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Cole's Mates

Page 6

by Dace Everan

  Ren smiled. “You have an idea of what it’s about. I saw that in your writing. What interests you?”

  Cole furrowed her brow. “Letting a man take total control,” she answered.

  Ren raised a brow. “Don’t you mean giving your whole trust to him to do that?”

  Cole nodded. “He would already have it if I was allowing him to take total control. I do know how to trust a person, Ren,” she pointed out. She may be a little messed up but she did know how to trust.

  Ren nodded. Good. He needed to hear that and for her to say it out loud. Sometimes it was the simple speaking it out loud that pulled everything together. “What else, you wanted to be flogged?”

  Cole nodded. “I had a sex shop hopping day with my friend.”

  “Sex shop hopping?” he asked, interest piqued. That sounded fun.

  Cole grinned, body easing against him nodding. “We hit every sex shop in the city, took us seven hours. We actually spent two hours in one shop looking at all the kink stuff. Half an hour deciding whether we would dare buy butt plugs or not.” She blushed.

  Ren chuckled. “And you bought one.”

  Cole nodded. “She bought hers for her husband…I bought mine for me…She didn’t know that though. I think she’s a sadist deep down.”

  Ren burst out in laughter. Cole’s face turned a deep red. “How so, because she bought her husband an anal plug?”

  Cole nodded. “Yes, she decided it would be for him, not her.”

  Ren grinned. “People have their own kinks, hon.”

  Cole nodded. It was something she had to always keep in mind when she observed others.

  “Did you use it?” he asked.

  Cole looked downward and before she knew it, his finger was hooked under her chin making her look at him. “Yes,” she answered.

  “And?” he asked.

  “I liked it,” she admitted.

  Ren grinned. “Good, I’m a Wolf and I will fuck your ass on numerous occasions,” he shared.

  Cole’s mouth fell open, and for the life of her she wanted to flip around and offer him her ass. Would he do it here and now? She stopped herself from looking around for a spot, perhaps over the back of the couch, over the coffee table?

  Ren chuckled and his gaze met hers, his eyes lighting with what looked like joy to Cole. “Beautiful when your wants come out in your eyes.”

  “Bill would never dare, said he wasn’t gay,” she declared.

  Ren snorted. “His loss, hon. Shit, if I had my way I would have one in your ass right now…hmmm, maybe we need to make some new rules,” he pondered. She shook her head. Ren grinned, thumb caressing her cheek. “I prefer women submissive to me. When your children aren’t in the room, I will always push you, Cole. You deserve nothing less.” He tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

  Cole’s eyes searched his. The way he said that simple statement made her want it, made her want him to tell her what to do. As if the two of them coming together was all about her and not him. She furrowed her brow. This was getting real, too real. It had been a long time since she had a man touch her, and she knew if they continued this could go too fast and she wasn’t sure how she would be toward him tomorrow. “Need to go to bed,” she said, not moving.

  Ren smiled. She was already learning. He hooked his knuckle under her chin and pressed a kiss to her pouting lips. “Good night, Cole,” he whispered. He would let her go. She’d done well so far tonight. She leaned into him, lips pressing to his. Ren let her take the lead, opened his mouth to her to deepen the kiss. A growl escaped him as her hot little tongue swept through his mouth. His hands tightened on her thighs, holding himself back from pulling her close to rub her pussy against his aching dick.

  Cole whimpered as she inched closer. Her nipples beaded beneath the heavy sweater, aching for his touch, her pussy ached for him to touch. She shivered, as his hand slid closer to her aching pussy. Both stopped at the sound of little footsteps upstairs. Cole pulled away breathless and flushed. She listened and she heard the little feet head down the hall toward her room.

  “Think you have company tonight,” he announced.

  Cole nodded. “Etty gets scared,” she stated, pulling away from him. She took note of his hands reaching for her, but coming to a halt then falling to his sides. “Good night, Ren,” she spoke the words softly. Wishing Etty’s nightmares weren’t an existing problem.

