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East to the Dawn

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by Susan Butler

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  Unpublished Sources

  Manuscript Collections and Personal Papers

  The Franklin D. Roosevelt Library

  Dewson, Mary

  Roosevelt, Eleanor

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano

  White House Ushers Diaries

  The Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College

  American Woman’s Association

  Earhart, Amelia

  Earhart, Amy Otis

  Mabie, Janet

  Women’s Educational and Industrial Union

  Denison House

  The National Air and Space Museum

  Allen, Carl B.

  Earhart, Amelia

  Studer, Clara

  The International Women’s Air and Space Museum

  Earhart, Amelia

  The First Women’s Air Derby

  The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County; Seaver Center for Western History Research

  Amelia Earhart Collection

  National Archives

  General Records of the Department of the Navy

  Records of the Hydrographic Office

  Records of the Bureau of Naval Personnel

  Records of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations

  Records of Naval Districts and Shore Establishments

  Records of U.S. Army Overseas Operations and Commands

  Records of the War Department General and Special Staffs

  Records of the Department of State

  Eisenhower Library

  Collection of Jacqueline Cochran, containing the files of the Ninety-Nines, since transferred to the Ninety-Nines Archives

  University of Wyoming; American Heritage Center

  Collection of Eugene Luther Vidal

  Manuscript Collecti
ons at Purdue University

  Amelia Earhart Collection in the Archives and Special Collections of the Library

  Records of the Purdue Research Foundation

  Manuscript Collections at the Atchison Public Library

  Collection of Amelia Earhart

  History of Atchison, Kansas

  Luther Library at Midland Lutheran College

  Collection of papers on the history of Midland Lutheran College

  Federal Aviation Administration

  Aircraft records of the Department of Commerce, Aeronautics Branch

  Columbia University Oral History Collection

  Black, Richard Blackburn (1962)

  Bruno, Harry A. (1960)

  Clark, James Joseph (1962)

  Noyes, Blanche (1960)

  Morrissey, Muriel Earhart (1960)

  Nichols, Ruth (1960)


  Antich, Patricia Pollock

  Aoki, Fukiko

  Baker, Frank

  Bible, Helen Day

  Darrow, Louise de Schweinitz

  Guest, Mrs. Pope

  Lindbergh, Anne

  Livingston, Clara

  Manning, Diana Guest

  Morrissey, Muriel Earhart

  Morse, Nancy Balis

  Park, Ann

  Parsons, Bill

  Pollock, Kathryn (Katch) Challiss

  Smith, Page

  Smith, Katharine Vidal

  Southern, Neta Snook

  Stabler, Marian

  Tier, Nancy Hopkins

  Trout, Bobbi

  Vidal, Gore

  Washburn, Bradford

  Wells, Fay Gillis


  This book mostly relies on primary materials: interviews, diaries, letters, newspapers, and manuscript collections, as well as the books written by Amelia Earhart and her husband George Palmer Putnam.

  For access to this material the help of Amelia’s relatives was crucial. Pointing the way, especially in the beginning, was Amelia’s sister, Muriel Earhart Morrissey. Her daughter, Amy Kleppner, as well as Amy’s husband Adam, were also invaluable. Kathryn Challis Pollock, who grew up with Amelia, gave me a particularly insightful interview. I wish as well to thank Patricia Antich, Kathryn’s daughter, who found and gave to me after her mother’s death her mother’s childhood diaries and the diaries of Kathryn’s sister, Lucy Van Hoesen Challiss, who lived with Amelia and George in Rye. I also want particularly to thank Nancy Balis Morse, who gave me many insights into her relatives and shared with me the personal letters of the Otis family; and Robert Tonsing, who sent me Family Tree, the anecdotal history of Amelia’s mother’s family, and John David Martin, who gave me permission to quote from his mother’s work. Other relatives of Amelia who generously gave of their time were Beatrice Challiss Laws, James Otis, and Ruth M. Martin.


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