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Ignite: A clean rock star romance (The Band Book 2)

Page 12

by Lara Wynter

  I push open the patio door and walk out into the fading light. Jemma looks my way, picks up her trowel, and walks slowly toward me. I want to pick her up in my arms and kiss her beautiful lips but instead I smile and keep my hands by my side.

  “It looks amazing.”

  Jemma smiles. “Thanks, it’s so lovely to be able to work in such an amazing space. Maybe you could leave the doors open so I can hear you play while I’m working.”

  “Maybe. Actually, there’s something I need to talk to you about.”

  “Oh?” Her puzzled expression looks endearing. “I know I haven’t had to look after Sophie, but I can make up the time when she gets back–”

  “Shh, that’s not it at all. Heck, you deserve a break after all we’ve put you through. No, it’s about the tour.”

  Her face falls. “Oh.”

  “I want you and Soph to come on the next leg of the tour with us.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  “You don’t mind?”

  Jemma laughs. “What, mind seeing my favorite band perform every night? Get to spend every day with you? No, I don’t mind. Not at all.” Her smile is breathtaking.

  I grin. “So we’re your favorite band now. Does that mean you’ve forgotten all about Urban?”

  “Oh no, Keith is a solo performer, and I just said you are my favorite band. I’m afraid you’ll have to work a bit harder if you want to become my favorite of all time.”

  “Ah, but does he have a Hottest Rear award?”

  Jemma grins. “There’s an actual physical award? Where is it? You need to show me at once.”

  I groan, why did I have to open my big mouth. “Uh, it doesn’t matter.”

  “What? Of course it matters, if you don’t tell me where it is, I’m going to look until I find it, and then I’m going to show everyone who comes to the house, starting with Finn.” Jemma opens the patio door and looks back at me waiting.

  “Ah, but you promised not to tell anyone.”

  “True, but I didn’t promise not to show them the actual award.”

  “Alright then, if I show you do you promise not to show anyone else?”

  “Sure, lead the way.”

  I walk through the door and jump when she playfully slaps my butt as I walk past. I turn back, shocked. “You did not just slap my butt!”

  “Don’t look so surprised, I’m sure your fans have done much worse. Who can resist that butt?”

  I shake my head. “Why do I get the feeling I’m so going to regret ever telling you about this?” I lead the way upstairs and into my bedroom. Jemma’s never been in here before and I watch as she takes it all in. The pale silver grey wood of the king size bed, contrasts with the exposed brickwork on part of the walls. The dark carpet is super thick and soft. But it’s the painting that holds her attention. Slashes of red and black and grey form abstract flowers that fill the huge canvas that hangs above the bed.

  She continues to look at the painting. “You did this.”

  “Wha…how did you know?”

  She turns. “I can see you in the painting. I could just tell you were the artist.”

  My mouth drops open in shock. I never show anyone my paintings. They are just for me really. This is the only one that’s ever even made it onto the wall and only here in the privacy of my room.

  “It’s amazing Wes, really. Do you have more somewhere?”

  “Yeah, but I don’t usually show them to anyone. It’s really the painting rather than the finished product that’s important to me.”

  “Oh, okay. I hope you don’t mind that I asked about it?”

  “No, it’s fine,” I mumble and step into my walk-in closet. I reach up to the top shelf and pull out the ugly statuette, glad now to have something to turn the conversation to even if it’s embarrassing. Walking back out I hand it over.

  Jemma giggles as she holds the bronzed statue of a butt covered by jeans. The top half of the figure is missing. “Hottest Rear awarded to Wesley Bowman of Infusion Deep.” Jemma’s laughter fills the air, and before long I join her.

  It really is the most ridiculous part of this whole celebrity business. And I was never quite sure why I kept the award, but now I’m glad I did. Making Jemma laugh is the best feeling in the world.


