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Raiden: A Stand Alone, Irish Mob Crime Romance (The Kent Brothers Book 2)

Page 8

by A. M. Hargrove

  “Isla, I’m not following.”

  “Let’s assume Aiden O’Brien has a daughter. Do you think he’d hide her away somewhere, or bring her along with him?”

  “I get it now. Definitely hide her. The life he leads is too dangerous.”

  “Thanks, honey, that’s all I needed.”

  Acer let out a chuckle. “Care to tell me what this is about?”

  “I will when I get home tonight. And don’t forget I’m going to be late. I have drinks with the girls after work. Love you. Bye.”

  Drex was leaning against a desk when he said, “You win. I’ll buy it. One thing though. O’Brien is a common name. She could be anyone’s daughter.”

  “True enough, but my instincts are telling me otherwise,” I said.

  “What are our options? How can we get to her?” Drex glanced at Huff while rubbing his chin. The door whooshed open and in walked Gemini. “What’s going on?”

  I filled her in on the details and handed her the sheet of information. “Wow, this is incredible. We need to bring her in.”

  “That was my question to Drex. Can we do it?”

  “Of course we can. Drex, we fly to Belfast, rent a van, and go.”

  “Gem, we have to investigate the place she lives first. I’m sure she’s not there with only her mother or nanny. It may not even be her. Why wouldn’t he give her an alias?”

  “Because Aiden believes he’s infallible and that no one can get to him. And look. Says right here the mother is deceased.” I waved the piece of paper in the air.

  “Yes, but that could be a ruse,” Huff said.

  That was true. Not everything on the dark web was a hundred percent true. I’d thoroughly investigated the daughter though, and she was legit.

  “No doubt O’Brien has her well guarded. Two or three people can’t go in and grab her,” Drex said.

  “What about I do more research as in find out where she goes to school so we grab her as she’s going home?” That seemed the more reasonable option.

  Drex nodded and said to both Huff and me, “I want the two of you on this as a team. Find out as much as you possibly can. Once we have all the correct information verified, then we’ll create the next steps.”

  This would be our best option. I told Huff I was going to grab a quick lunch and bring my folder on O’Brien when I was done. Then we could begin.

  I gobbled down my turkey sandwich and soup, while my poor bodyguards still hung around. “Hey guys, it doesn’t look like I’m going anywhere today. Why don’t you take the rest of the day off?”

  “You sure?”

  “Yep. I’m up to my neck in work, and then the girls are going to meet up in the apartment afterward for some drinks. I’m staying in the rest of the night.”

  “Thanks. We’ll stop by Mr. Wolfe’s office to see if he needs us for anything first.”

  “Great idea. See you two tomorrow.” Jeremy was back on, and feeling fine again. Hopefully, he wouldn’t encounter any more explosions.

  I met up with Huff a bit later and we doubled up on our searches. I found more information on the location where Aiden’s daughter, Aisling, resided. It was a town called Carrickfergus about eleven miles outside of Belfast. Located on the coast, it made perfect sense for her to live there. Aiden could have an escape route by boat if he chose.

  Huff and I discussed the options. “I can’t find anything on her going to school. What if she’s homeschooled?”

  “Or maybe she’s in boarding school?” he proposed.

  I snapped my fingers. “Crap, I hadn’t thought of that.”

  Huff’s fingers tripped over the keyboard. I went back to my own and continued searching for anything on Aisling O’Brien.

  “I’ve got it!” he announced.

  “Got what?”

  “The address of the house.”

  “Jesus. I’ll never get over how good you are.”

  He dipped his head, blew on his fingers, and rubbed them on his chest. “Thank you.”

  “I’m serious, you big goofball. How do you do it?”

  “It’s a secret.”

  “Uh huh. So is my banana pudding recipe.”

  “Stop the search engines. You make banana pudding?”

  His eyes saucered as he asked the question.

  “I sure do, and the best banana cake you’ve ever eaten.”

  “Banana cake?”

  “Yep, warm with vanilla ice cream on top.”

