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Forgotten Bodyguard Box Set: A Forbidden Fruit Series

Page 38

by Ali Parker

  I walked around the corner toward the back alley where I parked my bike and jerked back, not seeing the two-by-four that slammed into my face until it was too late. Everything went black, and the last thought on my mind was for Chloe.

  I prayed for everyone involved that she was safe.

  Chapter 20


  I walked around the picture album on the coffee table for a good five minutes before finally talking myself out of being so damn ridiculous.

  "It's good memories." I dropped down on the couch, let out a long sigh and pulled it into my lap. I couldn't help but smile at the pictures of me and Pauly. He always had a warm smile on his face and love in his eyes when I was in the room. It seemed like the same smile he had in the pictures of him and my mom.

  I flipped through faster, looking for a picture of my father and not finding any.

  "Weird." I got to the back of the book and found the letter Ian mentioned. My name was scribbled on the front of the envelope in Pauly's handwriting.

  Tears blurred my vision as I picked it up and pressed it to my lips. "I miss you so much."

  I wasn't sure I was ready to see what was in the letter, but maybe it was a note from when I was younger. Just a cute card to encourage me to be brave or a birthday wish that I'd forgotten to open.

  I tore into it before I could talk myself out of opening it. The card was a painting of a little girl picking daisies, but there was no writing on the inside. A handwritten letter fell into my lap as I opened the card fully.

  After working to slow my racing heart, I moved the album off my lap and tossed the empty card on top of it. I curled up on the couch and slowly opened the letter as my hands grew clammy.

  It was dated July 2, 2006. The day my mother died.

  "Fuck," I mumbled and squeezed my eyes shut. Did I really want to go there? To revisit the horror of that day? Did I have a choice?


  I hope this letter finds you grown up into the beautiful woman that your mother and I knew you would one day become. I hope there's a man in your life that loves you and is working to protect you from all the things I've spend my life protecting you from. With so many shadows around us it's hard to see the light, but know that you were that light for me.

  Your mother's death early this morning was no accident, and where I can't prove it, I know with all of my heart that she was taken from us before her time. She chose a path that Mitch couldn't accept and for that, he forced both of us to pay a high price.

  It was her or you. I begged him to let it be me, but he wouldn't back down. I couldn't choose, so Melinda choose for us. She and Mitch fought last night before she left the house because I foolishly told her the ultimatum he'd put on us. He needed something drastic to pull the world to his side. Death seems to be the common thread among us all. Death and the loss that accompanies it.

  I loved your mother in ways that I shouldn't have and I'm sorry for my part in what's become of things. Know that you possess her beauty, butterfly and you have my strength. No matter what happens, seek out the truth and live your life in a way that you'll never be ashamed of the person you become.

  I'm trapped to Mitch's side, but his threats alone would never be enough to hold me here for too long. Only my love for you could do that.

  If I'm gone when you read this, then know that I gave my all to protect you and to secure another to take my place. In this life you will know pain and suffer loss, but it's those around us that keep us putting one foot in front of the other.

  Don't be afraid to jump, butterfly. For wherever you are... I promise if I'm able, I'll always catch you.

  I love you.


  I pressed the letter to my chest and let my head drop as my heart ripped open. I knew it. I had always known it. Where it scared the hell out of me to consider the loss I'd suffered by losing Pauly, there was an odd warming deep inside of me to know that my father had loved me with all of himself. Mitch had played the part horribly over the years and left me feeling like I didn't matter or wasn't worth his time, but nothing could be farther from the truth.

  He wasn't my dad.

  After reading through the note a few more times and working through some of the pain surrounding my childhood, I tucked the note back into the envelop and got up. Ian wanted to lay low and I understood why. He was stuck in the same position that Pauly had been all of my life - subordination, but I wasn't. It was my life they were all protecting.

  I walked to the bedroom and got the zip drive out of the safe, ready to face whatever I had to face to bring Mitch to his knees. The bastard had taken everything from me and forced me to live a lie my whole life.

  Forcing back tears, I made my way to the kitchen table and sat down. I popped the zip drive in my lap top and pulled my phone toward me.

  "No more holes in the story." I dialed Tristan's number as I waited for my computer to warm up.

  "Hey. What a pleasant surprise. You going to the event in La Jolla tonight?" His voice was full of positive energy and caused me to feel a little bit better. We would eventually become friends and nothing more. My heart and soul belonged to Ian and that wasn't ever going to change.

  "You mentioned the other day that I had a brother." I cleared my throat. "I've never met him before. What's his name?"

  Tristan snorted. "You're pulling my leg, right?"

  "No. My father has a lot of secrets. You should tell your dad to look into him a little more and put his money into someone worth it." I clicked the button to start the video and paused it the minute the tape started to roll.

  "Oh. Shit. You okay? You sound like you've been crying."

  "What was his name, Tristan?"

  "It was Nathaniel Moore. I can pull up the information I accessed and send it over if you want?"

  "Where did you get it from?"

  "It's private information about your dad from his personal files. I was looking for more information about you. Shitty, I know, but I wanted to know more about you."

  Creepy. "Just send me a picture of this guy and I'll be in touch soon."

