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Forgotten Bodyguard Box Set: A Forbidden Fruit Series

Page 25

by Ali Parker

  "I think we did." I panted softly in the seat beside him as my heart raced with fear and excitement.

  "Damn. We might be in the wrong business."

  "Don't even start." I rolled my eyes and tried hard to calm down. We'd tried the business of being the bad guys before, and it never worked out well. Someone always died.

  Chapter 20


  Getting a flight home was easier than I expected, and by early afternoon, I was getting dropped off by a cab at the beach house. I walked languidly to the back door that butted up to the water and paused before ascending the stairs to go inside. The dark clouds of a storm were rolling in, and I wasn't too sure how I felt about it. Snuggling up on the couch with a cup of hot cocoa or coffee and watching an old movie to the sound of the water hitting the house sounded like bliss, but there was too much to do.

  I needed to get ahold of Ian and get the information from him. Once I knew he had what I was after, I would get a few beers in him, seduce him, and when he was fast asleep, I would run. It was the only safe bet I had from keeping him out of harm’s way. Jeremy's life was being spared because he didn't have the information anymore. Ian could have the same scenario, but not without a little bit of manipulation.

  The thought of hurting him was almost debilitating, but I let it go. It was for the better, and if we were meant to be together, we would eventually find our way back to each other.

  The door opened behind me and I turned and yelped. Jessica.

  "Hey! There you are." She walked out onto the porch and pulled me into a tight hug. Her hair was brown - just brown. I hadn't seen a normal color on her in five years.

  "Have you been trying to call me?" I squeezed her tightly and moved back when she finally released me.

  "Yeah, but you didn't answer your damn phone." She laughed and turned back to the house, walking inside and sitting down on the couch. "I wanted to tell you that my dad called."

  "Oh yeah?" I wasn't going to involve my best friend in any of my shit. Her having to call Ian was more than enough. She had real problems that made sense, like where she was going to live and how she was going to get her next meal.

  "He wants to talk tonight. I figure I'll go stay the night over there, but if you want me to stay-"

  "No. I've had a long ass week. I just want to take a hot bath and spend some time by myself." I sat down next to her and tugged at a strand of her hair. "I like this a lot. It's beautiful. It's you."

  "Yeah. I think so too." She laughed and stood up. "I was just about to head back to my dad's place. You sure you're going to be okay?"

  "Yeah, I'm sure. I'm hoping Ian will come looking for me."

  "Need me to text him?"

  "That would be great." I pulled my phone out of my pocket and realized that I still had it on airplane mode. "I'm forever blocked from calling him."

  She snorted. "Your dad is such a fucker, and here I thought mine was bad."

  I got up and followed her into the guest bedroom. "Hey, you know that you always have a place to stay as long as I'm around and kicking, right? You can just hog half of my bed if nothing else."

  "You think Ian would be all right with that?" She wagged her eyebrows.

  I laughed and walked back to the living room with her, feeling more normal than I had all week. Why life couldn't get back to being about me was a mystery. It was easier that way - to be self-consumed meant not having to worry about anyone else, because you didn't give a shit about them. It was a facade for me, and one that I'd learned to play well, but it was cracking fast. A handsome bad boy bodyguard was making sure of that.

  "Call me if something goes wrong, and just come back out here. I'll be here for the next few weeks before I head back up to LA, and if I'm not... then just let yourself in." I reached out and hugged her once more before she waved and walked down the stairs toward the beach.

  I closed the door and locked it before walking to my bedroom. All of my stuff was still in its proper place, neat and organized as I'd left it before going to UCLA with Ian for the event that changed everything. I absently rubbed at the sore spot under my breast where my scar lay. As stupid as it was, it was nice to know that there was one person in the world that I was willing to take a bullet for.

  Pauly would have been added to the list as well, but something about him being involved with my father and taking someone's life changed something inside of me. If they'd been involved with killing Brant's family... were they involved with my mother's death too?

  I tried to force myself to remember. To really remember the day she'd died. It was almost impossible seeing that I'd blocked everything from ninth grade down. I couldn't remember anything more than what I feigned to be a memory, but was really just a photograph from my childhood. The pictures allowed me to cultivate a fact existence so that I had something to think back on.

  Without a doubt, I remembered knowing that my mother loved me. She was busy like my father, but always took time to brush my hair and tell me stories. The pictures told me that much.

  Tears blurred my eyes as I dropped down on the large white bed in the center of the room. The storm started, and the rain pounded against the roof as I pulled the covers over me and cuddled up underneath them. The loneliest feeling I could remember having swept through me.

  Running from Ian meant giving up what little bit of warmth might really belong to me.

  Was I strong enough to do it?

  I turned and pulled out my journal that I'd been writing in my whole life. The older entries were stapled together along the top, the side and the bottom. The only way to access them was to tear into them or patiently take each staple out. I could clearly remember my freshman year in high school having a breakdown over my mother's death and closing off those entries angrily. I'd been reprimanded for being dramatic, but Pauly held me most of that afternoon, singing stupid seventies songs to me and trying to tell various jokes that made no sense.

