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Insurrection: Book 3 of Warner's World

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by Dave O'Connor

  Rihan took a look around. “I think we’ll just squeeze in.”

  “Wonderful. When?”

  “Next week.”


  “We’re in a hurry.”

  Tony twigged as to what this meant, but he would not seek confirmation. He knew that for security reasons they couldn’t confirm anyway.

  Rihan could see Tony thinking hard and the change in his expression to a more serious demeanour.

  But then he smiled and said “We have a lot of planning and preparations to do then, don’t we?”

  “We do indeed Tony.”

  “How about you come around here tomorrow morning, 11’ish and we’ll have some coffee and a lovely chat about all the beautiful arrangements.”

  “Love to Tony.”

  “Now what are you going to eat tonight?”

  Chapter 3. Nova Vista 2200, 21 April

  For the second time that evening Dave sank back into the comfy lounge chair and let his eyes wonder across the view from their apartment. The night sky was full of sparkling stars. On the ground in the distance were the lights of the space port reminding him of his impending mission and their coming departure from Polaris.

  ‘That’s the one bad aspect of this apartment’ thought Dave ‘work is always just a gaze away.’

  He reacted with a little surprise as he felt Rihan’s hands begin to massage his neck and shoulder. “Mmm…” he murmured and rolled his head as the tension was being released. He glanced up to see that Rihan had changed into that sexy negligée he had bought her. “You look great” he said with a warm smile.

  She leaned over and gave him a kiss on his right cheek, knowing too well that the negligee would be incapable of containing her ample breasts. He just lay there enjoying the attention. She extended her hands down from his shoulder and onto his chest. He moaned a little and kissed her breast gently. Then he raised his right arm and cupped his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her closer. At the same time he turned his face and dove into her breasts.

  Her hands extended down further till she could feel him getting excited. He rolled to avoid her grasp, released his grip on her neck and extricated himself from the chair. Standing he looked at her mischievous expression.

  “Too hot to handle?” she challenged with a smile.

  He came toward her and took her face between his palms and kissed her luscious lips. She pushed her tongue into his mouth and pressed it against his. She could feel how excited he was.

  He pulled his head back and looked her in the eyes. She was on fire and he wanted her so much. “You’re the one who’s hot. Time to lose this” and he brushed the remaining strap of the negligée.

  Chapter 4. Nova Vista 0610, 22 April

  He woke with the sunrise. The light penetrated the gap in the curtains and its finger played across his face wresting his consciousness from its dream state. He looked across to his left and saw that beautiful face he loved so much, with auburn curls masking her forehead.

  A smile came across his face as he recalled the delights of their love making. He could still feel the smooth texture of her skin and smell her scent.

  He arched his back and stretched his body from his toes to his hands. He then carefully extricated himself from under the covers and stood upright. He went to the bathroom and washed his face, brushed his hair and looked at himself in the mirror. ‘You’ll do’ he said to himself and went into the spare bedroom which served as their meditation room.

  He was missing his asana – the small woollen blanket he normally sat on for meditation. So he sat on the floor with his legs crossed. He made sure he was sitting upright with a straight back, his hands on his thighs in chin mudra, with forefinger and thumb touching. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in and exhaled long. In this way he took two more deep breaths before bringing his breath back to its normal pace and rhythm.

  He began with his opening invocation offering up his time, focus, love and gratitude to his guru. Then he took hold of the mantra and repeated its syllables in time with his breath. This constant repetition on the mantra once on the in breath and again on the out breath helped still his mind.

  He would stay with this practice until he reached the void where his mind was still and the mantra dropped away. How long it took depended on the state of his mind. Right now he was content and so it took little time before he was lost to the serene peace within. On occasions he would see images or hear sounds. Sometimes they would be a manifestation of his emotional state. At other times they would be from his past, providing an opportunity for his consciousness to process things and at other times they could be a harbinger of things to come.

