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Six Guns: Volume One

Page 15

by Sara V. Zook

  Before I realized it, I was nodding my head saying yes to Nicky Cain, a man I didn’t even know.

  I walked out of that house revived and feeling more like the old me than ever before. I saw a shiny black sports car parked along the street. “That yours?”

  He grinned. “You like it?”

  He opened the passenger side door for me. I slid into the leather seat. It still smelled brand new.

  “How’d you know to come in there, to the house I mean?” I asked as he got behind the wheel.

  “I pulled over here to look at the address of the place I was going. I was smoking, so my windows were down, and I heard you scream. It was the kind of scream that sends shivers up your spine, that you know someone is getting hurt.”


  “I need to go somewhere real quick,” Nicky told me. “Want to be my date for the night?”

  I looked over at him. He was doing that sideways smile again. He put the car in drive and took off.



  I was driving, at the speed limit this time, wondering how it was that I now had this beautiful creature in my car with me. I thought I had a rough day, but so did she. I couldn’t help but wonder what kinds of things her husband had done to her to make her want to kill him, or at least threaten to, and even have the gun in her hands and aimed at him. She didn’t seem like the psycho type, but then again, I could be dead wrong about that. I told her I didn’t need to know the details, but really, I wished she’d said more. After all, I had invited her over to my place for the night. Maybe I should be worried. She had tucked that bad boy handgun back in her purse for safe keeping. I hoped this wasn’t poor judgment on my part. I didn’t want to wake up with a gun aimed at me. I just felt so bad for her. She seemed genuinely distressed, and I always had trouble with women in tears. I couldn’t help but swoop in and comfort them. It didn’t help matters that this woman sitting next to be was incredibly hot. She had blonde hair and a small, tight body. I glanced her way. She wasn’t crying anymore but was just staring out the window with a blank look on her face. Damn, she was beautiful. I put my hand on top of hers and squeezed. If there was anything I was truly good it, it was being a Casanova. She turned to me then and pressed her lips together in a gentle smile. She was a little surprised by my gesture, but she didn’t pull her hand away. How had that ugly bastard ended up landing a girl like this?

  I pulled into a gas station and parked the car. “You need anything?” I asked her.

  “No, thanks.”

  I nodded. “I’ll be right back, okay?” I got out and headed inside. I walked to the back of the store to the bathroom. I locked the door and pulled out my phone from my pocket. “Hey, it’s me,” I said once I’d heard Seton’s voice on the other end.

  “Did you do it?” he asked.

  “Not yet.”

  “Get arrested again?”

  I sighed. “Not this time.”

  “Then what’s the hold up, Cain?”

  “Something happened.”

  “What kind of something?”

  I paused for a moment. “I pulled over a sec and heard a woman screaming from inside a house. I didn’t even think about it. I just walked in and some dude was attacking her. I killed him, Seton. I fucking shot him in the head.”

  “What? You killed someone?” He was surprised.

  I hadn’t had time to let it settle in that I’d just murdered someone I didn’t even know after that speech I’d given Seton about needing to know the guy was bad before I did the deed. This time it felt different, though. The other guy in the house all of us had broken into—I’d felt pressured to do it. This time seeing Lilah there struggling against him ripping the gun out of her hands, her saying he attacked her, it felt right. That guy seemed to deserve it. I don’t know. I was trying to justify it even now to myself.

  “I know, I know. I just need the mess cleaned up. Can you send someone? The Triplets maybe?” I asked.

  Seton remained silent for a few moments. “Yeah, I’ll make it happen, Nicky.”


  “Shit happens. I mean, I just didn’t expect it to happen to you.”

  “Yeah, well, me either,” I mumbled.

  “Give me a location, and we’ll be there.”


  “And Nicky?”


  “Get that fucking package delivered.”

  “I will.”

  I finished giving Seton directions to Lilah’s house and then made another call telling the client I was on my way. Then I went out to the store and grabbed two iced teas. I walked back to the car. Lilah’s eyes followed me the whole way. I got back in and held up the drink.

