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Twice the Match: A Menage Romance (The MFM Dating Agency Book 1)

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by Marie Carnay

  She didn’t know what Clark had in mind, but he could see the possibilities bouncing around behind her curiosity.

  Mitch pointed to a hall. “The only furnished living space is just over here. A keeping room and bedroom. It used to be the master suite. Now it’s the only place I really go into when I come here, apart to check on the plumbing and that sort of thing.”

  He opened the double doors and a spacious living room spread out before them with another pair of doors showcasing a four-poster bed beyond. Most of the furniture looked to be antique, probably original to the place.

  Clark had to hand it to Mitch; he didn’t think the man had taste, but he did. It wasn’t Clark’s style, but Maddie seemed to love it. She walked from piece to piece, running her fingers over the edge of a burled walnut side table before pausing on the back of a leather chesterfield.

  She turned to Mitch with a smile. “This is beautiful. I can imagine what the house must have been like full.”

  Clark stepped forward. “It could be like that again.”

  Maddie turned to him, confusion in her pale brown eyes. “What are you talking about?”

  It’s now or never. Clark glanced up at Mitch, waiting for his approval. The man nodded, and Clark took the plunge. Either she’d see the amazing potential, or they’d lose her. But either way, he had to try.

  He escorted her to the couch in the middle of the room and sat her down. He’d spent his entire legal career standing in front of a packed courthouse, trying his damnedest to convince a jury of his client’s case.

  Staring up into Maddie’s eyes as he laid his whole world on the line was harder than any closing argument, more nerve-racking than any cross-examination. But he loved her and he was ready to prove it.


  She’d known something was up halfway through bowling. Clark had lost some of his playful, competitive edge and Mitch had turned quiet and introspective.

  They were plotting something, and it seemed she was about to find out what.

  Clark continued and Maddie gave him her full attention. “We know you think the three of us together would never work, but we think you’re wrong.”

  Maddie glanced back at Mitch before answering. Was he in on this? He came to sit next to her on the sofa, and smiled. “We have an idea. And we want you to consider it fully before you shut us down.”

  Oh, boy. Maddie exhaled. They were serious. Really, really serious. “Remind me never to go up against either of you in court. You look like you’re about to go in for the kill.”

  Mitch laughed and the tension broke. “I leave all the courtroom stuff to that guy, remember? Believe me, you don’t want to see me in front of a jury.”

  Clark reached for her hand. “I want to wake up every morning to the sight of your sweet face. Or to the sound of your laughter as you and Mitch make breakfast. I can’t go back to my life the way it was before you filled it up.”

  “But what about your job? The firm?”

  Clark silenced her with a press of his finger to her lips. “We’ve decided to leave our firms. Both of us.”

  “What?” Panic welled up inside Maddie. They couldn’t do that for her! “No! You can’t do that.”

  Mitch spoke up. “My firm is headed in a direction I’m unhappy with. They’re shutting down the pro bono programs I founded, turning toward M&A work only. I was already looking for somewhere new, Maddie.” He reached out and grazed her cheek with his thumb. “But you’re a damn good reason to leave sooner.”

  “What will you do?”

  Clark tugged her back to him. “We’re opening our own practice, together. Mitch will be the tax and estate planning side, I’ll be litigation. We’re going to focus on smaller clients and families. No more corporate litigation or tax strategies for us.”

  Mitch nodded in agreement. “We’re moving out of the city. Turning this place right here into our practice. Hill and Hill, LLP.”

  Maddie blinked. They were willing to give up their jobs in the heart of the city and move to the country? Her head spun.

  “We’re hoping you can design the office space.”

  Her eyes went wide. “What?”

  “We want you to be our interior designer. We want you to transform this place into a law firm and a home. One that someday we hope to all live in together.”

  “You want me to move out here? With the pair of you?” Her fear of marriage and commitment bloomed inside her, tempered only by her love for the pair of them.

