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Odysseus in America

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by Jonathan Shay

  van Wees, Hans. Status Warriors. Amsterdam: Gieben, 1992.

  -----, ed. War and Violence in Ancient Greece. London: Duckworth and the Classical Press of Wales, 2000.

  Vandergriff, Major Donald. Path to Victory: America’s Army and the Revolution in Human Affairs. Novato, Calif.: Presidio Press, 2002.

  -----. “” Proceedings of the U.S. Naval Institute, June 1999.

  -----, ed. Spirit, Blood, and Treasure: The American Cost of Battle in the 21st Century. Novato, Calif.: Presidio Press, 2001.

  Verkamp, Bernard J. The Moral Treatment of Returning Warriors in Early Medieval and Modern Times. Cranbury, N.J.: Associated University Presses, 1993.

  Vernant, Jean-Pierre. “The Refusal of Odysseus.” Trans. V. Farenga. In Seth Schein, Reading the Odyssey.

  Virgil [Publius Virgilius Maro]. Aeneid. Trans. Robert Fitzgerald. New York: Vintage, 1981.

  Vistica, Gregory L. “What Happened at Thanh Phong.” The New York Times Magazine, April 29, 2001, pp. 50-57, 66-68, 133.

  Waller, Willard. The Veteran Comes Back New York: Dryden, 1944.

  Wilson, Donna. “Lion Kings: Heroes in the Epic Mirrors.” Colby Quarterly, 2002. In press.

  -----. Ransom, Revenge, and Heroic Identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.

  Wilson, Jeremy. Lawrence of Arabia: The Authorized Biography of T. E. Lawrence. London: Heinemann, 1989.

  Wilson, William Julius. When Work Disappears: The World of the New Urban Poor. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1996.

  Wirtz, James J. The Tet Offensive: Intelligence Failure in War. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1991.

  Zuckert, Catherine H., ed. Understanding the Political Spirit: Philosophical Investigations from Socrates to Nietzsche. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1988.

  Zwygart, U. F. “How Much Obedience Does an Officer Need?” U.S. Army Command and General Staff College pamphlet, 1993.


  Aaron, 102

  “About Medications for Combat PTSD” (Shay) Web site, 262

  acceptance, veteran need for, 245

  Achilles (protagonist of the Iliad, most respected Greek fighter at Troy), 14, 76, 77, 83, 104

  Agamemnon and, 239-40, 243, 267n

  biē of, 205

  character of, 235, 281n, 298n

  courage of, 237-38

  invulnerability of, 299n

  leadership practices of, 237, 241

  as man of pain, 242

  meaning of name, 2

  military practices of, 237-38

  Odysseus contrasted with, 235, 298n

  Thracian camp raided by, 232

  traumas of, 243

  Achilles in Vietnam: Combat Trauma and the Undoing of Character (Shay), xv, xvi, 6, 40, 54, 59, 79, 82, 125, 144, 151, 165