  Ren could hear her comforting her daughter. After a few minutes her footsteps carried Etty back to her room. He liked that about Cole, she never let them sleep with her. She would comfort them then return them to their own beds. He inhaled a calming breath and reclined his head and closed his eyes.

  He sunk back into the couch, dick straining against the zipper of his jeans. Fuck!

  Chapter Seven

  The weeks passed and Ren found himself hanging around the house more and more. He was sure Cole would back out and go find things to do outdoors. He was sure the garden needed tending, but nope, his brave filly stayed in and faced him.

  Cole grunted with every push of the dough.

  “What you making now?” Ren asked, passing her, his hand reaching out caressing her ass on his way to the fridge. He grabbed the juice jug and grinned. He could get use to this. Juice always made, the damn jug never seemed to empty.

  “Bread, then buns. The bread you pick from the store is so sweet and salty I can’t stand it. I would sooner get fat hips from the homemade stuff than have to deal with what that bread does to my insides.”

  Ren chuckled. “Lady, feel free to open your mouth and let me know these things. Or better yet, come shop with me,” he drawled watching as she kneaded the dough. Her cheeks were a nice rosy hue and her hair had fallen loose of her pony and her tits jostled beautifully with every thrust. Goddamn utter beauty.

  “You ever have nikuman?” she asked, a tad bit on the breathless side.

  Ren shook his head. “What is it?”

  Cole grinned. “Meat buns.” She notched her chin toward the stove. “Grab a spoon, try out the meat mix,” she ordered.

  Ren did as she ordered and spooned up a little, sniffing it. He scrunched up his nose. “Pepper?” He looked at the mix. He could see onions, celery, beef, and was that bacon? He glanced at her.

  “Beef, bacon, celery, and onions. I add lots of pepper, gives it a nice warm bite,” she stated, now greasing a glass bowl, plopping the dough in and covering it. “Normally nikuman is pork, I prefer beef.”

  Ren took a bite and hummed. Stuff was good all on its own. “This will be inside the bun?” he asked.

  Cole nodded. “I use to make them whenever we went camping or hiking. Great little snack.” She hummed, measuring out more ingredients for her next dough.

  Ren nodded. “Yum…are we having those for supper?”

  Cole shrugged. “We could. Tomato soup would be good with it.”

  Ren nodded. “I’m up for that. Theo called last night.” He’d been waiting all day to tell her. He had to wait for the kids to go to school. He wanted her to give them the good news. Of course after breakfast he’d been ushered out the door and had been to town twice and up to the northern pasture and finally made it back now.

  Cole glanced up at him, a smile coming to her lips. “How are he and Lane?”

  Ren ginned leaning against the counter. “Good, they mentioned coming up in two weeks…I’m holding a party,” he declared.

  Cole nodded. “Me and the kids will skedaddle and leave you to your privacy,” she offered. She hated to, but if Ren was having a party, she should probably leave him his privacy to do that.

  Ren shook his head. “No, you will stay. It won’t come to the house.”

  Cole furrowed her brows. Was he having a kink party?

  Ren grinned at the questioning look on her flushed face. “Yes, it’s a kink party. I have a few friends in town that don’t get the chance to get to the city and they would like a demonstration and Theo agreed.”

  Cole cleared her throat. “Wha
t kind of demonstration?”

  Ren hefted himself up and sat on the counter, watching as she started on another bowl of dough. “He wields a wicked flogging. He will give tips on what’s effective, go through the dos and do nots of flogging.”

  Cole harrumphed, stirring the thickening dough. “You demonstrating, too?” She wasn’t sure exactly what it was he was into besides inflicting pain. Would he have some pretty woman tied up and delivering pleasure to her? Jealousy roared through her.

  Ren grinned. “I’ll be doing a whip demo…” His eyes considered her a moment. “You wanna be my victim?” he teased.

  Cole’s cheeks flushed. “That’s not even funny. No, thank you. I don’t think I’m into whips.” Not anymore, not after the last time she felt what those things could do to her. The way they had cut into her flesh.

