Young Henry: The Rise of Henry VIII

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Young Henry: The Rise of Henry VIII Page 45

by Robert Hutchinson


  Morley, Baron see Parker, Henry

  Mortimer, Margaret (wife of Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk)

  Mortimer’s Cross, Battle of (1461)

  Morton, Cardinal John (Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Chancellor)

  Mountjoy, Baron see Blount, William

  Munday, John (goldsmith)


  national traits, English

  Nattres, James


  Neville, Edward (brother of Third Baron Abergavenny)

  Neville, Sir George (Third Baron Abergavenny)

  New Romney



  Newgate Gaol

  Norfolk, dukes of see Howard, Thomas (Second Duke of Norfolk); Howard, Thomas (Third Duke of Norfolk)

  Norris, Henry

  North Marston, Shrine of Master John Shorn

  North-West Passage, search for

  Northampton Castle

  Northumberland, Duke of see Dudley, John

  Northumberland, earls of see Percy, Henry (Fifth Earl of Northumberland); Percy, Henry (Sixth Earl of Northumberland)


  Oath of Succession

  Orio, Lorenzo (Venetian ambassador)

  Ormond, earls of see Butler, James (Ninth Earl of Ormond); Butler, Thomas (Seventh Earl of Ormond)

  Owen Tudor (father of Edmund Tudor)

  Oxenbridge, Anne (Mrs Anne Luke; nurse)

  Oxenbridge, Geoffrey (Bailiff of Winchelsea)

  Oxford, Earl of see de Vere, John

  Pace, Richard (Latin secretary to Henry VIII)

  Palsgrave, John (tutor)

  Parker, Henry (Tenth Baron Morley)

  Parr, Katherine (sixth wife of Henry VIII)

  Parron, William (astrologer)

  Pasqualigo, Lorenzo

  Paul III, Pope

  Paul’s Cross, London

  Pavia, Battle of (1525)

  Pechy, Sir John

  Pembroke, Earl of see Jasper Tudor

  Pembroke Castle


  Percy, Lady Alianore (wife of Edward Stafford, Duke of Buckingham)

  Percy, Algernon (Fifth Earl of Northumberland)

  Percy, Henry (Sixth Earl of Northumberland)

  Peter the Martyr, St

  Peter Pomegranate (ship)

  Philip, Archduke of Burgundy (later Philip I of Castile)

  Philip von Lichtenstein


  Piel Castle

  Pilgrimage of Grace (1537)

  Pip (Keeper of the King’s fool)


  Pisa, General Council of Catholic Church (1511)

  Pius III, Pope


  Plantagenet, Arthur (Viscount Lisle; bastard son of Edward IV)

  Plantagenet, Edward (Seventeenth Earl of Warwick)

  Plantagenet, George (First Duke of Clarence)


  Pointes, Elizabeth (nurse)

  Pole, Arthur (cousin of Duke of Buckingham)

  Pole, Sir Geoffrey

  Pole, Henry (First Baron Montague)

  Pole, Henry (son of First Baron Montague)

  Pole, Margaret (Countess of Salisbury)

  Pole, Cardinal Reginald

  Pole, Sir Richard

  Pool, William (sergeant-at-arms to Lady Margaret Beaufort and Katherine of Aragon)


  Adrian VI

  Alexander VI

  Clement VII

  Innocent VIII

  Julius II

  Leo X

  Paul III

  Pius III

  Poppenruyter, Hans (gunmaker)

  Porter, Sir William

  Poynings, Sir Edward

  expedition to Low Countries

  Poyntz, Francis


  Privy Chamber, role and regulations of


  Puttenham, Frideswide (rocker of the royal cradle)

  Pynson, Richard (printer)

  Radcliffe, Sir John (Ninth Baron Fitzwalter; Lord Steward)

  Radcliffe, Robert (Tenth Baron Fitzwalter; later First Viscount Fitzwalter and First Earl of Sussex)

  Rastell, John

  Read, James (public notary)



  Regent (ship)


  Rennes Cathedral

  Retinue of Spears (royal bodyguard)

