Odysseus in America

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Odysseus in America Page 43

by Jonathan Shay

  paranoia, 63, 152

  Paris (Trojan prince, instigator of Trojan War), 298n

  Parry, Hugh, 268n

  Parsons, Talcott, 286n

  Path to Victory, The: America’s Army and the Revolution in Human Affairs (Vandergriff), 6, 266

  patient vs. client, 285n- 86n

  Patroclus (older foster brother of Achilles), 83, 232, 267n, 298n

  Achilles and, 243

  funeral games for, 243

  “pattern variables,” 286n

  peace, 124, 145

  military service and, 252

  size of society and, 251 see also war

  peace of mind, 33

  penance, 152, 245

  sacrament of, 153

  Penelope (wife of Odysseus), 65, 120, 122, 123, 128, 255

  mētis of, 74, 281n

  Odysseus’ reunion with, 130-34, 137, 145, 246, 259

  shroud woven by, 74, 132

  suitors of,see suitors of Penelope

  Pentagon, September 11 attack on, 253

  Peradotto, John, 268n, 280n, 282n

  perfectionism, 58-59

  Pericles, 7, 235-36

  Persian Gulf War, 220

  Phaeacians, Land of, 12-18, 33, 104, 105, 118-19, 256, 257

  philia, 158-59

  philos (comrade), 158, 159, 249

  physical reductionism, 247

  Pindar, 77, 78

  piracy, 26, 270n

  pistis (trust), 287n

  Pitman, R. K., 282n

  Plato, 103, 156, 157, 242

  plunder and booty, Odysseus’, 281n

  poinē (revenge), 124

  political left, treatment of Vietnam veterans by, 249

  political participation, by veterans, 177

  political right, treatment of Vietnam veterans by, 249

  Politics (Aristotle), 157, 227, 248

  Polyphemus (Cyclops), 45-46, 49

  polysubstance abuse, 40

  Poole, H. John, 293n

  Poseidon (sea god, god of earthquakes, father of Polyphemus), 49, 50, 145

  positive leadership, 226

  Posttraumatic Gazette, The Web site, 262

  Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), 98, 164, 192 complex,see complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

  danger expected by sufferers of, 245

  and hierarchy of suffering, 79

  and hostility toward women, 73

  narcissism and, 161

  prevention of, 242

  recovery from, 4, 5, 38, 64, 174, 178

  repetitive cycling in, 285n

  and sex, 118

  simple,see simple Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

  social conditions causing, 160

  social-relational aspects of, 288n

  and substance abuse, 36, 93-94

  survival adaptations and, 40, 64, 149-50

  symptoms of, 141-42, 161-62, 281n

  treatment of, 4, 178, 286n

  trust destroyed by, 151, 116

  as war injury, 4

  Web site, 262


  coercive attempts at dominance, 161

  ethical uses of, 242

  powerlessness, 248

  Pressfield, Steven, 210, 293n

  prevention of psychological and moral injuries, 5, 205, 206, 243

  cohesion and, 219

  ethical use of power and, 242

  leadership performance and, 225, 227

  military personnel policy and, 6

  unit associations and, 221-22

  preventive medicine programs, 88-89

  Price, A. W., 284n

  pride, 158

  prisons, employment opportunities in, 25-26

  private veterans’ preference in hiring, 52

  Prodigal Soldiers: How the Generation of Officers Born of Vietnam Revolutionized the American Style of War (Kitfield), 222

  Promotion Surgeries (cartoon), 228-29

  prostitutes, 117, 118

  Vietnamese, 70-72

  “protected person,” 224

  Proteus (shape-changing god, “Old Man of the Sea”), 161-62

  psychological and moral injuries, 1-2, 33

  cohesion and, 212

  prevention of,see prevention of psychological and moral injuries

  PTSD,see Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder recovery from, see recovery

