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His Love VS Her Lust

Page 2

by Angie Hayes

  “Damn Patrick, why didn’t you just shut your damn phone off when you came over here? That shit has been going off since you got here.” I said annoyed as I got up to head to the bathroom to take a shower.

  “Please don’t start this shit Michelle.” Patrick replied.

  “Whatever,” I said as I started the shower and proceeded to get in.

  While I was lathering up, Patrick came into the shower and took my loofa away from me. He started slowly washing my back with it.

  “Hmmm, that feels good baby.” I said as I leaned my head back against him chest.

  I started getting horny all over again. Patrick was the only man that I let make love to me. He was also the only man that I allowed to see me vulnerable.

  “Really, well how does this feel?” Patrick asked as he made his way down to my sweet spot and started caressing it with the loofa.

  I started moaning and gyrating in a circular motion along with his movement. Patrick turned me around and pushed my back against the wall of the shower. He lifted my right leg up and pushed his dick inside me. It felt so fucking good as he was pumping in and out of me while the hot water was hitting us. Between the hot water and my juices sliding down my leg, I couldn’t tell the difference in between which was which. I was holding on to him tight with my arms wrapped around his neck so I wouldn’t slip and fall. After our fuck session in the shower, we both washed one another and dried off.

  “So I take it asking if you are staying the night is out of the question.” I said to Patrick as I saw him getting dressed in the bedroom.

  “I would love to babe, but tonight I have to get home. I’m still feeling the heat from when you held me captive overnight last week.” Patrick said as he pulled up his slacks.

  “Hey you’re a grown man. I can’t make you do anything you don’t want to do.” I said as I dropped my towel seductively revealing my tight naked body.

  I walked over to him, wrapped my arms around his neck, and started passionately kissing him. I felt his dick pressing hard against my pussy. I was trying to work my magic to get him to stay again. I dropped to my knees, unzipped his pants, grabbed his dick, and started sucking it. I wrapped my lips around the head and started sucking on it while jacking off his dick with the palm of my hand.

  “Damn girl, you doing that shit!” Patrick said as he grabbed a hand full of my hair.

  He started pumping hard and fucking my mouth. Finally, he unloaded his seed deep down my throat and I made sure I swallowed every drop.

  “Hmm, you taste so good baby. Since you’re leaving I decided to send you home proper.” I said grinning as I got up and licked my tongue over my lips.

  Just then, his phone started beeping indicating he had a message. He must have silenced his ringer. He went back into the bathroom to wash off his dick. Once he came back out, he quickly put his shoes on, retrieved his things, gave me a kiss, and told me he’ll call me later.

  After Patrick left, I gargled with some Listerine and put on my night clothes to get ready for bed. As l lay under my covers, I couldn’t help but feel lonely. Even though I just had an amazing night of good sex, I still ended up going to bed alone. You would think I would be used to it by now, but I’m not. I hate that he always has to leave when she calls. When we’re fucking I’m the one in control, I’m the Mrs. Once it’s all over, the reality sets in when he has to leave and go home to the real Mrs., his wife.

  Patrick and I have been messing around for two years. We met at the open house at my school. I know it’s a weird place to meet, but shit dude was fine and smooth. He passed me his number on the sly at the refreshment table while I was there getting me something to drink. I couldn’t believe he was bold enough to do that, but that shit turned me on. I called him a week later for the simple fact I didn’t want him to think I was sweating him. Besides, I already had guys lined up that I was dealing with. He was just another notch on my belt or so I thought.

  Once I called him, we agreed to meet up for dinner the following night at a very nice and secluded restaurant. I’d gone out with guys that were involved before, but there was something special about Patrick. He was very upfront about everything from the jump, which was unusual. Normally, I would have to ask if they had someone. He was very charming and attentive. After that night, Patrick became my number one. I still dated and had other little sex flings when he was unavailable, but no one compared to my baby. I just wish I was his number one.



