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Forgotten Bodyguard Box Set: A Forbidden Fruit Series

Page 21

by Ali Parker

"Regarding Jeremy?"

  "Yep, and other things."

  "Why isn't his ass in jail, Pauly? He kidnapped and shot Chloe. I was released because they knew it was someone else's fingerprints on the bullets in the house. Why haven't they traced them to him? He's not a ghost. What the fuck?"

  "Yeah, well, there are ways of protecting people that those in governmental power have."

  "What? Why would-" I lowered my voice and leaned in, "why would Mitch want to protect that fucker? Did he send him to hurt Chloe?"

  "No." Pauly's expression hardened. "No way. That bastard acted out because he's angry and hurt. His life is shit and he blames Mitch for that."

  "Then why protect him?"

  "Because he has something that Mitch wants to regain access to."


  "I can't say." Pauly glanced around and turned his attention back on me as he let out a soft sigh. "There isn't anything to worry about regarding Jeremy. Mitch has his lost item back seeing that dumbass frat boy followed us here. We got into his place and took it back."

  "What is it?"

  Pauly shrugged and nodded toward my beer. "Good stuff, right?"

  He wasn't going to answer anything he didn't want to, and I had little power sitting in the middle of a crowded pub.

  "Why did you say I wasn't going to be happy with the direction you were going to send me in?"

  "Good question. You need to go back home. About four hours north on the shore is a large grey mansion, beautiful home, really. In the office at the very back of the first floor is a door with a key pad. It's the same combination as the beach house." He chuckled. "Mitch has a horrible memory, and though it's fucking unsafe to have your passwords all the same... they are."

  "What am I looking for Pauly?"

  "A zip drive. Pink tip." He finished his beer. "That's all I got for you, kiddo."

  "Wait. What about security at the house? Dogs? Guards?"

  "Yep. The works, and all your problem. I'd work fast. We're heading home in a week and a half, and you ain't busting in that shit on your first try." He threw a fifty on the table and smiled. "Good to see you, Ian. Good luck."

  "Wait. I need to see her." My voice softened too much. I couldn't help it. I'd driven two days and hadn't seen her for a fucking week. We weren't leaving until the next day. I needed the night. Demanded it.

  "Not happening." He shook his head and pulled his keys from his pocket.

  "Yeah, it is. Tell me where she is, or I'll find her and you'll be running around like crazy tonight looking for her."

  "Somehow I don't doubt that the night is going to end up like that anyway. The girl has more spirit than anyone else I've ever known." He brushed his fingers over his chin. "Well, everyone but her mother, Melinda."

  "You cared about her." I tilted my head to the side a little and studied him. How long had he been protecting Mitch? Before Melinda's death? It would seem so.

  Maybe he knows more about the story Cole mentioned back in the room.

  "We all cared about her. She was a California dream and the best damn actress of her time." He shook his head. "It's neither here nor there. Her death was a huge loss to all of us, Chloe especially."

  "Where can I find her tonight, Pauly? I'm not leaving town until I see her again."

  "We're having dinner at Seu at nine tonight in downtown. It's a seafood place. Very busy, very fancy. Use the phone you used earlier to call me and text her that you're there. Her phone isn't tapped, though it should be. Mitch figured blocking your number would be enough."

  "Why the fuck am I the bad guy here?"

  "Someone has to be, kid." He moved past me, patting my chest before walking away and leaving me to stew in my thoughts.

  I pulled out my phone and called Cole.

  "What's up? You need me?" My brother's voice was tense. He was always ready to race to my rescue, which was a good thing. I usually needed him to.

  "Fuck, I don't know where to start." I picked up the pint and finished it.

  "From the beginning. Tell me what happened in your meeting."

  "I'm going to see Chloe tonight. They're having dinner at Seu at nine."

  "Am I coming with you?"

  "Yeah, but I'm not sure if you're staying in the room with me at the hotel tonight, if you catch my drift."

  He groaned. "I hate you sometimes."

  "No you don't."

  "What else?"

