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Unwound (The Symphony of Brass and Bone)

Page 10

by Yolanda Olson

  It took me a moment to see in the pool of ice a wave of blue hair swaying beneath it back and forth like a flower blooming then closing again. I panicked and ran out onto it without thinking. I slipped and fell down hard on the surface of ice and landed on my back. The thud of me hitting the ice was loud and enough to start a small series of cracks over the frozen water.

  I'm going to fall in, I realized frantically. Getting to my knees I decided that before I fell in, I might be able to pull her out. Slowly I made my way toward the fan of hair that was shown so brilliantly under the ice. I was about fifteen feet away from her, when she burst through the ice with her bare back to me.

  "Hello Caelum," she said as she smoothed her wet hair back turning to look at me.

  I turned my face away not because Winter was naked, but because I could now see the scars on her neck and I knew how personal they were. I hated when Morrison and Edison saw my scars so I was sure that Winter would hate for me to stare at hers.

  “You don't have to look away," she said in her raspy voice.

  "I ... your scars. I can see them," I explained still looking away.

  "It's okay. It doesn't bother me if you see them," she replied.

  "Why were you in there?" I asked glancing at her for a moment, " I thought you were going to die."

  She smiled as she bobbed in the ice water, "I preserve my skin by submerging myself into the ice. I don't know how else to do it."

  "I stayed away from the sunlight as often as I could," I mumbled. Something about Winter being naked in the ice was making me feel different. It was something I hadn't felt before but it was something that was making me want to be with her. I could tell I was looking at her the way Edison had looked at me and I turned my face away again.

  I felt ashamed. I couldn't do that to him; not knowing how much he loved me and wanted to be with me the way I wanted to be with Winter at that moment. Edison had been the first to lay his lips against mine and I couldn't betray his love like this.

  Winter pulled herself out of the opening in the ice and I saw more of her scars. There weren't as many as mine or as angry looking, but she had one long prominent scar that seemed to wrap it's way from her hip all around her body up to her shoulder. Almost as if she had been sown by a ballroom dancer. Her body was exquisite regardless of her scars. She looked to have the shape of an hourglass.

  She approached me and reached a hand down to help me off the ice. As she did I pushed her hand away. I had to make these odd feelings go away and touching her right now wouldn't help. The smile fell from her face but she waited for me to get up before she walked past me back onto the cavern floor. I let my eyes follow her body as her hips swayed from side to side. I closed my eyes as I stood there forcing myself to not look any further.

  "Caelum, it's okay. I'm covered," she said after a few moments.

  I opened my eyes partially and saw that she had slid on a pitch black robe of some sort over her body. Letting out a sigh of relief, I carefully made my way back to the cavern floor and looked down at her little pixie face which bore a mischievous smile.

  "That was your first test. You passed though for a moment there I was afraid you wouldn't," she said as she retrieved her scarlet scarf from a pocket in the robe.

  "Test?" I asked confused.

  "London will use beautiful things to distract you Caelum. I am not the only one that was made, you know this because you are not the only one that was made. I saw some of them when I escaped and they are breathtaking. More beautiful than anything you can imagine and he will use them to her advantage if you let her," she said seriously.

  "How many did you see?" I asked feeling myself becoming angry.

  "Two. One with hair that looked like cotton candy and the other had hair the color of ivory. London was screaming at the both of them. I think at the cotton candy one because she hadn't left to find you yet and at the ivory haired one for not responding to her."

  So that's why Cassara looked so angry when she first saw me, I thought to myself. "Cassara was the one with the pink hair. I don't think she's a threat anymore."

  "There was someone else," she said quietly. "One that wasn't like us. I think he was human."

  "He?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

  She nodded. "I couldn't see his face, but London responded to him. When she was screaming at the one with the ivory hair, he put an arm around her shoulders and whispered something to her that calmed her down. Then after that he turned to the other one and said, 'Xandy, go back to your rest.' And she listened to him. She wouldn't even listen to London, but she listened to him."

  "And you're sure you didn't get to see his face?" I asked curiously.

  "I'm certain of it. I ran the moment Xandy looked at me as I stood there watching. She was on her way back to the fireplace which is where I assume she rests and as soon as she reached it she looked over at me and stared for a moment before laying down in the ashes of others like us that London had burned to death. I could see partial arms and legs in the fireplace, Caelum. It was as if she had no quarrels disposing of them. Like it didn't matter that they were alive at one point."

  She turned her face away and even though I felt horrible for her having to see what she saw, I still wondered who could possibly be able to tame London. I thought that the nights she would sit with me and be a normal mother were nights that she had her mania under control. Now I wondered if he had been there the whole time.

  I didn't let myself dwell on it; there was no point. I somehow felt a small amount of gratuity to whomever it was for the very few nights of peace I would have because of him.

  "Caelum, when London first brought me into a lifelike state I had only one thing in my mind and that was to destroy three two five seven, I would bet anything that's how the other's were created. I think because I remembered your scent from the pictures you slide into my room I lost all desire to kill you. London never showed me the slightest bit of kindness and I could never hurt the one being that had."

