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Gunnin' for You (Rolling Thunder series Book 4)

Page 8

by Pj Fiala

“Your woman? What are you, a fucking caveman?”

  “I’m a man who protects the woman in his life from fuckheads like you. This is twice tonight that I’ve told you to take a hike. Emma doesn’t want to talk to you. How thick is that head of yours?”

  JT and Ryder each stepped forward, causing Greg’s eyes to grow another two sizes in his head. He looked at each of them and then Gunnar one more time. He sneered at the three hulks in front of him and backed away. Emma stepped out from behind Gunnar and gave him a hug. “I’m sorry you had to deal with him again tonight. Thank you.”

  “Is he always tenacious like this?”

  “He’s an attorney; kind of says it all, doesn’t it?”

  “Yeah. I guess it does.” Gunnar pulled her into his body for a hug while everyone else went back to the tables to have another drink.

  Emma went to the restroom. She finished her business and was standing at the sink washing her hands when a woman behind her said, “Are you happy that you managed to make a spectacle of yourself tonight? You just can’t get enough attention, can you?”

  Emma looked up in the mirror to see the woman who had haunted so many of her dreams. “Mrs. Kendall. What are you doing here?”

  “That is none of your business. It seems as though you have decided to come back here and continue to party and have a good time. I don’t know why I ever thought you would be remorseful for your actions. Now you have men fighting over you. Typical.”

  “I am remorseful. I would give anything to go back in time and take back what happened. It was an accident; it wasn’t my fault. Josh pulled out in front of me and I couldn’t stop. I would never purposely hurt anyone.”

  “Hmm. Doubtful. You are a selfish, self-centered little bitch and you continue to destroy lives everywhere you go. Now you’re out there tearing up the lives of two more men for your pleasure and continuing to create drama.”

  “That’s enough!” Molly said as she walked through the door. “She’s not out there tearing up the lives of two men. Who the hell are you to judge her in any way?” Molly’s voice was edged with anger.

  Mrs. Kendall looked at Molly and sniffed. “Your little friend here murdered my son. She has no right to be out in bars and enjoying herself.”

  Molly’s eyes grew large. Sliding her gaze to Emma and back to this vicious woman, her brows creased and her lips thinned.

  “Get out of here and leave her alone. If you’re so bent out of shape over ‘drama,’” Molly used finger quotes, “then you shouldn’t be in here creating it yourself. Now, do I need to help you leave or are you going on your own?”

  Mrs. Kendall glared at Emma for what felt like hours. Emma would never forget this woman’s face. She had thought about it over and over these past six years. Her bitterness and anger was directed at the only person she could direct it toward, but it served no purpose. If she would only admit that her son had played a part in his own death, perhaps she could move on. Mrs. Kendall slowly slid her gaze away from Emma and looked at Molly. She slid her gaze down then slowly back up, while the sneer on her lips said everything she wanted to say and walked out of the bathroom door.

  Emma stood frozen in place. Watching the fire in Molly’s blue eyes—eyes that mirrored Gunnar’s—turn to kindness was a sight. Gunnar had been understanding when she told him about Josh, but how would the rest of them feel about her? Molly stepped toward Emma.

  “Are you okay, Em?”

  Finding her voice, Emma cleared her throat, “I’m good. Thanks for defending me Molly; but you should know, she was right. I did kill her son. I didn’t murder him, but I did kill him.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Slowly letting out the breath, she told Molly about the accident. Tears flowed from her eyes as she related the story. Drinking and all the tension today probably didn’t help at all.

  “It was an accident, Em. A horrible, horrible accident. God kept you alive for a reason; you need to remember that. Mrs. Kendall is an angry, bitter woman, but God is the only one who decides whether we live or die and he must have kept you around for a reason. What you need to do is find a purpose for that life. It will help you deal with this.”

  “I saw a therapist for the first three years I was in Chicago, so I know what you’re saying is true. I had hoped that enough time had passed that coming home wouldn’t be so horrible. I don’t know why she would even be here, in this bar.”

  “There’s a wedding upstairs. She was dressed up, so she’s probably here for that.”