  Richard, Griffith (Receiver General to Katherine of Aragon)

  Richard II

  Richard III (earlier Duke of Gloucester)


  defeat at Bosworth

  Lord Protector

  names Earl of Lincoln as heir

  and ‘Princes in the Tower’


  Richard, Duke of York (son of Edward IV)

  Richford, William (preacher)

  Richmond, Duke of see Fitzroy, Henry

  Richmond, Earl of see Edmund Tudor

  Richmond Palace, Surrey

  Roberts, Thomas (murderer)

  Rochford, viscounts see Boleyn, George; Boleyn, Sir Thomas

  Rome, sack of 1527


  Roper, Henry (page)

  Roper, John (Attorney General)

  Roper, Margaret (daughter of Thomas More)

  Roper, William (son-in-law of Thomas More)

  Rothelin, Louis, Marquis de

  Royal Book, The

  Rut, John (explorer)

  Ruthal, Thomas (secretary to Henry VII; Bishop of Durham)

  Sacheverell, John

  St John, Maurice (great-nephew of Lady Margaret Beaufort)

  St John’s College, Cambridge

  St Paul’s Cathedral

  Salisbury, Countess of see Pole, Margaret

  Salviati, Prior Bernard (nephew of Pope Clement VII)

  Salviati, Giacomo (second secretary to Pope Clement VII)

  Samson (ship)

  San Sebastian

  Sancta Maria

  Sander, Nicholas

  Sandwich, Kent

  Sandys, Sir William

  Sanga, Giovanni (secretary to Pope Clement VII)

  Santa Domingo

  Savoy Hospital, London

  Sayes Court

  Schwarz, Martin (mercenary captain)

  Seymour, Jane (third wife of Henry VIII)

  Sforza, Maximilian, Duke of Milan

  Shakespeare, William

  Sharpe, John (Gentleman Usher)

  Sheen, Palace of

  Sherborne, Robert (Dean of St Paul’s and ambassador to Vatican)

  Sheriff Hutton

  Shorn, John (rector of North Marston)

  Shrewsbury, Earl of see Talbot, Sir George

  Simnel, Lambert (imposter and pretender to the throne)

  Simons, Richard (Oxford scholar-priest)

  Simpson, Thomas (master of axes)

  Skelton, John (poet and tutor to Henry)

  Skevington, Sir John (Sheriff of London)

  Skidmore, Avice


  Smith, William (prisoner)

  Somerset, Charles (Lord Herbert, later 1st Earl of Worcester; Lord Chamberlain)


  Southwell, Sir Robert (Chief Butler of England)

  Spears, Retinue of (royal bodyguard)

  Spinelly, Thomas (agent in Low Countries)

  Spurs, Battle of (1513)


  Stafford, Edward (Third Duke of Buckingham)

  antecedents and claim to throne


  chief mourner at funeral of Henry VII

  at coronation of Henry VIII

  Henry’s affair with sister

  marriage and children

  trial and execution


  Stafford, Henry (brother of Third Duke of Buckingham; later First Earl of Wiltshire)

  Stafford, Sir Henry (husband of Lady Margaret Beaufort)

tanley, George (Ninth Baron Strange)

  Stanley, Thomas, (Second Baron Stanley; later First Earl of Derby; husband of Lady Margaret Beaufort)

  Stanley, Thomas (Second Earl of Derby)

  Stanley, Sir William (brother of Thomas Stanley; Lord Chamberlain)

  Stewart, Henry (First Lord Methven; husband of Margaret Tudor)

  Stile, John (ambassador in Spain)

  Stoke Field, Battle of (1487)

  Succession, Oath of

  sudor Anglicus see sweating sickness

  Suffolk, Duke of see Brandon, Charles

  Suffolk, Earl of see de la Pole, Edmund

  Supremacy, Act of (1534)

  Surrey, earls of see Howard, Thomas (later Second Duke of Norfolk); Howard, Thomas (later Third Duke of Norfolk)

