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Raiden: A Stand Alone, Irish Mob Crime Romance (The Kent Brothers Book 2)

Page 12

by A. M. Hargrove

  “But your reason is revenge. That’s reckless.”

  “Not reckless. Dangerous, yes, but worth the price. Look what he did to your brother and us.”

  His jaw twitched at that. He might not agree, but my point was valid.

  “This is illegal. Kidnapping someone is…”

  He frowned at my laugh. “Kidnapping, hell. He murdered my entire family and ripped my daughter away. This would be a temporary thing. Besides, what girl deserves a criminal, a murderer, for a father? What life would that be?”

  “I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “I promise to do my best to stay safe. This time we’ll prepare for everything and anything.”

  “Since I don’t have a choice in this, then that’s all I can hope for.”

  He was right. This would happen, no matter the cost. An eye for an eye, they say. I would get my revenge on Aiden O’Brien if it took my life to do it.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  The day they were leaving was fast approaching, and with it, my disposition deteriorated. Elena came in and asked what crawled up my rear end.

  “Scottie is leaving soon and I’m not happy about it.”

  “You’ve found a woman you can’t control. Is that it?”

  I drummed up the angriest scowl I could and offered it to her. “I’m not in the business of controlling women.”

  “Raiden, you’re in the business of controlling everything, women included. You only have to admit it. When you do, your life will improve significantly.”

  “And you know this, how?”

  “I’m older and wiser than you.” She had the audacity to smirk.

  “Elena, you can close the door behind you and don’t let it hit you in the ass.”

  “What? No coffee this morning?” she teased.

  Damn that woman. She had me wrapped around her pinkie. “You know what I want every day. I’d appreciate it ASAP.”

  “Still want the door to hit me in the ass on my way out?”

  “Just go, woman.” I heard her laughing as she went. Smart-ass. Why did I put up with that? Oh, right? She was the best admin period. That’s why.

  A few minutes later, a large mug of my favorite brew fixed exactly the way I loved it sat in front of me, courtesy of one sassy admin. I hadn’t a clue how I’d manage without her. I needed to send her a bonus. I made a note of that and my phone dinged with a text. It was from Elena.

  “You have a meeting at nine thirty with Cruze and your new clients. Then one at eleven with the marketing team.”

  I hit her back with, “Yes, ma’am.”

  She texted with laughing emojis. I called payroll and had them issue her the bonus that day. They would electronically deposit it in her bank. I wondered when she’d notice. That uplifted my spirits some.

  Then I went down to Cruze’s office to check in on our meeting.

  “Hey, you ready for today?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I was just reviewing the slides. Want to see?”


  I pulled up a chair, and we reviewed them together. “It’s solid. I like how you highlighted the latest software. It should be a slam dunk.”

  “Especially since they’re a referral. So how are things with you? We haven’t talked in a few.”

  I explained about Scottie leaving soon.

  “That doesn’t sit well with you, huh?”

  “Honestly, it scares the shit out of me. What if something happens?”

  “The good thing is Drex and Gemini planned it. Drex would never put Gem in danger. He’s too careful.”

  “True. I hadn’t thought of that. Thanks, bro.”

  “Raiden, sounds like you have some serious feelings for Scottie.”

  I rubbed a hand over my chin. “I’m not sure what I feel. She’s gotten to me. I know that. She’s the first woman I’ve ever worried about before.”

  “You’re also very protective of her.”

  “That too. But she’s so headstrong, it puts me off somewhat.”

  “You don’t like that about her?”

  I gave that some thought. “It’s not that. It’s sexy as hell seeing the strength in her. But getting her to listen to reason is impossible.”

  Cruze fucking laughed at that.

  “What’s so damn funny?”

  “Dude, maybe your reason isn’t what she thinks is important.”

  “But it is to me!”

  “Have you explained that or have you just tried to ramrod it down her throat? And before you reply, think about it. You’re strong-willed too. I can imagine the two of you locking horns like two rams. A woman like Scottie is used to making her own decisions. So maybe instead of telling her, ask.”

  My jaw dropped, then snapped shut. Had I done that? In my mind, I believed I’d been tactful, but perhaps I hadn’t. Cruze was right. If someone came to me and attempted to push their agenda down my throat, I’d back away too.

  “Excellent advice. Thank you.”

  Cruze threw an arm around my shoulders. “It’s what brothers are for. Let’s go.”

  He grabbed his laptop and off we went.

  The meeting was a success. We grabbed another client, and I went back to my office. We changed the marketing meeting into one over lunch. Afterward, I finished the day and called Scottie before I left.

  “What would you like for dinner tonight? I’m ordering for everyone. Do you mind talking it out with Drex and Gemini?”

  She returned the call, and the consensus was Italian. After calling in the order and making sure there’d be enough food for bodyguards, I left. On the way home, we detoured to pick up dinner. By the time we arrived home, everyone else was there.

  “I hope you’re starving,” I said, setting bags on the counter. The girls set out plates, napkins and silverware, and we sat down at the dining room table to eat.

  About the time we were finishing up, Drex dropped the bomb. “We’re leaving for Ireland the day after tomorrow.”