  "Pauly said that Mitch broke into Jeremy's house, but that the fucker was alive only because they needed to get something from him. I think now that they have it-"

  "They're going to off him?"

  "I don't know."

  "That would be a good thing, right?"

  "My gut says no." I stood up and threw out a twenty and picked up Pauly's fifty. Nobody needed a thirty-five dollar tip. That was excessive.

  "What did the asshole have?"

  "I don't know, but we're going to find out. We need to get back to Cali. Santa Barbara on the coast."

  "Senator Moore's house?"

  "Yep." I pushed the door open to the pub and shielded my face from the mid-day sun.

  "No way, man. It's like a fortress."

  "Tough shit. You better call Cindy and get your balls. Shit's about to get ugly."

  Hell, it already had.

  Chapter 13


  Nervousness tore through me as we pulled up to the harbor. The sunny day and cool breeze should have had me at peace, but Pauly had been gone for a couple of hours, leaving me with no one to talk to but Daniel. There wasn't much to say seeing that I was a complete ass at every given opportunity. The poor man didn't deserve my shit, and yet I couldn't seem to stop dishing it out by the spoonful.

  "You ready for a day on the water, pumpkin?" My father touched my back as we stood by the water's edge and waited for our guests to arrive.

  "I guess." I shrugged and crossed my arms over my chest. "I’m ready to get back to the beach."

  "I understand that. You're a California girl." He chuckled and ruffled my hair like I was ten.

  Several cars pulled up at once, and I was glad to see Pauly in one of them. I walked languidly toward him, trying not to jog and make it too obvious that he was my only source of comfort among the familiar faces.

  "Hey, butterfly." He got out of the car and walked toward me, a frown on his face. "Something wrong?"

  "Yeah, everything." I let out a soft sigh and glanced back at the water. "I can't stop thinking of Ian, Pauly."

  He moved to stand beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. He was a scrapper, a tough guy with a big heart.

  "I'm sure he's thinking about you too."

  I laid my head on his shoulder and listened to the sound of the birds just above our heads cry out.

  "You think so?" I lifted my chin to look up at him a little.

  "I know so. I just saw him." He tapped my nose before I moved back as shock rolled through me.

  "Wait, what? He's here?" A desire that was almost stifling raced through me. I reached for Pauly as my pulse spiked and my knees grew weak.

  "Not here, and keep your voice down. He's in the city. He'll be at dinner tonight in the shadows. Keep your phone with you." He gave me a look that said he didn't agree at all with what he was going to allow. "You have to make sure that you don't get caught with him. Your father is one hundred percent against allowing him in your life. He fucked up and-"

  "No, he didn't." I put my hand on Pauly's chest. "He did as you asked him to and went to check on my dad at the event. He didn't know that Jeremy was there. If I recall, and no offense, but you were watching me."

  Pauly placed his hand over mine as the light in his eyes dimmed a little. I didn't want to hurt him, but the truth still stood as is. It wasn't Ian's fault that I was kidnapped. It was Pauly's.

  And even still, Ian came after me.

  Because I was his keep? His job? No, it had to be more than that.

  "That's true, but either way, your father sees only black
and white. Just be careful tonight. You giving Daniel the slip in San Diego has everyone on guard where you're concerned." He touched the side of my face. "You're a turd for bringing up my faults. I think that's why I love you most."

  I chuckled. "Because I'm a turd?"

  "Because you aren't afraid of anything, kiddo." He brushed his hand down the side of my face and moved back.

  "Sure I am." I nodded toward my father. "I think more than anything else in the world, I'm scared that I'll never be loved by anyone. Not truly loved."

  He wrapped his arm around my shoulders again and moved up toward the group that was gathered by the boat. He released me as my father gave us a look. Pauly might be like family, but he wasn't family. For us to act like he mattered was a big no-no in front of supporters. Keep the help in the back of the room with their mouths shut and eyes focused on the master for the moment he might need them.

  It was nauseating.

  "Chloe. Come meet Tristan Stanley. His mother and father, Darren and Tanya." My father extended his hand toward me as I moved to his side.

