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Cole's Mates

Page 13

by Dace Everan

  Ren hugged Jaron close. He could feel the emotions shoot off Jaron. The want to claim Cole and mark her with his scent, cover her fully so she would be safe. The obedience to turn and lift his tail and give himself to his mate. It would happen one day. “It will ease, Jaron…Remember she is ours.”

  Jaron glanced at him. “We are yours.” Shit, he felt like a boy who had just had his first woman.

  Ren cupped the back of his head and pressed his forehead to Jaron’s. “We are each other’s, Jaron, remember that. When it gets out of control like that, we are equals.” It was important that Jaron and Cole knew he wanted them as his equals. He would need their strength if things got out of control with the pack.

  Jaron shook his head. “You…you controlled her,” he stammered. He would never have been able to do that.

  Ren smiled. “No…I dared her to bite me. She knows deep down she obeys us. Had it been you, you would have done the same. Cole would have bowed to you.”

  Jaron shook his head. He wasn’t so sure about that.

  * * * *

  Cole whimpered, snuggling closer to the warmth near her cheek. “More please, Jaron,” she whispered, hips rolling.

  Ren growled, hands grasping her hips. “Cole…Rubbing against the wrong man, filly,” he teased, kissing her forehead.

  Cole grunted, falling limp in his arms. He stroked her back, easing her back into a deep sleep. She had been dreaming off and on all night. He glanced over at Jaron. His large hand held Cole’s tiny hand in his and he slept peacefully. He wondered how Cole would feel in the morning. Would she remember what had happened? Would she look at Jaron differently? Would she look at him differently? He’d seen damaged women after they found their mates change drastically. Go from unsure women to the strong, noble women they were once upon a time. He’d seen her strength grow over the last few weeks already. He hoped he’d done the right thing pushing her.

  * * * *

  Cole looked first at Ren then to Jaron. Both men slept, one on either side of her. She looked at the ceiling. She didn’t even remember falling asleep. She clenched her thighs together, her ass cheeks clenched. That she remembered clearly. Jaron buried deep in her, filling her. She glanced at him again, hand caressing his jaw, the stubble there tickling her palm. Her thumb grazed over his lower lip. His nose scrunched up and he growled lightly. She smiled. She remembered feeling his growl against her back, thick and vibrating. His teeth, as they nipped her neck, her ear.

  She glanced back at Ren. He had smiled at her and told her his were longer than hers. She scoffed. As if. She eased herself onto him, straddling his tummy, sitting, looking down at the two. Sleepyheads, she decided, fingers circling Ren’s copper nipples. She gave them a tweak and he didn’t budge. She harrumphed, fingers trailing along his jaw, tracing his eyebrows, moving down to caress his lips. They twitched and he grunted softly. She giggled. He grunted and Jaron was a growler.

  She eased back till she came face to face with the beautifully thick dick that had brought her such ecstasy last night. She traced the veins, circled the head, and watched as the thick dick slowly hardened. She took hold of his thickness, licking his bulbous tip, peeking over at Jaron as his dick lay limp. She reached over, running her finger feathery soft over its silkiness, teasing till she had both hands full of dick.

  Ren groaned at the warmth that surrounded his dick, the moans that vibrated through his foggy brain. He tightened his grasp on the soft flesh in his hands. “It’s about time you woke up, sleepyhead.” Cole hummed, body rocking gently against him. Her cunt squeezed around him. He smiled, eyes lighting as Jaron peeked over her shoulder.

  “I think you awoke a beast…a hungry one,” he teased nipping Cole’s shoulder.

  She leaned close, Jaron’s thrust moving her. She pecked Ren on the lips. “I’m sorry I lost control last night.”

  Ren grinned, cupping her face. “Nothing wrong with that, filly,” he assured. He hoped she would lose control again. He did like the bite of his woman.

  Cole smiled rubbing her nose to his. “I feel different today,” she whispered. So different she wasn’t sure what to think anymore. So she figured she wouldn’t. She would just do.

  Jaron scoffed. “That’s putting it lightly, little one.” He hugged himself to her back and looked at Ren. “Wanna know how I woke up this morning?”

  Ren arched an eyebrow, guessing not as warm as he had.