  “You like this stuff?” I asked her.

  She smiled. “Yeah, thanks. You didn’t have to do that. You don’t have to do any of this.”

  “I want to, really.”

  I watched her open the cap and take a few sips.

  “One more stop and then my house.”

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  Now I had to set out to do what I intended to do earlier in the day. I kept getting all these interruptions…getting arrested, smoking hot woman, killing her husband…things like that could mess up getting an important package delivered. I saw the building up ahead. Shit. It was the same building that Seton had taken me to that first night when he blasted that guy and I barfed everywhere. I went around the block and parked somewhere nicer for Lilah, less creepy than some of these slummy streets, somewhere where she wouldn’t see where I was headed. The package was already in my inside pocket. I only had one gun on me this time.

  “Be right back. I’ll let the car run. Flip through my playlist, find something you like.”

  Lilah having access to stealing my car was the least of my worries right now. I wondered what this guy was going to be like that I was delivering this to. I jogged down the street and out of sight from Lilah. I glanced at the door of the abandoned building where I had followed Seton in before. There was a single car parked outside. I didn’t see anyone in the vehicle.

  I went up the stairs. I stepped up into the room and saw a guy waiting for me.

  “Good timing,” he told me. “I just got here. You got it on you, then?”

  I removed the package and showed him. “Right here, man.”

  He pulled out an envelope that contained the cash and tossed it to me. I tossed the package at him.

  The guy nodded. “Nice doing business with you guys, as always.” He turned around and left.

  That was it? It seemed almost too easy. I glanced down at the floor. There was a huge, dark spot on the cement where the guy Seton shot had died. I found myself stepping over the blood just as I had stepped over that body and exited the building. I stuffed my hands in my pockets as I saw the car outside start up and the guy took off. I hurried back to my vehicle. It was still there. I saw Lilah’s hand on the dash, flipping through my music.

  “Ready?” I asked her.

  She leaned her head back against the headrest. “Yep.”

  A few minutes later, I pulled into my driveway. All the guys were gone. I hit a button inside my car to open the garage door. I glanced over at Lilah. Her eyes were on my house.

  “Wow, nice place,” she said.

  “I like it,” I replied, grinning, loving the pride filling me that I actually had something nice for once to show a chick.

  She turned to me, lowering her eyebrows. “Who are you exactly, Nicky Cain?”

  I shrugged. “Just some guy whose luck’s changed.”

  I pulled the car inside the garage. I took her hand as she got out and we went in through a side door into the house.

  “And I’m not disappointed with seeing the inside either,” Lilah commented, her eyes large as she examined everything.

  “Yeah, well, I can’t take credit for it. My friend, Remmy, hired some top-notch decorator to do all this for me,” I explained.

  I heard high heels clicking on
the hardwood floor. I turned around to see Tina walking toward us wearing skimpy silver lingerie. She put her hands on her hips and gave me a pissed-off look.

  “Oh, shit,” I blurted out. I completely forgot Tina had been here waiting for me. She’d been here most of the day. I should’ve gotten rid of her before bringing Lilah here. How could I forget something like that?

  “Why do you look so surprised to see me, Nicky?” Tina asked, her eyes locked on Lilah. “Who’s she?”

  I gave Lilah an apologetic look. Her cheeks were blushed red as I could only imagine what she was thinking in that head of hers at the sight of Tina who wasn’t rushing to go cover herself up.

  “Tina, Lilah. Lilah, Tina,” I introduced them, not sure what I should be doing to get rid of this crazy awkwardness filling the room.

  Lilah took a step forward. “Nice to meet you, Tina.”

  Tina didn’t budge. She continued to glare at her. “I don’t understand, Nicky. What the hell?”

  I put my hand on Tina’s back and led her toward the staircase. “She needs a place to stay. I have this whole house to myself. It’s no big deal. I forgot you were here.”

  “You forgot I was here?” Tina hissed out.