  “Hope, please wear the new sandals I brought you the other day. They go perfect with that outfit.” I said to my daughter as she was getting dress so we could go to Michelle’s family BBQ for cousin’s homecoming.

  “Aww ma, I wanted to wear what I picked out, not what you picked out.” Hope said pouting.

  “Hope, listen to your mother. You’re wearing what she told you to wear and that’s that.” Hasan stepped in and said.

  He’s been trying to get on my good side ever since he stood me up and came home late the other night. I’ve been giving him the silent treatment and only giving him short answers when he asked me something. Although I could never stay mad at my husband for long, he was making it easier for me lately.

  “Ok daddy.” Hope said with a sound of defeat as she headed back to her room to change.

  I know it was out of the ordinary for her to hear her daddy say that. Normally she had him wrapped around her finger.

  “So what about me mom, am I dressed ok?” Hasan asked me as he spread his arms giving me a full view of his wardrobe.

  He was dressed in a pair of nice fitting Levis jeans, a crisp white polo collar shirt, and a pair of clean white Air Force Ones. One thing about Hasan, he could always dress and be neat.

  “You look nice as always Hasan.” I said shaking my head and smiling.

  He did look handsome.

  “Thank you baby and you look beautiful as always.” He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. “I know I have been busy lately and leaving you alone. I promise once I finish this project, I’m going to bring in another experienced architect. He can help the interns and I’ll have more time with you and Hope.”

  All I did was smile and nod my head. I have heard this song from Hasan before, but have yet to see it happen. My husband loves to be in control of his company, so I doubt that’ll happen. Once Hope was dressed, we were on our way to Michelle’s parent’s house. Once we got there, we could tell from how many cars that were parked along the street that they had a full house. We walked right up to the door and went on in. Michelle’s parents were like second parents to me. They loved me and my family just like their own.

  “You’re finally here!” Mrs. Yvonne, Michelle’s mom, said as she greeted us with kisses and took the bowl of potato salad I made from my hands. “Hope the kids are in the back yard in the bounce house. Hasan the guys are back there on the grill talking mess.” Mrs. Yvonne said laughing.

  “Ok baby, I’ll catch you later.” Hasan said as he gave me a kiss and followed Hope to the backyard.

  “Where’s Michelle Mrs. Yvonne?” I asked.

  “Oh, she’s in the kitchen getting the rest of the food for me. Go on in there.”

  I headed towards the kitchen and saw Michelle with her phone to her ear. It sounded like she was arguing with someone on the other end.

  “You know what, whatever. Bye!” Michelle said as she slammed her phone down on the counter and retrieved a bowl from the refrigerator.

  “Well dang, who pissed you off missy?” I asked as I hugged my friend.

  “Oh hey girl, when did you get here?”

  “We just got here. Hasan and Hope are out back and your mom told me you were in here. So who pissed you off?” I asked again.

  “Girl nobody but Patrick’s dumb ass. He told me all week that he was coming to the cookout. Today he tells me something came up and that he can’t make it. I’m so sick of his false promises.” Michelle said shaking her head.

Michelle what do you expect from a guy like him? I told you from the jump that in this situation you are going to be the one that will come out hurt.”

  When Michelle first told me about Patrick being married, I told her that she needed to leave him alone. She assured me that he was just going to be another hit and quit action for her. That was two years ago and she still was hitting it, only now she had her feelings involved.

  “Look, I don’t wanna talk about that asshole right now. I’ll deal with him later. Let’s go get our drink on.” Michelle said as we headed out the kitchen and out back.

  The BBQ was in full swing. The DJ was playing nothing but old school music, which had a lot of people dancing. The grill was still smoking with meat. The dominoes and card tables were live, along with kids running all over the place having a good time. I was having a good time laughing it up with Michelle and her aunts and cousins. I excused myself to go to the bathroom. Those wine coolers I was drinking started to take an effect on my bladder. After I finished using the bathroom I came out and bumped right into someone.

