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Marriage by Proxy

Page 11

by Combs, Sasha

  “Alex, why didn’t you go back to Russia after the fall of communism? Misha was still pretty young. I’m sure, knowing what he knows now, that he would have been more receptive of your love, had you returned as soon as the opportunity presented itself.”

  “I couldn’t go back darling. There are elements of the KGB that was and is still very active in Russia. I have information regarding many KGB operatives and countless covert missions; in their eyes that makes me a liability. When I returned this time, it was done with the help of the CIA. I literally slipped in and out of the country without fanfare. Yuri and I met in a remote location, and then I left a few days later.” Carolyn noticed as Alex turned away at the mention of Yuri’s name. He’d suffered physical torture when she was whisked out of East Germany by CIA agents. Believing that he knew of her clandestine impish antics, the KGB tortured him endlessly for information; permanently injuring his leg and leaving him with a noteworthy limp. Alexandra returned her gaze back to Carolyn when she’d composed herself.

  “Believe me Carolyn, every day that I was away from my son, I died just a little. That is the reason I used my skills to help people find love. I figured; if I can get even a sliver of satisfaction from the prospect of helping someone else find love, then my life will be a little worth while.” Carolyn could tell that Alexandra had carried the pain of her life for so many years and finally she was coming to terms with all of the hurt and the magnitude of the consequences that developed due to choices she’d made years ago as a KGB agent. Carolyn didn’t want to be a part of the cancer that had methodically, year after year, eaten away her peace and serenity for over thirty years; so she resolved that her friend…her mother-in-law had suffered enough. She didn’t need the answers to anymore questions. Carolyn didn’t feel the need to question her and Misha’s union or why Alexandra chose to couple them together. In her minds eye, she and Misha were a perfect fit; and if Alexandra’s track record of no separations or divorces held true and it did, then Misha and Carolyn’s union would endure many years to come.

  Chapter Twelve

  Time flies

  As autumn gave way to winter and winter gave way to spring; Misha and Carolyn’s relationship transformed into something mutually satisfying to both of their pleasure. Staring into thin air, Carolyn slipped into yet another daydream as, Rachel and Peter regaled her nifty lawyerly counsel and legal bargaining. When Peter had sidestepped the authorities by spiriting Rachel out of the country, after her tire slashing incident seven months ago; Carolyn had worked to plea bargain her vandalism charge down to mandatory remittance to sixteen hours of Anger Management Counseling. The two had been held up in Tahiti for the past seven months, working on a bit of anger management of their own kind. Carolyn slipped back to reality, as her mind began to resume its present focus on the individuals that were invading her space. Peter and Rachel both laughed and giggled as they continued regaling stories about their carefree aimless existence during their island adventure. Rachel sat rocking in the leather chair as she and Peter took turns rubbing her volley ball size round belly.

  “Well as I said nearly an hour ago, I’m happy that things worked out in your favor. I do believe that you’ll get some good press from the mandatory anger management counseling and the baby…well every body loves babies. The press will eat it up. I think you guy’s have been given a fresh start. I just hope you realize it and make the best of this situation.”

  Peter focused his gaze on Rachel as he responded to Carolyn.

  “Carolyn, the time that we spent in Tahiti was the best thing that could have ever happened to us. Rachel and I learned that we loved each other and our marriage was worth fighting for. I can guarantee that you won’t see Rachel or me for anything dealing with our marriage; maybe some legal advice when it comes to our careers but that’s it.” Leaning over, he kissed Rachel on her cheek, as she swooned from his kiss and his words.

  Carolyn buzzed for Estelle to come and join them; when Estelle didn’t answer, Carolyn excused herself from her office.

  “She’s probability still copying your documents. I’ll go and check to see what’s taking her so long.” Carolyn walked down the hall in the direction of the restroom. Before she approached the door, Estelle stepped out pulling down her skirt and adjusting her top; lately she spent most of her time in the restroom. Sheepishly grinning, she rubbed her hands across her bulging belly.

  “I’m sorry, but I had to pay the water bill again.” Waddling to her desk, she picked up the forms that Carolyn had earlier asked her to copy.

  “Are you okay Estelle?”

  “Yes. These kids’s are just using my bladder as if it were a drum.” Carolyn still remembered the day that Estelle returned from lunch after having her first ultrasound; proudly displaying the picture that outlined the shadows of two babies. Even though Estelle was convinced that the two babies were clearing visible; Carolyn couldn’t make out one from the other. But now, as Estelle wobbled, ate for three and ran to the bathroom to urinate every hour on the hour; the two indistinguishable blurs asserted their presence each successive day.

  “Why don’t you get off of your feet? Once I give Rachel and Peter these document’s we can wrap it up for the day and take a well deserved four day holiday weekend.” Estelle had been fairing well with her pregnancy; especially since she was carry twins. But as she quickly approached term, she didn’t want her to push herself. More than anything, Carolyn didn’t want to be placed in the position of having to deliver her godchildren because their mommy had worked herself into labor.

  Carolyn sat stretched out on the couch in her French Colonial home. She and Misha had purchased the house right before Christmas, after finding out that Carolyn and he would be expecting their first child. As promised, their weekend get-a-way had resulted in more than just communicating; their exchange of genetic information produced the ever growing fetus that safely rested in her womb. Most days at the office, Carolyn balanced the worried phone calls from Brian, regarding Estelle, or Misha regarding herself; then there where the demanding clients or Alexandra’s contracts. With both she and Estelle being diagnosed as having high risk pregnancies, it was no wonder that both of their husbands deemed their work environment as their second job. Misha and Brian took turns, dropping into the office to check on Estelle and Carolyn when ever their schedules permitted. And lately their schedules permitted it a lot. She wanted to continue working as long as she could, but the long hours and demanding clients were beginning to stress her body pass its limits.