  Why had I just told her that? “Just go upstairs to my room. I’ll be up in a little bit.”

  “I’m tired of waiting,” she snapped at me. “This is bullshit. I came all this way and you forget I’m even here?”

  “I didn’t forget,” I said.

  “You just said that you did!”

  “I just got caught up in some things tonight.” I continued to almost push her toward the stairs. “Go, Tina.”

  She gave me a look that was more like a warning and then made extra effort to shoot a look back in Lilah’s direction before cautiously going up the stairs in her incredibly high heels.

  I watched her until she was gone and then moved back to Lilah. I ran a hand through my hair, embarrassed by this whole thing. I didn’t know why, though. I’d only known Lilah for like an hour. It was kind of exhilarating to have two gorgeous ladies in my house. “Sorry about that,” I told her.

  “No problem,” Lilah replied quietly.

  “Are you hungry? I’m starving.”

  She smiled. “I could eat.”

  “Good. This way to the kitchen.” I pointed ahead, and she walked in front of me. I opened the refrigerator. It was pretty empty. I did have some cheese, though. “I can make a mean grilled cheese,” I stated.

  She sat down at the island and watched me. “I like grilled cheese.”

  I turned on the burner and got out two glasses. “Whiskey?”

  Lilah rested her head in between her hands. “That would be great. I could really use a drink right now.”

  “Me, too.” I poured some liquor in them both and returned to making the sandwiches. When was the last time I’d made food for a woman? Had I ever? I almost laughed at thinking how odd I was behaving. It was totally uncharacteristic of me. I tried to convince myself it was from this horrible day, that I was deliriously exhausted and in need of food in my belly.

  I drank my whiskey and handed Lilah a plate. “Eat up. I’ll be back. I need to go throw some blankets on a bed for you.”



  The warm water poured over my head as I stood in the shower for a few moments just enjoying the feeling of washing away everything that had happened tonight at my house. It still didn’t seem real. When I thought about what could’ve happened had Nicky not come through that door…Mark would’ve gotten the upper hand and taken the gun from me. He probably would’ve shot me. I would be the one laying back there against the wall, not him. Thank god for Nicky Cain. And now I was in his house, in one of his bathrooms. This was totally unexpected, a little crazy when I thought about it, but nice just the same. I was exhausted but had that feeling of relief. I didn’t have to be the one who pulled the trigger, and yet, Mark was still dead. No more Rita or Mark Junior. Just peace—true peace—at last. I felt free and despite my exhaustion, thought I could spin and dance for a few more hours if I wanted to. I was celebrating inside. I glanced down at a bottle of shampoo laying on the side of the tub and squirted some in my palms. I applied it to my hair. The hot water was beginning to steam up the whole room.

  “Hey,” I heard Nicky call as he popped his head in the door. “I can’t see anything, honestly.”

  I grinned.

  “I know you don’t have any clean clothes here, so I brought you one of my Tshirts. That work?” he yelled out above the sound of the water.

  “That’s perfect! Thank you!” I shouted back.

  “Okay. It’s here on the sink. Sorry I don’t have any women’s clothes here. I’m just not that kind of man.”

  I burst out laughing. “No pink Tshirts, even?”

  “None. Sorry.” He chuckled. “I’m leaving now.”

  When I didn’t hear his voice anymore, I continued to lather myself in soap. I rinsed and opened the shower door. I reached for the fluffy gray towel Nicky had given me and dried off. I put on his T-shirt and looked in the mirror. My hair was still dripping, but I felt a million times better. I felt the extra boost of energy start to leave and exhaustion take the upper hand. I yawned as I walked out into the room and saw Nicky’s poor attempt at making a bed. There were no sheets, just a blanket spread on top of the mattress and a comforter pulled down for me to cover up with. Typical man move.