  On this occasion he saw rows and rows of body bags lined up against the hanger bay wall of the Hermes. He felt a deep sadness overwhelm him. But this was balanced by a palpable sense of detachment for he was the witness observing but not interacting. In that moment he knew he was free from the sadness, free from the regret and free from the sense of culpability that had dogged him these last two months since the battle over Fulmar. He knew that these emotions would resurface in the weeks to come but their ability to dominate him was gone. And in that last realisation the image was replaced by the void and he was lost to the inner world.

  Chapter 5. Nova Vista 0720, 22 April

  Dave was on one of the bar stools at the kitchen bench checking the latest news on his console when Rihan made her entrance into the living room. She was in the powder blue silk dressing gown Dave had also bought her. She walked up behind Dave and ruffled his hair before giving him a peck on his cheek.

  “Awake at last” said Dave and pecked her back.

  “I was so tired after that cavorting.”

  Dave sighed. “Oh but what cavorting” and he gave her a warm smile.

  “Yeah you weren’t too bad” she said and made her way to the fridge.

  “What makes you think the fairies have come in the night and stocked it?”

  “Oh” she moaned. “Have you placed an order?” She looked at the fridge display and saw the order confirmation. “Oh you are a good boy!” She checked the ETA for the delivery. “They won’t be here for another hour. Mmm…”

  “Come on Rihan, get dressed and we’ll have breakfast downstairs.”

  “No I want to meditate first. It can wait.”

  “But you haven’t been up for an hour already?”

  She walked to him and kissed him on the forehead. “Poor Davey. You’ll be right. I won’t be that long.” She glided back into the bedroom to change into her casuals for meditation.

  Dave sought solace in his console. The lead news storey was about an engagement with a rogan ship over Alpha Phi. Apparently fighters from the Wasp carrier had despatched a rogan corvette. “On a recon” said Dave out loud.

  “What honey?” said Rihan as she headed for the bathroom.

  “Oh nothing” said Dave.

  ‘Gee it was only a year ago that I led that assault on Alpha Phi’ he said to himself. He reflected on how so much had changed since then, how a year ago he was involved in a civil war with the Alliance. But that was short lived. He and his best friend, LCmd Art Simons, were instrumental in bringing about the rapprochement between the Federation and the Alliance so they could meet the common alien enemy, the sleth.

  ‘What a battle’ he said to himself as he recalled the climatic engagement over Klaster. ‘We beat the sleth but a few months later we’re battling the rogan to protect the sleth. And soon we’ll be embarking on a mission to foster insurrection in the rogan empire.’ “What a roller coaster” he said out loud.

  “What’s a roller coaster?” asked Rihan as she headed to the meditation room.

  “Nothing darling.”

  ‘Where will it go from here?’ he asked himself.

  He heard the chime and said out aloud “Suite answer. Who’s there?”

  “It’s your delivery Sir” said the voice through the intercom.

  “You’re early. Well d
one. Come on up.”

  Rihan emerged from the meditation room around 0800 to find Dave munching on some toast, replete with marmalade. He waved with his free hand to highlight the goodies delivered. She gave him a smile and grabbed a slice of his toast before he could adequately defend it. She sunk her teeth into it ravenously as Dave shook his head disapprovingly.

  The door chime rang again.

  “Suite answer” said Dave. “Who is it?”

  “Captain, it’s Commander Ross from Public Relations. We need to talk.”

  “I don’t think so Commander. I’m on leave till June.”

  “I know Sir but I do need to talk with you now.”

  Rihan was shaking her head.

  “All right. Come on up” said Dave and Rihan shrugged. “Sorry darling. You better change.”

  “Ta!” and she hurried off into the bedroom. She was still in there when the knock came at the door. Dave closed the bedroom door before opening the front door.

  “Good morning Captain” said the impeccably dressed officer. “I’m Commander Shane Ross and this is Lt Justine Falks.”

