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Marriage by Proxy

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by Combs, Sasha

  “Weave your magic Alex, but if I don’t like him you’ll have to go back to that endless list of yours and dig up another candidate.”

  “So you’ll let Alex do things my own way?” Carolyn could hear the hint of sarcasm in her voice, but her hands were tied. She was tired of being single and she knew that her friend could help her find Mr. Right.

  “Only to a point, but I want to meet him so that I can be sure that he’s right for me.”

  “Darling, Alex is always right.”

  As Estelle hummed and sang around the office all day like a love sick puppy; Carolyn knew that her weekend decision had been a good one. She had never seen her co-worker this happy and she knew that it was all due to her match making friend Alexandra Ivan.

  Alexandra had sent her messenger over to Carolyn’s office with her weekly contracts and forms. Carolyn had worded them for Alex when she had first become her client; so she was fully aware of the content. Most times she would page through the documents prior to signing them but today her mind was so preoccupied by her dating decisions; she had been working on auto- pilot most of the day. All day her thoughts volleyed back and forth regarding the practicality of dating and her repulsion towards match making. Then Estelle would walk by grinning from ear to ear and the sobering thought of Alexandra’s success would weasel its way into her mind and calm her unsteady nerves.

  Alex and Carolyn had agreed to have dinner together later that day. Carolyn agreed because she saw it as an opportunity to try to convince Alexandra to bend her match making rules a bit. As the waiter placed their meals in front of them, Carolyn noted that her friend seemed to be on an unusually high note. She listened enthusiastically as Carolyn recounted the amended version of her day, being careful to omit names and specific facts. Alex would usually interrupt her to talk about romance or a new couple; but instead she kept a smile on her face as she intently listened; almost as if she had some delicious secret she was waiting to share.

  As she began to partake of their meal Carolyn finally began to grill her friend. “Okay Alex, you’ve had that goofy grin on your face since we sat down. What’s up?”

  “I’ve just been listening like a good friend.”

  “Yes you have which is unusual for you. Not once have you mentioned Mr. Right, marriage or husband, in the same sentence. So what’s up?”

  “I don’t have to. Everything has been taken care of.” Alexandra continued to eat her meal as her friend looked at her with a puzzled expression; waiting for Alex to continue, but she didn’t. The suspense was killing Carolyn; so she took the bait.

  “Alex is there something I need to know?”

  “No. Not really. Not more then you already know.”

  “What are you talking about? Why are you being so cryptic?” Carolyn was fast approaching irritation. She knew that Alex was up to something and it had something to do with her and their conversation over the past weekend.

  “I’m not being cryptic; you told me to find your husband and I did.”

  “Alex I did not say find my husband, I said to find some Mr. Rights, pleural. I will find my own husband.”

  “Did you not agree to let me find your Mr. Right?” Carolyn tried to replay the conversation in her head. She couldn’t remember the specifics of Alexandra’s wording, but she was quite sure of her own. She wondered, in her desperation to rid herself of her bachelorette status, had she given permission to do more than what she really wanted. But she conceded to the fact that no matter what Alex had done, Carolyn had not signed any of the marriage contracts that were a standard part of her services.

  “Alex, I don’t know what you think you’ve done, but you must remember, I am your lawyer and I would be the first to know if you found my Mr. Right. I have not signed any of your Relationship Advisor contracts or your marriage contracts. So let’s stop playing these games and tell me, have you found someone for me to date.” Alex settled herself back into her chair as she wiped her mouth.

  “Carolyn, when have you known me to provide people with someone to date? I am not a dating service. I provide husbands and wives; and over this weekend you gave me permission to find your husband. Semantics aside, Mr. Right means husband to me; and I did exactly what you asked me to do.” As she looked at Carolyn she gave her one of her lawyer case and point facial expressions. Carolyn felt trumped, but she knew her venture with Alex would be risky; now she just needed to know what her friend had done.

  “Alex, tell me exactly what you’ve done to get me this Mr. Right.”

  “You know how I do my business.”

