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Gunnin' for You (Rolling Thunder series Book 4)

Page 4

by Pj Fiala

  “What? Her mom was pregnant while your mom was pregnant?”

  Gunnar nodded as they walked to his truck. Crazy ass family situation he had.


  Ryder opened the door and stepped aside to let them in. Gunnar grabbed his brother in a hug and a shoulder slap greeting. Yikes, Emma looked horrified at the slapping sounds. Gunnar stepped away and pulled Emma forward.

  “Emma, this is my brother, Ryder. Ryder, this is Emma.”

  “Nice to meet you, Emma. Come on in and sit down. What can I get you two to drink?”

  “I’ll have a beer. What do you want, babe?”

  Emma looked at Gunnar with her brows up in the air. Babe? He smirked at the look on her face.

  “I’ll have a beer, as well. Thank you.”

  Ryder snickered and walked into the kitchen to grab their drinks. Gunnar pulled Emma into the living room where Molly was sitting holding Maddie and everyone else was talking.

  “Hey. This is Emma. Emma, my mom, Joci. My dad, Jeremiah. My sisters, Molly and Maddie, and my brother, JT.”

  Everyone said hello and Gunnar walked them over to the love seat, at a forty-five-degree angle to the sofa. Gunnar sat for a brief second, then jumped up and walked over to Molly. “My turn, please.”

  Molly grinned as she handed Maddie over to him. He walked back over to Emma and sat next to her, staring down at his little sister.

  Emma smiled, watching Gunnar grin at his sister. She looked over at Joci and Jeremiah and they were both watching him with the baby.

  “Is she a good baby?”

  Joci nodded. “She’s pretty good. She wakes up about every four hours. In between, she is constantly being held or snuggled. I’m afraid she’s going to be spoiled.” Joci looked at Jeremiah and raised her brows.

  Jeremiah shrugged his shoulders. “I love holding her. Can’t help it.” He kissed Joci on the temple and she melted into him.

  “I understand you baptized Gunnar’s bike with baby formula?” Molly grinned at Emma.

  Emma’s eyes grew to the size of saucers. “Oh. God. It was an accident, I’m so mortified.”

  They all laughed at the looks on Joci and Jeremiah’s faces. Gunnar relayed the story of how they initially met. Emma covered her face with her hands as they chuckled.

  Gunnar nudged her with his shoulder and leaned in to whisper in her ear. “I thought you were beautiful; still do.”

  Emma looked at him with her mouth flopped open. He thought she was beautiful? Wow. She was reduced to the quivers and stammering, and of course, clumsiness when she saw him. He looked like a big bad biker guy…well, sexy biker guy. Luckily, she didn’t have to comment or respond to him because Maddie had opened her eyes and Gunnar began talking softly to her.

  “She’s going to have your eyes, Mom. And, she has dimples.” To Maddie he softly cooed, “Ooo, the boys are going to be knocking on the door for you, little one. Good thing you have big brothers to beat the crap out of anyone who is thinking about so much as a kiss.”

  Molly laughed. “In the hospital I was watching all of you big guys hovering over her and thought she was a lucky little girl to have all of you. Now, I’m thinking when she’s about sixteen or seventeen, she is going to hate having big brothers.”

  Joci and Jeremiah took Maddie home after about an hour and the kids sat and visited for an hour or so longer. Emma had to admit, they were fun to be around. Molly gave her a tour of the house. Emma saw the pictures Molly had taken of Joci and Jeremiah’s wedding and of the Veteran’s build at Danny Schaefer’s house. They discussed them, and Emma’s breath was stilled when she saw pictures of Gunnar walking his mom down the aisle. He was beautiful. His long, dark hair spilled around his broad shoulders and it had a slight wave to it. He wore a gray tuxedo, which is always a bit of a turn on, but on Gunnar? No words. He looked happy, at peace, and very much loved in the folds of his family. As she watched him this evening withhis family, they seemed to have a comfortable, easy relationship with each other. Not coming from a big family, this was all new to her. Even her brother-in-law, Ron, only had one sibling.


  “Thank you for coming with me to Ryder and Molly’s.”