  “I’m drooling, Scottie.”

  “You should taste it.”

  “If I share something with you, will you bake one for me?”

  My inner baker was high-fiving my inner detective. “I will, but I won’t be baking until I’m back home.”

  “I don’t care. Just the thought of getting a banana cake is enough.”

  “Then it’s a deal.”

  After we shook hands on it, he went back to his computer and brought up a search page.

  “Where’s that?”

  “The dark web, of course. I learned about it when I was a fed.”

  “Hmm.” I made a mental note of the name.

  “Here’s the tricky part.”

  With a few more keystrokes, he was into an FBI website.

  “Well, I’ll be a bona fide hacker.”

  “True, but here’s the deal. I only have about six minutes inside until it raises an alarm.”

  “I’m going to leave that up to you. If too many of us start poking around in there, that also could cause issues.”

  “Agreed. Will you still bake me the cake?” he asked in a sheepish tone.

  “Absolutely. You shared and that’s all I wanted.”

  We both went back at it and eventually he found what we needed. He was able to hack into O’Brien’s computer, given he had the IP address. From there, he discovered where Aisling went to school. Only she used an assumed name. She went by Sinead Flynn. The good news was she didn’t go to boarding school, so we could pick her up on the way to or from. And a plan began to roll out in my head.

  “What about this? We rent a van and grab her on the way home from school. Then we drive her to where a helo waits for us and fly back to Scotland or wherever the plane is. After, we get the hell out of there and back to the US.”

  Huff laughed. “You’ve jumped ahead a little, haven’t you?”

  “I’m ready. I don’t want another bomb exploding.”

  “I get it.”

  Gemini walked in and said, “We’re waiting for you. Are you two going to work all night?”

  I checked the time and it was after five-thirty. “Crap. I’ve gotta go, Huff. Think about it and we’ll talk tomorrow.”

  Gemini led the way to the apartment where a glass of wine and some appetizers awaited. “I hope you don’t mind, but we got here at five and figured you were on the way. When you didn’t show up, I sort of dug the food out of your refrigerator.”

  “Of course I don’t mind, and it’s your food. You bought it.”

  “I did?”

  “Yeah, it was here when I came.”

  Isla grimaced. “You think it’s still okay to eat?”

  “Tastes fine to me. Besides, cheese and crackers stay good for a long time.”

  Isla grinned, then rubbed her hands together. “So, Scottie, about you and Raiden.”

  “Oh, man. Can’t I even get a glass of wine down first?”

  The two women laughed. “No! We’re bored married women who need a little gossip in our lives,” Gemini said.

  “Somehow, I don’t think you and Drex come close to being bored.”

  “Well, I’ll give you that. But I haven’t gossiped in ages.”

  Groaning, I said, “Why me?”

  “Because you’re fun and sexy, and I know Raiden is slapping himself in the head right now. How long has it been?” Isla asked.

  “Almost two weeks and it’ll be longer unless he comes and apologizes.”

  They both said simultaneously, “Make-up sex.” Then laughed.

  “It is the best.” Isla’s face reddened as she spoke.

  “It must be by the look of your face.”

  Her hands moved to her cheeks and then she fanned herself. “I’m taking the fifth.”

  “Figures.” I shook my head.

  “But there’s no denying it. Some of our best times have been make-up sex. I’ll even go so far as to say I’ve started some arguments just for the sake of having it.” Gemini batted her eyes.

  “Seriously?” I was slightly shocked. “You’d start a fight just for the sex afterward?”

  “You’re darn right I would. It’s the best. So if I were you, I’d force the apology somehow and then get my brains fucked out.”

  Isla chugged down her wine. “Yeah, I’m going to have a little too much to drink so I have to take a taxi home.”

  “You have bodyguards here.”

  “Oh, right. Then I’ll have them drive me home tipsy, start an argument after Olivia’s asleep, just so Acer can turn alpha on me.”

  “Oooh, I love the sound of that. I’ll do the same.”