  My hand went to the left side of my face and I immediately thought of Jared. He had been the first to do me an actual act of kindness and even in London's own twisted way he had done me another act of kindness by giving me the gift of actual sight. I knew how Winter felt because Jared would always be a piece of me now.

  "I understand," was all I could say.

  "Then let's talk about something pleasant now," she said as she walked over to one of the stone seats she had carved and sat down, her legs crossed. "By looking at the color of your skin I'd say you don't have much want to live. I can tell by the way you speak of her that you're on a quest to kill London and I promise to do everything I can to help you, but honestly Caelum, I don't know if it can be done. Besides that, I can't prepare you any other way than mentally and I will push your mind to its limits to get you to see things as London does. There will be times when you will feel like you're mind is going to just break down on you but please know now that I do it for your well being.

  But I also believe that you were the first that London created, or finished anyway. I don't know why she made the others; it could've been out of loneliness or it could've been because she missed you; what her intentions have been this entire time I'm not sure, but honestly I think that if you survived all that time under her iron fist you can take all of the things I will do to test your mind."

  I nodded but I wasn't really listening. Nothing Winter could do or say to me would be worse than what I had already endured. I knew it was time to try to change the subject.

  "Winter," I said, " how exactly did you manage to do all this?" I asked gesturing around her wondrous cave.

  "With the help of a couple of friends," she replied softly.

  "Who?" I asked looking at her curiously.

  "One you already know," she said looking slightly uncomfortable, "and the other, you've never met."

  "Who do I already know?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

  She got to her feet and walked over to one of the cavernous holes in t
he wall and leaned in. "You can come out. I know he won't try to fight you."

  Craning my head, I wondered who she could possibly be talking to. It took some more kind words from Winter into the dark hole and me patience I never knew I had to sit there and wait for the mysterious being that was hiding in the wall.

  I drew in my breath sharply. I was sure she would've been dead after she failed London, but peeking her head slightly out of the wall with her head wrapped in a scarf, much like the one Winter wore around her neck, was the angel face of Cassara.

  "But, but you spoke of her as if you didn't know her," I said confused. "You heard me tell you about her, you see what she did to me," I practically shouted showing her my arm.

  At the sound of my raised voice, Cassara ducked back into the hole and Winter looked at me sharply.

  "She's different now. I've helped her past London's tortures and she helped me build this place. You shouldn't judge her so quickly."

  "She's no less of a monster than either of us," I replied through gritted teeth. "I may not harbor London's evil inside me anymore and maybe neither do you, but Cassara can't be trusted. She tried to take my life. I will not trust her. Ever."

  "But if you can change, why can't any of us?" asked a voice behind me.

  I turned and saw a pale beauty who was a small as Winter and Cassara. She had light brown eyes and onyx colored hair which was cut blunt in the front and tucked into two small balls on either side of her head. She had a small metal ball over one cherry red lip and colorful markings on her chest.

  "The name's Jett," she continued walking around to face me. "And I was made just like you, only most of my insides are made from airplane parts and some of my outsides," she said walking into a small sliver of sunlight, "is made from reflective materials."

  I watched as she lifted her face toward the light and stared in awe as she demonstrated parts of her shimmering. She herself looked like a ray of light and I was completely taken in by her.

  Glancing back at me she made a face, "I'm sure you can see why I'm partial to being underground now. I don't like looking like a walking disco ball."

  "Anyway, you see that key?" she asked gesturing toward a large golden skeleton key. "We used that to fix sugar and spikes over there," she said jerking her head toward the hole where Cassara was hiding. "When she starts to get all 'London is my master'", she said holding out her arms and speaking in a robotic voice, "We wind her up again."

  "She'll come out of the wall when she's sure you're not gonna hurt her," she continued with a shrug, "But for now, we're all counting on you to ensure our survival. Sorry to drop such a heavy burden on you but it's the truth. Winter already put you through one test, now, I'll put you through one of mine," she said.

  In a matter of moments, Jett had somehow gotten behind me and was on my back with her arm around my throat grunting in my ear with effort and cutting off my air supply.

  I heard slight tearing around my neck and knew I was going to lose this fight.

  Seconds later, I died.


  I opened my eyes to find Winter, Jett, and Cassara looking down at me. I guess I hadn't died after all, but whatever Jett had done to me, had put me closer to death than anything else I could ever imagine.

  "See? I told you he was okay," Jett said nudging Winter.

  "You almost killed him," Winter said accusingly to her.

  "No. I didn't. I still can't believe you freaked out when you heard that tearing noise," Jett said with a laugh. "I tore my favorite jacket and you thought I was ripping his head off."

  "Caelum, are you okay?" Cassara asked leaning closer while Winter and Jett bickered back and forth.

  I groaned and rubbed the back of my neck. I still felt light headed and my neck was sore. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly and managed to nod. Grabbing me by my shoulders she yanked me off the ground with little to no effort and got me to my feet. I winced at the sudden movement and looked down at her in minimal pain.

  "I'm sorry," she said, "But I need you to be able to stand up and bounce back from any and all injuries you may take when you face her. She will not relent and you must be able to fight back no matter what the circumstances are."