  Tristan was a younger version of his oxford father, his brown hair combed over perfectly, his green eyes full of haughtiness. He looked like every other fraternity dick I'd avoided on campus.

  "Nice to meet you." I plastered on a smile and shook their hands.

  "Pleasure is all mine." Tristan's eyes moved across me slowly.

  I turned and walked toward the boat, taking the hand of one of the guys working for us that day. Daniel was right behind me, keeping as close as I would let him.

  "It's beautiful out here." He gripped the railing of the large yacht and glanced over at me.

  "Yeah, I guess." I kept my shoulders locked into place and tried hard not to look nearly as dejected as I felt. The only thing I had to look forward to was the possibility of seeing Ian later that night. The thought both scared the hell out of me and left me breathless with excitement. I needed to tell him how sorry I was. I might actually get the chance if I played my cards right.

  It was time to stop being so damn tough and let my guard down. He would break my heart a million times most likely, but somehow it seemed worth it.

  "Why are you so incredibly difficult to read, Chloe? For a woman with a great future, a beautiful smile and such a great family situation, you're so damn difficult. What has you so pissed at life?" Daniel hadn't ever spoken more than two or three commands at me. Him wanting to know the reasoning for my darkened heart was almost comical.

  "Mind if I join you guys?" Tristan moved up on my right and smiled down at me.

  "Nope. It's a free country. Do what you will." I smirked and walked toward the other end of the boat. Being a bitch was the easiest way to make sure I didn't have to entertain the guy all day long, or maybe he was an alpha asshole and would end up in my face all day just to prove that he had the wherewithal to make me behave or bend to his will. Good luck to him.

  My phone buzzed in my pocket as I sat down near the front of the boat and leaned back. Jessica.

  "Hey," I mumbled into the phone.

  "Oh wow. That bad?" She chuckled.

  "I'm with my dad and a bunch of rich people who have nothing better to do with their money than support the friendliest family-loving candidate from Cali." I snorted. "What a bunch of shit."

  "Most things around politics are."

  "What's up with you? You soaking up the sun?"

  "I wish. I got kicked out of the house again. I'm living on the beach." Her voice softened as my heart constricted in my chest.

  "Oh no. Jess, just go to the beach house and stay there. Nobody is going to bother you. The code is three-twenty-four-ten. I'll let Pauly know that you're there in case they're watching the house."

  "You sure?" She sniffed.

  "Absolutely. You're my best friend, shit, you're my only friend." I pinched the bridge of my nose as guilt raced through me. Was I so bad off? My dad was an absent father and used me as part of the lie to help get him into office, but I was clothed, fed and had a place to live.

  Spoiled ass brat.

  I hated myself more than most days as I listened to Jess crying on the other end of the phone. She hadn't gotten a full ride to college, or spent her days studying and her nights partying freely because daddy's purse strings were loose and having a job was a silly waste of time.

  I'd lost my humility somewhere along the way while I was pretending like it didn't exist.

  "Okay. I really appreciate you. I'll keep the place clean, and I'll get out if you call back and tell me to." More sniffles.

  "That's not going to happen." I looked up to find my father watching me, his eyebrow lifted. "I gotta run. I'll call you later, but get over to the beach house. There is a small stash of bills in the master bedroom under the bed in a little blue piggy bank. Use it."

  "No. I'm not taking-"

  "Use it. It's not mine anyway. Get some food and I'll be back as soon as I can."

  "Okay. Thanks, Chloe. I'm not sure what I would do without you."

  "Same here." I dropped the call, slipped the phone into my back pocket and forced myself to be more amicable. I didn't like my dad much, but I wasn't a child anymore. It wasn't a family situation we had, but more of a partnership of sorts. He asked me to show up and prance around and in return, he paid for my leisurely life. I could do my part and show up emotionally a little more often until the arrangement was over.

  I wasn't a child anymore. I didn't need a daddy. What I needed was Ian.

