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Twice the Match: A Menage Romance (The MFM Dating Agency Book 1)

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by Marie Carnay

Mitch released her and she sagged down the wall before he caught her under the arms. He hoisted her back up and pressed close, his cock grinding against her tender flesh. “Remind me. What was it you wanted next?”

  She wet her lips, struggling to form the words. “Your cock.” Any other man and Maddie would have been mortified. Dirty talk wasn’t her thing. But Mitch made it easy. Sexy as hell. She reached for his zipper again and tugged it down. “I want your cock deep inside me. Filling me up.”

  Mitch smiled and helped her with his pants before fishing out a condom. He ripped it open and Maddie snatched it, unrolling it down his length as she stroked his bare skin.

  Damn, he was big. Thick and sturdy and roped in veins. So unlike the gentlemanly exterior. She bit her lip as she finished.

  “Something the matter?”

  “No. Just surprised, that’s all.”

  His hands slid around behind her and Mitch lifted her in the air. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he braced her against the wall.

  “In a good way?”

  She smiled. “I’m about to find out.”

  He took her without another word, thrusting his cock as deep as he could go. His hips hit hers, her back skidded up the wall, and Maddie cried out.


  She panted out her answer. “Good. So, so good.”

  Mitch groaned his agreement and slammed one hand against the wall. “Hold onto me.”

  She did his bidding, gripping his shoulders tight enough to leave marks as he pulled back to thrust. Oh! He held nothing back, slamming into her deeper with every stroke, his one arm wrapped around her middle, the other holding them up against the wall.

  Every thrust and his cock stroked a different part of her, filling her over and over without pause.

  Maddie groaned and whimpered as sweat broke across her brow and another orgasm rose inside. She gripped him tighter, her legs a vise around his waist. Mitch grunted his approval.

  She came in a flood, soaking his shaft as her muscles clamped down and drew him deeper inside. The force of her climax sent him over and he came, pinning her to the wall as his cock throbbed in release.

  They hung like that, panting and covered in sweat and sex, until at last, Mitch raised his head.

  Maddie wiped a damp lock of hair away from her face and smiled as best she could. “How about that drink?”

  Chapter 9


  “When you said Navy Pier, I didn’t believe you.” Maddie pulled a fluff of cotton candy off the stick and popped it in her mouth. The pink confection melted on her tongue and she smiled. “I thought you’d have a car waiting or something and take us somewhere boring.”

  “Like that fancy dinner place Harlow set us up at?”

  She nodded. “Don’t lawyers like that kind of thing?”

  Clark stole a pinch of her cotton candy with a grin. “Not this one. I like my dates a little more on the fun side.” He motioned toward the Ferris wheel. “Our chariot awaits, my lady.”

  Maddie giggled. She hadn’t acted like a kid in forever. It was liberating. “Thank you, my prince.” She took his hand and Clark helped her into the waiting car. “I haven’t been here since they enclosed the cabs and made it year-round.”

  Clark smiled and looked out the window. “It’s amazing what you can see from up top.”

  Maddie sat down on the seat and Clark joined her, sharing her cotton candy as they waited for the Ferris wheel to start. It had been an overwhelming week.

  First the date with both Clark and Mitch. Then the amazing date with Mitch that ended with an entire next day naked in bed. The way that man used his hands…

  Maddie plucked another bite of the spun sugar and shoved it in her mouth to stop her runaway thoughts. She wasn’t on a date with Mitch this time. Clark sat next to her instead.

  Handsome, impossible-to-read Clark. A man who could have any woman in the entire Chicagoland area, but chose to duke it out with his old classmate over Maddie. She didn’t understand either one of them.

  The cab lurched and she slid on the seat, crushing Clark against the side. He reached an arm around her and pulled her tight. “To be honest, I’m surprised you came today.”

  She eased out of his grasp to get a better look at his face. “You are?”

  “From what Mitch told me, it sounds like the pair of you really hit it off. I was afraid you’d made up your mind before I even got a chance.”