  I toss the last few things into my suitcase and pull the zipper closed. I shake out my hands and rub my damp palms against my jeans. I don’t know why I’m so nervous. It’s not as if these aren’t the same guys I see all the time. Somehow they just seem different when they’re at work. Ugh, I’m not the sort of person who goes all gaga over celebrities. I jerk my case off the bed and haul it down the stairs. It thumps as it goes from one step to the next.

  “Need a hand? I am quite partial to my staircase you know.” Wes winks at me to let me know he’s only teasing.

  My heart flutters. Wes walks toward me, his excitement palpable. I watch the muscles in his arm contract as he picks up my case. He easily lifts it and carries it the rest of the way down.

  “Make way, coming through,” Sophie declares as she bounces past me down the stairs.

  Things have been better since she found out she was coming on tour this time. I just hope she doesn’t get into any more trouble. I have a feeling I’m probably going to earn my money even with Autumn agreeing to help. Thankfully, the worst of Autumn’s morning sickness has passed, and she has the cutest baby bump. The paparazzi are bound to get a picture of it once the tour starts. Autumn rarely leaves Finn’s side and where Finn is, the photographers are not far behind.

  I suddenly remember the article I saw about that woman who claimed to have had Wes’s child. I need to ask Autumn about it as soon as possible. I really don’t want anything to ruin the fragile peace that has been so hard fought. I remember how haggard Wes looked after touring before. If I can help protect him, I will.

  The private plane lands in Orlando just before lunchtime, and I stare out the window of the car as we drive to the Hotel. I’ve never been to Florida even though I grew up in Bloomington. We never had much money for holidays. Sophie tugs on my arm pulling me from my thoughts.

  “Did you check with Wes if we can go to Universal Studios tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, he said it should be fine as long as you get all your schoolwork done.”

  “Done. Already did it on the flight here.”

  “Wow, really?”

  “Yeah, on my best behavior remember?”

  One of the conditions for Sophie coming was that she completed all her schoolwork and didn’t get into trouble. Maybe this trip won’t be difficult after all. Sophie puts her earbuds back in her ears and goes back to her phone. Wes sits on Sophie’s other side. He’s already in ‘rock star’ mode. Serious and focused on tonight’s show. Hopefully, he’s not stressing about any of the details. Although they have plenty of employees to work out the finer details, Wes has always been involved in everything the band does. Finn is much more relaxed about all that sort of thing trusting in Wes and Trent to keep him informed.

  The car pulls up at the hotel and Stan opens the door for me. I climb out of the car and a flash goes off in my face. I take a step backward. My foot slips off the gutter. A sharp pain shoots through my ankle as my foot twists awkwardly. I stumble. Stan grabs my arm to stop me from falling and then Wes is there. He scoops me up into his arms. More flashes make my eyes blink rapidly, and I turn my face into Wes’s chest. His warm cinnamon and sandalwood smell helps me to take my mind off what’s happening around us.

  My ankle throbs, but Wes is careful to avoid bumping it into anything as we enter the hotel lobby. Sophie is right behind us with Stan shielding her from the press. I can’t believe the paparazzi were waiting for us. The band is usually pretty good at avoiding the press when they arrive in town. They have a loyal and dedicated team that works together to coordinate things. I know Finn is pretty obsessive about making sure Autumn is left alone as much as possible.

  “Wes, we need to call Autumn and Finn and let them k
now not to come to the front entrance.”

  Wes grimaces. “Too late, they were right behind us.”

  I look out the window onto the street, and sure enough, a group of photographers have crowded around the remaining band members.

  “You can put me down now.”

  “Are you sure?” His concern is evident in the way his brows are drawn together.

  “Yes, I’m fine. I’m sure I just sprained it slightly.” The way it’s throbbing makes me think it’s worse than that, but I can’t just lie here in Wes’s arms in the middle of the hotel foyer.

  The rest of the band is bustled in through the doors as a combination of the band’s security and the hotel security ushers them all away from the commotion outside. Wes places me gently on the ground, and I turn my face away to hide my grimace as my throbbing ankle touches the ground.

  Autumn rushes over to me. “Are you okay? What happened?”

  “I’m fine. I was just surprised by the photographers, and I twisted my ankle slightly.”