  "Will I see you tonight?"

  "Yes. Absolutely." I set the phone down, not at all worried about him telling his father everything I'd spilled over the course of our conversation. Someone had to start knocking legs out from under Mitch, and it would seem it was going to be me.

  I pressed the play button and watched in stony silence as the video began. The two-story grey house was consumed in flames, and the shadows that moved across the windows left my stomach growing sick. I pressed the volume button though I knew it was a mistake to do it.

  Pauly moved up beside whoever was filming and shook his head. The sick look on his face was less comforting that it should have been.

  "Did you call the cops?" Mitch moved up beside him and glanced over at whoever was holding the phone.

  "Yeah. They'll be here in ten minutes. We need to get out of here." Jeremy. That's who was holding the camera.

  Why was I not surprised?

  "Brant, get in your car and drive back down the street toward the house. Get out and call the cops again. Make sure you're frantic. Got it?" Mitch's voice was tight and filled with stress like I'd heard it so many times before.

  The camera turned and tilted a little, showing Mr. Thomas. His eyes were wide with fear as he pressed his hand to his mouth.

  "Brant. Get in your fucking car and do what I told you to do," Mitch barked again.

  "I'll help him." Pauly stepped up and grabbed Brant's arm, pulling him toward the road.

  "Let's get out of here. Everything is in place now." Mitch reached out toward Jeremy and the video feed ran out.

  Brant was there. He was a part of the scheme. Ian was resting on the fact that Brant or Jeremy would bring Mitch's deceptions to justice, but they were both involved in it. Why? How?

  I grabbed my phone and pulled the zip drive from the computer. I had to go to the police. There was nothing left to do. I tried to call Ian as I fumbled wi
th my shoes and raced toward the door. The public needed to know who they were supporting in the race to the presidency.

  Ian's phone went to voice mail, and I tried again as I walked around the back of the beach house toward the car.

  My phone buzzed in my ear, and I pulled it down, dropping the call to Ian and clicking on my text messages. The one from Tristan was a link with a password noted at the bottom of the text.

  I pressed the link and typed in the password as someone stepped in front of me. I glanced up to see Daniel watching me with a smirk on his lips.

  "Where's Ian?"

  "He's in town, visiting with his brother."

  "And you're without a guard?" He crossed his arms over his chest.

  "Yeah, but you're here now, so we're good." I glanced down and pursed my lips as the image came up. Nathaniel Jeremy Moore, 31 years old, political activist. Jeremy's picture was just below his name.

  "Looks like you've been busy." Daniel snatched my phone, grabbed me and wrestled me back into the house.

  I kicked and screamed as best I could, but the strong taste of rubbing alcohol pressed to my mouth left me struggling to remain conscious. Daniel murmured something against my ear about being a good girl as the world went dark.

  Jeremy wasn't Pauly's son... he was Mitch's.

  Chapter 21


  "Fuck," I groaned loudly and turned onto my side as pain laced my head. I blinked a few times, realizing that it was dark outside and I was laying in the middle of an alley. I turned over to my hands and knees and touched the side of my face where the pain was the worst.

  "Ian? What the hell, man?" Cole ran toward me and helped me up.

  "How did you know I was here?" I reached for the wall beside me.

  "I have a tracker on your phone, remember?" He gripped my shoulders tightly. "What happened?"

  "No clue. I came out of the ice cream shop and the next thing I knew, someone popped me in the face with a fucking two-by-four." I pulled my phone out to see that Chloe had tried to text and call a few times. "Shit. Chloe."

  "Where is she?" My brother wrapped his arm around my shoulders and helped me walk to the parking lot.

  "I'm hoping she's back at the beach house. That's where I left her. What time is it?"

  "Just after six." He walked me toward his truck. "Get in and I'll grab your bike."

  "Fuck the bike. We'll get it later. I need to find her." I got in the truck and blinked a few times, trying to clear my vision.

  "Try and call her." Cole got in and buckled up before turning the truck on.

  I pressed her number and put the phone to my ear. "It's going to voice mail."

  "Let's get out to the event in La Jolla where Mitch is. If she's at the beach house, then she's probably safe. We can call her friend Jess to go out there and check for us, right?"

  "Slow the fuck down. You're talking too fast right now." I pressed my fingers to my face and glanced down at my phone. "Yeah. Jess called my phone."

  "Give me that." Cole snatched the phone from me and hit the gas.

  I let my head drop back as nausea ran through my center. I had to pull myself together. Chloe needed me. Wherever she was, I would find her and keep her safe. Pauly had done so his whole adult life, and now it was my turn. Regardless of what came at us, she was mine to protect - to love.

  "Jessica is going over there now." Cole handed me the phone back. "Do you know who hit you?"

  "No. I didn't see shit." I ran my fingers down my face and let out a long sigh. "All of these bastards are in on this together, aren't they?"

  "It would certainly seem that way." Cole pressed a button on his phone and one of the guys that worked at the security company answered.

  "Sup boss?"

  "Are you at the Democratic pep rally in La Jolla yet?" Cole sounded as pissy as I was starting to feel.

  "Yeah. It's a madhouse here."