  Ross was not only impeccably dressed but he held himself impeccably too, upright but not rigid. He was clean shaven and his blue eyes took in everything. He instinctively slicked back his black hair as he entered. ‘Too slick by half’ thought Dave. ‘How I hate salesmen’.

  Justine Falks was not in the same class. Her angular features and searching grey eyes were far too earnest. Her hair was pinned back severely, the taut light brown fibres mirroring her nature. There was little meat on her bones. She was as hard as nails.

  Dave led them to the lounge chairs where they sat down. Rihan emerged fully dressed and the introductions were repeated.

  “So what’s this all about?” asked Dave.

  “I am not sure if you are aware of the coverage you received back here from your recent exploits in the Orion sector” said Cmdr Ross. “Suffice to say it was substantial and a very good look for the Fleet. The word has got out that you are back on Polaris and we have been inundated with requests for interviews.”

  “I wonder how that word got out” said Dave. It was more a statement than a question and Ross was aware of his implication.

  “I’m not sure how but it’s out there now. I also understand you are going to have a wedding next week.”

  “You are well informed” chimed in Rihan.

  Ross let the comment go through to the keeper and continued on. “We would like to help you manage the media for the event.”

  “This is a private event” said Dave. “There is not going to be any media at the event for you to manage.”

  “With all due respects Sir” responded Justine Falks “I don’t think you realise that whether you like it or not the media will turn up. The Fleet has a vested interest to ensure that this is handled correctly.”

  Dave looked to Rihan and could see that she was not happy. He turned back to Ross. “This is a private affair and it will remain so. I don’t give a toss for your vested interest.”

  “Sir” said Ross “I understand where you are coming from but I am here under Rear Admiral Turnhout’s orders.”

  “I don’t care Commander whose orders you are under” said Dave. “I am on leave and this, as I said, will remain a private matter.” Dave stood up and added “Good day to you both.”

  Ross could see that Dave was not going to budge. He motioned to Justine and they stood to leave. “The Admiral’s not going to be happy.”

  “They rarely are” responded Dave and shut the door behind them.

  “Oh terrific” exclaimed an annoyed Rihan.

  Dave checked the time on the fridge display. “Max and Alecia will be here in a minute.”

  “What are we going to do about this PR business?”

  “Nothing, unless Turnhout gets stroppy about it.”

  “And he will by the sound of it.”

  “Well I’ll have to up the ante and take the matter up with Yomoto. A full Admiral trumps a Rear Admiral most days.”

  The chime rang. “Suite, answer. Yes?” said Dave.

  “Dave my boy it’s your favourite uncle and aunt.”

  “Come on up Max.”

  When Dave opened the door his big smiling uncle gave him a hug. Max was not as tall as Dave, but he used to be. Age had taken its toll. Despite that he still had a swagger and an almost irrepressible positive nature.

  Alecia wore her good nature on her face. Her hair would have been grey but the blond streaks helped make her look younger. She wore a blouse and loose fitting slacks and craned her head as her eager green eyes sought out the future niece she had never met before.

  After hugs and introductions, Dave put on a coffee while Rihan was answering a series of question that had been waiting a long time to be answered. From the other side of the kitchen bench Dave watched the three of them talking. At first it was a little measured but Dave took his time with the preparations. When Dave brought over the cups the conversation was livelier. He went back to sort out the croissants. By the time he returned with them everyone was relaxed and Rihan was at her charming best.

  “Oh Dave you have scored” said Max.

  “I know” said Dave and he gave a reassuring smile to Rihan.

  “Pay no heed my dear” said Alecia “Max has no sensitivity at times. But he means well.”

  “What did I say?” asked a bewildered Max.

  “It’s all right” said Rihan “I have had far worse on Fleet ships.”

  “I’m sure you have” replied Alecia. “But you should expect better from family” and Alecia cut Max a disapproving look.

  “Alright, alright my apologies” said Max with an expression that was part guilty and part mischievous. Rihan thought that he must use that expression quite a bit.