  I knew this was coming, and coming fast, but it hit me like a speeding car at a hundred miles per hour. I was speechless.

  “I know it comes as a shock,” Drex went on, “but we need to get this op moving before O’Brien makes a move of his own.”

  My lips compressed into one line and all I could do was slowly nod. My heart battered my ribcage, and it was difficult to breathe.

  Scottie pinned me with her gaze. When the adrenaline surge eased, I said, “All I ask is that you be as careful as possible.”

  “That’s what I wanted to reassure you of. We have every detail planned from beginning to end. If our op runs as we hope, we’ll be back in two or three weeks, maybe less. Everything depends on O’Brien’s cooperation.”

  I added, “And whether he retaliates.”

  “We’re making it damn difficult on him. If he tries, we bring her here,” Drex responded.

  “Can I ask a favor? Will you keep me informed?”

  Everyone sort of fiddled with their napkins. This was suspicious.


  She glanced at Drex, and he dipped his head.

  “We will until we go dark,” she answered.


  “Once we get the girl, we won’t be communicating with anyone, except for O’Brien. When we’ve received communication that he’s done as we’ve asked, then we’ll open up our lines again.” Her explanation made me shiver.

  “Fuck. How long will that take?”

  “Can’t answer that. It depends on him.” It was Drex who spoke this time.

  I stood, grabbed my plate, and said, “Nice dinner. I’ll be heading up now.” I had to clear my head. This was overwhelming. How was I going to tolerate her being gone and not being able to speak to her?

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Watching Raiden walk away was worse than I thought. I could handle his anger. Hurt was a different matter. I knew he hated this op, but I would not give it up.

  “That went
well,” Gemini said.

  I cringed. “It was bad.”

  “He’ll be fine,” Drex added. “Once he gets used to the idea.”

  “You’re such a smart-ass. Would you be fine?” Gemini asked her husband.

  “Fuck no.”

  “Scottie, if there’s anything we can do to help reach out, okay?” She grabbed my hand and gave it a hard squeeze.

  “Thanks, but I don’t think he’ll be okay until I get back. And here’s the thing. If I’ll be doing these ops, this isn’t the only time I’ll be away.”

  “It’s hard when you’re on the other side.” Drex was right. To an untrained civilian, the danger was extreme. But our training made it less so. We knew how to handle certain situations and would institute the correct protocols in case something happened. Raiden couldn’t see that and to be fair, it was difficult when you weren’t in the middle of it.

  “Yeah. It’s just going to be a tough few weeks.”

  The next day wasn’t easy either. He avoided me that night. I went to his room to talk. It was my last night here, and I wanted it to be special, only it turned out to be the opposite.

  “Raiden, can’t you put your dislike of this aside, just for tonight? I’m leaving before sunup tomorrow.”

  His shoulders slumped as his chest caved. “Every time I look at you I get a sense it may be the last. I’m sorry, Scottie, but I suppose it’s self-preservation.”

  Wow. What could I say to that? If he was distancing himself now, would he still be around when I got back?

  “Are you ending things with us then?” The question begged to be asked. If he was putting me out of his mind, then there was no sense in me wasting time thinking about him while I was away. My focus on the op was important and any distraction could end in disaster.

  “No. I’m protecting my heart.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” The man thoroughly confused me.

  “It means if something happens to you, I’ll be prepared.”

  “Fuck, Raiden. You talk as though I’ll die.”

  “That’s more than a remote possibility.”

  “Everything’s a remote possibility. I don’t know what to say to you anymore.”

  “Now you know how I feel.”

  “That’s not fair.”

  He stalked toward me, anger sparking in his eyes. “No? I think it’s very fair. You’re putting yourself in a high-risk situation. How do you expect me to feel? What do you expect me to say or do? Offer you a bagged lunch and say, ‘Honey, have a glorious trip?’”

  My arms flew up in frustration, but he caught them in a vise-like grip.

  “Now do you understand my emotions?”

  “Do you even care about mine? I’m the one that will face the danger, while you get to stay here, all nice and comfy in your own little cocoon, as we go out and risk our necks so your family can be safe.” The venomous words spewed out of my mouth. I released all the anger I’d tempered in one tremendous burst. “All you care about is protecting your heart. I get it, Raiden. You’re concerned. Did you ever stop to think I am too? I’m concerned about you getting killed sitting here. About your brothers taking a hit or even Olivia. Did that enter your mind? You think those safe rooms can save you? Think again. These men are professionals and have unlimited funds at their disposal. They will try to do anything to kill you. A safe room will not stop them forever. If killing you is what they want, eventually they will succeed. I will see that it never happens.” I was so worked up, I had to get away from him before I said or did anything else I’d regret.

  The door slammed behind me as I left, making my ultimate point. I finished packing when I got to my room and climbed into bed. Sleep hovered over me when the door cracked open. Soft steps approached my bed.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’ll worry every minute while you’re away, but thank you for going.” He turned to leave, and I called out his name.

  “Stay with me. Sleep here tonight. I’d prefer our last night to be spent together.”