  “Yes I do, and as I said I have not signed any contracts for your services nor have I signed any paperwork giving you proxy to sign a marriage license.” Alexandra didn’t respond; she sat smiling at her naive friend as the light bulb began to go off in her head. Carolyn tried to think; had she signed any documents today. Her mind had been so preoccupied; she’d signed several documents and couldn’t quite remember if any of them had her name listed as anything other than a witness. As fear began to grip her, Carolyn asked the one question that frightened her most.

  “Alex did you send proxy paperwork for me to sign in the batch of forms that were delivered to my office today?” Alexandra pulled her chair closer to the table and resumed eating her meal. In between bites she answered Carolyn. “Yes, I did.” Carolyn’s heart dropped to the floor as she recalled the events of that day. Things that should have seemed out of the ordinary didn’t send up any red flags. Alexandra’s messenger would normally leave the legal documents for Carolyn to sign; then return the following day to retrieve them. But today was different; Alexandra had instructed him to return the documents that day. So he remained until all of the documents were signed then returned them as instructed. This change in protocol was partly the reason for Carolyn not reviewing the documents. How could she be so careless and not notice that she had signed the very forms she had created for Alexandra’s clients.

  “Alex why did you do that? You know how I feel about what you do.”

  Alexandra placed her fork and knife down; clearly seeing that her friend was upset.

  “Carolyn you must remember, you did give me permission to go to work for you. I did do what I said I would do.”

  “But how ethical is it to do what you did? Not to mention the fact that I’m not so sure these documents are legal. I can’t witness my own contracts.” She saw this as a glimmer of hope; but it was quickly dashed.

  “They weren’t your own contracts. I had them drawn up by another lawyer friend of mine. Look Carolyn, what’s done is done, besides I knew you wouldn’t let me help you if I told you everything that I was going to do; I also knew that if I did find you a husband, I would have to make your contract just as binding as all of my other clients. So you see there will be no quick fixes, no annulments and no fast track divorces. I’ve covered my tracks. The contract is legal and binding; and you my dear; as of 3:00 pm this afternoon, are a married woman.”

  Alex reached into her briefcase and pulled out a folder with a copy of the contract and proxy papers. She’d thought of everything; using Carolyn’s contracts and forms as a template, she and her lawyer friend wrote up a contract with clauses that would prevent one from ending a proxy marriage within the first year. After reading and rereading the contract, Carolyn couldn’t find any flaws or legal precedence. She was stuck in her arranged marriage for a bare minimum of 365 days. By the time Carolyn looked up the waiter had already cleared Alexandra’s dinner plate, served dessert and Alex was taking the last bite of her strawberry topped cheese cake.

  “Are you finished reading your papers?” Carolyn was silent. She didn’t know what to say. She and Alexandra had been friends for over seven years; and the sudden underhanded betrayal of this incident was leaving an unsettling feeling deep within her soul. She didn’t want to say something that she’d later regret. Summoning up the strength to remain calm, not wanting to make a scene in the pricy restaurant; Carolyn settled back into her chair and spoke

  “I don’t see the marriage certificate in this folder; where is it?”

  “Your husband has it.” The sound of the word husband gripped her stomach; as she closed her eyes and tried to maintain her calm. As the stomach acid began to rise in her esophagus she cleared her throat and began to collect her thoughts.

  “So who is this man Alexandra?”

  “Darling, he’s more than a man; he’s your husband now.” Carolyn had restrained her emotions as long as she could. She responded in a voice that most definitely was not her indoors voice; causing the patrons in the restaurant to turn and look in her direction.

  “Alex I’ve just about had enough of your games. Now you’ve railroaded me into something that could be the most disastrous experience of my life! Tell me right now; who is he!?”

  Alex had never seen Carolyn react like this before; she knew the time had come to be completely open with her friend.

  “Carolyn I didn’t mean to upset you; it’s just that I wanted to see you happy so I took things just a few steps further than I normally would. I told you I think of you as my daughter, and I only want to see you happy.”