  Jaron grinned. “You sleep like the dead by the way. She was fucking you and sucking my dick. You didn’t even budge out of your coma so she hopped on me, sucked you, and made you cum.”

  Ren raised a brow. He highly doubted that.

  Cole giggled. “You spurted everywhere. We laughed and you still wouldn’t wake up,” she accused.

  Ren harrumphed. “Well, shit…Little filly wore me out last night apparently,” he praised.

  Cole giggled. “We’ve been patiently waiting for you to wake up so you could at least be conscious for one fucking this morning,” she crooned.

  Ren chuckled, stretching his arms above his head. “I’m awake,” he assured, hips lifting.

  Cole groaned, her eyes closed, and she let Jaron take the lead.

  * * * *

  Trina sidled up next to Cole at the kitchen counter, grabbed a knife, and helped her peel the potatoes. “I think last night was good for you,” she decided after a few silent moments.

  Cole smirked. “Really good,” she confirmed. Her brain had been a mass of confusion for most of the morning. Her children had even noted she looked different. Etty blamed it on the fact that she went Wolf the day before and caught her strength. Jake laughed and looked pointedly at Ren and Jaron. Claiming they had given her their strength.

  “You know if you wanna talk, the girls and I are here for you, Cole.” Trina interrupted her thoughts.

  Cole glanced at her. “Yeah…just need to figure me out first.” She grabbed up another potato.

  Trina smiled. “Or you could always talk with Ren and Jaron. I remember my first time. It scared the crap out of me. Greg held me and we discussed everything…You guys didn’t get locked together, did you?”

  Cole looked at her. “Locked?” she questioned. She was pretty sure no one had gotten locked.

  Trina giggled. “No, you didn’t then. I clamped around Greg when he swelled and we were locked for a bit. It scared me so bad, thought we were going to be joined forever. He couldn’t move, I couldn’t move.” She giggled. “I laugh now, but I cried so hard at the time. I love him with all my heart but I did not want to be locked to him like that.”

  Cole held back her laughter. She couldn’t imagine Trina and Greg being stuck together like that. Not by accident.

  “If it happens, you guys just need to relax,” she assured.

  Ren’s deep laughter erupted behind them. He hugged Cole close. “No need to worry about that, filly…That will only happen when we try to get you knocked up,” he assured. Trina blushed.

  It was the first time Cole had seen the woman blush.

  “I forgot,” Trina admitted, a solemn look crossing her features

  Ren ruffled her hair. “I have all I need with Cole, Trina, you know that.”

  Trina nodded. “But—”

  Ren shook his head. “Told you I have all I need right here.”

  Trina nodded.

  Cole bit her lower lip and peeked back at Ren. What was going on?

  He smiled, pecking her on the lips. “Jaron and I are taking your children out to the western pasture.” Cole offered a questioning look. He grinned. “Jake wants to race. We invited Etty and she said she would try. Jaron will take her if she can’t keep up.”

  Cole nodded, laying the knife and potato down and turning in his arms, hugging him.

  Ren smiled. “We’ll be back after lunch. Theo and Lane, I think, might tag along as well.” He glanced at his sister. “Asked your kiddos but they said something about work?”

  Trina nodded. “Greg’s been keeping an eye on Hanna…She, uh, um, f
ound something of ours and is curious.”

  Ren raised a brow. “Really?” he questioned in a cautious tone. Ren could tell by the deep blush on his sister’s face that she wasn’t sharing what was found. “All right then.” He kissed Cole on the temple. “We’ll see you after lunch.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Ren snuggled Cole and Cole snuggled Jaron. The three stared at the reflection of the full moon shimmering on the river. The summer had flown by and everything seemed to be happening so fast. Leaves were starting to turn, the nights were cooling off, and the musty smell of fall filled their lungs.

  Ren tightened his grip on Cole. “You okay, filly?” he murmured. She had been extremely quiet the last few days. She had opened up enormously over the last month, more eager to be with him and Jaron. It warmed his heart and made him believe everything was going to be good.

  Cole nodded, resting her chin on Jaron’s shoulder. She hugged him closer. The thought of being away from the both of them terrified her, but in a different way from the terror she had experienced over the past few years. It clutched at her heart and made her want to cry. “Are you two sure this will work?” she asked, cursing that her voice was a bit shaky.

