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Young Henry: The Rise of Henry VIII

Page 41

by Robert Hutchinson

  45,131, ff.37 – 41 – Description of the funeral of Arthur, Prince of Wales.

  ——ff.41v – 47v – Description of the funeral of Elizabeth of York, 1503, with a drawing of the funeral procession at ff.41v – 42.

  ——ff.48v – 54 – Funeral of Henry VII, 1509, a description of events after his death, with a drawing of him on his deathbed, f.54.

  48,000 (Yelverton MS 1), ff.590 – 594v – Spanish ratification of the marriage treaty of Prince Henry and Katherine of Aragon, 23 September 1503.

  59,899, f.24 – Payment to Robert Vertue for ‘platt’ [plans] of Greenwich Palace ‘devised by the queen’, 1502.

  Arundel MS

  26, f.28 – Description of the removal of Henry VII’s corpse at Richmond, May 1509.

  ——f.56v – 57v – Regulations governing the English camp before Thérouanne, August 1513.

  Cotton MS

  Appendix XXVII, f.145 – Deposition of unidentified witness on marriage of Prince Arthur and Katherine of Aragon.

  Augustus I, III, f.70 – Contemporary drawing of the town of Calais from the sea.

  Caligula B I, f.141 – Archibald Douglas, Earl of Angus, to Henry VIII; Dalkeith, 19 October 1519.

  ——f.232 – Queen Margaret to Henry VIII; Edinburgh, April 1519.

  Caligula B II, f.333 – Lord Dacre of the North to Wolsey; Harbottle, 22 October 1519.

  Caligula B VI, f.35 – Queen Katherine to Thomas Wolsey; Woburn, Bedfordshire, 16 September 1513.

  ——f.76 – James IV of Scotland to Henry VIII; Edinburgh, 24 May 1513.

  ——f.83 – Margaret, wife of James IV of Scotland, to Henry VIII; 11 April 1513.

  Caligula D VI, f.92 – Katherine of Aragon to Wolsey; Richmond, [2]6 July 1513.

  ——f.93 – Katherine of Aragon to Wolsey; Richmond, 13 August 1513.

  ——f.94 – Katherine of Aragon to Wolsey; Richmond, 25 August 1513.

  ——f.104 – Thomas Lord Howard, Lord High Admiral, to Wolsey, on board Mary Rose, Plymouth harbour, May 1513.

  ——f.106 – 7 – Thomas Lord Howard, Lord High Admiral, to Henry VIII; on board Mary Rose, Plymouth harbour, 7 May 1513.

  ——f.121v – Henry to Wolsey about his requirements for a French peace treaty – fragmentary, the document damaged by fire; ?June 1514.

  ——f.149 – Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, to Henry VIII; Beauvais, 25 October 1514.

  ——f.176 – Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, to Wolsey; Paris, 5 March 1515.

  ——f.184 – Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, to Henry VIII; Paris, – March 1515.

  Caligula D VII, f.158 – Sir Thomas Boleyn to Wolsey; Blois, 16 November 1519.

  Caligula D VIII, f.83 – Wolsey to Sir Richard Jerningham, English ambassador to the French court; Westminster, 20 May 1521.

  Caligula D VIII, f.246 – Earl of Surrey to King’s Council; on board the Mary Rose, Portland, 14 June 1514.

  Cleopatra B V, ff.64 – 95 – Diary of John Taylor, king’s chaplain and clerk of the Parliament during the invasion of France, 1513.

  Cleopatra E III, f.123 – Draft of an oration by an English ambassador to Pope Innocent VIII and the Cardinals, Rome, soon after the marriage of Henry VII to Elizabeth of York, January 1486.

  Cleopatra E IV, f.249 – Richard Layton to Thomas Cromwell about ‘Our Lady’s Girdle’ at Bruton Abbey, Somerset, 24 August 1535.

  Faustina E VII, f.6 – Order of battle of the king’s rearguard for the invasion of France, June 1513.