  Finn shakes his head angrily. “They’re not photographers, journalist pond scum more like.” He utters a few obscenities under his breath.

  Autumn gives him a look. “Watch your language in front of our child.”

  “Yeah, sorry,” Finn looks remorseful. “I guess the cat’s out of the bag now babe.”

  “Never mind pretty boy.” Autumn smiles to show she’s not angry with him despite the fact he called her ‘babe’ which she hates for some reason. They are funny with their allowed and not allowed nicknames. Autumn told me the story of how they came up with them, it was really funny.

  Trent materializes from somewhere. He looks at me in a way that makes me feel uncomfortable. As if he’s undressing me with his eyes. I look away.

  “Okay, guys,” Trent says, “let’s head upstairs where we can discuss this appalling breach of security. We’re still being photographed down here.”

  It’s only then I notice the paparazzi are pressed up against the glass window still taking pictures. I take a step away from Wes, knowing being photographed in his arms is going to be a nightmare. The rumor mill is no doubt already in overdrive. Hopefully, once they learn I’m only the nanny things will calm down. As I put weight on my ankle, a sharp pain shoots up my leg, and I gasp.

  Wes’s arm halts my fall, and I find myself back in his arms.

  “Please, put me down. The press will say that were together.”

  Wes raises one eyebrow. “Would that be so bad?”

  “I’m not sure I can live my life in a fishbowl.”

  I see the hurt on Wes’s face before he hides it with a smile. “Maybe it won’t be so bad? It’s not all horrible you know.”

  We reach the elevators and the first one is full. Wes indicates that we’ll take another one and somehow we end up alone in the next elevator.

  “Okay, you can definitely put me down now.” Being in Wes’s arms like this makes my heart do funny things.

  “Maybe I like this too much to put you down. Besides, I don’t think you can actually walk on that ankle.”

  “I just need it wrapped, and I’ll be fine.”

  “I think we’ll let a doctor decide that. It’s just too bad you won’t be able to come to tonight’s show.”

  I frown. “What do you mean? Of course I’m coming.” The thought of missing Wes perform makes me feel more upset than it should. “Besides, I need to be there to watch Soph.”

  “We have plenty of people that can stay with Soph tonight. I’m not risking you hurting it more just because you’re being stubborn.”

  “I’m not being stubborn! I just think you’re overreacting. I’m fine.”

  The elevator comes to a stop and Wes carries me out. “Fine, we’ll just see what the doctor has to say.” Wes’s smug smile indicates he’s pretty sure he’ll say I have to stay in bed.

  I remain silent. He’ll probably convince the doctor he’s right no matter what. It’s actually really hard to pout when you’re in someone’s arms. I sigh deeply instead as the hotel door opens in front of us.

  A young blonde girl looks shocked for a moment before she lets out a high-pitched squeal. “Oh my gosh! I can’t believe it’s you. Did I win a competition to meet the band or something?” She squeals again and another teenage girl with straight black hair comes running.

  “Wes Bowman!” She screams as well, and I’m tempted to cover my ears. “Is Finn and the rest of the band with you?” She peers around us into the empty hallway as if expecting the rest of the band might suddenly materialize.

  I try to suppress a laugh at the look of bemusement on Wes’s adorable face.

  “I’m thinking maybe we got off on the wrong floor?” I say.

  “The band’s staying here!” The blonde shrieks. “I can’t believe it. Infusion Deep is going to be sleeping in the same hotel as us.” She glares at me. “Who’s she?”

  “I work for the band.”

  “Why’s he carrying you around then?” The brunette says, flipping her hair over one shoulder.

  “Exactly my point. Please put me down, Wes.”

  “Jemma sprained her ankle,” Wes finally speaks. “I’m carrying her because she can’t walk but is too stubborn to admit it.”

  “Are you crazy?” The blonde asks. “If Wes Bowman wanted to carry me around all day I’d be totally fine with it.”

  “Totes agree with you Bella.” The brunette pulls out her phone. “Can we at least get a selfie with you before you go?”

