Book Read Free

Hundred to One

Page 3

by Freya Barker

  “Mixed berry pie, apple crumble, peach and almond, and two pumpkins ‘cause it’s the season.” She says with a big smile. “So when are we decorating, Arlene?”

  I groan. It’s not that I don’t like the holidays, it’s just that they’re a headache and I don’t really do anything anyways but work, so it’s simply easier to forget all about it and avoid the questions and anything else that go along with them.

  “I don’t know, Ems. What do you have in mind?” Emma has been bugging me for weeks to go out and get trees for each of our homes, as well as one for the diner. I don’t even have enough decorations for the diner and I’ve never really had anything in my house. There was never a point in it.

  “I though maybe next Monday we could all go and make some hot chocolate with a little something to help it go down smoother.” She winks at me, the imp, “I could bake something to bring along, too. We could see if Beth and Seb want to come. Maybe Caleb will still be here, so what do you think? Joe could help us get a permit, I’m sure.”

  “I guess.” I give in reluctantly. It’s still four days away and I really have no good excuse to postpone any longer.

  “By the way, you look like shit, Arlene.”

  “Okay, I think I just changed my mind about the tree cutting adventure.” If anyone else talked to me like that I think they’d be horizontal by now, but I know Ems is concerned. “I’m ok. Just not sleeping too well.”

  She tilts her head to the side and squints her eyes. “Pain? Or is it something else going on that your best friend should know about?” She says to me in no uncertain terms, but I have no intention of telling her about the things that keep me awake at night. Her load is heavy enough and I’ll get over this. I will simply will myself to do so.

  “My pain is mostly under control. I’ve just been restless.”

  “Talk to someone yet? Kara tells me she finally has and it’s making a world of difference. I wish you would quit being so stubborn and go see someone too.”

  “Ems, I can’t even remember most of what happened so what do I have to talk about?” I try to bluff my way out of this conversation but as usual, I underestimate Emma’s perceptiveness.

  “You can lie to me all you want, Arlene. It doesn’t bother me none, but don’t you dare lie to yourself. That’s just pure stupidity on your part, and I never took you for being stupid.” With that Emma swings her walker around and marches right out the diner. Guess I’ve been put in my place.

  Hoping Julie hasn’t bailed on me, I head back to my office, only to find the door, which I had left open, now almost closed. When I push it open a little I see Julie sobbing, wrapped in Seb’s arms. An unfamiliar but very ugly feeling of jealousy forms in the pit of my stomach. What did I miss? I try to back out quietly, but not quietly enough because Seb’s eyes shoot up and catch mine. His are filled with a mix of sadness and anger; a combination I can’t quite place. And mine? I’m not sure what mine are showing, but from the look he gives me it probably isn’t pretty.

  I return to the kitchen to put the pies away, all the while thinking about those strong muscled and intricately decorated arms wrapped around someone else and why that would fill me with such an instant sense of loss.

  When the phone rings I barely register it at first. It’s only when Seb sticks his head out of the office that it propels me into action as I pick up the kitchen phone.

  “Afternoon, Arlene’s Diner.”

  “Hello? Arlene’s Diner. Can I help you?” There is nothing but silence on the line. Well, not quite silent but just like all the previous times, I can hear shallow breathing and a distant rustling, but nothing else.

  “Who is this please? Can I help you?” I try again but get nothing except for a click; hung up exactly like the other times. I wonder if it constitutes harassment if you don’t even know who is doing the harassing? At least Emma’s anonymous phone call landed her a good man. I have a feeling my calls are just going to bring me trouble.

  I observe Arlene as she picks up the call and see her back stiffen as she listens intently before prompting the caller to identify themselves. I can tell something is off but before I can make my way over to grab the phone from her hands, she lowers the receiver and turns around to face me. She looks to be in a daze and barely reacts when I close the distance to grab the phone and listen, but find nothing but a dial tone.

  “Who was it?”

  She blinks her eyes a few times at my question before responding.