  Emma looked back at him and smiled. “You’re welcome. I wasn’t sure it was a good idea at first, but I’m glad I came with you. Molly seems very sweet. You all seem to have a nice time with each other.”

  “Right from the beginning, I felt close to Jeremiah, JT, and Ryder. I started working for Rolling Thunder Motorcycles about three years ago now. There was just something there. I can’t explain it. It took me a couple of years to get my mom to join us for the planning of the Veteran’s Ride. She finally did, and Dad fell in love with her right away. She had been afraid of getting involved, but when they finally got together, they both knew it was meant to be.My dad always says she completes him, but they complete us, as well. It’s hard to put into words. It’s just a feeling, I guess.”

  Chapter Seven

  “I don’t know why he affects me like he does, Ash. When I’m around him I feel so out-of-control. I’m clumsy, ditsy, and I get defensive over nothing.”

  “Hmm. It seems that maybe there’s more there than meets the eye. You need to see him again and find out what this is. If you avoid him, you’ll never know and it’ll drive you crazy. Give him a call, Emma.”

  “Yeah. Go take a nap. When I finish feeding Tyler, I’ll think about calling him.”

  “Thanks for giving me a break, sis.” Ashley watched Emma rock Tyler and a soft smile played on her lips, then she turned and walked out of the room.

  Emma sat in the rocking chair in Tyler’s room, slowly rocking him as he drank from his bottle. Looking down at his sweet little face, a contented smile shaped her lips. Remembering Gunnar holding Maddie, she took a deep breath. The tenderness he had in him when he looked at his baby sister staggered her. His broad chest made little Maddie look like a peanut, and his large hands gently smoothing her little cheeks seemed out of place. Yet, he thought nothing of cooing to her and kissing her little head when everyone was around. He whipped her thoughts like they were in a hurricane. On one hand, he picked up women, didn’t ask their names, and screwed them. On the other hand, he was capable of love and not afraid to show it.

  He had probably moved on with someone else—Janie maybe—when she turned him down for another date last weekend. Doubtful he had trouble finding women.

  As Emma pondered whether or not to give Gunnar a call, her phone rang. She quickly reached for it before it woke Tyler.

  “Hello,” she whispered.

  “I thought about you all week.”

  Letting out a soft breath she said, “I’ve thought about you, too.”

  “Then why wouldn’t you go out with me?”

  Resting her head against the back of the chair she closed her eyes. Softly she said, “I guess I’m scared of you.”

  Gunnar stared out the window of his living room and watched the kid across the street jump his skateboard over the curb. He pondered her statement as he watched the kid hit the grass and roll into the yard. He grinned as the boy’s dog jumped on him and started lapping at his face. “No one is scared of me. I’m not scary. Try again.”

  Emma pressed her phone between her ear and shoulder, holding it in place as she slowly stood to lay Tyler in his crib. She patted his back softly to make sure he stayed sleeping and slowly backed away.

  “I can hear you moving around. Talk to me, girl.”

  As she quietly stepped out of Tyler’s room and padded to her own, she said, “I just laid Tyler down and Ash is taking a nap. Anyway, I don’t know what to say. I guess I have a hard time thinking straight around you.”

  Gunnar grinned. “Yeah. You’re clumsy, too.”

  “I guess. But you randomly pick up women and screw them.”

  “Used to.”

  “Right. Now you’ve stopped?”


  “For how long?”

  “Why does it matter?
It isn’t a contest and I’m not running for office.”

  “Well, I might. Run for office, I mean. It could mean something.” She chuckled.

  “Hmm, you’d make a great first lady.”

  “I said, I might run for office. That would make me the President, not the first lady. You’d be the…what? First man?”

  “You’ll have to go out with me first.”

  Emma flopped onto her bed and stared at the ceiling. She followed the sun streaks painting a kaleidoscope of colors across the room and realized this was a lame conversation and she didn’t have a great excuse for not going out with him. Except she was scared of how she reacted to him.

  Drawing in a deep breath she said, “Okay.”

  Gunnar nodded his head and let out a breath. “I’ll pick you up at eight.”

  She sat abruptly. “Tonight?”