  “Only if you want to and only when you’re ready.” Mitch squeezed her shoulder. “We love you, Maddie. We’ll wait as long as it takes.”

  She couldn’t believe it. They were willing to give up their lives in the heart of Chicago, move to an old farmhouse, and start over. All so they could have her. So she wouldn’t have to choose.

  And they were giving her time and space to figure it all out.

  She shook her head. “It’s too much. You all are sacrificing too much for me. I can’t let you do it.”

  “You don’t have a choice. We’ve already resigned. As of this morning, Mitch and I are unemployed.”

  “What?” She tried to stand, but Clark grabbed her and held her still.

  “With you or without you, Maddie, we’re doing this. I’m sick of working a million hours. I’m ready to stop eating, sleeping, and breathing litigation. I want a different life.” He relaxed his hold on her and she eased back down onto the seat. “I want a life that has room for the woman I love.” He glanced at Mitch. “And the other guy I can’t get rid of.”

  Mitch grinned. “Say you’ll think about it. You can live in Chicago, do your own thing for as long as you want.”

  “I can?”

  Mitch nodded. “But I’ll warn you. We can be a pair of demanding assholes, especially when it comes to interior design.”

  Maddie couldn’t hold back a smile. They were serious. Clark and Mitch had said goodbye to the high-stress legal world of Chicago and hello to horse country, a huge farmhouse, and her.

  She owed it to them to give it a try. At last, she smiled. “You’ll have to pay a surcharge for the mileage, you know. Getting out here’s not cheap.”

  “Name your price and we’ll pay it.”

  Maddie glanced around the room. “And the walls will need to be coated—texture is so out.”


  She stood up and walked into the entryway, her brain firing on overdrive with a flood of ideas. “And the stairs should be refinished, something dark, maybe ebony. A big, modern chandelier right here above our heads, and—”

  Clark wrapped his arms around her middle and she yelped.

  “We have plenty of time for your amazing mind to go crazy with design elements. But right now, there’s a giant bed through those doors calling your name.”

  “There is?”

  “Can’t you hear it?” Mitch held a hand up to his ear. “It’s saying, ‘Madeline Trubedeau, get your gorgeous ass in here and strip.’”

  Clark nuzzled her ear. “Who can refuse an offer like that?’

  Maddie smiled. Mitch and Clark were everything she ever wanted, and they’d moved heaven and earth to make a fantasy into a reality. She wouldn’t dream of turning them down. She smiled against his cheek. “I can’t think of any place I’d rather be.”

  Chapter 18


  Maddie’s legs wrapped around his waist as Clark carried her past the couch and coffee table and into Mitch’s bedroom. She kissed him as they walked. Whispers of love and confirmation tumbled from her mouth in between each hot, little press of her lips.

  Funny and daring and full of life, Maddie couldn’t have fit him better. She’d even learn to love surprises eventually, he knew it. He set her on her feet at the base of the bed, the expanse of white sheet calling to him.

  Mitch came into the room, his bare feet silent on the old wood floor. “The bed was too big to move, so it’s been here for years. I think it was built inside the room.”

die turned to run her fingers up and down the dark post, her fingers dipping over flowers and leaves carved into the strong wood. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Not as beautiful as the woman standing in front of it.” Clark shed his coat and shoes and reached for her. His hands slid up her sides as he pressed against her back. “I love you, Maddie.”

  She reached for him, stretching up to run her fingers through his hair as she leaned against him.

  Mitch closed the distance between them, coming to stop in front of Maddie with a smile full of emotion. The big guy always did show his feelings. He reached for her face, cradling his hands around her cheeks. “I love you, too.”

  He kissed Maddie as Clark held her from behind, and it felt so right. No conflict, no fights. Maddie could handle them both. She could be the woman they both needed on their own and together.

  For the first time, tonight wouldn’t be about who would win or lose Maddie in the end, but how they worked in unison to show Maddie the world. Never had Clark been more at peace or grounded.

  His work, social life… hell, everything before Maddie was one giant never-ending competition. She changed all that. Now he saw how empty his life had been.