  I choked on a sob as I ripped off the top of the page and carefully tore the side and then the bottom open. The mangled pages looked too much like my past to ponder on too long. It was too dark in the bedroom to see even with the lamp on, forcing me to leave the comfort of my bed.

  I walked into the living room and stopped to watch the rain pour down the back doors of the beach house. It would have been nice to have Ian there, but most likely would have made things incredibly harder. I wanted to prolong my plans to save him again. It would happen, but a day in between one dramatic event and another would have been great.

  Letting out the breath I didn't realize that I was holding, I turned and walked into the kitchen. The stove light was incredibly bright and would work perfect. The lights flickered above me as I flipped on the bright overhead light above the stove and pressed my forearms to the counter beneath me.

  July 2, 2006

  Mom died today, or really, they found her body today. She's been missing for four days now. My dad has been in his office and my aunt watching me. Pauly has been beside me the whole time, but he's a wreck too. The funeral is on Friday, and they want some of us to talk about her. I'm not sure what I would say that they don't already know. She's smart? Pretty? Talented?

  I wish I'd been born to another family. One that wanted me. This one doesn't. I think maybe I was an accident. Pauly keeps telling me that I'm wrong, but he's wrong. He doesn't understand what it's like. I overheard mom and dad fighting just before she left us for the last time. It was something about Pauly, but I would never tell him. Whatever it was, mom ran out of here in tears, still screaming about what a bastard my dad was, and he is, but he never leaves. She always does.

  I only wish I could have said goodbye to the pretty woman who gave me my smile.

  Now it's too late.


  A soft scream ripped through my chest. I didn't know her at all. She was no different than dad. I set the journal down and backed away as strong hands gripped me, and I screamed louder.

  "It's me, baby. It's just me."
  I turned to find Ian behind me, soaking wet. I did the only thing I could think to do. I clung to him and begged him not to leave me too.

  Chapter 21


  "She all right?" Cole stood behind me as I watched the rain pour down the glass door at the back of the beach house.

  "Yeah. I found her journal in the kitchen. It was opened to an entry on the day Melinda died. I think she's searching for answers just like we are." I ran my hand through my hair and turned to face my brother. "I'm going to stay the night out here, man. I can't leave her like she is."

  "I get it. You want me to stay too or head back to the apartment?" Cole reached out and squeezed my shoulder tightly.

  "You can head out, man. I'll take care of her and call you in the morning."

  "All right. You want me to hang on to the zip drives or are they back at the house?"

  We'd wrapped up our heist and headed back to my apartment to sleep the day away. We both needed it. My instinct to come out to the beach house was spot on, but now I was wishing I'd come by myself. Seemed like a dick move to send my brother packing, but I knew my girl needed some time with me. Something had set her off, and she was breaking down emotionally. I'd seen it in Amanda all those years ago, but I wasn't going to walk away and let her fight her demons on her own. No fucking way.

  "I have them." I slipped my hand into my pocket and pulled the four of them out. I put the pink one in my right pocket and the rest in my left. "I'll keep them with me. If I know Pauly, he's probably three steps behind Chloe. There's no way in hell she skated underneath his radar and got back here without protection."

  "You never know. The girl seems to know how to get her way."

  "She got me, right?" I wagged my eyebrows and opened the door for my brother.

  "Does she have you?" He moved onto the porch and crossed his arms over his chest.

  "Yeah, she does. Whether she wants me or not might be a different story, but either way we look at it, she has me by the balls."

  "And the heart?" he asked.

  "Yeah, man. Stop being a pussy and get outta here." I reached out and clamped my hand down on his shoulder. "You gonna be all right?"

  "Yep." He patted my hand and pulled back from my hold. "Now who's being the pussy?"

  I laughed and watched him walk off the patio before closing and locking the door. My stomach grumbled, and food sounded far too good to pass up the opportunity to eat something while Chloe was in the shower.

  I walked down the hall and knocked on the door to find it open. I pushed a little harder and stuck my head in.

  "You hungry, baby?"

  "Are you cooking something?"

  "I was going to if you were up for eating."

  "Sounds good. Wait for me and I'll help you." Her voice was far softer than I remembered hearing it before. Something precious lay inside of her tough exterior and I wanted access to it like I wanted my next breath.

  "Okay. See you when you get out."


  "Yeah?" I poked my head back into the bathroom and narrowed my eyes, trying to make out her figure through the steamy glass.

  She wiped the door off from her side, giving me the perfect view of her face and chest. Her breasts were beautiful, her nipples a dusty pink and budded tightly. "Can you wash my back?"

  "Hell yeah." I pulled my shirt off, left the zip drives on the counter and walked toward the shower. "Is this a ploy to get me naked?"

  She opened the door and turned, putting her back to me and rolling her shoulders. Her voice was nothing more than a sad whisper. "No."

  "I was just kidding." I reached out and took the soap, rubbing it through my hands as I studied her disposition. She was in pain. Emotionally fucked. "Hey." I ran my hands over her back and forced her to turn.

  She cupped her face in her hands as her shoulders shook. "Don't. Please."