  replacement system and, 209

  treatment of, 4, 178, 286n

  PTSD,see Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

  public veterans’ preference in hiring, 51

  Pucci, Pietro, 91, 92, 269n, 277n

  Puller, Lewis B., Jr., 5, 179

  Internet discussion of suicide by, 180-98

  wife and children of, 183, 197-98

  Puller, Lewis B. “Chesty,” 179, 183

  Pulver, Sydney, 284n

  purification after battle, 152, 153, 244-45

  Pylos, 126

  Qaeda, al-, 301n

  rage, 88, 159, 161

  function of, 80

  and violation of thumos, 156

  rape, of Vietnamese prostitutes, 70

  Raphals, Lisa, 297n

  rationality, in military culture, 211, 212

  Rauch S. L., 282n

  RCS (Readjustment Counseling Service) Web site, 262

  Readjustment Counseling Service (RCS) Web site, 262

  “ReallyCares,” 190, 289n

  recognition, desire for, 156

  reconnaissance, 231, 237

  Recovering from the War: A Woman’s Guide to Helping Your Vietnam Veteran, Your Family, and Yourself (Mason), 262


  communalization of trauma and, 243-44, 299n

  in community, 4, 5

  spontaneous, 178

  stages of, 168-69, 174, 175

  starting points for, 38

  and unit associations, 222

  by unlearning combat adaptations, 64

  recruits, screening of, 214

  Reichsheer (German army), 295n

  Reinhardt, Karl, 273n


  losses of, 174

  renegotiation of, 175


  purification rituals of, 152, 153, 245

  as source of courage, 212

  Remarque, Erich Maria, 12, 16, 270n

  “Remembrance” (Newberry), 171-72

  replacement system, in U.S. military services, 209-10, 214-19, 221, 229, 264

  and average annual unit changes, 294n- 95n

  Resch, John P., 154, 284n

  respect, veteran need for, 245-46

  revenge, 125, 282n

  Revolutionary War veterans, 154, 155

  rhapsodes, 103

  rhētor (persuasive public speaker), 176

  Rhetoric (Aristotle), 227

  Richards, Chester W., 297n

  Richards, Chet and Ginger, 297n

  Richardson, Scott, 268n

  “right stuff” theory of good military performance, 212, 214, 293n

  risk-taking behavior, 39, 44-45, 50, 160

  Road Back, The (Remarque), 12, 16, 32

  Rodríguez, Lillian, 164, 165

  Rodriguez, Michael W. (VWAR), 199

  Roemer, Lizabeth, 281n

  Rohde, Richard R., 288n

  Roisman, Hanna, 91, 102, 276n, 277n, 278n

  Roman Catholic religion, 153

  Roman purification ceremony, 153

  Root, Elihu, 209

  Rorty, Amélie, 156, 284n, 288n

  Rosenberger, John, 223, 296n

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 156


  at home, 245

  recovery and, 38, 168, 176

  Saigh, Philip A., 276n

  scar, on Odysseus’ thigh, 133, 139, 142-44, 274n

  Schein, Seth, 273n

  Schmid, Alex P., 286n

  scholiasts (ancient commentators on Homer), 122

  Schueckler, Jim (VWAR), 193, 198

  Virtual Wall Web site, 261

  scientific management, 227

; Taylor’s theory of, 209

  Scylla and Charybdis, 66, 75, 96-99, 257

  SEAL teams, 110, 283n, 297n

  secondary trauma, 83, 276n

  sedatives, 38

  Segal, Charles, 92, 269n, 275n, 277n, 278n, 280n

  self-care, 38, 88, 160

  recovery and, 168, 176

  self-control, 152

  self-deception, 234

  self-loathing, 160

  self-medication, 38, 39, 40, 94

  self-motivation, 215

  self-mutilation, 271n

  self-respect, 157, 160

  self-worth, sense of, 157

  Serbia, 273n

  SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape), 28

  7th Infantry Division (Light), 216

  Severo, R., 284n

  sex, love and, 211

  sexaholism, 39, 118

  sexual experiences:

  of soldiers in Vietnam, 70-72, 115-16

  of veterans, 72-73, 114, 116-18

  shame, 158

  “Sharkbait” (VWAR), 195

  Sheehan, Neil, 280n, 283n

  Shelby, Jim, 1, 268n

  Shin, L. M., 282n

  simple Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (simple PTSD), 4, 151

  as disability, 150

  recovery from, 64

  survival adaptations and, 40, 149-50

  treatment outcome in, 286n

  Sinon (Greek double agent), 233, 234

  Sirens, 86-87, 89, 91, 92, 95, 96, 257

  sleep disorders, 38, 39, 54-55, 246

  slums, American, deference and honor in, 250

  Sober, E., 300n

  sobriety, recovery and, 38, 168, 176, 199

  social animal, man as, 248

  society, 162, 247-48

  size of, and warfare, 251

  Sophocles, 78, 275n

  SORTS (Status of Resources and Training System), 294n

  “Southie Marine Regiment,” 85

  Southwick, Steven M., 282n

  sovereign states, 301n

  Sparta, 124, 126, 231, 281n

  Spawforth, Anthony, 275n

  Spector, Dennis, 71-72, 73-74, 152, 208, 274n, 292n

  Spinney, Franklin C., 297n

  Spirit, Blood, and Treasure: The American Cost of Battle in the 21st Century (Vandergriff, ed.), 291n