  Swallow (ship)

  sweating sickness (sudor Anglicus)

  Swift, Jonathan

  Swynford, Katherine

  Syon Abbey



  Talbot, Sir George (Fourth Earl of Shrewsbury; Lord Steward and Chamberlain of the Exchequer)

  Talboys, Elizabeth see Blount, Elizabeth

  Talboys, Sir Gilbert


  Taylor, John (chaplain)


  tertian fever

  Tewkesbury, Battle of (1471)


  Thomas, Thomas (pardoned prisoner)

  Thomas, William (Groom of Henry VIII’s Privy Chamber)

  Thomas of Woodstock (son of Edward III)


  Thorne, Robert (Bristol merchant)

  Throgmorton, Sir George


  Titulus Regius statute (1483)

  Torrigiano, Pietro (sculptor)

  Tothill Fields, London



  Tower of London


  St Peter ad Vincula Church

  White Tower

  Yeomen of the Guard

  imprisonments and executions: Anne Boleyn Edward de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk

  Edward Plantagenet, Earl of Warwick

  Edward Stafford, Duke of Buckingham

  Edward V and Richard, Duke of York (‘Princes in the Tower’)

  John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester

  last of Yorkist nobility

  Perkin Warbeck

  Richard Empson and Edmund Dudley

  Suffolk plotters

  Warbeck plotters


  Tunstall, Cuthbert (Bishop of Durham and London)

  ‘Twelve Apostles’ (cannon)


  Tyler, William (groom)

  Tyrell, Sir James

  Ushaw College



  Valla, Lorenzo

  Valois, Katherine of (widow of Henry V)

  van der Gheynst, Johanna (mistress of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor)

  Vaughan, Sir Hugh

  Venetian Signory

  Vergil, Polydore

  Vernon, Sir Henry

  Vertue, Robert (architect)

  Vicary, Thomas (surgeon)


  Vives, Juan Luis

  De institutione feminæ

  Wall, Thomas (Lancaster Herald)

  Walsingham, Shrine of Our Lady


  Warbeck, Perkin (pretender to the throne)

  Ward, Thomas

  Warham, William (Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Chancellor)

  coronation of Henry


  marriage of Henry and Katherine of Aragon

  opening of Parliament

  Warwick, Earl of see Plantagenet, Edward


  Welles, Richard

  West, Nicholas (Bishop of Ely)

  Westminster: St Margaret’s Church St Stephen’s Chapel

  Westminster Abbey

  Henry VII Chapel

  Westminster, Palace of:

  Henry VIII’s secret apartments

  Holbein Gate

  Painted Chamber

  Parliament Chamber

  Queen’s Closet

  Westminster Hall

  White Hall

  Westminster, Treaty of (1511)

  Weston, Richard (Groom of Henry VII’s Privy Chamber)

  wet nurses

  Wigan (imprisoned ex-footman)

  Wiggins, Richard (footman)

  Wilford, Ralph (shoemaker’s son; pretender to the throne)

  Willesden, shrine of Our Lady of

  Williams, John (footman)

  Willoughby, Sir Anthony

  Willoughby, Sir Henry

  Wiltshire, Earl of see Stafford, Henry


  Winchester Cathedral

  Windsor, Sir Andrew (Keeper of the Great Wardrobe)

  Windsor Castle St George’s Chapel

  Wingfield, Sir Richard (Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster)



  Wolman, Richard (lawyer)

  Wolsey, Cardinal Thomas

  almoner to Henry VIII

  annulment of marriage of Henry and Katherine of Aragon

  becomes de facto Chief Minister

  burial of Prince Henry, first son of Henry VIII

  candidacy for pope

  chaplain to Henry VII

  contracts sweating sickness

  creation of Henry Fitzroy as Duke of Richmond

  downfall and death

  Field of Cloth of Gold meeting

  gains favour of Henry VIII

  godfather to Henry Brandon and Princess Mary

  honours and preferments

  illegitimate children

  Lord Chancellor

  marriage of Mary Tudor to Duke of Suffolk

  Mass for dying Henry VII

  trial and execution of Edward Stafford, Duke of Buckingham

  war against French

  York Place


  Woodville, Catherine (wife of Jasper Tudor, Earl of Pembroke)