  Thanks to her and Mitch, it would now be full. Clark ran his hands down her hips and squeezed. So very full.

  With one hand on Clark’s hair and one on Mitch’s face, Maddie smiled. “I can’t believe it. I keep thinking I’ll wake up and everything that happened today will be a dream.”

  Clark hugged her tighter. “Not a dream.”

  She glanced up at him. “I love you.” Then she turned to Mitch. “And I love you, too. Thank you for this.” She motioned at the house and her heart and both their bodies, her hands fluttering all over.

  “I never thought having both of you would be possible. I don’t know what I did to deserve it, but—”

  Mitch silenced her with a kiss. “Just being you is more than enough.” He reached for her shirt and tugged it up and over her body, while Clark found the button to her jeans. In seconds, she stood between them, naked and incredible.

  Damn. He was the undeserving one. After scooping her up into his arms, Clark laid Maddie on the bed, her hair fanning out around her like a honeyed halo on a cloud of white. She’d touch heaven tonight. He’d make sure of it.


  He stared at Maddie lying on his bed like an angel straight from his dreams. It didn’t seem real. They’d gone from heartache and anguish to acceptance and love, and he had Clark to thank for it.

  The man found a way to give all three of them what they needed. Mitch shoved his pants to the floor before discarding his shirt. Maddie deserved more than the weight of his stare. She deserved his hands and lips. His cock that stood so damn thick and proud for her.

  He stroked it as he came up to the bed, hand gliding over his shaft as he crawled up onto the mattress. “Tell me what you want tonight. Tell me and we’ll make your dreams come true.”

  Maddie smiled at him, her cheeks rounding in joy and love, and Mitch swelled with happiness. She loved him. She wanted him. They would make a future together, the three of them.

  Clark came up to the side of the bed, naked and ready, and Maddie answered. “I want you both. No more talking, no more words. I just want to feel.”

  “Then that’s what you’ll get.” He leaned over, about to open the side table drawer, when she stopped him.

  She rose up onto her knees, breasts swaying as she reached for him. “No condoms. Not tonight.”

  He paused.

  “I’m on the pill and I want you to come inside me. I want you both to fill me up.”

  Fuck. He let go of the drawer pull and crashed into her, mashing her breasts into his chest as he claimed her lips. Her hand reached between them to stroke his shaft as the bed dipped.

  Clark came up behind Maddie, his weight tipping her away from Mitch. He ran his hands up her body, fingers roving over her breasts before circling her tight, tender nipples.

  Maddie cried out, pleasure coursing through her from Clark’s fingers and Mitch joined in, slipping his hand between her thighs to stroke her pussy. Mmm. So wet and ready for them.

  They’d barely touched and yet she’d already responded, her clit plump and demanding inside its little hood. Mitch stroked and flicked it, drawing out whimpers and moans of pleasure from deep within her all while Clark rubbed and stroked her breasts.

  “Yes, please.” Maddie moaned out the words and Clark slid a hand lower down to join Mitch’s between her legs.

  As Mitch worked her clit, Clark dove inside her empty channel, thrusting his fingers inside the place their cocks would fill.

  Maddie came on a garbled scream, muscles spasming, slick desire coating Mitch and Clark as she rode their hands into bliss.


  Magic. That’s what Clark and Mitch were to her. Luck and love and magic. They knew just how to touch her and just what to say to have her flying in seconds. She pushed on Mitch’s chest, sending him onto his back amongst the pillows on the bed.

  Enough with the foreplay and the gentle words and the marveling at their good fortune. She needed them inside her. Needed their cocks like oxygen and water, even life itself.

  She straddled him, his thick cock standing for her as she lowered her body down. Yes. The heft of him stretched her, filled her, and Maddie groaned. So hot and intense without the condom. So perfect and right.

  Clark leaned toward her and pulled her hair away from her neck. He whispered in her ear. “Make him come, Maddie. Make him come while I’m right here, watching and waiting.”