  Maddie raised an eyebrow. “I thought you were a courtroom guy. Don’t you fight until the jury comes back with a verdict?”

  “Of course. I never said I was giving up.”

  “Then what are you saying?”

  Clark smiled as the Ferris wheel started moving. “Thank you for coming today.”

  Maddie smiled back. “You’re welcome.”

  He took her by the hand and stood up. “Come, I want to show you something.”

  They stumbled over to the other side of the car as the wheel kept moving them higher. As the whole of the city came into view, Clark pointed out the window. “You see that part of the city, all those short little walkups in rows?”

  “Pulaski Park?”

  “You know it?”

  “I had friends in Wicker Park in college.”

  Clark smiled. “I’m third generation Polish. My grandparents moved to Pulaski Park when they first came to the States.”

  “Did you grow up there?”

  “No. They moved to the suburbs when my parents were born.”

  Maddie smiled and looked down at the city. Such history here. People from all over, coming together before going out into the world. “Was Hill your given name?”

  Clark laughed. “Not even close. My parents changed it when I was young. It used to be Hlywka. Try and spell that as a little kid who only knew English.”

  “Trubedeau isn’t much better, believe me. Combined my whole name has twenty-four letters.”

  “What’s your middle name?”

  “Don’t laugh.”

  Clark made a motion across his heart. “Promise.”

  “Eugenia. Madeline Eugenia Trubedeau. It’s a mouthful.”

  “Your parents had high hopes for you.”

  Maddie glanced at Clark with a confused frown. “Excuse me?”

  “It’s a very regal-sounding name. They thought you’d go places. It’s obvious.”

  Maddie smiled and focused on the window. Her parents were never far from her thoughts, but it had been a while since the pang of loss had hit so hard. “Thanks. My parents died a few years ago. A heart attack and cancer.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

  “It’s okay. They would like you, I think. Something about the little kid from Pulaski making it as a big-city lawyer. They always did root for the underdog.”

  “Is that what I am?”

  Maddie glanced up to meet Clark’s eye. He wasn’t talking about his career. “Maybe.”

  He reached for her, fingers sliding up under her chin to hold her still. “Just tell me one thing. Is the jury still undecided?”

  Her lips fell open as he stroked the line of her jaw, the thick pad of his thumb running up and down. “Definitely.”

  Clark leaned in, guiding her lips to his for a kiss. Maddie closed her eyes and let him take charge, opening as his tongue sought entry past her lips, moaning as his free hand found the small of her back.

  They were over a hundred feet in the air, suspended over all of the city she’d loved ever since her childhood trips on the weekend to window shop on the Magnificent Mile.

  He might not have let her lead him around the Art Institute and listened to her every word when she’d explained why A Sunday Afternoon was still her favorite piece in the museum over a decade after seeing it for the first time. But Clark knew how to woo her all the same.

  He’d let her in.

  Shown her a piece of his past while they looked toward the horizon and the future. It didn’t hurt that his lips were a pair of sinful pillows she nev
er wanted to stop kissing.

  The car lurched again as it made its descent back down to the ground and Clark pulled away. “Ready to have some more fun?”

  Maddie answered with a shallow breath. “There’s more?”

  Clark grinned. “You think I’d take you to Navy Pier and not hit the arcade? Come now, woman, what do you take me for?”

  “A grown man?”

  “But not a boring one.” The door to the Ferris wheel car opened and Clark ushered her out into the evening light. “How about a friendly wager to start the games off right?”

  “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you had a gambling problem.”

  Clark laughed and slipped his arm around her waist, guiding her down the pier. “Winner of the most tickets at the end of the night gets to pick where we go next.”

  “Any restrictions?”

  “Only your courage and imagination.”

  The dirty little scene that popped into Maddie’s head made her blush. “Be careful what you wish for, Clark. You have no idea how creative I can be.”