  Galba B III, f.3 – Convenant between Thomas Spinelly, Henry VIII’s agent in the Low Countries and the Flemish gunmaker Hans Poppenruyter of Malines to cast forty-eight artillery pieces.

  ——f.4 – Thomas Spinelly to Henry VIII, 26 January 1510, about artillery manufacture.

  ——f.51 – Sir Edward Poynings to Henry VIII; Brussels, 14 October 1512.

  ——f.54 – Henry VIII to Sir Edward Poynings and other ambassadors; November 1512.

  Galba B XIII, f.93 – Letter from Charles, Prince of Spain to Princess Mary signed ‘V’re bon Mary, Charles’; Malines, 18 December 1513.

  Julius B XII, ff.91 – 110 – Creation of Henry Duke of York.

  Tiberius D VIII, f.89 – Form of coronation oath, 24 June 1509, as amended in his own hand by Henry VIII, probably in the 1530s.

  Tiberius E VIII, f.100v – A ‘device for the manner and order of the Coronation’ of Henry VII ‘rightful and undoubted inheritor of the crowns of England and France’ by the whole consent of the realm chosen and required to be King and also of the Princess Katherine, daughter of Spain and Aragon, his wife, Queen of England and of France, to be solemnised at Westminster, Sunday 24 June 1509. Interlined later by Henry VIII.

  Titus A XIII, f.186 – Ordinances and statutes devised by Henry VIII for a ‘retinue of spears’; 20 November 1509.

  Titus B I, f.104v – Thomas Wolsey to Bishop Fox; Windsor, 30 September 1511.

  Titus D IV, 138 ff. – Quarto volume, the so-called Coronation Suite presented to Henry and Katherine, written by Thomas More; 1509.

  Vespasian C I, ff.65 – 77 – Letter in cipher from John Stile, ambassador in Spain to Henry VIII; 5 August 1512.

  ——f.79 – Dr William Knight to Thomas Wolsey, the king’s almoner; Fuentarrabia, 5 August 1512.

  ——f.81 – Dr William Knight to Wolsey; San Sebastian, Spain, 4 October 1512.

  Vespasian C III, f.75 – Report of the death of the Marquis of Brandenburg in Valencia after over-heating himself playing at tennis; 10 July 1525.

  ——f.176 – Bishop Cuthbert Tunstal, Lord Privy Seal, Sir Richard Wingfield, Richard Sampson, Dean of the Chapel Royal, ambassadors to the Imperial Court, to Henry VIII; Toledo, 8 July 1525.

  Vespasian C VI, f.375 – Treaty between Henry VIII and Ferdinand of Spain for the recovery of Aquitaine and the defence of the Pope; February 1513.

  Vespasian C XIV, f.106 – Articles and ordinances governing the security of the Tower of London ‘that the king’s grace has established’ signed by the Earl of Surrey and the Bishops of Winchester and Durham; London, 25 July 1509.

  Vespasian C L, f.58v – Despatch from the English envoy John Stile to Henry VIII; Valladolid, 9 September 1509.

  Vespasian F III, f.15 – Queen Katherine to Henry VIII; Woburn, Bedfordshire, 16 September 1513.

  ——f.44 – Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond, to Wolsey; Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire, 4 March ?1526.

  ——f.73 – Henry VIII to Wolsey; Woodstock, 1 July 1518.

  Vespasian F XIII, f.60 – Lady Margaret Beaufort to Henry VII, Collyweston, 14 January ?1501.

  ——f.80 – Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, to Henry VIII; Montreuil, 22 April 1515.

  ——f.140 – Katherine of Aragon to Princess Mary; Woburn, October 1525.

  Vitellius B II, f.34 – Papal indulgence of Julius II to all who serve in Henry VIII’s dominions in the expedition against Louis XII, including those who contribute towards its cost; Rome, December 1512.