  Emma nodded. Molly reached over and pulled some toweling from the dispenser on the wall. She wet a corner of the towel and dabbed at Emma’s eyes. When she finished making Emma look pre-cry, she grinned.

  “We have hot guys out there waiting to take us home. Ready?”

  “You are fabulous, Molly. Thank you, but how do you think Ryder and JT will take this news? I was petrified on the Door County ride that they would find out. After all, biking is their life.”

  “Honey. Accidents happen all the time. When Ryder and I first got together he explained that when you bike, shit happens—his words. Accidents happen in all forms of transportation. I think you’ll feel better once you share this story and you aren’t worried that someone will find out. Believe me, I learned my lesson about keeping secrets and it almost destroyed my life with Ryder. You and I will have a conversation about that one of these days. How about coffee tomorrow morning?”

  Emma smiled, “That sounds great, Molly. Thank you.” Emma hugged Molly and took comfort from the hug that was returned.


  After the drama of the evening, the whole day actually, all Emma could think of was being in Gunnar’s arms. As soon as they entered the kitchen, Gunnar picked Emma up and set her on the counter. He started pushing her black tank top up her belly and feathered kisses across her torso and up to the swell of her breasts. Emma wrapped her palms around Gunnar’s head and slid her fingers into his hair as she closed her eyes and enjoyed his mouth on her. He pulled the pretty yellow lacy bra away from her breasts and licked around her nipple. It immediately puckered, aching for his touch. He flicked his tongue over her tight nipple and moved to the other finding it already beaded and ready for his lips. His fingers worked at the button and zipper of her jeans. Emma felt his fingers slip into the top of her panties, seeking her heat. His fingers stopped, so damn close to the hood, covering her needy, throbbing clit.

  Gunnar stood up and pulled the gray sweater from Emma’s shoulders, letting it pool around her on the counter. He gently removed her tank top, and then put enough pressure on her shoulders so she’d lie back across the island, her golden hair pooling around her face.

  “You’re so beautiful, Em; you take my breath away.”

  Seriously? He was strong, virile and Oh. My. God. The things he had done to her body this past week were porn worthy. He was not a shy lover and he quickly learned what she liked.

  Gunnar pulled her jeans down her hips and tugged them off her legs, letting them hit the floor. Emma flicked a glance at the door and up to Gunnar’s face.

  He grinned. “If he comes in, he’ll be one jealous bastard, I can tell you that. But he won’t be home for quite a while. Don’t worry, as much as I love my brother, I don’t want to share you and your gorgeous body with anyone.”

  Emma smiled. She wasn’t ashamed of her body, but exhibition wasn’t her game. Gunnar pulled at the little lace panties she was wearing, and let them fall on top of her jeans.

  “Have I told you that these little lace panties and bras drive me crazy? Since I first saw you I imagined what you wore under your clothes. Now I wonder all the time what color of little lacy strip of cloth you have covering my favorite places. Makes it fucking hard to work sometimes.”

  “Gunnar. Geez, you…have no idea,” she said breathily.

  Grinning, he pushed her legs apart and began feasting on her. He loved the way she tasted; she was sweet and her scent hung in his nostrils for hours so
metimes. He wanted to eat her every day. This past week she had stayed at Ashley’s house a couple of nights and he hated it. He’d lie in bed, fisting his cock and imagining the musky fragrance she wore, hearing her whimpers as he licked or fucked her over and over again. Her body felt so fucking fantastic against his, under his, on top of his—it didn’t matter. Even after having her more than a dozen times in the past week, he still found himself jerking off in bed when she wasn’t there.

  His tongue licked up the seam of her pussy and slipped inside of her, swirling around. He hummed and she whimpered at the vibration. He used his thumbs to pull her lips apart, granting him unfettered access to her. His tongue trailed a hot wet path from her entrance to her clit in one long, slow, wet trail. Emma moaned. He circled his tongue around a few times, very slowly, before pulling her into his mouth and adding pressure while sucking.

  Emma’s legs began shaking; he knew the signs. She dug her fingers into his hair and held on. He began adding pressure and, fuck, her whole body vibrated with sensation. Slowly, he slid a finger inside of her and looked up at her face as her pussy convulsed and quivered and her orgasm flew through her like a raging inferno. Watching the emotions play across her soft features made his heart hammer in his chest. He was becoming addicted to this feeling of needing to see and hear her passion and pleasure.