  He slipped in behind me and pulled my back against his chest. A soft sigh seeped out of me as a sense of contentment enveloped me. It was satisfying to know he apologized. The things he’d said had really hurt, although my words back to him hadn’t been exactly sweet. I needed to apologize too.



  “I’m sorry too. For being so harsh.”

  “I deserved it. Your job comes with risks I don’t care for, but that doesn’t give me the right to act like a controlling fool.”

  “Maybe not, but you deserve to be afraid. I’m sorry I lashed out. Can we promise not to do that again?”

  His body trembled as he chuckled. “We can try, but with both of our personalities, I’m not sure it’s possible.”

  He was right. Two strong-minded people spelled clash. “That’s fine as long as we make up in the end.”

  “I’m good with that if you are.”

  I am. I leaned over to face him and kissed him softly. “I don’t want us to end.”

  “Neither do I.”

  We kissed again, and passion ignited between us.

  “God, I’ve missed this the last couple of nights,” he said.

  “So have I.”

  He ripped my cow shirt in two and I objected. “Hey, that’s my favorite shirt.”

  “I’ll buy you another.” His hands spread my thighs, and soon his tongue was exploring all of my secret spots. Skillful fingers knew exactly where to touch, press, squeeze, and I urged him on. After one orgasm, he slid inside of me, thrusting to the hilt and filling me deep. This didn’t last as I was soon on my belly, while he entered me from behind. One arm circled my waist as a finger pressed on my sensitive nub.

  “How close are you?”

  “Close,” I breathed as he pushed inside.


  His pelvis rocked against me deeper, harder until I climaxed again, calling out his name. Then I felt his warmth inside of me as he orgasmed. His hot breath fanned me as he rained kisses over my neck and back.

  “Scottie… I’m so afraid for you.”

  Glancing over my shoulder, our gazes met. “Raiden, it’ll be fine.”

  “I hope so because I don’t know what I’ll do if it’s not.”

  I turned so we could hold each other, and that’s how we fell asleep.

  My beeping alarm came too soon, but I awoke with a smile. Raiden was so cute in the morning, with his messy hair and sleepy eyes.

  After I showered and dressed, I kissed him and told him I’d call every chance I got.

  “Scottie. Please be careful.” He clenched my hand.

  “I promise I will.”

  “And don’t take any unnecessary risks.”

  “No unnecessary risks.”

  “There’s something on the kitchen counter for you, princess.”

  “Princess? That’s a new one.”

  He grinned and said, “Safe travels.” Then he motioned with a finger. I bent down, and he kissed me. “I’ll miss you every minute you’re away.”

  “I’ll miss you too. You be careful here.”

  That was my cue, so I left. On the counter was a brown paper bag. On it he’d written, “Princess, have a great trip.” I cracked up. I opened it up, and it held my favorite muffins, some chocolate candies and lots of other treats for the trip. Aww, he was so sweet. I’d text him from the plane. The bodyguards were waiting and took my bag to the car while I made a cup of coffee.

  When we got to the airport, two jets sat on the tarmac. One was WI’s, with their logo on it, and they chartered the other. Drex and Gem had hired extra men for this op, hence the two planes. Huff and Drex flew in the chartered one, with the extra men, while Gemini and I, along with the rest of the WI team, flew in the corporate jet.

  As soon as I entered the plane, I smelled cinnamon. “Oh, my God. Are those—”

  “Yep. I always make sure they have them aboard when I fly,” Gem answered. “I can’t go anywhere
without the cinnamon muffins.”

  I showed her the bag Raiden had left for me and explained. She got a merry laugh out of it. “I’m saving this muffin for later because I can’t pass up those cinnamon ones either.”

  “Do you know how many hours this flight is?”

  Gemini groaned. “Long. It’s close to four thousand miles and we’re going nonstop so I don’t know. My guess is maybe ten hours. We’ll watch some movies. Have some girl time. Do some yoga and shopping online.” She went on and on until I was cracking up.

  “Have you put any sleep time in there for us?”

  “Um, no. But we can do that too. Don’t forget, it’s already like one thirty there, so we’ll get there at night and we can go straight to bed. That’s why we like to leave early in the morning.”

  “Makes sense. Question. Where’s my muffin?”

  She patted my leg. “Patience. They come after takeoff.”

  And as if the captain heard her, he came out and announced we’d be taking off soon. The flight attendants also went through the security talk, so we buckled in and were soon soaring through the sky.

  Finally, my muffin was served with some delicious cappuccino. This was heaven. Then came the mimosas, along with my choice of eggs Benedict or an omelet. I chose the omelet. After we ate, I was sleepy and took a nap. When I woke up, Gemini was ordering shoes.

  “Aren’t these adorable?”

  After an enormous yawn, I said, “Yeah. I love those.”

  She clicked and moved on to handbags.

  When she finished spending a bundle of cash, we watched two movies. I had to get up several times because sitting for that long made me cuckoo. Then I took another nap.

  After another meal, we were landing in Glasgow. I was a cranky pants. Flying wasn’t my favorite thing, even flying like this, though it was loads better than commercial. I shouldn’t complain, but I hated time zone differences. That was why we were going early. We all needed to acclimate to the new time zone before we did any work.


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