  ——f.51 – Cardinal Bainbridge to Wolsey; Rome, 17 September 1513.

  ——f.56 – Pope Leo X to Henry VIII; Rome, 17 December 1513.

  ——f.69 – Pope Leo X to Henry VIII, award of sword and pileus; Rome, 1 March 1514.

  ——f.183 – Silvester de’ Gigli, Bishop of Worcester, to Andrea Ammonius, Latin secretary to Henry VIII; Rome, November 1515.

  Vitellius B IV, f.84v – Notes by Richard Pace about Buckingham’s guilt on the reverse of a letter to him from Rome dated 29 March 1521; May 1521.

  ——f.111 – The ceremony of publishing Pope Leo X’s sentence against Martin Luther, in St Paul’s church; 12 May 1521.

  ——f.96 – Richard Pace to Thomas Wolsey; Greenwich Palace, 16 April 1521.

  Vitellius B IX, f.38 – College of Cardinals to Wolsey; Rome, 9 February 1527.

  Vitellius B XI, f.207 – Clement VII to Wolsey; Rome, 19 July 1529.

  Vitellius B XII, f.85 – Testimony of Sir Anthony Willoughby about Prince Arthur’s marriage with Katherine of A

  ——f.123v – Deposition of Nicholas West, Bishop of Ely.

  ——f.208 – Cardinals’ rejection of Katherine of Aragon’s appeal to Rome and summons to her to appear at the legatine trial.

  Vitellius B XX, f.234 – Sir Richard Wingfield, English ambassador at the Imperial court to Wolsey; ‘Mayence’ (Mainz), 3 June 1521.

  Egerton MS

  544, f.158 – Ferdinand to Bernard de Mesa, Bishop of Trinopoli; Medina del Campo, 24 July 1514.

  616, article 5 – Two letters in Latin from Prince Arthur to Katherine of Aragon, Ludlow Castle, October and November 1499.

  ——f.29v – 30 – Katherine of Aragon to Ferdinand of Spain, London, 22 April 1506.

  ——f.43 – Henry VIII to Ferdinand of Spain; Greenwich, 26 July 1509.

  616, article 5 f.45 – Queen Katherine to Ferdinand of Spain; Greenwich, 29 July 1509.

  985, f.61v – Christening of Henry, son of the Duke of Suffolk and Mary his wife; 11 March 1515.

  1,651, f.1 – Presentation letter from Erasmus to Henry, Duke of York, 1499.

  1,991 – Confessio amantis, a poem by John Gower, owned by Elizabeth Blount.

  2,014, f.2 – Henry VIII to Maximilian Sforza, Duke of Milan; the English camp before Tournai, 16 September 1513.

  2,341 – Instructions for making images in stained glass of Henry VII, Elizabeth of York, their daughter Margaret and of Lady Margaret Beaufort, to be inserted into the windows of the church of the Greyfriars Observant at Greenwich.

  2,642, ff.174v – Description of funeral of Arthur, Prince of Wales, 1502.

  ——f.185v – Description of funeral of Princess Elizabeth, second daughter of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York, 1495.

  ——ff.189 – 189v – Description of funeral of Henry VII, 1509.

  Harley MS

  283, f.70 – Confession of Robert Gilbert, Chancellor to the Duke of Buckingham; May 1521.

  ——f.75 – Circular letter (addressed to Lord Cobham, Queen Anne’s Chamberlain) announcing the birth of a daughter to the queen; Greenwich Palace, 7 September 1533.

  442, f.97 – Proclamation by Sheriffs of London banning tennis, dice ‘and other unlawful games’ contrary to the statutes for the maintenance of archery; London, 4 December 1528.

  787, f.58 – Henry VIII to James IV of Scotland; camp before Thérouanne, 12 August 1513.

  965, f.41v – Transcript of later inscription on Prince Arthur’s tomb in Worcester Cathedral by Capt. Richmond Symonds, a royalist officer, in 1644.