  I walked into the shower with my jeans still on and closed the door behind me before pulling her into a tight hold and kissing the top of her head.

  "I won't do anything you don't want me to, but don't push me away. I can't handle that." I brushed her hair back and forced her to look up at me. "Don't cry anymore, baby. It's going to be okay. We'll figure it out together, okay?"

  She nodded and pressed her teeth into her lips before tucking her face against my chest again. I ran my hands over her back, caressing her ass and legs until she relaxed against me.

  "There," I whispered and took her shoulders to pull her up. "Let me wash you up and then we'll get something to eat."

  "Do you want to know me?" she asked before taking a step back and sagging against the wall behind her.

  "Every part of you, Chloe." I ran the soap over my hands and worked up a thick lather before covering her shoulders and arms, her neck and breasts in the silky suds. I washed her off, taking my time to remind her just how interested I was in being her man. The road would be rough as hell, and with all of the mystery surrounding her father and his campaign, we had an uphill battle, but it was one I was willing to fight.

  "And if I run?" She pressed her back to the wall and took a shaky breath.

  "I would come after you." I reached for her, gripping her neck tightly and leaning down to consume her mouth. She breathed in deeply and pressed her breasts to my chest as she gripped me tightly. There was something she wasn't telling me, but I wasn't getting it out of her just yet.

  I licked at her soft lips once more before moving down to kiss her neck and chest. I sucked her nipple deep into my mouth as she panted softly above me. The look of ecstasy on her face was far better than the sadness that was there moments before.

  I spent a few seconds kissing the scar under her breast before glancing up.

  "Thank you for this. It means so much to me that you would-"

  "Don't." Her expression tightened as tears filled her eyes again.

  I nodded and kissed her again before moving down to her tummy. I reached up and grabbed the towel resting over the top of the shower and bunched it up to lay beneath my knees.

  I kissed her stomach a few more times and ran my fingers over her thighs and up to squeeze her hips as I licked at her center.

  "Ian. No," she whispered roughly.

  She was going to run. I could read it all over her. She wasn't willing to try life with me, and I was unsure why, but there was no fucking way I was letting her out of my sight long enough to let that happen. I'd just made peace with myself that I was willing to try again.

  No. It wasn't ending like this.

  I licked at her again and smiled up at her. "Don't deny, Chloe."

  Her eyes locked on to mine, and a million messages passed between us. Her a rich girl, and me a thug, and yet we'd experienced far too many of the same storms in life.

  "Never," she mumbled and ran her hand through my hair. The loving look on her face etched the promise of forever on my heart even if she was too scared to claim it.

  I slipped my hand under one of her knees and pulled it up to rest it over my shoulder.

  "Lean back and relax." I leaned in and pressed my mouth to the wet center of her body, rolling my tongue through her folds as she shook above me. It was too much, and yet there was no fucking way I was going to stop until she shattered into a million pieces.

  She groaned a few more times and gripped my shoulders as her body spasmed, and orgasm took hold of her. I lapped at her until she pushed me away, begging me to stop.

  I stood up and licked at my lips, a little surprised when she pulled me down for a long passionate kiss. I gave her what she wanted and took what I desired most in the process - closeness with her. Pressing her to the shower wall, I ran my hands down the side of her body, memorizing her curves just in case I woke in the middle of the night to find her gone without a trace. It was soon to happen, but I prayed like hell that I might give her a reason to stay.

  I moved back and broke the kiss as she grumbled.

  "I want more." She moved her hands to the front of my jeans and wo
rked on the button. "I want you."

  "After we get some food inside of you."

  "I want you inside of me." Her blue eyes searched my face, seeking approval maybe?

  "Mmmm..." I leaned down and kissed her a few more times before running my nose along hers. "You're gonna get that, baby girl. Just come help me make something to eat and then we can take our time together, okay?"

  "All right. Let me change into something comfortable and I'll be in there."

  Chapter 22


  There was no way in hell I was leaving tonight. Not after he'd made love to my soul in the shower. The tenderness in his touch combined with the fact that he promised to come after me, almost like I belonged to him, was enough to hold me in place, to keep me beside him. At least for a little while longer.

  I pulled a blue cotton summer dress over my head and decided to forgo the bra and panties. It was just us, and they were sure to get in the way. I wanted food and then a night full of making him moan and shake. I had a few ideas about how to make that happen, which I let entertain me as I walked to the kitchen. The sadness that sat on me an hour before was still there, but dulled by his presence. I had so many questions for my father and Pauly, but they were headed to Maryland, too busy for me.

  It would seem that Ian was the only one willing to put aside his own desires for mine.

  "What are you thinking about cooking?" I walked into the kitchen and moved in behind him, sliding my arms around his waist before kissing his back a few times. A thick tribal mark moved down his spine and disappeared into the dry pair of jeans he wore.

  "Grilled cheeses are my specialty. What do you think about a gourmet grilled cheese? Or should I say toasted cheese sandwich?" He cupped my hands over his tight stomach and flipped the sandwiches on the griddle.

  "I love them." I kissed his back one more time and walked to the fridge, getting out a beer. "You want one?"


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