  I curled on my side and covered up. It was chilly tonight, and my damp hair didn’t help. Mark’s face flashed in my thoughts but disappeared quickly as all I could seem to focus on was the fact that Nicky was probably with that Tina girl. She looked like a hooker and was pretty upset by my being here. It started to irritate me the more I thought about him being with her. I closed my eyes and tried to block it all out. This was just a place to sleep for the night. Nicky was a nice guy. He had been so kind to me, kinder than anyone had been in a long, long time. It was none of my business what his relationship was with Tina—or anyone for that matter. I needed to get some rest. It had been a hell of a night.

  I was almost asleep when the door cracked open and light from the hallway poured in.

  “You awake?” Nicky whispered.

  “Yeah.” My stomach felt like it did a flip-flop knowing he was there checking in on me.

  The door opened wider and then shut. He flipped on a tiny lamp beside the bed. “You doing okay, Lilah?”

  Was he worried about me? I felt tears surface against my will.

  “Hey, now, it’s okay.” He sat down on the bed, his fingers moving to my eyes to wipe away the droplets of tears that hadn’t fallen yet. The gesture only made more tears return. His forehead crinkled in wrinkles. “You’ve been through a lot. Maybe I shouldn’t have shot him.”

  “No,” I said firmly. “I’m glad you did. Really. I’m not upset about that. I don’t know what I’m upset about.”

  He reached out and grabbed my hand. “You want me to stay?”

  I bit my bottom lip. He was such a comforting man. “Isn’t Tina waiting for you, though?”

  He chuckled. “Probably, but I don’t care about Tina. She wasn’t even invited here. She just showed up. She’s a bed hog anyway.”

  So he knew she was a bed hog, which meant he’d been with her before. The more important matter was that he didn’t want her now. “I feel like I’m being so needy.”

  “Yeah, you are, but that’s okay.” He cracked a grin.

  I swallowed. His face in the shadows made by the light of the lamp was even more beautiful. “I’d like it if you stayed.”

  He curled up next to me, his body on top of the covers, mine underneath. He began running his fingers through my damp hair, sending tingles down my spine. It was a relaxing gesture and I felt the tension melt away from my body. I was relaxing for once. It had been a long time since I’d been able to unwind like this. Nicky’s arm went over top of me as he held me close. My back was turned to him. I closed my eyes. Feelings were stirri
ng in me, rising up from the pit of my stomach. I didn’t know what to make of this man holding me. He was still a stranger, yet I’d never felt so at home before in my entire life. I just knew that I felt good, and I didn’t want this feeling to end. I took a deep breath and relished the warmth of the strong body behind me.



  I poured myself some coffee and leaned against the edge of the island in the kitchen. Lilah had been sleeping so peacefully, I hadn’t wanted to wake her. I needed a good night’s sleep like that. She had looked beautiful with her blonde hair scattered all over my chest, her mouth parted slightly as she slept. Every once in a while, her legs had made these little jerking movements. She had a good body. I had wanted to make a move, but I figured after what she’d been through yesterday, I probably shouldn’t be a dick and just this once, try to be a comforting, understanding person.

  The doorbell rang. Seton stood there as I swung the door open wide to let him inside.

  “You got some of that stuff for me?” he asked, motioning toward my cup of coffee.

  “Yeah.” I walked into the kitchen and grabbed another mug from the cupboard. “What’s going on?”

  “Everything from last night’s been taken care of.”

  I filled up the cup. “Good.” I turned around and handed it to Seton. He shook his head. “What?”

  “I still can’t believe you did that. After all that bullshit you gave me the other night…” He shook his head again.

  “Yeah, well, it was different this time.”

  Seton didn’t say anything. He just nodded his head and lifted the coffee mug to his lips.

  “You like it black, too?”

  “Gotta have coffee black.” Seton pulled an envelope from his pocket and pushed it across the table at me. “Oh, and there’s this.”

  “What’s it for?” I asked, opening it a little and seeing all the cash.

  Seton took another slurping sip. “That, my friend, is courtesy of Bello.”

  “Nice,” I said.

  Seton nodded. “We have a few buyers very interested in the product. Things are looking good—very good.”


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