  Emma heard clothing rustle and lazily opened her eyes to see Gunnar’s beautiful, thick, erection heading right towards her. She looked into the blue depths of his eyes and witnessed the pleasure as he watched her. His full kissable lips creased into a soft smile as he began sliding his hand up and down his cock.

  “I love watching you cum, Em. You’re so fucking beautiful. I want to see it again.”

  Gunnar pulled her from the counter, holding her just off the floor and slid inside of her, pulling out and pushing in a few times to seat himself fully inside. He grabbed at her hips with both hands and pulled her slightly forward, angling her down just a little, allowing him inside a bit more. When he felt his balls touch her, he groaned. He began long, slow strokes in and out, holding her hips. Her pussy was so tight it hugged every inch of his cock. He could feel how wet she was, coating him with the moisture he needed to make this journey feel like heaven. Changing his pace, he began thrusting into her faster with shorter strokes while massaging her with his thumb.

  Emma gasped. The scent of their sex filled the air, and Gunnar’s thick hair fell over his shoulders in black, shiny ribbons, framing that sexy face with perfection. Never would Emma have dreamed she would find this man. She watched his face as he pushed himself into her, the cords in his neck straining as the pleasure turned to tension and hardened his beautiful features. His nostrils flared slightly, and she saw him clamp his jaw tight as he thrust faster. Their eyes locked and he forced out, “Come again, Em.”

  He saw Emma’s body flush, a fine sheen coated her skin; she was close. Pushing into her until his balls slapped her ass, pulling out to slam back into her, this feeling was perfection. He heard her breath hitch and saw her heavy lidded eyes dilate, her nostrils flared and she was almost there.

  “I need you there, Em.”

  Two more hard strokes and her orgasm hit with a force that whooshed the air from her lungs. Her heart was beating so fast, she was afraid she would pass out. She watched Gunnar’s face strain with his impending orgasm and she tightened the walls of her vagina, saw his nostrils flare and heard the low growl rise from deep within him.

  Gunnar pushed into Emma and held tight as he shot into her with the force of a hurricane. Instead of his orgasms getting weaker, they seemed to intensify with her. That one felt like it blew the head right off his cock. Gunnar fell forward, resting his head on Emma’s shoulder. She tightened her hands on his head and closed her eyes as her breathing slowed. After a few moments, Gunnar pulled out with a groan and grabbed some napkins to clean them both up.

  He managed to huff out, “I don’t know what you’re doing to me, Em. I can’t seem to get enough of you. When you’re not here, all I want is for you to be here. Fucking scary.”

  “I know,” she whispered, “scary.”

  Later, lying in bed together, her back to his front, her head on his arm, his arms around her, pulling her tight, they drifted off to sleep, each knowing that life as they knew it would now be different.

  Chapter Thirteen

  After a very full weekend, Monday arrived much too fast. Emma glanced at her phone on the nightstand next to Gunnar’s bed. She had a few minutes before she had to get ready for her first day of work. She rolled to her side and watched Gunnar’s peaceful face as he slept. His skin was flawless, and his wild hair fanned out on the pillow, creating the image of an untamed animal. His impressive chest rose and fell as he softly breathed in and out. One arm was tucked under his head and the other crossed his waist, his fingers relaxed in sleep. She softly smiled as she remembered coming home last night from Joci and Jeremiah’s. Gunnar and Emma walked straight to his bedroom, closed the door and when he turned to her he said, “Strip for me, Em.”

  Her eyebrows rose as she watched his eyes rake over her body. The white t-shirt she wore hugged her body. The lacy bra she wore underneath showed through once she pulled off the gray knit poncho she wore over it. As her clothing came off, piece by piece, his face registered a range of emotions. His broad chest began rising and falling as his breathing accelerated, and his body heat released the unique aroma of Gunnar—spicy and musky—making Emma dizzy with need.