  "Is Brant Thomas there?" Cole glanced over at me and shook his head.

  "Yes, Sir. Everyone is here. We're all set up around the perimeter like you asked us to be."

  "Good. Is Senator Moore's daughter there? College-aged, blond hair, about five-seven?"

  "I've not seen her yet, Sir, but this thing is just getting started."

  "We're on our way. Keep things under control and if you see her, keep a close eye on her, alright?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  "Get me to the rally." I forced myself to sit up and ignored the flashing lights in my vision. I didn't care what it took... I was going to bring Mitch down in front of everyone and get my girl back. We could stay or run like hell, but I wasn't leaving without her.


  "There's a trailer out back." Cole moved up beside me as we walked quickly through the parking lot near the hotel where the party was being held. "They don't usually have the celebrities staying in the hotel. It's too dangerous. That fucker is going to be heavily guarded, so be careful."

  "Wait. Where are you going?" I reached out and took the pistol he offered me.

  "I'm going toward the stage." He pulled out a zip drive and winked at me. "Find Chloe and text me when you have her. I'll play this the minute I know she's safe."

  "You know the video guy here?" I rolled my eyes.

  "I know everyone. Go find your girl and be smart, Ian. These guys are playing for keeps and they don't give a shit who gets hurt in the process."

  "Don't I know it." I turned and snuck through the remainder of the cars until I reached the small trailer at the back of the event. The hotel was in the distance and the open-aired event was filled with people in their Sunday finest.

  Two guards stood at the front of the trailer, Daniel being one of them.

  I pulled my phone from my pocket and texted the bastard that I'd just pulled up and asked where to go. He texted back that I needed to go to room twelve-forty-three. His voice was muffled as he said something to the guard beside him, but as I expected, he moved toward the hotel, leaving the one guard to watch over the trailer.

  I waited until he was out of sight and moved around the side of the building.

  "Hey. You can't-" He reached for his gun as I rushed him and punched him three times as hard as I could. He dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes. I walked into the trailer to find Mitch pacing the floor, practicing what sounded like his speech for the evening.

  I lifted my gun toward him. "I know what you did and who you are. I know everything."

  Mitch glanced up and smiled. "You do? Do you know where Chloe is?"

  "She's with my brother." I leveled the barrel of my gun to his chest. "It's over, Mitch."

  "Not hardly." He pulled his paper back toward his face and started to pace the floor again, reading through his speech as if I weren't even in the room.

  "Hey. Enough bullshit. I'll put a bullet in you without apology."

  "No you won't." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a zip drive, tossing it to me. "Chloe had this with her when we picked her up. She's been pretty out of it since. How many more of these do you have?"

  "Not sure what you're talking about." I shrugged.

  He pulled his phone from his pocket and put it on the desk beside him before pressing a button.

  "Yes, Sir?" Jeremy's voice filled up the small trailer through the phone.

  "Ian's here and he's needs a little bit of incentive to tell the truth. You know how thugs like him act under pressure. As if nothing matters."

  "Not a problem."

  Every muscle in my body locked into place at the sound of Chloe's scream.

  "That's good enough," Mitch grumbled and pressed something on the phone as he glanced up at me. "Put the gun down, son. She's not going to make it through the night if you don't do just as you're asked to do."

  "Where is she? Give her to me, now." I jerked the gun toward his shoulder and let a round go.

  He screamed and jerked back as the bullet hit its intended target. "You piece of shit. I'm going to make you pay for that."

  I'd kil
led before on accident and in the middle of a drug-induced fury. I could do it again, and this time it would mean something. I lifted my gun toward his head and walked toward him.

  "Tell me where she is, right now, or I'll fucking end you." I jerked my hand to the right and put another bullet in his other arm.

  He screamed again and sunk down toward the ground. "Twelve-forty-three. Room twelve-forty-three for God's sakes."

  "With who?" I walked toward him and pressed the barrel of the gun to his forehead as my hand shook. "With my son. With Nathaniel."

  I reared back and hit him as hard as I could, knocking him out. I pulled my phone to my ear and called Cole as I checked through the window of the trailer and made my way back out into the night.

  "Where are you?" Cole barked into the phone.

  "I'm heading into the hotel. Mitch is in the trailer and they have Chloe in room twelve-forty-three. I'm going up there. Mitch does have a son. Nathaniel or something like that. Get the cops, Cole. Hand off the zip drive to your buddy and get the cops."

  "Be careful."

  I dropped the call and tucked my gun in the back of my pants before walking into the front of the hotel. The security guys posted around the place worked for my brother, which was something I'd have to thank him for later. I darted into the elevator and pressed my back to the wall as bile rose up my throat.

  "I know I don't deserve shit in life, but please don't let anything happen to her. I'll do anything. Anything."

  The door opened, and I pulled my gun from behind my back, walking toward the far end of the hall. A big bald guy turned to face me and lifted his gun.

  I fired mine, not thinking twice about it and ran toward the door. I had very little time to get to Chloe and get us out of there before Mitch woke up and called for help. I could only hope that my brother was moving as fast as he possibly could to help me bring an end to the nightmare that had become our lives.


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