  “Will you two stop it? I’m manless here.”

  “You can always change that, you know. Call him over for a fuck buddy night.” Gemini suggested it, but Isla nodded so fast I was pretty sure her head would bobble off.

  A light bulb went off and I grinned. “That would totally piss him off since I haven’t talked to him in days. Call him and say come over for a friends with bennies night.”

  They both clapped. “Yess. Now you’re talking.” Isla jumped up and high-fived me. Then she poured another round of wine.

  “Plan is set. I’ll do it.” The truth was, I hoped I didn’t chicken out when the time came.

  We continued to drink our wine until Isla claimed she’d better leave. “If I don’t, I’ll have a terrible hangover in the morning and my boss won’t be happy about it.”

  Gemini added, “Neither will mine.” She rolled her eyes. They both looked at me expectantly.

  “I’ll do it. Promise.”

  “Can’t wait to hear about it in the morning,” Isla said as she was leaving.

  “Whoa, ladies. I want to thank you two. It’s been a while since I’ve hung out with the girls and this was badly needed.”

  “It was,” Gemini agreed. We group hugged and they both left.

  When I was alone, my bravado vanished. I was simply a girl who was afraid to make the call, Raiden probably would hang up on me, but so what, right? If he did, I’d do a FIDO. Fuck it and drive on. At least it was fun while it lasted.

  I stabbed the numbers on my phone and it began ringing. Then when he answered, his husky voice sent shivers straight to the base of my spine.

  “Scottie. I was wondering when I’d hear from you.”

  “Um, hear from me? I’ve been waiting for you to call.”

  “So that’s how it is.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Then what can I do for you?”

  Lick my pussy, suck my clit, fuck my brains out. It all sounded good but where should I start?

  “Excuse me? Did you just say…”

  “Er no. I didn’t say a word.” I didn’t or had I? Was I drunker than I thought?

  “Where are you?”

  “Home. I mean in the apartment at WI.”

  “I’m coming over.”

  The line went dead. Well shit. This didn’t go exactly as planned, but I would be getting banged shortly, so that was promising.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Not seeing Scottie for quite a while had soured my mood lately. Everyone in the office, even Elena, had commented about it.

  “When are you going to dump that chip on your shoulder?” she’d asked the other day.

  “What chip?” I barked back.

  “Yep, just as I thought. My former congenial boss has gone into hiding, and his evil twin has taken his place.”

  “Haha.” I slammed the door to my newly completed office, rattling the paintings on the wall.

  The door immediately opened behind me. “Hey, Mr. McGrumpyPants, do you want your coffee now?” Elena handed me a large mug of my favorite brew.

  “Thanks. Sorry for being such a pain lately.”

  “What’s crawled up your behind, anyway? Everything’s healing great, right?”

  “Yeah, and I guess I’m frustrated.”

  “Hmm. Does it have to do with a certain redhead?”

  My head snapped to attention. “Who do you mean?”

  “Don’t play dumb with me, Mr. Kent. You know exactly who I’m talking about.”

  “Why don’t you just tell me what’s on your mind, Elena?”

  “Okay, I’ll get straight to the point. I haven’t seen Ms. Sullivan around here in a while. Did you two have a falling out?”

  A breath whistled between my partially closed lips. “Does nothing escape you?”

  “Not when it causes you to be so damn moody. Everyone is running their mouths about it. The women are saying you need to get—”

  My hand shot up in the air. The last thing I needed was my admin telling me what the office gossips were saying. “I don’t want to hear it.”

  “Fine. Then lose the grumpy attitude. It’s not scoring you any points.”

  “Thanks for the advice. I’ll take it into consideration.”

  She mumbled something under her breath and left. No telling what it was. Elena rarely told me things like this, so I must be acting like a serious ass.

  I grabbed my phone and texted Cruze. “Have I been acting like an asswipe lately?”

  Three dots popped up. Then his response followed. “You’re kidding, right?”


  “You are the very definition of one.”

  “Why haven’t you told me?”