  Ren chewed his lower lip. “You know I won’t hurt you, right?” he asked.

  Cole nodded. “I know…I still feel that thing ripping into me on some nights,” she admitted.

  Ren nodded. “One of my ranch hands once got me. I should have been paying attention.”

  Cole glanced on him. “Your right shoulder?” she asked.

  Ren nodded. Ah, his little one had looked him over and thoroughly to get that one. His shoulder sported a long scar but it had been so long ago that it had faded and was hardly noticeable. “If you want, you can come watch me wield it. I’ll be practicing after lunch.”

  Cole glanced at him. She should say no and tell him to go away. Already he was messing with her senses and making her feel things she would rather not feel. This would only lead somewhere hurtful. Having him touch her, and hold her and make her laugh, it all reminded her of a life she’d rather not think of anymore. She had loved Bill. She may have been numb when she got home, but those emotions of betrayal had hit her after everything sank in, after that woman had come and moved his things from their home, after she had been left alone to fend for herself and her children.

  Ren crossed to her. He caressed her cheek. “I’ll be in the barn. You can join me, watch. The choice is yours, Cole,” he assured.

  Cole nodded. “We’ll see,” she answered, fighting to shove the destructive thoughts of her past from her mind. It was the past, and the past was where it should stay. It had no right to intrude on her life now.

  * * * *

  Ren flicked his wrist and the sharp snap touched his every nerve. Fuck, he wasn’t sure what it was about that sound, but it sent shivers all over him. He wielded the whip once more. The tip of his whip just grazing the can and allowing it to wobble just slightly. He rolled the whip up and grinned.

  “I think you missed that one,” Cole called from the doorway.

  Ren glanced over his shoulder. Sunlight streamed through the big doors and made the dust noticeable around her, the natural blue tints of her raven hair shimmering. She looked like an angel. “The point was to graze it gently and not fall it. I succeeded. Bet I could tap one on the top of your head and it not fall,” he challenged.

  Cole scoffed, stepping into the barn, eyes darting around. “I’m sure you could, I would rather you didn’t,” she replied, looking into the first stall. A spanking bench was positioned in the middle, small table on wheels to the side. She moved onto the next stall.

  Ren watched as she went to each stall looking over everything, studying each piece of equipment. She pointed at the swing in the last stall. “A friend of mine had me put in one of those at a sex show. It was funny,” she rambled. She’d felt awkward at first, and then the possibilities of the contraption had overtaken her mind and she bought one immediately. To have her man stand and fuck her had her pussy weeping all the way home.

  Ren smiled. “How so?” he asked.

  Cole cleared her throat. “She had the demo guy tie my legs up, then she took a little flogger to my ass. It was made of elastic.” She shrugged. “I laughed so hard. The demo guy was laughing by the end. My friend was pissed off, told me it wasn’t supposed to tickle.”

  Ren grinned. “You’re ticklish then?” That was something he had never seen, a woman giggling while being flogged? The thought actually appealed to him. No, it was the thought of making Cole laugh that appealed to him.

  Cole smiled, nodding. She glanced back toward him, eyes falling on the giant X behind him. Her eyes glazed over.

  Ren watched as she was smiling one second then deathly pale the next. He glanced behind himself then back to her. “Cole?” She just stood and stared. Ren crossed to her, blocking her view. Her eyes remained unblinking. “Cole, hon…look at me,” he coaxed. He took her by the shoulders, turning her to look at the opposite wall. “Cole?” He waved a hand in front of her.

  Her eyes blinked and looked at him, lost at first, then recognizing him. Her cheeks tinted red. “Sorry,” she stammered.

  Ren shook his head. “Maybe you shouldn’t attend,” he suggested. This was too soon for her. Obviously she had yet to deal with some issues. Issues he would eventually like to work through with her.

  Cole nodded. “Yeah…they tied me to one of those.” She bit her lower lip, her eyebrows furrowed. “I wasn’t sure how long I hung there for…They wouldn’t let me down even to go to the washroom. When I was dirty, they would just throw a bucket of cold water on me.” She released a shaky breath, her shoulders lightening. It felt good to say that, share it.