  “Do I look happy Alex? Do I look happy to you?” Alexandra knew the answer to that question; but at least she seemed to be lowering her voice an octave or two.

  “No you don’t look happy; but I guarantee you, you will be happy once I introduce you to your husband.” She watched as Carolyn’s face grimaced when she said husband.

  “And when will this introduction take place?”

  “Tonight.” Carolyn looked at her friend as she began to realize that this was a masterfully crafted plan. She had been bamboozled by her match maker friend.

  “And where is this meeting supposed to take place?”

  “Right here. Are you ready?” Carolyn looked perplexed.

  “Is he here, right now?” The thought that this person may have witnessed her outburst concerned and embarrassed her; then she reasoned, why should she care. She didn’t know him and he didn’t know her. But in many ways she did care, because like it or not he would be her husband for a year and at the very least she wanted him to like her for who she really was not the crazed maniac women she was currently portraying.

  “Yes he is.” Carolyn turned an embarrassing shade of red.

  “You mean to say he has been sitting and watching us…me for the past hour? Why didn’t you say something Alex?”

  “I don’t expect he’s been watching us for the entire hour. He isn’t that curious about you to sit and watch you for a whole hour?’

  “Well if that’s true that doesn’t say very much about your match making skills.”

  “On the contrary, it says a great deal. He has no need to sit and watch you because he trusts my decision and knows that you’re the woman for him.” This statement sparked her curiosity; as her eyes scanned the room looking for anyone who may be looking at her.

  “Are you ready to meet him Carolyn?” Carolyn looked at Alex with hesitation and a bit of fear in her eyes; but she knew what she had been forced into. A part of the contract stated that the two clients had to live under the same roof for the entire year. This was to ensure that they would actively work to naturally develop their relationship as the bonds of marriage began to grow. Carolyn took in a deep breath of air and slowly exhaled; unable to speak, she nodded her head, giving her friend the okay to introduce her to her spouse. Alexandra looked to their waiter and waved her hand; for a moment Carolyn thought that the waiter was her match but she quickly realized that this was simply a signal for him to go and get her match. Carolyn’s eyes were glued in the direction of the waiter. As Alex began to talk, Carolyn looked at her, but she could only see her mouth moving. Fear had overwhelmed her with a tight grip rendering her auditory senses spellbound; she was unable to hear any words. Resuming her patrol, Carolyn turned her attention back to the direction the waiter had been, as she continued to glance over the many faces, trying to detect which one could be her spouse. Two tables full of patron had begun to leave the restaurant; making it difficult to discern her prey. When Carolyn turned her head back to look at Alexandra, a man had joined them. Carolyn thought that this perhaps was one of her many clients. It was not uncommon for their meals to be interrupted by a grateful recipient from her Relationship Advisor Services.

  “Carolyn I’d like to introduce you to Misha Petrov.” Carolyn smiled politely and resumed her vigil watch.

  “Do you mind if I join you?” Again Carolyn was interrupted, but this time it was a male voice with a rich Russian accent.

  “Carolyn, did you hear him?”

  Irritated, Carolyn turned her attention back to Alex.

  “Are you sure this is a good time to socialize Alex; aren’t we expecting someone?” Darting her eyes in the direction of the waiter, Carolyn tried to signal her friend. Alex frowned; then realized that Carolyn misunderstood; so she started again.

  “Carolyn, I’d like to introduce you to Misha Petrov; your husband.”

  Everything from that point went into slow motion for Carolyn. Turning her head she looked back at the man that stood next to a seated Alexandra. Her eyes slowly climbed the length of his body until she met his eyes. Smiling at her with is perfect teeth he asked again to be seated. Carolyn looked at Alex as she nodded her head; then she looked at Misha again and nodded her head. Carolyn sat stunned as the shock rendered her speechless. All of her efforts to formulate words or even an intelligent comprehensive statement were lost to her bodies paralyzing disbelief of the events that were playing out before her eyes.