  and arts as response to trauma, 243

  major theme of, 157

  and memories as sacred, 242

  philia (philotēs in Homer) between comrades in, 158-59

  Adams, R. M., 269n

  addiction, drug and alcohol,see alcohol and substance abuse

  Adin, Marc B. (VWAR), 185

  aegis, 124

  Aeneid, 233

  Aeolus (king or steward of the winds), 52-56, 59, 256

  Aeschylus, 78, 112, 124

  Afghanistan, 220, 301n

  Agamemnon (Greek commander in chief at Troy), 75, 102, 104, 112, 123, 140, 141

  Achilles and, 239-40, 243, 267n

  courage of, 299n

  incompetence of, 231

  military leadership of, 239-41

  military practices of, 237, 239

  motivational tools of, 240-41

  Odysseus and, 236, 238

  themis betrayed by, 206

  Agamemnon (Aeschylus), 112, 124

  Agent Orange, 189, 196

  Ahl, Frederick, 91, 102, 276n, 277n, 278n

  Ajax (son of Telemon, at Troy second only to Achilles as fighter), 76-78, 140

  Alcinous (king of the Phaeacians), 274n

  alcohol and substance abuse, 36, 38-40, 88, 89, 94-95, 115, 117, 271n

  by Lewis B. Puller, Jr., 198

  alēthea, 92

  All Quiet on the Western Front (Remarque), 32

  altruism, 300n

  ambitions, 157

  and recovery, 168, 174

  Ambrose, Stephen E., 209, 292n

  American Legion, 40, 155

  American Psychiatric Association, 4, 144, 149

  Amir, Yigal, 95

  amphetamines, 38, 58

  Ancharoff, M. R., 287n

  anger, 39, 40, 80, 85, 158

  Anticleia (mother of Odysseus), 83

  Antinous (most villainous suitor of Penelope), 101, 129, 131, 145

  Antisthenes, 275n

  anxiolytics, 38

  apathy, 88

  Aphrodite (goddess of sexual attraction), 129

  apocalyptic ecstasy, 161

  Apollo (god of archery, plague, healing, prophecy), 258

  Arbman, Ernst, 284n

  Arete (Phaeacian queen), 75, 120, 274n

  Argos (dog), Odysseus’ meeting with, 128-29

  Arhaud, P., 290n

  aristocratic hierarchy, 104, 279n

  Aristophanes, 166

  Aristotle, 166, 227

  on the human being, 162, 248

  and moral education of citizens, 242

  on philos, 158, 159, 249

  on thumos, 157, 158, 159-60

  on tragedy and katharsis, 153

  Armed Forces Day posters, 206-7

  Army Special Forces, 220, 295n

  Art of War, The (Sun Tzu), 231

  arts, 273n

  and healing of trauma, 243-44

  assault support patrol boats (ASPBs), 27, 28, 58

  atasthaliai (wanton recklessness), 46, 101

  Athena (goddess of war, technology, military strategy), 3, 121-28, 134, 144, 145, 256, 257, 259, 272n

  as “The Soldier’s Friend,” 231

  and Trojan Horse incident, 233, 234, 298n


  tragic theater of, 152-53

  tyranny of foreign policy of, 301n

  war memorial practices of, 5, 287n

  Athens, Lonnie H., 282n

  atrocities and torture:

  division of labor and, 286n

  effect of, 224-25, 283n

  attachments, 157, 158, 175, 176

  Auftragstaktik,see positive leadership

  Australian Vietnam Veterans mortality study, 290n

  Autolycus (maternal grandfather of Odysseus), 142, 143, 282n

  Baldwin, David, Web site, 262

  Balkans conflict, 252

  barbiturates, 38

  Beam, T. E., 291n

  benzodiazepines, 38

  Bernard, Carl, 283n, 297n

  Betts, Richard K., 294n, 298n

  biē (violent force), 14, 46, 47, 48, 151, 161, 205, 243

  mētis and, 206

  bin Laden, Osama, 95, 161, 285n

  bipolar affective disorder, 40, 161

  “black syph,” 70, 115

  Bliese, P.D., 287n

  boar-tusk helmet, Odysseus’, 282n

  body, 162, 247-48

  Bonus Army, 155

  boredom, 45

  Born on the Fourth of July (movie), 73-74

  Bourdieu, Pierre, 295n

  bow and axe heads, contest of, 134, 258-59

  Boyd, John R., 291n

  brain, 162, 247-48, 300n, 301n


  cohesion and, 220

  confidence and, 218

  of veterans, 57-58

  breast cancer, 188-89

  Bremner, Douglas J., 276n, 282n

  Brescia, Italy, 250

  Bullman, T. A., 290n

  Bush, George W., 236

  bushido, 91

  Byrd, James, Jr., 194, 290n

  Calypso (minor goddess, the “hider”), 65, 113-14, 118, 256, 257

  Canby, Steven, 215, 218, 294n- 95n, 296n

ity, modern battle as condition of, 160

  Carey, Christopher, 287n- 88n

  Cassandra (Trojan princess and seer), 234


  aversion to, 213-14

  leadership and, 225

  reduction of, 205

  replacement system and, 209

  cattle rustling, 278n

  “Catwoman” (VWAR), 193


  damage to, 156-62, 301n

  leadership and, 227

  Charney, Dennis S., 282n

  Charybdis,see Scylla and Charybdis

  childhood trauma, 143, 144, 248

  and self-mutilation, 271n

  children of veterans, 68, 69, 84, 155, 175

  of suicides, 196

  China, Communist, leadership practices of, 226

  Christian church:

  love and fear in scriptures of, 212

  penance in, 152

  Ciconians (inhabitants of Ismarus), 269n, 270n

  Circe (minor goddess, witch), 38, 66-67, 69-73, 75, 76, 83, 96-98, 236, 237, 257

  civilian leaders, creation and maintenance of trust by, 206

  civilians, 31

  alcohol and drug dependence among, 36, 40

  Odysseus’ encounter with, 12-14, 17

  soldiers as viewed by, 13

  veterans as viewed by, 152-56

  veteran view of, 135-36, 144

  civil society, 249

  Civil War veterans, 155

  Clarke, Howard, 278n

  Clausewitz, Carl von, 251

  Clay, Jenny Strauss, 268n, 280n

  Cleland, Max, 150

  client vs. patient, 285n- 86n

  clinicians, veteran trust in, 167

  Clopper, M., 287n

  Clytemnestra (wife and murderer of Agamemnon), 65, 75

  cocaine, 38, 94

  cohesion, 229

  COHORT program, 214-17

  combat performance and, 208-10, 211

  esprit de corps and, 211, 293n

  ethics and, 220-21

  fear reduced by, 210-11

  love and, 211

  psychologically protective effect of, 5-6, 212, 219

  trustworthiness of leaders and, 228

  unit associations and, 221-22

  Cohesion, Operational Readiness, Training program,see COHORT program, U.S. Army

  Cohesion: The Human Element in Combat (Henderson), 213

  COHORT program, U.S. Army, 214-17, 222, 293n

  collective security, and abolition of war, 252

  collective skills, 218-19

  combat mode:

  of soldiers, 21

  of veterans, 20, 22, 27, 33

  combat performance:

  cohesion and, 208-10, 211

  replacement system and, 209, 210

  “right stuff” theory of, 212, 214, 293n

  combat strength multiplier effect, 205

  of leadership, 225, 227

  of training, 223

  of trust, 291n

  of unit cohesion, 210, 216, 217

  combat training centers, 222-23

  combat veterans:

  attitude toward government, 47

  Australian, 290n

  boredom, intolerance of, 45

  Civil War, 155

  criminal activities of, 26, 27, 30-31, 33, 34, 46

  danger-seeking behavior of, 44-45, 50

  drug and alcohol abuse by, 38, 40, 271n

  emotions suppressed by, 39, 137-38

  fears for loss of sanity in, 108

  forgetfulness of, 37-38

  German, 59, 295n- 96n

  grief of, for lost comrades, 35, 85

  guilt and remorse of, 109-10, 112

  Israeli, 50

  Korean War, 155

  Revolutionary War, 154-55

  Vietnam,see Vietnam veterans

  World War I,see World War I veterans

  World War II,see World War II veterans

  combined arms, 96-97

  Commandant of the Marine Corps Trust Study, 211, 290n

  command climate, 240

  communalization of trauma, circle of, 243-44, 299n


  for combat veterans, 33, 91, 92, 109

  community (cont.):

  four Vs of, 291n

  recovery in, 4, 5, 162, 168, 175-76, 178 see also cohesion


  ethics and, 223-24

  trust and, 224

  complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (complex PTSD), 4, 64, 152, 246

  grieving and recovery from, 174

  narcissism and, 161

  prevention of, 242

  repetitive cycling in, 285n

  social conditions and, 160

  social-relational aspects of, 288n

  social trust destroyed in, 151, 166

  spontaneous recovery from, 178

  treatment of, 178

  Condon, Corky (VWAR), xiii, 181

  Condon, Robert E., 181

  confession, sacramental, 153-54


  of leader, and fear in troops, 211

  training and, 218

  Connor, W. R., 270n

  Constant, Benjamin, 19

  Continental Army veterans, 154, 155

  Cook, Erwin, 143, 247, 268n, 269n, 270n, 271n, 27n, 273n, 278n, 279n, 282n, 299n

  Cosmides, Leda, 300n- 301n

  Cotton, R. C., 292n


  cohesive unit and, 210, 211

  Pericles’ notion of, 236

  religious thought and, 212

  courting gifts, contest of the, 130, 131

  cowardice, deception and, 236

  Crelinsten, Ronald D., 286n

  criminal activities of combat veterans, 26, 27, 30-31, 33, 34, 46

  Croker, L. P., 270n

  crowds, fear of, 150

  cultural therapy, 152, 153

  culture, 162, 247-48, 300n

  Cunliffe, R. J., 284n

  Cushman, John H., 40-41

  Cyclops, 42-50, 61, 236, 256, 271n

  Damasio, Antonio R., 290n

  Dane, A., 72n


  veteran attraction to, 39, 44-45, 50, 160

  veteran expectation of, 245

  Danieli, Yael, 80, 276n, 287n

  David, king of Israel, 212

  Davis, Jeff, 296n

  dead, Odysseus among the, 76-80, 82-84, 174, 257

  deadly fjord, in Odyssey, 60-64, 236, 256

  Dean, Eric, 285n

  death, fascination with, 91-92

  dedication, in workplace, 57

  Defense Department, U.S.:

  Armed Forces Day posters distributed by, 206-7

  Institute for Defense Analyses, 215

  Defense and the National Interest Web site, 297

  deference, honor and, 250

  democracy, 161, 249-50

  giant thumos in, 243

  healing and prevention of trauma in, 243

  leadership practices and, 226-27

  peace and, 301n

  and reforms in military culture, 229-30

  veteran participation in, 177

  Demodocus (Phaeacian bard), 233

  demoralization, 160

  dēmos, 104

  depression, 118, 161

  Detienne, Marcel, 92, 297n

  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), 149, 164

  Dien Bien Phu, 234-35

  Dienikes (Dionikes), 210, 293n

  Dimock, George E., Jr., 268n, 282n

  Diomedes (Greek warrior), 140, 231-32, 233

  dishonor, 95, 156

  divorce, 69

  “Dodger Song” (Guthrie), 108

  Dolchstoss von hinten (“stab in the back”), 95, 277n

  dolos, 132

  downers, 38, 39

  drug dependence and abuse,see alcohol and substance abuse

  “Druid” (VWAR), 181

  DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), 149, 164r />
  Dumézil, Georges, 153, 283n

  Dunbar, Robin, 300n

  du Picq, Ardant, 208, 212, 292n

  Dupuy, Trevor N., 292n, 295n

  eating, forbidden or demeaning, 270n

  Ebert, Friedrich, 277n

  economic success of veterans, 136, 154-55

  Edmonds, W. T., Jr. (VWAR), 182, 191

  educational activities, by veterans, 175

  Edwards, Mark W., 280n

  11th Armored Cavalry Regiment (“Blackhorse”), 215, 223

  Elpenor (crewman of Odysseus), 79-80

  e-mail groups,see Internet discussion groups

  emotions, suppression of, 39, 108-9, 137-38, 158

  by Odysseus, 132, 137

  employment and career opportunities of veterans, 20-22, 25, 26, 30, 56-59, 84, 94

  and disvaluing of skills, 136

  and hiring preferences, 51-52

  enslavement and torture, modern battle as condition of, 160

  entitlement, 160

  Epios, 298n

  Erasmus, Desiderius (Erasmus of Rotterdam), 46

  erratic behavior, 30

  esprit de corps, cohesion and, 211, 293n

  ethics, 248

  cohesion and, 220-21

  competence and, 223-24

  leadership and, 227-30

  power and, 242

  training and, 223-25

  ethnic conflict, 252

  Eumaeus (swineherd, servant of Odysseus), 124, 126-29, 257, 259, 274n

  Eupithes (father of suitor Antinous), 145

  Euripides, 78, 236

  Eurybates (Odysseus’ herald at Troy), 133, 280n

  Eurycleia (Odysseus’ wet nurse), 65

  recognition of Odysseus by, 133, 134, 142, 258

  Eurylochus (crewman, kinsman of Odysseus), 66, 101

  Eurymachus (most respectable suitor of Penelope), 130

  Eustathius, 122

  Exodus, 102

  expiation, 153

  Fagles, Robert, 267n, 268n

  Fallon Naval Air Station, 223

  fame (kleos), as motive, 48

  families, 84

  attachments to, 175

  information resources for, 261-62

  of suicides, 196

  support of, as source of courage, 212

  family support programs, on military bases, 221


  cohesive unit and, 210-11

  deception and, 236

  religious thought and, 212

  Feifs, Helmuts (VWAR), 190

  Felson-Rubin, Nancy, 143, 281n, 282n

  financial success of veterans,see economic success of veterans

  First Friday Defense Lunch, 294n

  First Marine Division Association, 41

  Fish, Lydia (VWAR), 180, 200, 201, 288n

  Fisher, L. M., 287n

  Fitzgerald, Robert, 267n, 270n

  flashbacks, 29, 38, 93-94

  Flores, Henry (VWAR), 186

  Flower, H. I., 273n

  Fontana, Biancamaria, 269n


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