  "Chloe, Darren was telling me that Tristan actually attends UCLA as well. Make sure you spend some time with him and get to know him a little better. They're very influential people here in New England." He touched the side of my face and gave me a knowing look. "Just be nice to him, okay?"

  I nodded and walked back toward him and Daniel, moving in between them and taking a deep breath.

  "Much better." I smiled over at Tristan. "My best friend was going through some tough stuff this morning. Forgive me for being standoffish."

  "No problem." He licked the side of his mouth subtly. "Daniel was just telling me that you're at UCLA. We should hook up sometime."

  "Hook up, how?" Damn. It had been three seconds flat and I was diving back toward head-butting him and everyone in sight. The tension building inside of me had nothing to do with anything but Ian. Righting things would help, but getting to spend a night in his arms would be far better.

  Pauly said he would be at the restaurant, but he didn't say how long I had, or when I should sneak away. I'd done it so many times over the years that I wasn't too concerned about it. I'd just look for the perfect opportunity and make it happen.

  "Just go out for pizza or a movie. Maybe both?" His smile widened.

  "Right. Or neither?" I awarded him with a cheeky smile and lifted my eyes back toward the water as Daniel chuckled beside me. "What?"

  "You. That's what."

  Chapter 14


  It was a little after nine, and I was getting antsy. The restaurant was top of the line high class, which was both annoying and entertaining. The large room my father hand rented out held about twenty of us, everyone in their Sunday best, including Tristan. We'd gotten a small break from each other after the boat pulled back into the harbor, but it wasn't nearly long enough.

  He sat just to my left, his shoulder brushing by mine every time he moved a little. The asshole was persistent if nothing else. My phone vibrated in my lap, causing me to jump and yelp softly.

  "You okay?" Tristan glanced over at me and reached out to touch my arm.

  "Yeah. Just my best friend calling. Excuse me. I need to get this." I got up and moved toward the restroom as excitement filled my stomach.

  Daniel moved in behind me and glanced down at me. "What are you doing?"

  "Answering my phone and taking a pee. Back off." I pushed the door to the women's restroom open and paused by the sink before answering my phone.


  "Chloe?" The sound of Ian's
voice melted my insides. Desire like I didn't think possible pumped through me in sickening waves. I didn't just want him in my bed or my life for a night. I wanted him forever. Sometime during the few weeks we'd been going back and forth with one another, I'd started to fall in love. It was too soon to say anything, but the wave of emotion that wrapped around me simply from hearing his voice left me with no other possible conclusion.

  "Hey. Where are you?" I closed my eyes and concentrated on him, visualizing him in a black t-shirt and jeans that hugged his sexy hips. Need danced between my thighs as I took a shaky breath. The bastard had no clue how much he affected me.

  "I'm on the patio on the first floor. Come find me, Chloe." The call ended, and I was grateful. The soft panting filling the bathroom was coming from me, which was concerning and embarrassing all at the same time.

  It wasn't just excitement, but fear as well.

  I brushed my hands over my hair and checked my teeth before walking out into the restaurant and finding Pauly. I stopped beside him as Daniel moved past us and took his place at the far end of the table again. For some odd reason, my father asked several of the guards to eat with us. I had to guess that it made the event look better attended than it was.

  "He's here." I glanced up at Pauly and pursed my lips.

  "Right. Press your fingers to your lips, let your eyes grow wild and jog back toward the bathroom. I'll grab Daniel and tell him that you're ill. You have only a few seconds to make your move. Be smart about it, and warn Ian that if anything happens to you-"

  "I know. You'll kill him." My pulse spiked as I clamped my fingers over my mouth and turned, darting toward the bathroom. I waited until I was almost there to make a sharp left and ducked through the kitchen, looking for the exit.

  "Miss! Miss! You can't be back here!"

  I smiled and waved, slowing down just before pushing the back door open. "Sorry. Got lost."

  I walked out into the back alley of the restaurant and jogged around until the patio came into view. Ian stood off to the side, his back to me. The black slacks and stiff blue shirt he wore were a bit of a surprise. I hadn't seen him dress up before, but I wouldn't mind seeing it again.


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