  Jaron clasped her hand and pressed it to his chest. “We can handle the kids, Cole. It’s not like you’re going to be gone far away. You’ll be here,” he assured.

  Cole bit her lower lip, peeking back at Ren. “Only a few months?” she asked for the hundredth time.

  Ren nodded. “Remember he said you can go human for short periods of time if you feel the healing is working.”

  Cole shook her head. “I would rather just stay and make sure I heal completely.”

  Ren nodded. They had discussed the situation to the ends of the earth and back. She would turn Wolf. Her Wolf would heal her hurts and the broken parts of her. Give her back her strength and cleanse her. Theo and Lane had mentioned how when in form it mended many things, and Cole wanted to give them a baby.

  She had discussed it with the kids already and both were stoked on the idea of little siblings to have. She had already told them the first would be Ren’s. Jaron would have to wait. Ren had laughed and to make it up to his second-in-command and mate, promised him he and Cole could escape for the conception of their pup.

  Jake and Etty had adapted well into the pack. Jake was already running to the neighbors with ease and doing night runs with their boys. Both had been warned not to let their Wolf show in public. It had been something that had worried Ren from the beginning. So far they kept it to themselves.

  Cole released a heavy sigh. “I’m gonna miss you guys,” she whined. Her heart ached at the thought of not sitting with them in the evenings, not waking snuggled between them, making breakfast with Jaron as Ren hustled the kids out of morning drowsiness.

  Ren snorted. “No, you won’t. You’ll get a few months to yourself. You’ll love it.”

  Cole snorted. “Knowing my luck, I’ll come to you in the night and jump you and get stuck. Does that really happen?”

  Ren laughed. “Yes. We swell,” he assured, shifting ahead and giving Jaron a nudge to sit. Cole already held her arms up, accommodating him to remove her shirt. Good girl had learned well the last month. Of course the hard dick poking her back should have been warning enough that he wanted her.

  Cole grunted. How humiliating would that be? How long would they be stuck? What would they talk about? She fought the smile trying to break across her face. It would be hilarious. She lifted her bottom off the ground, allowing Jaron to remove her pants.

  Jaron chuckled, leaning back, pulling playfully at her pants till they slipped from her slender legs. He tumbled back. “Don’t worry, Cole. I’ll keep an eye on the kids while Ren’s dick swells in your pretty little pussy.”

  Cole giggled. “How long does it last?” She spread her legs, resting them on Ren’s as Jaron lay out between their spread legs, his mouth covering her pussy. She squealed at the sudden attack, falling back against Ren with giggles. Her legs twitched to sandwich Jaron’s head.

  Ren smirked, nibbling on her earlobe. “What, you don’t want to be connected to me?” he teased.

  Cole elbowed him in the gut. “Yes…just want to know.” She released a sharp breath, her hips lifting, her legs spreading further apart.

  Ren smiled. “A few minutes,” he assured. “Unless, of course, you don’t relax, it could be hours,” he teased.

  Cole harrumphed. “Better save up.” She moaned at the sensations assaulting her. “Some good, ah, fuck, Jaron!” She thrust her hips against his face. “Conversation pieces to entertain you then, hey?” she finished breathlessly, her hands grasped at her tits, her fingers tugging at her nipples. She moaned deeply.

  Jaron burst out in laughter, hugging his gut. He rested his forehead against his filly’s wet pussy. He loved her humor. He’d not realized how sarcastic she could be.

  Ren cuffed him on the shoulder. “Hey, you had better find your own conversation,” he grumbled.

  Jaron laughed harder. “I’ll…be too…busy…sucking on…her tits.” He rolled away from the two, laughing harder.

  Ren rolled his eyes. “Gonna beat him down, I think,” he pondered, pulling Cole into his lap.

  Cole giggled, turning in his lap and hugging him close. “I can’t wait,” she squeaked. “I wanna be connected to you like that, Ren…Jaron, too,” she admitted.

  Ren smiled, embracing her close. “Good, gonna do that as many times as I can,” he whispered. “Now, my beautiful little bitch, undo my pants and feel free to fuck me silly.”