  “I don’t know. They hung up again.”

  “What do you mean – Again?” Her green eyes finally focus in on mine and I can see her gathering herself.

  “It’s nothing, Seb. Just some prank caller, I’m sure. Nothing to fuss over.” Something unidentifiable passes over the way she looks at me, before she glances over my shoulder and resolutely turns around. “Let’s get back to work, shall we?”

  I’ve been dismissed, with the added cold shoulder.

  “Thanks,” I hear Julie’s voice behind me. “For listening, I mean.”

  The poor girl had been in near hysterics when I found her in Arlene’s office, afraid she was going to lose her job for coming in late. As it turns out she had a pretty good reason for being late. Her boyfriend had apparently up and left a few weeks ago without even a goodbye, leaving her and their three-year old son behind with a pile of unpaid bills and rent a month overdue. This was when she got the job at the diner. Cedar Tree wasn’t exactly convenient for her, living in Cortez, but beggars can’t be choosers and she took what was available, but Julie apparently had no one except an elderly aunt nearby to give her a hand with the baby and she was less than enthusiastic about babysitting. Giving her such a hard time when she would drop off her son, it would take her forever to get things calmed down. The kid was stuck between a rock and a hard place and I told her to talk to Arlene, but given Arlene’s recent short fuse, maybe I should just do it.

  “Anytime. Don’t worry, we’ll work it out.”

  With a watery little smile, she hurries to the front end to get the tables ready.

  The rest of the afternoon I spend filling food orders. Thursday nights are generally busy, so both Julie and Beth are running tables and Arlene is at the counter filling drink orders and manning the cash. Even with the kitchen officially closing at 7 pm, it usually takes a while to get the place clean and ready for the next day’s business so every now and then, in between orders, I try to stay on top of the kitchen as much as possible.

  I don’t have much of a chance to talk to Arlene, being as she seems to ignore me most of the evening, which is starting to piss me off. Always bristly, it takes time to thaw her out and time is something we don’t have a hell of a lot of in this line of work. The woman has frustrated me since day one… frustrated me and turned me on, all at the same time.

  I had heard about her, but the first time I saw her she put me flat on my ass. Part of me had expected some vixen-like bimbo, but Arlene is anything but. She’s refreshing; like a drink of really cool water on a hot day. She has long limbs with strong lines, softened with age. Short blond hair that doesn’t seem to want to submit and is constantly falling in her eyes and incredible green cat eyes that will warm you from the inside out, but can just as easily freeze you the same way. And the cherry on top? Fucking freckles. They kill me. No, she’s no vixen, but she’s the girl next door − one who can turn my crank by just being in the same room. Her abrasive nature only makes me want her even more. I must be one sick bastard, especially since I still haven’t told her the real reason for showing up here eight months ago. It’s becoming more difficult by the day and Christ knows I’m getting sucked in more and more.

  “Heading out.” Arlene’s announcement pulls me out of my head.

  “Hold up, Arlene. Got something I need to talk about.”

  “Can it wait? I’m dead on my feet. Julie and Beth are taking care of those last two tables and they’ll clean the front.”

  “Won’t take a minute. Your office?”

  “Fine.” She mumbles reluctantly but leads the way into her space where I sit down on the stack of boxes and let her take the only chair that’ll fit.

  “I wanna talk about Julie.”

  Arlene surprises me by throwing her hands up. “Whoa! No need. Whatever you two do, make sure to do it on your own time. I don’t need that drama here.”

  What the fuck? “What the hell are you talking about, woman?”

  “I don’t want or need to know what is going on with you two, so now if you’ll excuse me, I’m ready to get home.”

  She’s already getting up and making her way out the door, but this time I’m not letting her off the hook so easily. In one step I’m right behind her, reaching over her shoulder and slamming the door shut with my hand leaning against it to keep it closed.

  “What are you doing, Seb?” She tries to turn around and squirm away but I’m faster and plant my other hand on the other side of her head, caging her back against the door with only a few inches between us. I’ll be damned if she’s not going to listen to every last word I have to say.