  “OK” said Dave “we haven’t got that much time before Art and Sue arrive and then we have to be at Renata’s. So let’s focus on the wedding arrangements.”

  “Ah Renata’s” said Max. “You are going to have the reception there then?”

  “Yes we asked Tony last night.”

  “Do you think it’s going to be big enough?” asked Alecia.

  “It’ll be a squeeze” chimed in Rihan “but we’ll make it work.”

  They addressed who would be attending and tallied up the numbers.

  “Any news on Brennon?” asked Dave.

  “Nothing since the other day” answered Max. “But don’t worry he’ll be pulling out all the stops to get here.”

  “Where exactly is he?”

  “I really don’t know. He won’t tell us anything about that - claims he’d have to kill us if he did and all that security stuff.”

  “Alright let’s leave it” said Dave. “One other thing though Max. Apart from family, did you mention our wedding to anyone else, like Tony for instance?”

  Max looked upwards as if seeking divine guidance. “Yes I did mention it to Tony and to a few other friends Dave. That’s all.”

  “The media?”

  “No certainly not” replied Max with a bit of indignation.

  “Why what’s the matter Dave” asked Alecia.

  Dave explained the early morning call from Fleet PR and how he wanted to keep this private.

  “Private it shall be Dave” said Alecia. She looked across at Max and gave him the evil eye. He nodded his compliance.

  There was a knock at the door and Dave went over, checked the display and saw his best mate Art smiling at him. He opened the door.

  “How’s my fellow lamb” asked Art “ready for the slaughter ol’ buddy?”

  Art’s eyes were beaming. He had a big grin on his relaxed face. His strong right arm was outstretched and his other arm was supporting his fiancée, LCmd Sue Chalker.

  Dave grinned and shook his outstretched hand as Sue was shaking her head. “Ignore him Dave” she said and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She had let her hair grow since they left Chester in the Orion sector and it was now reaching her shoulde
rs. It softened and enhanced her features. Dave had never seen her look so good.

  “Come on in” said Dave. “Max and Alecia are already here.”

  After the introductions Dave looked across to Rihan. She just looked back at him. He swallowed and knew there was no delaying the announcement. “Max, Alecia, we’re going to be having a double wedding with Art and Sue.”

  There was a moment or two of silence. “Didn’t see that one coming Dave” said Max.

  “Well it’s certainly going to be a squeeze then at Renata’s” said Alecia. Dave looked across to his aunt with an expression that said ‘thank you’. She gave him a smile.

  “Not so much of a squeeze really” said Sue “neither of us has any family and our friends are Dave and Rihan’s.”

  “What no family at all?” asked Max.

  “No” replied Sue “I’m an orphan Annie and Art’s would have disowned him if they hadn’t up and died first.” They all laughed.

  Chapter 6. Nova Vista 1430, 22 April

  “Enough” said Dave. “I’ve had enough of all these arrangements. Let’s take a break and watch a movie or go for a swim, anything that doesn’t involve wedding arrangements.”

  Rihan leant over from her chair at the dining table and placed a reassuring hand on Dave’s. “Sure, I’m up for a swim.”

  “Blast. I don’t have any togs” said Dave as he just realised they too went down with the Hermes.

  “That didn’t stop you last time.”

  “Yeah but last time wasn’t downstairs in the public pool” and he gave a knowing look.

  “Movie then” said Rihan. They went over and sunk into their respective lounge chairs. “Suite, movie mode.” The windows tinted to almost a complete blackout. The display activated on the central window bringing up a search engine for movies. “Romantic comedy?” But she could tell from Dave’s expression that this wasn’t what he fancied. “Something else then. Let’s see. Forget thrillers and murder mysteries.”

  “What’s wrong with a thriller?”

  “How about an adventure?” she asked ignoring his question. He nodded. “Hmm…it’s nice to have a consensus” said Rihan.


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