  Pulling her t-shirt over her head and pulling her hair up with her hands gave him full view of the beige lacy bra he knew she was wearing. She cocked her hip out just a bit and smiled slowly as he sat down hard on the bed as if his knees gave out. His hand immediately went to cover the thick bulge in his jeans as he sought to relieve the obvious pressure.

  Letting her golden locks fall around her shoulders and down her back, Emma licked her lips as she slowly unzipped her jeans. Sensuously sliding them down her legs, she stepped out of them and gave them a little flick with her foot, sending them a few inches across the floor. Hooking her thumbs into the top of her panties, she shimmied them to her knees, and let them fall the rest of the way to the floor. Gunnar took a deep breath as he unzipped his jeans with a groan. He crooked his finger, silently asking her to come to him, but she shook her head no and parted the lips of her pussy and dipped a couple fingers in her own juices. Lightly circling them, she watched Gunnar’s eyes boring a hole into her hand. She moaned and lifted one leg and braced it on the stool next to the door.

  “Jesus,” he grunted.

  He swiftly shoved his jeans and boxers to the floor and sprawled back helping himself as he watched Emma play with herself. Precum formed at the head of his cock and he swirled it around the head as she dipped her finger deeper into her wetness. She moaned a bit louder and he pumped a bit faster.

  “Make yourself cum, Em. Do it fast and hard,” he rasped.

  He began pumping himself and Emma couldn’t stop watching the beautiful sight before her. Sexy. She swirled her finger over her clit and took a deep breath. Her body flushed as she grew warm, and her knees began to shake.

  “Faster, Em.”

  Gunnar pumped enthusiastically; his breathing coming in short choppy bursts. He was unable to look away from the sight she made standing against his door with her leg hiked up on a stool, her creamy skin shining in the light while her delicate fingers stroked her pink swollen clit. Her other hand pinched her puckered nipple as she cried out her orgasm. He arched his back as white ropes of cum streamed across his chest and abdomen. His stroking slowed, and after two more pumps, he lightly pinched the head of his cock. His eyes wrenched shut as he finally relaxed against the mattress with a groan.

  Emma chuckled lightly as she swiped a warm cloth over the mess on Gunnar’s abdomen and chest. He opened his eyes and grinned at her.

  “What are you laughing at?”

  She lovingly smoothed the cloth over him again, cleaning him up and loving t
he sight he made. With his glistening skin smoothly hugging the muscles underneath, his face relaxed and his dark hair wild from exertion, he looked untamed.

  “You look like a wild sated man, Gunnar Sheppard. But, you’re beautiful.”

  “Beautiful? Men aren’t beautiful, Em.”

  Tossing the washcloth into the connected bathroom, she climbed over him on the bed and snuggled into his side.

  “You are.”


  “Morning,” he mumbled as he pulled her against his chest and encircled his arms around her.

  “Good morning.” Emma smiled as Gunnar began kissing her neck and nibbling her earlobe. “It’s nice.” Yawning and stretching a bit, she wiped the sleep from her eyes.

  “Mmm.” Wrapping a leg around hers, Gunnar whispered, “What’s nice?”

  Emma rolled to her back and looked into his eyes. “Waking up with you.”

  A slow lazy smile spread across his face as he took in her shiny brown eyes. “Yes, it is.”

  Rising from the bed, Emma stretched again, pulled his t-shirt from the foot of the bed and slipped it on as she grabbed her suitcase and pulled out her work clothes. Walking into the bathroom, she closed the door but didn’t latch it. Turning the water on in the shower, she began brushing her teeth.

  Shower finished, Emma adjusted her clothing in the mirror, and pulled her lip gloss out of her bag. She heard Gunnar’s phone ring in the bedroom and smiled when she heard his sleepy voice say, “Yeah.”

  She didn’t hear anything for several seconds and then she heard him say, “How the fuck am I supposed to believe you?” Pursing her lips, Emma quickly packed up her belongings, trying to be quiet to hear the conversation. “You must be fucking kidding me. Why would I want to meet you there?”

  As Emma opened the bathroom door, Gunnar was staring right at her, watching her move. His jaw was tight and his back was rigid. He was instantly awake and he didn’t look happy. He sternly said to the mystery caller, “Don’t call again.”


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