  “I swear to God, half the fucking time I don’t know how you come up with half the crap inside your head.”

  “But I thought –” She’s trying to interrupt but I’m not gonna let her.

  “I don’t know what you thought, or assumed, or whatever, Arlene. I found Julie crying in your office. We talked and she told me her boyfriend abandoned her with unpaid bills and a three-year old to care for. And she only has an unwilling aunt to turn to for support. That’s why she was late those times, trying to coax her aunt into babysitting.”

  A flush of indignant anger creeps up her cheeks, something I have come to recognize on Arlene.

  “Let me go. I’m gonna…” She starts trying to push her way past me again but I’m not about to let that happen so I lean my body in so she can’t move an inch.

  “You’re not gonna do anything but listen to me, and listen to me good. I tiptoe around you. I give you space and try not to push, but you are fucking driving me insane. You hear me? I’m done being careful and patient with you. It’s not working for me anymore.”

  She’s doing her best not to look me in the eye and at my last words, she lets out a loud huff. I take her face in my hands so she has no choice but to look at me.

  “I’m interested in you. Been that way since I got here and saw you. Only you.” When I lean in I want to imprint myself on her, leaving no doubt of my intentions, but at the same time I want to savor this moment.

  I touch her nose with mine first, rubbing gently as I breathe her in and feel her sharp intake of air. I love her plain, clean smell; a combination of soap and maybe a hint of coconut. The rest is all Arlene and to me it’s the most delicious smell. I lick her top lip and get a hint of a darker flavor as I slide my lips over the wet track I made and change my focus on her pouty lower lip that I suck into my mouth and rub with my tongue. My cock is ready to burst through my zipper I’m so fucking ready for this. Her breathing has become shallow and the hands that were clasping my wrists before are now making their way up my arms and around my neck. Oh, fuck yeah! I’m not alone here.

  Finally I let go of her lip, change the angle of her head slightly and cover her mouth with mine, plunging my tongue between her lips. I have waited so long for this shit. I’m so fucking turned on I swear I just came a little in my fucking jeans. Fuck, if she doesn’t stop mewling the way she is, I really am going to shoot my load. It’s been too fucking long and she tastes so damn good.

  Oh. My. God. I am buzzing with sensory overload. With just his mouth and that wicked, wicked tongue, this man has me losing my ever-loving mind. Five years and I’ve only ever been aroused in my dreams – and only because they were of Seb. My body is on fire and I feel like I could come from just this kiss! I can’t believe my parts are still working after all these years. I thought for sure I had dry rot. I can’t stop the sounds coming from my mouth, like a deranged kitten or something. I never would have guessed that he would want me and that confession has completely blown my mind.

  When he pulls back and lightly kisses my mouth once more, I can’t help the disappointed sigh that escapes. The sparkle in his eye tells me he heard it too. Dammit! There goes my reputation as a certified badass. Once again, I’m struck dumb by Seb, which appears to be a new trend.

  “Not rushing this, babe. We work on trust first. Yeah?”

  “But…” I look down at his crotch which is showing a very prominent and straining bulge. I really want to help him with that “uncomfortable” situation.

  “Don’t worry ‘bout that. I’ve had blue balls for almost a year now because of you so I’m sure I can deal with it a bit longer.” He says with a wink. He starts backing away and I feel the loss of his weight and heat immediately. Seb just winked. The broody, ‘two word maximum’ Seb has not only spoken more in the past few days than the entire eight months I’ve know him, but he actually just winked. Devil best be investing in a winter coat.