  He grinned as he pulled open the door to the arcade. Pings and dings and a million different buzzers sounded a cacophony inside, and Maddie strained to hear his reply. “I never make a wager I can’t handle, Ms. Trubedeau. Anything you can think up, I can deliver. You can count on that.”

  Maddie swallowed. She needed to win this wager, because she knew exactly where they should end up.

  Chapter 10


  Tickets fell out of his pockets as he piled them up on the table. He hadn’t had this much fun in years. At first, he wasn’t sure how it would go. Was Maddie the type of woman to roll with the punches and do something fun? Or would she look at him with his high-pressure job and fancy watch and tell him to get lost?

  Turned out, she exceeded his wildest hopes. Not only did she make him laugh and smile all evening long, she surprised him at every turn.

  He bent to pick up the tickets he’d dropped before sitting down at the table. “Does the bet still stand?”

  Maddie laughed, her cheeks flushed and full of life. “Of course. Winner picks where we go next.” She patted her tickets into neat little stacks, her brown eyes almost amber with excitement. “Are you ready to get beaten by a girl?”

  Clark held back a grin. “I don’t see any girls at this table. Only a gorgeous woman I can’t wait to kiss.”

  She fumbled a stack, spilling tickets across her side of the table. “Don’t distract me. I’m about to show you who’s boss.”

  Clark raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. He knew who the boss of this night was, and it wasn’t Maddie. It was the growing tension between them. Every time she leaned in, about to shoot some bad guy on the screen of an arcade game or hit a pinball into a hole, he wanted to kiss her.

  He wanted to pin her to the side of the machine while it whirled and buzzed and have his way with her right there in the middle of the packed arcade. Fuck. Sure he’d had plenty of women before. Countless first and second dates. But never one like this.

  Maddie wasn’t just another hookup or a way to pass the time. She was the one and all that entailed. Harlow had found him the perfect woman, not to fool around with and casually date, but to fall for in every way.

  He wanted her in his life, between his sheets, crying out his name as she came night after night. Maddie was the future.

  If it weren’t for Mitch and this damned love triangle they’d found themselves in, he’d already be in fast-forward mode, shopping for rings and a house and figuring out a whole new kind of life.

  But Maddie hadn’t picked one of them yet.

  She threw her hand down on the table, fat with tickets. “One hundred and twenty-seven. Beat that, Mr. Arcade Expert.”

  Clark glanced down at the tickets on his side of the table. He’d been so wrapped up in her, he hadn’t started counting. “How about you count them? I wouldn’t want any accusations of cheating.”

  Her whole face lit up as she snatched his pile and dragged it across the table. “Do you get accused of cheating often in your job?”

  “As a litigator?” Clark leaned back in his chair. “Sometimes. When the other side knows they’re going to lose, they can turn desperate.”

  “Do you ever lose?”

  “Are we still talking about my job?”


  He pointed at the tickets. “Count them up and let’s find out.”

  Maddie counted his tickets, separating them into piles of twenty-five just like she’d done with her own. All the while, Clark watched her, smiling as she stuck her tongue out to concentrate, resisting the urge to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

  Damn it if she didn’t make him sentimental. Clark Hill wasn’t known for anything soft. He was a pit bull in the courtroom. The guy you brought in when everyone else failed. The one who went for the kill no matter the cost.

  But with Maddie…

  He wanted to be a better man. A kinder man. Someone who paid attention to the little things, not to use as weapons later, but to savor and appreciate.

  Maddie finished counting and let out a little whoop. “One hundred and twenty-three. I win, counselor.”

  Clark frowned. “Are you sure?”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Now, don’t be disappointed. You haven’t heard where I want to go, yet.”

  “And where is that?”

  She ran her tongue along her lower lip, a hint of mischief in her eyes. “Does your place have a balcony?”


  “Does it have a view of the city?”

  “Of course.” Clark’s brows pinched together. Where is she going with this?