  Misha bought Carolyn a cup of chamomile tea; joining her on the couch he gently lifted her legs and placed her feet on his lap. As he softly massaged and kneaded each foot; she nestled back along the arm rest and released a relaxing sigh. “Mmm…that feels good.”

  “I’m glad you like that because I have a whole new repertoire in store for you tonight.” Carolyn rubbed her swollen abdomen as the life that they’d made rolled and kicked in her womb.

  “He’s really active tonight.”

  “She is?” Smiling he reached up and placed his hand on her abdomen to feel the life that grew within.

  “Wow! She has a strong kick.” Their eye’s met, as they each felt the baby stretch and roll.

  “Seriously Misha, is the sex of the baby important to you? I know you’d like a girl, but what if it’s a boy? Is it really that big of a deal to you?”

  “Carolyn all I want is a healthy baby. I’ll be happy if it’s a girl or a boy. Unlike Estelle, we’re not getting one of each; we’re just getting one, but it really doesn’t matter to me.”

  Knelling on the floor along side the couch, Misha rested his head against her belly.

  “I love you. All I ever wanted was to love you. When I found out that you were pregnant, I couldn’t imagine being happier, but the unimaginable happened. This child that we’re expecting has taken our relationship to another new level. And Carolyn, it’s all good.”

  Coming up onto his knees, Misha rested his arms along the couch, pos
itioning his body over Carolyn, as he freely conveyed his love. Carolyn relished in every touch, every kiss, and every gentle caress. She and Misha were in love, and no matter what life had to bring, they had a special love that would endure the test of time.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Ten fingers and ten toes

  After laboring for eighteen hours the last two hours had been closely monitored by a reserved yet guarded obstetrician. The baby’s heart tones would dip and slowly recover, leaving the doctor with only one recourse; an immediate cesarean section.

  Even though most of Misha’s day was spent in operating rooms, he was uncharacteristically nervous as he watched his staff administer the epidural, which would anesthetize his wife as she was being prepared for the birth of their child.

  Once they had laid her down and draped her, she turned her head to look at him as he sat on the small stool that had been positioned near her head.

  “Are they still here?” Her voice was no louder than a whisper. He knew that the labor had drained her and she appeared to be exhausted.

  “Yes; Alexandra and Yuri are in the waiting room.”

  When Alex and Yuri met at the remote location in Russia, Yuri had professed his undying love for her. He’d long since forgiven her for her covert activities, and resolved that she had to of had a legitimate reason for her actions. Upon returning to the U.S., after their meeting, Alexandra had begun calling in favors so that she could secure a Visa for Yuri. Once he was granted entry into the country, Alex remarried him that following week not unlike the many clients that she’d matched over the many years.

  “Did you tell them about the names that we’ve chosen?” Carolyn’s head had been covered with a cap; a precaution that is normally taken during most surgical procedures. He’d become accustom to finger combing her hair and the blue cotton cap was prohibiting this loving gesture. Nervously he replied. “Yes, they like our choices.”

  Carolyn could see that Misha was nervous. So she remained quiet as his gaze focused in on the many monitors and screens that were so familiar to him.

  As the doctor pulled and tugged the masked nurse anesthetist, looked into Carolyn’s face and spoke “They’re getting ready to pull your baby out.” She’d been talking to Misha through out the procedure to help him steady his nerves.

  Carolyn could feel the pull and tug as the doctor reached into her womb to deliver her precious child. She’d waited so long to see its face and to hear its cry; the events that were playing out seem surreal.

  The O.R. suite echoed with Oh’s and Awe’s; as the nurses and doctors voiced their pleasing regales. Then the air was filled with a screeching high pitched wail; as everyone around the womb shouted in unison.

  “It’s a boy.”

  Tear’s freely flowed down Carolyn cheeks, as she watched Misha rocket from his stool to peak over the blue drapes. The mask covered his smile, but his eye’s…those deep blue eye’s, wrinkled and streaked with lines at the edges, revealed something more precious than a smile. He’d just seen his son. Leaning near her head, he lifted the mask to kiss her on her cheek then pulled it down; readjusting it back into place.

  “What’s his name?” The doctor asked as he began to stitch and repair her womb.

  “Nicholas Yuri Petrov.” Misha proudly replied, as he rubbed his hands across the blue cotton cap that sat on his wife’s head.

  The nurse bundled the newborn and delicately placed him into Misha’s hands.

  “Hold on tight Dr. Petrov…I mean dad.” Smiling, she returned to her paperwork, as each person in the surgical suite performed their perspective duties; leaving the doting parents to bond with their child.

  Holding the baby near her face he said “I think he looks like you Carolyn.” Carolyn’s vision was still blurred due to the torrent of tear’s that were flowing from her eyes.

  “Are you sure Misha? I think he looks like you.”

  “No matter; he’s beautiful.” Kissing her through the mask he allowed his eye’s to speak to her. She could see that he was happy and in love. “Thank you Carolyn.”

  “For what Misha?” Looking down at the baby that he had cradled in his arms he spoke. “For this. Thank you for trusting yourself, so that we could make this.”

  “We trusted each other Misha…and I’m happy that we did.” Carolyn closed her eyes as she listened to the muffled voices and Misha as he cooed and talked to their son. She smiled as the thought flashed across her mind I’m married and I have a family now; all in less than 365 days.

  Mr. and Mrs. Misha Petrov and Son




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