  Ren grunted. If he didn’t know Theo and Lane had gone back and hunted those men down, he would do it himself. He pulled Cole into his arms. “No one’s going to do that to you here. No one is allowed to be tied and left alone, and no way would you ever be left there,” he assured her.

  Cole shivered. “I need to get back to the house.” She pulled from his arms. This was getting too real. This holding her and assuring her that she was safe. Was she ready to let herself fall into this kind of relationship? Oh, God, was that what Ren wanted? No, he couldn’t! Her mind swirled into numerous directions as she hurried out of the barn.

  Ren let her go, his mind taking in all she had shared with him. It had to be a sign of healing. She was opening up to him, sharing. Maybe if he left the doors open during the days while the kids were at school, she would creep in and somehow relax a little more. His gaze landed on the last stall. A small smile marred his lips. She liked the swing…His smile broadened.

  Chapter Eight

  Cole handed him the bun as he passed her with a concentrated look on his face. She watched as he bit into the bun without a thought and stopped dead in his tracks. Cole smirked. Her meat buns always guaranteed to stop a man in his tracks.

  Ren hummed and chewed, looking at her. His eyes lit up and his face brightened up with a grin. “That, I like,” he garbled between chews.

  Cole chuckled. “Knew you would.” She turned her back to him, placing a tea towel on her rising bread pans. She squealed as strong arms hugged her around the waist, hefting her off her feet.

  Ren chuckled against her bare neck, nuzzling his nose against her floral scent. “Thank you.” He crooned, laying a kiss on her neck.

  Cole’s eyes closed and tingles zinged through her. Her body relaxed into his embrace and her body hoped he would kiss another part, any other part.

  Ren peeked at her closed eyes, her mouth hung open just slightly, her body pliable. Shit, if he didn’t know submission as well as he did, he would have released her, but he knew a cry in the dark, a mile off. His grip tightened just slightly around her waist, mashing her ass against his straining cock. His mouth littered kisses along her throat. His hand crept up, whispering over her breast. A groan escaped him at the feel of her hardened nipple. He bypassed them, undoing the third button of her blouse. The top two she never had done up.

  He moved onto the next button, his lips whispering over her neck, along her jaw. “Kiss me, Cole,” he demanded, voice soft, husky.

  His voice licked her in places she wished his tongue would. She had but to turn her face toward him and meet his lips. Her hand gripped his forearm, a whimper escaping her as his ton
gue plunged into her mouth. She moaned as the kiss deepened, her body twisting in his embrace till her front was plastered to his front. She didn’t fight when he lifted her and sat her on the edge of the counter, or when his hand slid into her shirt, into the cup of her bra, holding her naked tit in his palm. His thumb flicked over her pebbled nipple. His mouth hungrily taking hers, his free hand buried in her hair, holding her head in place.


  Cole yelped and Ren growled. Ren held her shirt together and Cole pushed at him to get away from her. He looked at her. “Jake and Etty, leave please,” he ordered.

  Cole groaned as she heard their little feet carry them from the room. “Early day. I should have remembered that,” her hands fighting to get the buttons done on her shirt.

  Ren took hold of her hands and held them still at her sides. “What we were doing was not bad, Cole.” He hooked his knuckle under her chin and made her look at him. Tears welled in her eyes. Her lashes fluttered frantically as if to blink the tears away, only to blink them out and have them roll down her cheeks. Ren brushed them away. “I’ll talk to them, Cole.”

  She shook her head, hands pulling from his grip. “I’ll get it,” she said sharply.

  Ren stopped her hands. “Stop, Cole, look at me,” he ordered, her gaze clashed with his.

  “They are my children and I will talk to them,” she shouted, pushing him away.

  “Fuck, Cole, don’t do this! Why do you always have to be the one to do everything!” He raised his voice, backing away.

  Cole glared at him. “Because, Renton, they are mine, and it has always been me!” She slid from the counter and did up the last button of her shirt and left him standing there.


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