  Maddie stood up and held out her hand. “Good. Because I can’t get that Ferris wheel out of my head. I want to taste you with all of Chicago watching.”


  When Clark said balcony, he wasn’t kidding. The concrete and stone expanse covered an entire side of the apartment, spanning the living room and the master bedroom. Big enough to have seating they could relax on without being cramped.

  And the view.

  Oh, my. Maddie leaned against the metal railing, taking in the lights of the city that stretched on for miles. Clark lived in a former industrial district, one of those trendy, up-and-coming places with uninterrupted views of downtown and the skyscrapers that made Chicago famous.

  All within a five-minute walk of the train and an easy cab ride from anywhere. She shouldn’t be thinking about his place like that—somewhere she could get to easily no matter where her job took her—but she couldn’t help it.

  Clark was charming and sexy and kinder than she’d given him credit for. He listened to her talk about her hopes and dreams, but still knew how to have fun. She laughed, thinking about the fool he made of himself at the arcade, shooting at zombies and hugging and high-fiving when they won.

  He was like a kid in a suit, carefree and charming. Clark had a myriad of sides to him, some serious, some not, and Maddie wanted to meet them all. She turned to him with a smile. Tonight it would be the sexy one.

  The man who slipped her panties off in the limo and brought her screaming into an orgasm without a second’s hesitation. The man who played her like a guitar while Mitch kissed her breath away and didn’t seem to care.

  She reached for him, digging her finger beneath his belt strap to loosen the buckle. Maddie might have been at his mercy the other night, but this time, she would be the one in control.

  After slipping the strap free of the buckle, she tugged his belt open and dove for the button of his pants. She yanked it free and tugged down his zipper before Clark’s hand stilled her.

  “Are you sure you want this?”

  She looked up at his eyes, stormy with lust, as she reached her hand inside his boxers to find his cock. It twitched beneath her touch, the long, straight shaft like hot velvet as she slid her fingers up and down.

  “Very sure.” She dropped to her knees. “Winner’s choice, remembe

  Before Clark could say another word, she shoved his pants down, exposing the hard length of him to the cool night air and her appreciative gaze. Fluid beaded on the tip of his head and Maddie leaned forward, lapping it up with the pad of her tongue.

  Clark hissed above her, his hand finding the back of her head and twisting in her hair. Some women hated giving head, claimed it made them feel weak or powerless.

  Maddie never felt that way. One lick of her tongue across Clark’s cock and he was putty, reduced to animal grunts and groans as she took him deep inside her mouth. Powerless to do anything but feel.

  She owned that moment, not Clark. She brought him to the edge and back again with every lick and swipe and flick of her tongue. He groaned above her, his thighs shaking as she sucked, and Maddie never felt more in control.

  Her panties were soaked, her nipples tingled, and she moaned around his shaft. Yes. This right here, this base pleasure. It was something indescribable. Marvelous.

  The lights of the city flickered around them, people coming home from work and leaving for a night on the town. All milling around like little ants in a maze, oblivious to the scene unfolding twenty floors up in the sky.

  She flattened her tongue and picked up speed, his head hitting the back of her throat with every pass. Clark cursed above her, so close to coming but not ready to release.

  He pushed her head away with a growl and hoisted her up off her knees. “You really want me to come out here in the open?”

  She nodded.

  “Then turn around. Hike up your dress.” Maddie’s eyes went wide, but she obeyed, turning toward the railing as Clark crowded behind her. She flipped up her dress and he murmured his approval, his hand hot on her ass.

  His fingers slipped between her legs and Clark chuckled. “Damn, you’re soaked. I can’t wait to be inside you.”

  “Then do it.” Maddie needed him as much as he needed her.

  Foil tore and he tugged her panties down before gripping her by the hips. “Hold onto the rail. I won’t be gentle.”

  Maddie scrambled to grab the smooth metal as Clark claimed her, slicing through her folds without pause or hesitation, driving deeper and deeper until he bottomed out and crushed her against the concrete and metal.


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