  “Oh I’m so sorry. Excuse me.” I said as I looked up to see who I had just bumped into.

  “No excuse me. I’m the one that should be looking where I’m going.” The stranger said, displaying a beautiful smile with the perfect white teeth to match.

  I just stared at him for a second as I admired this fine specimen standing before me with his two deep dimples being displayed.

  “It’s fine.” I said snapping out of my daydream and trying to go back outside.

  “I’m sorry but I didn’t catch your name.” He said as he lightly grabbed my arm gently and stopped me, his touch was so soft.

  “I didn’t offer it.” I said smirking.

  “Ah I see, not only are you beautiful but you also have a sense of humor. I like that.” He said laughing.

  I joined him in laughing and gently removed his hand from my arm.

  “My name is Sevyn.” I finally answered him.

  “Sevyn, that’s a beautiful name. It matches the woman. I’m Adam.” He said extending his hand to shake mines.

  I returned the gesture.

  “It’s nice to meet you Adam. I need to get back out there before my husband comes looking for me. “I said nervously.

  I made sure to mention I was married. I didn’t want to give him the impression that I was single or interested, even though this man was sexy as hell.

  “Oh ok, well you take care Ms. Sevyn. Maybe I’ll run into you again.” He said displaying that gorgeous smile and dimples again.

  “Maybe,” I said as I walked off.

  My heart was beating fast in my chest and I was cheesing hard. I found my way back outside to join the party. Hasan was still on the card table and enjoying the fellas. Hope was having a ball with the other kids.

  “Damn, did you have to repair the toilet or something?” Michelle asked me laughing.

  She was tipsy and it showed. I just laughed at her and sat back down. Michelle got up and said she was going to go get us some more drinks. Ten minutes later, she came back with someone else in tow.

  “Sevyn, I’d like you to meet my cousin Adam. This is the one who we are honoring today and welcoming home. He is also the cousin I’ve been telling you about.

  “Nice to meet you Sevyn,” Adam said extending his hand.

  Although we had already introduced ourselves to one another earlier, I shook his hand again. I thought he was going to say we had already met, but he didn’t.

  “Nice to meet you to Adam, welcome home.” I said playing along with him.

  I had no idea that he was Michelle’s cousin, let alone that this BBQ was for him. Feeling his touch made me feel nervous all over again.

  “Thank you; well you ladies have a nice evening.” Adam said.

  He flashed that smile again and walked off.

  “Girl yo’ cousin is fine!” one of Michelle’s guest said.

  I couldn’t agree with her more but of course, I wasn’t going to say that.

  “Is he available?” she asked.

  “Shit, I don’t know his business. Why don’t you ask him?” Michelle suggested.

  “Oh I most definitely will!” she said laughing.

  For some reason I cut and rolled my eyes over at her ass. I knew I had to get up and go over to where my husband was. I walked over to Hasan and kissed him on his cheek.

  “Hey baby, you having a good time?” I asked him.

  “Yeah baby, I’m over here enjoying schooling these folks on this game of spades.” He said laughing.

  I started laughing with him. As I looked up across the yard, I saw Adam standing over by the cooler drinking on a Heineken staring right back at me. He smiled, lifted up his beer in my direction, and walked off. This man gave me goose bumps.



  It felt good to be back stateside and surrounded by family. My aunt and uncle decided to throw me a welcome home gathering. Although I told them they didn’t have to, I’m glad they did. I was working in Kuwait for the past thirteen months, and let me tell you that was one tour I was glad that was over. I have been in the military for the past twelve years and I finally decided to hang up my boots. I wanted to continue until I reached my twenty year mark and then retire, but after losing so many of my friends on the battlefield, and constantly being away from family, it started taking its toll on me.

  Earlier in the year, I lost my mom to ovarian cancer. We were close and she would always express how proud she was of me. My dad was killed in a car accident when I was three. He had just finished working a 16 hour shift and fell asleep behind the wheel while driving home. He was killed on impact. I’m the only child, so it was just my mom and me after that. Our family has always been close knit, so they always supported mom and me and helped us out when my dad passed.