  “Sure,” Wes agrees smiling at the girls. He makes no move to put me down.

  “Wes, can you put me down so I can take a photo for these lovely fans.” I say through slightly clenched teeth. There’s no way I’m having more pictures plastered across social media.

  Wes puts me down, making sure I’m balanced on my good leg. Both the teens immediately thrust their phones at me. I take them and watch as they snuggle in next to Wes. He puts an arm around each of them and I snap a few pics. I swap to the other phone and repeat the process. I hand the phones back and Wes immediately takes a step back from the girls.

  They continue to gush out a stream of inane thanks as Wes lifts me back into his arms and carries me back to the elevator.

  Chapter 15


  I try not to let my disappointment, that Jemma won’t be at the concert, bother me. Resting on the couch backstage, I watch as Finn and Autumn talk quietly together. I need to distract myself from worrying how Jemma is doing with the doctor. I couldn’t hang around to wait for him to arrive because we had to head to the venue for sound check and an interview with Listen Up magazine. Of course, they asked me about the photos already circulating of me carrying Jemma into the hotel. Once I briefly explained that she just worked for the band, they wanted to know what happened to her face. It surprised me, because I honestly don’t notice her scars anymore. They are just a part of the beautiful person that she is. Finn didn’t hesitate to shut that line of questioning down. He’s fiercely protective of anything he deems is out of the scope of the public sphere.

  He did however give them confirmation of Autumn’s pregnancy with a warning that the press need to give her space or there’ll be hell to pay.

  At least we have a few moments to relax now before the show.

  “What do you think, Wes?” Ryan looks at me expectantly.

  “Ah, what?”

  “We just wondered what you thought of the idea of us all wearing blonde wigs for the encore.” Finn says with a perfectly straight face.

  “Yeah, sure that sounds cool,” I return with an equally straight face.

  Ryan is the first to crack. He throws his head back and laughs. Before long we’re all laughing. It’s nice to see Zane having fun. He’s still pretty broken up about his marriage falling apart.

  “We should really do it,” Zane says when we finally stop laughing. “You know, for charity or something.”

  “I’m in,” Ryan says immediately.

  I look at Finn. He smi

  “Sure, any idea what charity we should donate to?” I ask, always thinking of the practicalities of the band’s crazy ideas.

  “What about The Jed Foundation?” Zane suggests. “Jade said they do a fantastic job at reaching out to at-risk college kids.”

  I’m surprised he wants to support something associated with his ex-wife, but I’m all for supporting mental health. “I’m in.”

  “Yeah,” Finn agrees, “We definitely need to help reduce the stigma around mental illness. We can make a donation to Peaceful Shores as well. Without them, Autumn would never have been able to cope with this lifestyle and I would have had to quit the band.”

  Trent finally arrives and we tell him about our idea to support various mental health charities. We leave him to sort out the details as we head for the stage. The sound of the crowd gets louder as we get closer. It sounds like the support band has done a good job of energizing the crowd.

  The first song goes off without a hitch and the crowd is really getting into it. I finish playing the final note, and I can tell it’s going to be one of the memorable gigs. Some shows pass in a blur and are soon forgotten but others stand out in your mind. It’s a hard thing to quantify. it just is what it is.

  Finn walks up to the front of the stage to address the crowd. “Hello, Orlando! How are y’all doing tonight?”

  The response is instantaneous, excited yelling and greetings ensue.

  “I want to share something absolutely mind-blowingly incredible with you all. My gorgeous wife is going to have a baby! I’m going to be a father.”

  The cheers and whistles threaten to lift the roof off the building.

  “Thanks guys. I know it’s going to be an adjustment, but Infusion Deep is going to continue even with a new member for the band. Although my wife thinks we have to wait a few years before we introduce him or her to all this,” Finn chuckles and the crowd laughs along with him.

  He’s such a natural performer. I’m just glad he’s our front man. There’s no way I could just casually chat with thousands of people. I’m much happier being back here behind the keyboard.


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