  2,252, f.41 – Henry VIII’s answer to James IV’s ultimatum; camp before Thérouanne, 11 August 1513.

  3,462, f.142v – Henry VIII to Pope Leo X, announcing peace treaty with France; Greenwich, 12 August 1514.

  ——f.142 – Symbolic consummation of the marriage of Princess Mary with Louis XII of France; Greenwich, 13 August 1514.

  3,504, f.232 – Christening of Princess Mary at Greenwich; Wednesday 20 February 1515.

  ——f.264v – ‘Manner of bringing Henry VII’s corpse from Richmond’.

  6,074, f.54 – Description of the creation of Henry Lord Stafford as Earl of Wiltshire; Westminster, 3 February 1510.

  6,079, f.21v – Narrative account of the Coronation of Henry VIII, 23 [sic] June 1509.

  ——f.31 – Narrative account of the burial of Henry VII.

  ——f.36v – Account of celebratory jousts on 12/13 February 1511 and marks obtained by contestants.

  7,039, f.34 – Henry VII to his mother, Lady Margaret Beaufort, Greenwich, 17 July ?1507.

  Charters 83 H.1 – Record of courses run at the tournament in January 1511 to celebrate the birth of Prince Henry.

  King’s MS

  9, ff.66, 231v – Messages between Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn about their love, written in a Book of Hour.

  Lansdowne MS

  818, f.2v – Order of battle of the king’s army on departure from Calais, end of June 1513.

  Royal MS

  1 E. IV – Thirteenth-century copy of the Book of Leviticus from St Augustine’s Priory, Canterbury, Kent.

  2 A. XVIII – Lady Margaret Beaufort’s Book of Hours.

  12 B. VI – William Parron’s Liber de optimo fato nobilissimi domini Henrici Eboraci ducis ac optimorum parentum.

  14 B. XXXIX – Wardrobe accounts of the royal household, including the costs of escorting Katherine of Aragon from Exeter to London and her wedding with Prince Arthur at St Paul’s and eight days of entertainment ‘of the Spanish lords at Canon Row’.

  Stowe MS

  146, f.3 – Exchequer Declarations, year ended Michaelmas (29 September) 24 Henry VII.

  ——f.24 – Order for 3,000 harnesses for the king’s army from Robert Bolt, mercer of London, for delivery at The Tower by 30 April; January 1513.

  163, f.3 – Account of the trial of Sir Edward Stafford, third Duke of Buckingham, 13/16 May 1521.

  583, ff.27 – 33v – Description of funeral of Elizabeth of York, 1503, with pen-and-ink drawings of the processions at articles 1, 2 and 4.

  692, f.12 – ‘The order of the King’s army into France’ 1513, with names of the commanders of the three divisions.


  CM 51/115 – Archbishop William Warham’s draft licence for the marriage of Henry VIII and Katherine of Aragon in ‘any chapel or church’, 8 June 1509.

  MSS 247, ff.58 – 60 – Instructions for musters issued inland shires, 6 June – 24 October 1513, when Queen Katherine was Regent of England.

  MSS 602, p.50 – Richard Pace to Wolsey; Greenwich, 7 April 1521.

  MSS 2341 – 2 – Legal opinions on the validity of Henry VIII’s marriage to Katherine of Aragon; probably part of Cardinal Campeggio’s file on the case.


  Cecil Papers

  CP 147/1 – Henry VIII to William Knight; Dover, 29 June 1513.

  CP 227/1 f. 1 – The Famous Victory of our Invincible King Henry VIII over the French and Scots, verses by Bernard André, ‘Royal Poet’.

  CP 245/5 ff.3v – 4r – Robert Thorne to Dr Edward Lee, English ambassador to the court of Charles V; Seville, 1527.

  ——ff. 9v – 14r – Robert Thorne’s proposal to Henry VIII for a voyage to the North Pole, 1527.