  Misha sat looking at Carolyn for what seemed like minutes but in fact was merely seconds; waiting for some type of response from her. Alex had seen this responds before; so the pro that she was, she took the lead. “Misha, Carolyn is just a little surprised by her great fortune. But don’t worry, she will come to see that you both are a perfect match, and God will bless your union with many, many children.” Carolyn’s eyes darted at her friend; her tongue, unable to speak, still held captive by her shock.

  Misha tilted his head as he looked at Carolyn with a half smile on his face.

  “Carolyn, would you like to come to my place; it will provide us with more privacy so that we can get to know each other a little better.” The contract terms and legalese began to whirl in her head as she tried to summon her words. The enormity and reality of the situation began to slowly settle into her mind as she regained control of her thoughts and expressions. Carolyn had no choice. She had to make this situation work. No matter how she felt, it was time for her to take control of the situation and formulate a plan that will stick as close to the contract as legally possible.

  “I think we can talk here if you don’t mind.” Alex had a look of dissatisfaction on her face.

  “No Carolyn, this is not the right place for a husband and wife to get to know each other better. It should be your place or his. I happen to know that you and Misha both live pretty close to here.” Smiling she looked back and forth between them both. Misha took the lead.

  “Carolyn I know this is new terrain for the both of us, so we can take this slow; but I think it would be best for us to go someplace that will provide us with a little more privacy.” Carolyn couldn’t help but notice how handsome Misha was. His smile and sincerity calmed her and she conceded that he and Alex were right. So with a little fear and trepidation she gathered her belongings and left the restaurant with her husband. Leaving Alexandra behind to settle the bill; she thought to herself, after this mess the very least she could do is to pay the bill.

  Chapter Three

  Take a chance

  Pulling into her driveway, Carolyn watched as Misha parked his metallic blue BMW Z4 Roadster next to her Mercedes. She admired his taste in vehicles; she always liked BMW’s. As she walked up her steps to open the front door Misha reached out to take her keys and open up the door. “May I?” As he leaned in she inhaled deeply; his scent was intoxicating. Opening the door he walked in first then ge
stured for her to follow. Placing the keys on a table near her front door, he looked down on her and smiled. She could feel his eyes as they trailed up and down her body; his eyes indicating that he was pleased with what he was seeing. This made Carolyn feel a little more at ease; at the very least every woman wants to know that they can illicit a positive reaction simply by someone taking in an eyeful.

  Gesturing towards her living room, Carolyn began to walk in and sit on her couch. Misha followed and sat in a chair that was adjacent to her; this location gave him a good view to continue his visual assessment. Carolyn was nervous but she decided to treat this encounter like a deposition. In this way she could remove herself emotionally and simply focus on the facts.

  “Misha, can I get you anything; a soda or water maybe?”

  “No Carolyn, I’m fine but thank you for asking.” Carolyn noticed how at ease he seemed with the situation. She wondered whether Alex had told him that she was black, which would account for his less than concerned attitude.

  “To start, I’d like to say that Alexandra has placed me in an unusual predicament. I had no idea, when I woke up this morning that, I’d be married nor did I realize I’d be in an interracial relationship. So if I seem a bit out of sorts; I’d like you to understand the reasons behind my behavior.”

  Misha calmly looked at Carolyn when he spoke.

  “Did you want Alexandra to find you a husband?”

  “No…well I said Mr. Right…which she took to mean husband.”

  “Didn’t you want to get married some day?”

  Carolyn was a lawyer and she didn’t understand the purpose behind his line of questioning. It was obvious to her that the blatant differences in their race, culture and nationality made them as mix matched as a pink plaid skirt and an orange vertically striped blouse. She knew that this situation had her out of sorts but not being able to determine Misha’s intent caused her to be concerned. Carolyn had to admit that there was definitely a strong physical attraction; and his roaming eyes had caused her thoughts to become faulty and her reasoning to wane. There was something about Misha that transcended sexuality, something about him that made her feel at peace. Then she quarried; or was it the unorthodox situation that Alex had surreptitiously hoisted her into; had this inauspicious occasion thrown her off her game? Was it something about him or had Alexandra truly found her Mr. Right.?


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