  My mind has been going a mile a minute since Seb accosted me in my office on Thursday night. I’m angry with myself for letting down my guard and allowing that kiss to even happen. Granted, his mouth devouring mine felt better than anything I had imagined. Yesterday his hands were skimming my arms or my back every time we passed each other, giving me goose bumps and keeping my senses on high alert, but the man makes me forget myself. That’s something I can’t afford to have happen. I will not give up that kind of control to someone ever again. Been there – got the bloody t-shirt. It doesn’t even matter that he is nothing like Geoffrey, who looked innocent in comparison. Seb should not be my type at all; dark, broad and dangerous looking, covered in tattoos and wearing a permanent scowl on his face. Geoffrey is a choirboy next to him except I know from experience he is far from that. And Seb, despite his fierce appearance, has never once made me feel unsafe… quite the opposite, actually. He has shown his protective nature time and time again with his actions and not just for me, but for Emma and Beth. Now Julie as well.

  I pull into Emma and Gus’ driveway where evidence of the new construction is obvious. Since moving in, Gus has managed to buy the property from the old owner and they are building an extension to the little bungalow. By the time they’re done, it’s not going to be a little bungalow anymore, but a single level ranch house with an office wing and separate entrance to house Gus’ investigation and security company, GFI, along with a guest house out back for out-of-towners.

  I don’t just walk in the house anymore like I used to since catching Gus one morning cooking eggs, butt-ass naked. Nope. Once was enough for me. Emma opens the door before I even knock, probably seeing me drive up.

  “Hey you! What are you doing out here so early?” She asks. “Come in, woman. Have a coffee. Gus just made some.”

  “Sure thing. Oh, hey Gus.”

  “Mornin’, Arlene. Black?”

  “Please.” I take a moment to appreciate the man’s fine backside, currently clad in only jeans and nothing else when Emma slaps me upside the head.

  “Eyes off my man.”

  “Ouch.” I say, rubbing the sore spot on my head. Bitch slapped me hard. “What’d ya go and do that for?’

  “You need to get your own man to ogle and leave mine alone.”

  “Why would I wanna do that when I can come here and get all this eye-candy for free? Not worth tying myself down for, Ems.”

  “Ahhhh, but he’s not just pleasing to the eye, smartass. He pleases everywhere.” She snickers.

  “Kiss my ass, Ems.”

  “Sorry love. Gonna have to find yourself a man to do that for ya.”

  “Ladies.” Gus puts mugs of coffee on the counter in front of us and puts up his hands in a defensive manner, “I think my ears are bleeding. I’m going to retreat to the bathroom now and make sure I still have all my boy-parts.”

  After a good chuckle at Gus’ expense, I sit down in the living room with Emma and fill her in on my dilemma
with Julie. I conveniently leave out any mention of my little interlude with Seb, not quite sure what to make of that myself, so I shove it to the back of the pile.

  “So you’re saying the bastard just disappeared? Left her with a baby and bills to pay? What a fucking asshole. Can I help? I mean… I know we’re in the middle of construction here but for now, the main house will stay intact until the last minute. I could help with the babysitting?”

  “That would be awesome. I was actually going to see if you could help, or at least help figure out how to get a support circle together for this girl. You’re good at networking and you know me… I just don’t have the time or the patience for it.”

  “Sure thing. I’ll ask around locally so she can bring him in to Cedar Tree. It’s easier if something happens during her shift to get to him quickly than having to go all the way to Cortez every time. All she would have to do is drop him off before she starts and pick him up when she’s done. He’s still young enough that it won’t matter too much. He’ll adjust to her schedule.”

  “I’ll trust your word on that.”

  Happy I’ve made a little headway with one of the things weighing on my mind, I stick around for a couple more minutes to catch up before saying my goodbyes.

  Walking toward my trusty yellow rust-bucket F150, I can hear Gus calling behind me.

  “Arlene. Hold up.”

  I turn around and watch him jog toward me.

  “Did Caleb come by to see you?”

  “A few days ago. Why?”

  “I just wanted to give you a heads up that most of the interviews are done. They’ve saved you for last.”

  Suddenly my happy feeling is gone.

  “What about Kara? Do they need to interview her again, or is it just me?”

  “Everyone, Arlene. Everyone who had even the smallest part in what happened has to go through it one more time before the prosecutor. Emma and I did ours yesterday.”


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