  spontaneous recovery, 178

  spying, 231, 237

  Stanford, W. B., 6-7, 78, 242, 269n, 271n, 275n, 280n, 299n

  Starry, Donn A., 210, 211

  Status of Resources and Training System (SORTS), 294n

  Status Warriors (van Wees), 250

  Stewart, Nora Kinzer, 210, 293n

  stimulants, 38

  Stofft, William A., 295n

  Strott, Jerry, 189

  Strott, Judee (VWAR), 189-90, 289n

  Stubbings, F. H., 270n

  subsidiarity, principle of, 249

  substance abuse,see alcohol and substance abuse

  substantive validation, 168, 169

  “Suezq” (VWAR), 192

  suffering, disclosure of, in group therapies, 174

  Suffering Soldiers (Resch), 154

  suggestibility, 160

  suicide, 54, 93-95, 290n- 91n

  and families of veterans, 196

  of Lewis B. Puller, Jr., 179, 180-98

  suitors of Penelope, 123, 124, 129-32, 145, 245, 255, 258

  in bow and axe heads contest, 134, 259

  courting gifts of, 131

  danger to Odysseus from, 126

  suitors of Penelope (cont.)

  Odysseus’ first encounter with, 129, 136

  Odysseus’ food eaten by, 45, 135

  Penelope’s flirtation with, 129-30

  slaughter of, 259

  Sultan, Nancy, 143, 282n

  Summers, Harry G., 183

  sun god,see Helios

  sun god’s cattle, 100-102, 107, 236, 257

  Sun Tzu, 231

  Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE), 28

  survival adaptations, 40, 54, 97, 149-50

  and suppression of emotion, 137

  and veterans’ feelings of threat, 63-64

  survivor guilt, 76, 78-80

  Sykes, Tom (VWAR), xiv, 183, 288n

  Talmud, 253

  tank crews:

  cohesion of, 219

  training of, 217-18

  Taylor, Fredrick Winslow, 209

  team skills, 218-19

  Tegtmeier, John, 290n

  Web site, 261

  Teiresias (prophet, seer), 96, 135, 145, 257

  Telemachus (son of Odysseus), 36-37, 126-31, 144, 145, 255, 257-59, 280n, 281n

  Odysseus’ reunion with, 127

  in visit to Menelaus, 231

  Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 30-31, 45

  10th Mountain Division, 220

  Tet Offensive, 29, 30, 93, 235

  Tet Offensive: Intelligence Failure in War, The (Wirtz), 234-35

  Thanh Phong, 110, 279n, 283n

  Thayer, Thomas C., 296n

  theater, Athenian, 152-53

  themis, 206, 248

  Theogony (Hesiod), 299n- 300n


  art, 243, 244

  and forgetting, 299n

  group,see group therapies for moral pain, 152

  Three Fighting Men (statuary group), 244

  thrill-seeking behavior, 39, 44-45, 50, 160

  Thrinacia, island of, 96, 100, 101

  Thucydides, 235-36

  thumos (spirit, fighting spirit, heart), 12-13, 46, 247, 277n, 284n

  as character, 156-62

  giant, 243, 249-50

  injury to, 156-62, 248

  leadership and, 227

  and megalothymia, 299n

  as narcissism, 156, 159-62

  power and damage to, 242

  restoration of, 162

  Tillson, John C. F., 215, 218, 294n- 95n, 296n, 302n

  timē (honor), 104

  Tooby, John, 300n- 301n

  “To Perpetual Peace” (Kant), 249

  torture,see atrocities and torture

  Tracy, Stephen V., 301n

  tragedy, katharsis and, 153

  tragic theater, Athenian, 152-53


  of Achilles, 243

  arts and healing of, 244

  childhood, 143-44, 248, 271n

  communalization of, 243-44, 299n

  and experience of the holy, 287n

  healing and prevention of, in democracy, 243

  and heroes, 243

  of Odysseus, 140-44, 243

  post-traumatic,see Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

  pre-military, 142, 144

  secondary, 83, 276n

  and thumos, 161, 248

  trust destroyed by, 176

  Web site, 262

  Trauma and Recovery (Herman), 243

  trauma studies, influence of, 246-49

  treatment, 4, 30, 178, 286n see also Veterans Improvement Program

  Tritle, Lawrence, 85, 276n, 287n

  Trojan Horse, 233-36, 298n

  trust, 229, 287n

  betrayal of, 158

  capacity for, 162

  cohesion and, 219

  as combat strength multiplier, 291n

  in community, 175-76

  competence and, 224

  destruction of, in veterans, xv, 4, 59, 64, 151, 152, 156, 166

  military leadership and, 226-28

  in military organization, 206

  Odysseus’ lack of, 237

  protection of capacity for, 205

  Spector on, 292n

  truth-telling and, 211, 228

  of veterans, in clinicians, 167

  truth, 87, 89, 91-93, 95

  of Kerrey mission, 111

  maintenance of trust and, 211, 228

  tyranny, 251

  of Athens’s foreign policy, 301n

  trauma survivors and, 244

  Ulmer, Walter, Jr., 229


aning of name, 143 see also Odysseus

  Ulysses (Tennyson), 30-31, 45

  underworld, Odysseus in the, 76-80, 82-84, 174, 257

  Unit Manning System, 293n see also COHORT program, U.S. Army

  Unit Manning System Field Evaluation, 215

  unready, unit’s status as, 294n

  uppers, 38, 39

  U.S. Army Institute for Behavioral and Social Sciences, 210, 292n

  Utopia (More), 19

  Valium, 38

  value, veteran need for, 245-46

  van Creveld, Martin, 209, 212-13, 214, 292n, 293n

  Vandergriff, Donald, 6, 266, 291n, 292n, 294n, 296n

  Vann, John Paul, 283n

  van Wees, Hans, 250, 277n, 279n, 300n

  venereal diseases, 70, 115

  Verkamp, Bernard J., 283n

  Vernant, Jean-Pierre, 277n, 297n

  Versailles Treaty, 295n

  Vet Centers Web site, 262

  Veteran Comes Back, The (Waller), 121

  veteran narratives (pseudonymous):

  Airborne reconnaissance sergeant, and sleep, 54

  Doc, 93-95

  Farmer, 58, 90-91

  Leban, 31

  Life-a-mission, 56-57

  Line, 87-89, 91

  Mercer, Bear, 22-26

  River, 53

  sunny picnic, 64

  tank veteran, 81-82, 125-26

  train station beggar, 63

  Wilson (composite), 68-69

  Wiry, 27-31, 114-18

  veteran narratives (real names):

  Garvey, Mary, 79

  Hoffman, George “Sonny,” 86

  Spector, Dennis, 71-74

  Viehman, Michael, 178-79

  veterans,see combat veterans; Vietnam veterans; World War I veterans; World War II veterans

  Veterans Administration Clinic, Boston, 164

  Veterans Improvement Program (VIP), VA Clinic, Boston, 164-78, 180, 200-201

  Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), 40, 155

  veterans’ service organizations, 40, 41, 221-22

  VFW,see Veterans of Foreign Wars

  Viehman, Michael (VWAR), 178, 184-85

  Viehman, Michele (VWAR), 185, 194

  Viet Cong, 23, 25, 28, 68, 70, 93, 110, 213, 283n

  Viet Minh, 131, 155

  Vietnam civilians, killing of, 110-12

  Vietnam Dog Handlers Association, 183

  Vietnamese, use of American arms by, 131

  Vietnam veterans:

  acceptance needed by, 245

  bitterness of, 102

  bragging and threats of, 122

  and changes in society, 246

  civilian occupations of, 20

  civilians as viewed by, 135-36, 144

  civilian view of, 152, 154-56

  in combat mode, 20, 22, 27

  criminal behavior of, 27, 30-31, 33, 34

  danger expected by, 245

  danger-seeking behavior of, 44-45

  disorientation of, 120-21

  exploitation expected by, 167

  Vietnam veterans (cont.)

  at family celebrations, 16

  family income of, 136

  feelings of threat and vulnerability in, 63-64, 99, 133-34


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