  “Yes, tonight. I’ve waited to call you all damn week. You’ve had enough time to get over your fear or whatever.”


  Walking into The Barn, hand-in-hand, Gunnar led them to a table in the corner. He motioned to a waitress and they ordered their drinks. As they waited, he leaned his forearms on the table and leaned into her.

  She took a deep breath and instantly her senses ignited. Damn, the man smelled fabulous. She thought about how wonderful it felt to just hold his hand. Mostly, she thought about kissing him and how she’d feel pulled into his body with his arms wrapped around her. His mouth on her mouth was like nothing she’d ever felt before. Greg had been a good kisser; making out with him was one of the things she’d enjoyed. But, he had never kissed her like Gunnar had kissed her the other night. Her body responded in ways that still astounded her. Her nipples beaded up like hard little beads and her breasts felt heavy. Her body tingled and feelings shot straight through her and pooled low in her core as he held her and kissed her. If she responded that way to just a kiss, she could only imagine what it would be like to make love with him.

  He watched emotions flit across her face. Her pink lips slightly parted and he couldn’t stop himself. He leaned forward and lightly pressed his lips to hers. Gently swiping his tongue in and out, he slightly pecked her lips again and sat back watching the pulsing in her throat as it quickened and the surprise in her eyes as she watched him pull his lips together, and then a soft smile played on his face.

  The waitress brought their drinks before either of them could say a word. Her hands shaking slightly, she stirred her drink with the straw and slightly shook her head to clear the fog. She was in so darn much trouble with him.

  “So, we’re going for a bike ride tomorrow. Will you come with us?”

  “Who’s us?”

  “My brothers, parents, and aunts and uncles. Maybe some guys from the shop too.”

  “Now you want me to meet your whole family and your co-workers? Yikes.”

  “I want you to go for a bike ride with me. I ride with my family. Does everything have to be a big deal?”

  Emma straightened. “I’m not making a big deal. I…just…” She pursed her lips and glanced at the women dancing. She let out a long breath and said, “Okay. But you should know I’ve killed a biker.”

  Gunnar sat back a couple of inches, and watched her eyes meet his straight on. “Say again.”

  “A biker. I killed one.” She tried to act nonchalant, but her lips quivered, her eyes welled with tears and her resolution faltered. She sank back into her chair and swiped at the lone tear that snaked its way down her cheek.

  Gunnar’s heart beat wildly in his chest. He did not see that coming. The DJ turned up the music and he quickly realized they would have to shout over the beat. He stood abruptly, grabbed his drink in one hand and her hand in his other. He pulled her to her feet and nodded to her drink. She slowly picked it up off the table and Gunnar began steering them to the back door. They weaved their way around the throngs of partiers to the door. Her hand felt small in Gunnar’s. His was strong where hers wasn’t. The roughness of his hands—a working man’s hands—sent shivers through her body. His hands fixed things like motorcycles and remodeled a bathroom for his sister and brother. She tightened her fingers around his, enjoying the contrast between them.

  As they stepped outside, the cool spring air hit her face and she took a deep breath for the first time since he stood.

  He quickly strode to a picnic table, set his drink down, turned and picked her up as if she weighed nothing, and set her on the top of the table with her feet resting on the bench. She set her drink down and he leaned in so they were almost nose to nose. “Tell me.”

  She could see his jaw set tight, the pulsing in his throat giving away the rapid beat of his heart, and his staccato breathing told her he was affected.


  Emma swiped at her eyes again and swallowed the lump in her throat. Gunnar stayed firmly in place, not giving her any room to move. She met his gaze and saw concern. It was what she needed to bolster the strength to tell him what she needed to say.

  Emma shook her head and braced herself for his wrath. She looked past Gunnar’s shoulder to the building and took a deep breath, then she saw him.

  “Why is that man taking our picture?”

  Gunnar turned his head to follow her gaze to a stocky man as he slid his phone into the breast pocket of his dark brown sport jacket, two finger saluted Gunnar and Emma, and turned to leave. His brown hair was tied in the back with a band only allowing for a two-inch ponytail.

  “Gunnar, do you know who he is?”

