt was the gentle soothing warmth of her lover’s tongue as it continued to tease aftershocks from her exhausted body.

  It seemed to take ages until he finally lifted his head from her sex and allowed the air to cool her skin.

  “You taste delicious.”

  The deep voice was close and didn’t sound like it was part of her dream. Bianca’s body tensed as her eyes flew open. It took several seconds for her vision to adjust to the dark of the room. She was
still in her mother’s old bedroom, but she was not alone.

  A man—a naked man—rose from between her legs. His dark hair was disheveled as if somebody had run their hands through it one too many times. His lips glistened with moisture, and his eyes gleamed with arousal.

  Her dream lover was real. She had allowed a complete stranger—a man who’d broken into her house—to make love to her!

  Bianca looked down at herself and noticed that the little purple robe she’d worn to bed because she’d neglected to pack a nightgown in her haste, was open in the front and her entire body was exposed to the stranger, who still looked at her. His dark eyes were hypnotizing.

  “Good, you’re awake now. Let’s fuck.”

  His blunt words pulled her out of her momentary trance. She jerked away from him, her back meeting the bed’s headboard while she snatched a pillow and pressed it against her front, covering her breasts and her exposed sex, unable to press her thighs together since his hands were still gripping them.

  “Who are you?” Bianca cried, her eyes darting to each side of the bed, trying to see if there was anything she could use as a weapon against him.

  The stranger sat up, revealing more of his naked body—more than she really wanted to see. Her eyes strayed to his midsection, then dipped lower to where his erection made an unmistakable statement. He’d come to rape her!

  “Lorenzo, of course. Who else?” There was a hint of confusion in his tone.

  Should she know somebody of the name of Lorenzo? For a second, she searched her memory, but nothing transpired.

  “I’m sorry I made you wait,” he continued.

  “Wait?” Now confusion spread in her mind. What had happened? Had she blacked out? Had she made an appointment with somebody she’d met on her travels? No. She was sure that all she’d done was speak to the solicitor, then come to the house to find the treasure. She hadn’t met anybody. And surely, if she’d met this utterly handsome man before, she would remember.


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