  I decided to join the military right after high school. I did it so my mom wouldn’t have to pay for my college education and so that I could help her out financially. When she first told me she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, I immediately wanted to leave the army and stay by her side. She wasn’t having that. She begged me to stay in and fulfill my service to our country. While I was away my Aunt Yvonne made sure she called me whenever I was available or wrote me to keep me updated on my mom’s health and doctors visits. She also made sure to send me care packages along with daily bible scriptures when my mom wasn’t able to.

  When my mom passed away, my aunt told me she promised her that she would look after me and that’s exactly what she’s been doing. It’s been hard without my mom in my life, but I’m grateful for my aunt. When I arrived at my aunt and uncle’s house, it seemed like all my family came out to welcome me home. I saw folks I haven’t seen in years, especially my cousins. I know they were at my mom’s funeral, but I don’t remember seeing anybody there. I only remember my mom lying in her casket. Never the less, it was good to see everybody come out and support me.

  As the party was in full swing, I decided to go inside for a moment and have some time to myself when I ran into this beautiful face. I was hoping she wasn’t related to me in any kind of way. I found out her name was Sevyn and she was indeed married. Although I’m never the one to step on another man’s toes, it was something about Sevyn. She had a natural beauty and her smile was tantalizing. She also had on a perfume that instantly made me want to grab her and run my tongue across her neck.

  Not to mention the curves that I saw she had that were displaying through that dress she had on. Yeah, she definitely had my attention. Once she told me she had to get back to her husband, I let her go but assured her she will be running into me again. Who knew that again would be about ten minutes later when my cousin introduced us to one another. I would have never thought the beautiful and sexy woman I just ran into is the best friend of my cousin Michelle.

  Sevyn was who my cousin told me she couldn’t wait for me to meet. I played it cool and acted as if it was our first time seeing one another. I didn’t
want to make her feel uncomfortable, especially since she said her husband was there. I could tell she was shocked to see me again, but she played right along. I excused myself from the ladies and went to go get myself a drink. While I was by the cooler, I noticed that Sevyn got up and went over to this guy who I assumed was her husband after she gave him a kiss.

  She looked over in my direction and I gave her a smile, which made her quickly turn her head. I knew I made her nervous and that’s exactly what I wanted. As I’m standing there watching Sevyn and her husband, some chick approached me. I could tell she was drunk, but she was finer than a mutha’fucka.

  “Well hello Mr. Adam, I’m Sasha. I’m a friend of Michelle and I’m hoping to be a new friend of yours.” She said as she traced her fingers down my biceps.

  I was use to ladies coming on to me; I mean I was good looking brotha. I stood at 6’4 with smooth chocolate skin. I had a muscular build due to me working out daily and staying in shape while in the military. I also had a killer smile and deep dimples that I inherited from my mom, which drove the ladies crazy.

  “Is that right? Well it’s nice to meet you Sasha.” I said smiling.

  I already knew what time it was with her.

  “So tell me, do you have someone that’s waiting for you at home?” she asked bluntly.

  This chick wasted no time getting to the point. I already knew she wanted the dick. I just hope that she won’t start tripping once I fuck her brains out and leave.

  “Nah boo, I’m good.” I replied staring at her smiling.

  “Well then let me make you better. How about we meet up after this and get to know one another better.” She said as she slid her tongue across her top lip.

  I agreed to meet up with her after taking her number. Later on that night, I did just as I planned and made sure I fucked her ass in every position imaginable. Sasha was a freak. She took my dick anyway I gave it to her; nothing was off limits to her. She even took the shit in the ass like a pro. Considering the fact that I didn’t have a problem getting it in, I already knew she was used to it. Sasha wanted me to come over to her place when I called her that evening. Once we were finished I had no problem getting dressed and heading home.


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