  “No. Do you?”

  “I couldn’t see him very clearly, but why would someone take your picture and run?”

  Gunnar looked at Emma, seeing the concern on her face. His face softened and he gently sat next to her on the picnic table, wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his firm body. Staring at the now empty spot where the mystery man had been, he slowly shook his head. “I don’t think he was taking my picture. I think he was taking yours.”

  Emma jerked back. “Why? I don’t know who he is.”

  Gunnar’s jaw tightened. “If he wanted a picture of me, he wouldn’t be taking a picture of my back.” He slowly looked down at Emma and watched her face register the truth of the matter.

  “I think I want to go back inside,” she whispered.

  They sat staring at each other, lost in one another's gaze. Emma was mesmerized looking into Gunnar’s clear blue eyes—so blue—like the summer sky, clear and bright, framed with thick, lush lashes. His dark hair was pulled back in his signature low ponytail at the nape of his neck. His lips were full and soft and she wanted him to kiss her right then and there. She saw his lips lift at the corners and thought he was going to say something, probably tease. He leaned in just as they heard, “Hey, how are you guys doing? How are the babies?”

  Emma’s head jerked to the side to see Janie just a few steps away and walking toward them.

  Emma heard Gunnar’s whispered, “Fuck.”

  Not being able to help herself, she looked at him and smirked. At least he was irritated that their impending kiss was interrupted.

  Emma turned toward Janie and said, “We’re doing very well. How about you?”

  Janie approached the picnic table and stopped in front of them. “I’m doing good. What are you two doing out here?”

  Emma glanced at Gunnar and saw him watching her and not looking at Janie. She didn’t want to be rude, so Emma turned to Janie and said, “We came outside to talk, but I’m feeling chilled now, so we’re about to head back in.”

  Janie looked at Gunnar and cocked her head, waiting for him to look at her. Her blonde, shoulder length hair was curly tonight, and not as damaged looking as it had been. After a lengthy, uncomfortable silence, Janie glanced at Emma and said, “I thought I would come outside to get some fresh air.”

  Gunnar took a deep breath; his patience was quickly wearing thin. He knew Janie saw them walking outside and came over to see what they were doing. He hoped she wasn’t going to be a
thorn in his side. He watched Emma closely to see if this was affecting her negatively. She didn’t seem to be tense; not yet, anyway. As the silence grew uncomfortable, Gunnar tightened his arm on Emma’s shoulders and reached for the hand she had resting on her knee. Entwining his fingers with hers, he looked up at Janie.

  “Emma and I were just talking about what time we’re leaving on our bike ride tomorrow.” Looking down at Emma, he softly said, “Come on, babe, let’s go back inside before you get chilled.”

  He smiled his most devastating smile, the one with the dimples, raised their joined hands to his lips and kissed her fingers. While deeply gazing into her eyes, Emma sighed.

  Janie gasped. Even though it was soft, Emma heard it. It snapped her to attention and she tried pulling her hand out of Gunnar’s, but he held tight. He stood from the table and pulled her hand to help her to her feet. He supported her as she slid down the side of the table until her feet touched the ground and quickly but firmly wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her tight to his body.

  “W-well, you guys have a n-nice ride tomorrow,” Janie stammered.

  Emma felt sorry for her. “Thanks, Janie. We will. Enjoy your night, okay?”

  Gunnar pulled them around the outside of the bar to the front parking area. As soon as they rounded the corner, he leaned against the wall of the building, pulling Emma tightly to him, her front to his front. Quickly he wrapped an arm around her waist and had her face cupped in his hand. Before anyone else could interrupt them, he touched his lips to hers. He kissed her gently, coaxing her mouth open to slide his tongue inside. As soon as she opened, he deepened the kiss and as his hand slid to hold the back of her head, he slanted his to fit perfectly to her mouth and kissed her like he hoped she had never been kissed. He wanted to leave an imprint on her mind that no other person in the world would ever be able to replace. When she closed her eyes tonight, he wanted her to see him, feel his mouth on hers, smell him and be consumed by him. He wanted her to want him with every fiber of her being. He wanted her to need to be with him and only him.


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