  Woodville, Elizabeth (wife of Edward IV)


  Worcester Cathedral

  Worley, Henry (goldsmith)

  Worsley, William (Dean of St Paul’s)

  Wriothesley, Sir Thomas (Garter King of Arms)

  Writhe, Sir John (Garter King of Arms)

  Wyatt, Henry (master of king’s jewel house)

  Wyatt, Thomas, the Elder

  Wyatt, Thomas, the Younger

  Wyndham, Sir John

  York, Cecily of

  York, Elizabeth of (mother of Henry VIII)

  birth of children



  death of Prince Arthur


  marriage to Henry VII


  York, Margaret of (dowager Duchess of Burgundy)

  York Place, London


  1. Henry VII, painted c.1501. His claim to the throne of England was fragile and he faced a succession of claimants and pretenders throughout his reign. The insecurity of the Tudor dynasty was heightened when he lost his son and heir Arthur and a third son died in infancy. Only Henry was left.

  2. Elizabeth of York – Henry VIII’s beloved mother – painted c.1502, the year before her death. Years afterwards, he wrote about the wound inflicted upon him by her loss. This portrait was first recorded in the Royal Collection during his reign.

  3. Lady Margaret Beaufort praying in the robes of a vowess, c.1500. Henry’s pious grandmother acted as regent until his eighteenth birthday and her death, five days after his coronation, severed the last shackle of his sequestered childhood and youth.

  4. Prince Arthur, painted c.1520. He wears a collar of red and white Tudor roses and a badge bearing the figure of St John the Baptist on his hat. However, some scholars have suggested that the portrait is of a young Henry.

  5. Henry as a child. This drawing
of a chubby toddler is inscribed ‘le Roy henry d’angleterre’ although the style of his ostrich-plumed hat looks nearly four decades later and throws some doubt on the identification of the subject.

  6. Bust of a laughing child, possibly Henry VIII, c.1498, by Guido Mazzoni. Probably commissioned by Henry VII after Mazzoni failed to win the commission to design and carve the King’s tomb.

  7. Prince Henry’s bede roll which promised divine protection from a variety of perils, as well as shortening the agony of Purgatory. Henry gave the prayer roll to one of his servants, William Thomas, some time before 1509. Thomas was one of the two witnesses at Henry’s quiet wedding to Katherine of Aragon at Greenwich on 11 June 1509.

  8. Henry VII on his deathbed. This drawing by Sir Thomas Wriothesley, Garter King of Arms, shows the gentleman usher William Fitzwilliam closing the King’s eyes. Ranged around the bed are Richard Fox, Bishop of Winchester, and one of the King’s chief ministers; members of his household and three doctors holding long-necked bottles for urine – a vital method of evaluating symptoms in sixteenth-century medicine.

  9. Katherine of Aragon aged about twenty, c.1504 – 5. Eyes cast down, demure Katherine endured frequent periods of illness and abject poverty in the lonely years at Durham House, near Charing Cross, after the death of her young husband Arthur in 1502.

  10. Henry aged about twenty-two, painted c.1513 – the earliest known portrait of him as King. A Venetian ambassador described him at this time as having ‘a round face so very beautiful that it would become a pretty woman’.

  11. Henry VIII, painted c.1520 at the peak of his power with everything to look forward to – military glory, prowess in the tiltyard, but where were his lusty Tudor heirs?

  12. Miniature of Henry VIII, painted c.1525 – 7 by Lucas Horenbout. One of a group of six miniatures of the King painted by this artist in this period for diplomatic gifts. Half show Henry clean-shaven and the remainder with a beard: Katherine of Aragon did not like the King with a beard and insisted that he shaved it off.

  13. Henry VIII jousting at the tournament to celebrate the birth of a son and heir. But his joy was short-lived: Prince Henry lived just fifty-three days before dying, probably from meningitis.


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