  “Don’t kid me like this. Any sane man with an ounce of sense would figure it out. I thought you knew.”

  “Guess I was drowning in my misery.”

  Three laughing emojis popped in. “Get laid, bro.”

  That was that. If Scottie didn’t call soon, I’d have to consider us over.

  I didn’t give her another thought as work consumed me the rest of the day. But when I got home, things changed. Happiness surrounded me. Acer was there with Olivia, along with Isla’s mother. They completed the safe room in a remarkably fast time, and the baby consumed their attention.

  “Where’s Isla?” I asked as I tossed my keys and bag on the entry table.

  “She’s having drinks with Gemini and Scottie at the apartment. A girls’ night out.”

  “That’s good.” I grabbed a beer out of the fridge and joined them.

  “Wanna feed her?” he asked.

  “Um, okay, I guess.”

  Acer laughed. “Don’t get overly excited about it.”

  “It’s just that I’m not too competent with babies.”

  “Then it’s time you learn.” He practically dumped her in my lap as I squirmed, trying to get a hold of her. Then she looked up at me, frowned, then offered me a toothless grin.

  “Hey. Look here. You don’t have any teeth.” I tickled her under the chin and she let out a bubbly laugh. She grabbed my finger and put a firm squeeze on it. “You’re a strong little thing.”

  “She is. A word of caution,” Liv said. “Don’t wear glasses around her. She’ll destroy them in no time. I’ve already lost two pairs.”

  “Thanks. I only wear mine late in the evening. My eyes get tired and that’s when I need them.” I glanced down at the little one and said, “So, you like glasses, do you?”

  She babbled out a series of unintelligible words. Well, they weren’t quite words, but maybe she figured they were. “You’re quite the cutie pie.”

  Acer returned with a bottle and her legs kicked like nobody’s business. “Here.” He handed me the bottle and a burp cloth. This should be interesting.

  It turned out to be easy. She sucked the milk down like a pro. But for the burping part, I was a loser. Acer laughed. “Sit he
r up on your legs and pat her back.”

  Following his instructions, I asked, “Like this?”


  Shortly after, she released a man-sized burp that shocked me. “Whoa. Where’d that come from?”

  “She’s a real bruiser when it comes to burping.”

  “I see. You take after your daddy,” I said.

  Then Acer pulled another quick one on me. “Okay big bro, now it’s time for a diaper change.”

  “I’ll pass.”

  “No, you won’t. Come along.”

  Groaning and protesting all the way to her room, he gave me my second set of instructions for the day. I was doing fine until I had her naked and she peed. I panicked and covered her up with my hand as my brother watched and laughed.

  “That’s not funny.”

  “Yeah, it is. Remember when I told you to put the clean diaper under the dirty one? You didn’t listen, and that’s what happens when you don’t.”

  “Thanks a lot.” My reply was salty.

  He took over and told the baby, “Good job, Olivia. You christened Uncle Raiden.” Then he blew a raspberry on her naked belly and she laughed. Now I understood why everyone raved about a baby’s laugh.

  After dinner, I retreated to my room for a peaceful moment, and my phone rang. When I picked it up, heat rolled over me. It was Scottie. Wait, maybe she’d butt dialed me.

  “Scottie.” I knew she’d been drinking with the girls, but when she said she wanted me to lick her pussy and fuck her brains out, I wanted to jump in the car and get over there immediately before she changed her mind.

  My bodyguard wasn’t exactly the happiest of guys when I told him I wanted to go somewhere. On the way, I kept saying, “Step on it.”

  “Mr. Kent, I’m going as fast as possible. I refuse to get a speeding ticket.”

  When we arrived, I jogged toward the elevator. I gave myself the mental talk about slowing down and acting like a decent human.

  But when she opened the door, all I saw were her lips, hair, and desirable body before I pulled her into my arms.

  “I’ve missed you.” When I went to kiss her, she stopped me.

  “Whoa. You owe me an apology first.”

  At that point, I would’ve said or done anything to appease her. “I’m sorry.”


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