  Court of Chancery records

  C 82/335/6 – List of exemptions from the general pardon of 25 April 1509, signed by Henry VIII; Tower of London, 30 April 1509.

  Exchequer records

  E 23/3 – Last will and testament of King Henry VII; Richmond, 31 March 1509.

  E 36/209, f.8v and f.12v – Purchases of clothing for Prince Henry, 6/16 November 1498.

  E 26/215/257ff – John Heron, Treasurer of the Chamber’s books of payments 1 – 9 Henry VIII.

  E 36/217 f.41 – Revels Account of Richard Gibson for the celebratory joust at Westminster, 12/13 February 1511.

  E 36/228 f.7 – Lawde & Prayse for Our Sovereigne Lord the Kyng, by John Skelton, 1509.

  E 101/403/2, ff.1 – 4 – Cash delivered on day to John Heron, Treasurer of the Chamber.

  E 101/414/6 f.25v – Henry VII’s book of payments, by John Heron, Treasurer of the Chamber. Four shillings compensation for a farmyard cock shot by the king’s crossbow.

  E 101/415/7 no. 15 – Payment for livery for John Williams, footman to Duke of York, 11 October 1511.

  ——no. 76 – Payment for coat and other clothing to John Goor, ‘fool with Duke of York’, 26 October 1501.

  ——no. 83 – Payment for livery to Richard Wiggins, footman to Duke of York, 17 May 1502.

  E 404/81/1 – Payment to Anne Oxenbridge as Henry’s wet nurse, 31 December 1491.

  E 404/81/3 – Payments to the nursery staff for Lord Henry and Princesses Margaret and Elizabeth, 17 September 1493.

  E 404/81/4 – Writs for attendance ‘upon our dearest second son the Lord Henry to take with and under him the noble order of Knight of the Bath’, 2 October 1494.

  E 404/82 – Warran
t dated 26 October 1495 for funeral expenses of Princess Elizabeth.

  E 404/86/1 – Records of Exchequer of Receipt, warrants for issue.

  E 404/86/3 – Loan by Henry VII to Sir Roland de Velville, his reputed bastard.

  Court of King’s Bench records

  KB 8/5 – Roll file of the court of the Lord High Steward trying Sir Edward Stafford, third Duke of Buckingham, 13/16 May 1521.

  KB 27/1024 – Chief Justice Roll, with illumination showing Henry VIII young and clean shaven; 1518.

  Lord Chamberlain’s records

  LC 2/1/1 ff.4 – 4v – Allowances for black mourning cloth for Prince Henry’s household for the funeral of his brother Edmund.

  ——f.73 – 73v – List of members of household of Prince Henry, 1503.

  State Papers

  SP 1/1/3 – General pardon issued by Henry VIII, 25 April 1509.

  SP 1/1/11 – File of warrants for payments by John Heron, Treasurer of the Chamber for black cloth and other expenses for the funeral of Henry VII; Westminster, 11 May 1509.

  SP 1/1/18 – King Ferdinand of Spain to Henry VIII; Valladolid, 11 May 1509.

  SP 1/1/28 – Appointment of George Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, as Chamberlain of the Exchequer, 13 May 1509.

  SP 1/11/33 – Appointment of Sir Henry Marney as Captain of Guard and Vice-Chamberlain, 12 May, 1509.

  SP 1/1/43 – Ferdinand of Spain to Katherine, Princess of Wales; 18 May 1509.

  SP 1/1/45 – Formal words pronounced at wedding of Henry VIII and Katherine of Aragon; Greenwich, 11 June 1509.

  SP 1/1/100 – Estimates for the cost of construction of the tomb of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York in Westminster Abbey; endorsed by Henry VIII, December 1509.

  SP 1/2/40 – Lord Chancellor Warham to Lord Darcy before his departure to Spain; 24 March 1511.

  SP 1/2/40v – Henry VIII’s instructions to Lord Darcy before his expedition against the Moors sailed for Spain; March 1511.


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