  "I don't need help from you," I said shoving Cassara gruffly away.

  "Oh be nice will you? We're all just trying to help you. I mean we could just as easily tie you up and take you to London," Jett said from where she stood with Winter.

  "Besides," she continued placing her hands on her hips, "She's a lot smaller than you. If you want to shove someone around, shove someone your own size or bigger."

  Or bigger, I thought to myself causing my mind to wander off to Edison. He was bigger than me, height wise, but he seemed so gentle. Even when he was chopped that tree down with one strike. Where are you when I need you?

  "What are you thinking about?" Winter asked me curiously.

  "Nothing," I replied shaking the thoughts of Edison away. "However, I do have a question for the two of you," I said looking from Jett to Cassara.

  "Shoot," Jett said sitting down on the hard cavern floor and stretching her legs out in front of her.

  "What's your number?"

  "Oh yeah, Winter told us you'd probably ask that," she said with a smile. "I am standard issue model number one two three zero."

  I nodded at looked at Cassara, "And you?"

  "Nine one zero," she answered quietly.

  Even though Winter told me that she didn't think our numbers had any significance I couldn't help but wonder if the three of them were made before me because of their numbers.

  "Don't read much into the numbers, Caelum. I honestly don't think they mean anything," Winter said reading my thoughts.

  "Where did you get your name from?" I asked Cassara.

  "My name? Well the day London decided I was ready to go out and kill you she told me that I reminded her of a lynx she saw at a zoo one time and the zookeeper had told her the name of the lynx was Cassara. I never really understood what she mean because I don't know what a lynx is," she said shyly.

  "Nor do I," I replied glancing back down at Jett. I wasn't sure if I trusted her for some reason but I also knew that she meant well and wanted to help me so for now, I would put my trust in her because Winter had done so.

  "Blue over there called you Caelum," Jett said jerking her head toward Winter, "Where did you get your name from?"

  "Finnegan. A being that I met when I first escaped from London's hell. I met her in a park one night and she named me after the stars in the sky."

  "Cool," she said getting to her feet. "Let's start beating on him so he can go after London already."

  I watched Jett crack her knuckles and give me a steely look. I braced myself as she ran at me and tackled me to the ground. She positioned herself so that she would be able to use her knees to hold me down to the ground and began to viciously punch me in the face. With each blow I felt as if pieces of me skin were flying off in bits and chunks. I laid there taking my brutal beating not knowing how to get her off of me when I was suddenly reminded of Morrison's words to me about being strong and I found my will to fight back. I used my shoulders to throw her off of me and I jumped on her the moment she landed on her back. I could easily tell I had surprised her by the look on her face. I felt a burning pain as Cassara jumped on me from behind and dug her long, sharp nails into me. She wasn't trying to pull me off of Jett, she was trying to attack me and now I had to fight them both. Turning slightly I looked at Cassara attempting to hit her, when Winter suddenly appeared behind her staring at me with almost dead eyes. I felt myself becoming dizzy as the world began to spin around me. It felt as if though she had some kind of mind control she was using against me.

  I closed my eyes tightly and used every last bit of strength in me to hurl Cassara off of my back into Winter, sending them both flying backwards. Leaning down I grabbed Jett and raised her off the floor, flinging her onto the pile of deadly dolls behind me.

  Falling to my knees I
gasped for air and felt my body shaking with a few sporadic ticks somewhere deep inside of me. I swayed on my feet and turned to face them unaware that they too had already gotten to their feet as well and were now circling me.

  "I know your deepest desire Caelum. I can see it shining in your eyes," Jett hissed. "Would you like to see him again? I can show him to you."

  She's talking about Edison, I realized in horror. I watched as she slowly started to gleam and grow to Edison's height. I watched as her hair changed color and I watched as her eyes did the same. Before she had a chance to shift into him completely, I ran at her and got her to the ground again. I wouldn't let one of London's creations, regardless of who they may be, destroy my notion of Edison.

  "Don't ever attempt that again," I screamed at her as I kept banging her head against the floor violently.

  "Caelum! Caelum, stop! You're going to kill her!" Winter shrieked behind us.

  It sounded as if though she were yelling through a tunnel. I could barely hear her over the loudening whirring inside of me. I felt as if though I were losing control and because of what I knew I would have to do soon, being out of control would work in my favor.

  Trapped beneath me, Jett was laughing. It made me even more furious. I hit her head against the hard ground again and she laughed harder still.

  "You can't hurt me Caelum. I told you, I'm made of many unbreakable parts," she said through her laughter.

  She got a grip on my hands and pried them off of her with brute strength. I looked down at her as she put her hands behind her head and looked at me quickly through Edison's eyes.

  "Never do that again," I said through grit teeth.

  "Ooooh! Looks like I hit a nerve," she said with a grin. "I won't do it again; scout's honor," she said holding up two fingers.

  I had no idea what that meant so I just gave her a sharp nod and helped her up from the cold ground.

  "Not bad Caelum," Cassara said as she ran her fingertips over a bruise on the side of her head.


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