  A shock of pleasure coursed through her and Maddie picked up speed, bouncing up and down on Mitch’s cock like a harlot.

  “That’s it. Just like that.” Clark climbed up behind her, his cock hard against the small of her back as he arched around to stroke her breasts. “As soon as he comes, it’s my turn, Maddie. I want to fill you with my seed, mix it with Mitch’s and send you straight to heaven.”

  She groaned in agreement, grinding down on Mitch’s body as Clark kissed and stroked her fevered skin. He took her by the hips, guiding her movements as he kissed her shoulder, shoving her down onto Mitch’s shaft again and again.

  Oh, God. With Clark spurring her on and Mitch thrusting up from below, she could barely hold on. Another orgasm rose from the depths of her last and Maddie came unbidden.

  Mitch groaned beneath her, the force of her orgasm sending him into his own. He came, pumping inside her, the thick heft of his shaft pulsing as he released.

  Before she knew what was happening, Clark hoisted her ass in the air and claimed her, his cock slicing through the sudden void as he took her from behind. Maddie cried out as she fell forward onto Mitch, her hands landing smack on his chest as Clark bottomed out inside her.

  She opened her eyes to find Mitch staring at her with nothing but love and awe. He reached for her face, dragging her down for a kiss as Clark groaned behind her. He fucked her like a machine, pounding into her again and again, his cock coated in sex and cum.

  It was too much and not enough and Maddie whimpered.

  Mitch broke their kiss with a smile. “Come for us, Maddie. Come one more time. For me and Clark.”

  She shook her head, hair sticky with sweat as Mitch slipped his hand between them. His fingers found her pussy, stretched with Clark’s cock. Mitch stroked up and around over her clit and through her folds, sliding around Clark’s shaft as he fucked her.

  Maddie had never felt something so erotic. So damn good. She closed her eyes and let herself go as Clark and Mitch took over, directing her body. With one inside her and one stroking her clit, she didn’t have a choice. All she could do was ride the wave of pleasure as it claimed her.

  Clark dug his fingers into her hips and Maddie groaned in satisfaction. “Come inside me, please.”

  He complied, his last thrust filling her as he released, his seed mixing with Mitch’s inside her. It was perfect. Mitch stroked her clit again and Mad
die came, a low, rumbling orgasm that stretched on and on as Clark collapsed on top of her.

  She sagged down onto Mitch’s chest as ecstasy overcame her. Semen and sweat and Maddie’s own desire coated her thighs, dripping down onto Mitch as Clark pulled away. He fell into a heap on the bed and Maddie eased into the space between both men, sticky and satisfied and utterly exhausted.

  As she nestled between their hard bodies, Maddie knew her life was complete. This wasn’t the start of a failed relationship like her parents had had, it was the start of forever. She had not one, but two men who loved her.

  Two men who were willing to risk everything to take a chance on her. Together, the three of them would forge a new path, a new life full of love and laughter, and more orgasms than she could count.

  Maddie smiled as sleep threatened to overtake her. Harlow had found her the perfect match, times two. She needed to thank her just as soon as she could peel herself out of the bed.




  “It’s incredible, Maddie. You’ve outdone yourself with this one.” Harlow stepped back to admire the entryway.

  “You really think so?”

  “Clients from all over will be banging down this door to get the chance to work with you. It’s stunning, really.”

  Maddie smiled. “I can’t take all the credit. The house is an amazing canvas. So many original details and amazing features. Did you know Mitch’s grandfather hand-carved the mantle above the fireplace in the reception room?”

  “It took him four months and gave him plenty of splinters, if I remember right.” Mitch strode into the room, looking every bit the dapper country lawyer. “It’s nice to see you, Harlow.” He gave her a quick hug and stepped back.

  “I thought I heard the voice of an angel.” Clark entered from the other side of the house and reached for Harlow as well. After hugging her until she squeaked, he stepped back. “We owe all of this to you, and we couldn’t be more grateful.”


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