  Cole smirked and did as she was told, scooting back, dipping and kissing the tip of his thick dick, licking the bead of cum off before kneeling over him and settling on his dick.

  Jaron eased up behind her, his dick poking her ass, his mouth latching onto her neck.

  “Jaron, fuck her ass,” Ren ordered, holding her hips still as Cole panted.

  “Hurry, please, Jaron,” she pleaded, ass lifting, waiting for him.

  Jaron grinned, handling his dick, circling her puckered asshole.

  She growled, glaring back at him. “Ren, tell him!” she whined, bucking against him, needing Jaron in her ass.

  Both men gave a chuckle which quickly died as Jaron eased his dick in her. Cole grasped Ren’s shoulders and shoved herself back on Jaron. She hated when he took his time like that. She wanted it now!

  “Little firecracker.” Jaron panted, grasping her hip.

  “Hammer her, Jaron.” Ren panted. He needed the quickness tonight. Wanted to feel Cole lose control, feel her shudder on him, spill her own juices over him.

  Cole nodded. “Yes, please, Jaron…hammer my ass,” she demanded, bracing herself for the sensation. She loved when he hammered her from behind, the way both of her men filled her, the moans that would fall from Ren, the heady grunts from Jaron. She squealed as Jaron went full bore, his hips hammering her. Her tits jiggled to-and-fro. She panted, shoving herself back just as forcefully as Jaron thrust forward. “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” she panted over and over, her body on fire. She growled as her claws protracted and dug into Ren. She howled when her first orgasm hit, her body jerking erratically between her two men.

  Jaron let out a full-blown howl as his jizz shot up her ass, his dick jerking against Ren’s shuddering dick through the thin membrane that separated them. “Fuck, I love that feeling!” His hands gripped Cole’s hips, offering her a few more hard thrusts. She panted with every thrust and it fueled his hunger. “Little bitch is gonna make me hard again.”

  Cole pressed her forehead against Ren’s shoulder. “Perhaps the bitch fucking my ass had better go wash up and fuck my cunt,” she retaliated.

  Ren chuckled, gripping her hair, forcing her to look at him. “Getting feisty there, filly. You watch it. He may just do as you wish.”

  Cole looked over her shoulder at Jaron, a daring look in her eyes.

  Jaron beamed. They had been playing around with her, referring to her as a bitch to se
e how she could handle it, and fuck if she didn’t take pride in being their bitch. He kissed her hard and pulled out and ran for the river.

  “Hurry up, lover boy!” Cole sang already turning around.

  “Uh, ugh, filly, you’ll be putting that beautiful mouth of yours to good use while Jaron fucks your cunt.”

  Cole’s eyes widened. Oral! He, they, hadn’t pushed that on her. She had told them she couldn’t, that it bothered her. She didn’t mind giving his dick a little kiss and lick but to take it in her mouth, suck it, have it hit the back of her throat…She licked her lip nervously. She would gag, she was sure of it, and he would be mad. Ren raised an eyebrow daring her to go against his word. Cole glared at him. “Being a tad bit pushy, don’t you think?” she tried to argue.

  Ren laughed. It was short and serious. “You, my little bitch, will take my cock and suck it while your other man fucks you. And you will enjoy every moment of it.”

  Cole offered him a challenging glare. Her heart beamed at the faith he had in her. Damn right she would do it! And damn right she would enjoy it! This was her mate! This was the man who loved her, who pledged his strength, loyalty, and everlasting protection to her. Pledged his life to her! She cupped his face in her hands, dipping close till her lips just whispered over his. “I will suck my husband’s dick and love every moment of it,” she uttered in a husky voice.

  Ren growled, claiming her mouth in a hungry kiss. Damn right she would, and he would marvel in every fucking suck of his dick that she took.

  Jaron growled at the sight of his lovers in a heated embrace. He fell to his knees, face nuzzling Cole’s ass. “Come, Cole, I’ll help you get started.” He pulled her from Ren’s embrace, dragging her down the length of him. He grasped Ren’s thick dick in his hand, giving Ren’s dick a long lick. “Remember, relax, filly,” he reminded her, his mouth wrapping around Ren’s dick, easing down the length of him.


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