foreknowledge, in military leadership, 231
forgetfulness, 37-39, 89
and healing, 299n- 300n
personification of, 92
Fortunate Son: The Healing of a Vietnam Vet (Puller), 5, 179, 183
forward observer, 22, 23, 25
France, surrender of, at Dien Bien Phu, 234
Freikorps (proto-Nazi death squads), 222, 296n
friendship, 158, 159
Friends of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 195
frigidity, 273n
Fukuyama, Francis, 156, 249, 284n, 297n, 299n, 301n
Gal, Reuven, 225, 291n, 293n, 295n, 296n
Galloway, Joseph L., 277n
GAR,see Grand Army of the Republic
Gardner, John, 273n
Gardner, R., 272n
Garvey, Mary, 79
gastēr (stomach, hunger), 12-13
Gates of Fire (Pressfield), 210
genocide, 251
geras (Greek military prize of honor), 239, 267n
German army:
cohesion in, 209, 212-13
demobilization in 1918, 295n
in Weimar Republic, 295n
Freikorps death squads in, 222, 296n
leadership practices in, 226
“stab-in-the-back” mentality in, 95, 273n
veteran employment opportunities in, 59
Gibbs, Philip, 20
GI Bill, 135
Gibson, James William, 22
gift exchange, 274n
Glass, Albert J., 293n
“going native,” 166
Golden, Leon, 283n
Golden Calf, 102
Goodall, Jane, 301n
Gould, John P.A., 275n
hiring preferences of, 51
veteran attitudes toward, 47, 177
Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), 41
grandiosity, 160
Graves, Robert, 31-32
Greely, J. N., 292n
grief, 35, 85
function of, 80-81
and recovery, 168, 169
and visit to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 170, 174
Griffis, Sally (VWAR), xiv, 197
group therapies, 168-69, 174, 177
at Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 173
“Guardians” of the state, Aristotle’s notion of, 157
Gudmundsson, Bruce I., 277n, 295n
guest-gifts, 119, 274n
guilt, 109-10, 112, 152
existential functions of, 80
and penance, 153
survivor, 76, 78-80
ways of living with, 154
Gulf War, 220
Guthrie, Woody, 108
Haber, Samuel, 292n
Hainsworth, Brian, 282n
Hall, H. Palmer (VWAR), 194, 288n- 89n
Halverson, R. R., 287n
Harvey, Mary, 175
Harvey, M. R., 287n
Haubold, Johannes, 6, 268n
health, worries about, 88-89, 160
Hector (Trojan commander in chief, killed by Achilles), 231, 267n
Hedrick, C., 270n, 279n, 285n, 299n
Hegel, G. W. R, 156, 249
Helen of Troy, 37, 65, 66, 89, 231
and Trojan Horse ruse, 233
Helios (sun god), 102, 272n
Heller, Charles E., 295n
Henderson, William D., 213, 292n
Herakles, 299n
Herman, Judith, 168, 243, 271n, 283n, 286n
Hermes (messenger god and trickster), 66-67, 69
heroes, 2, 242-43
heroin, 38, 94-95
Hesiod, 92, 299n- 300n
Hesk, John, 275n, 279n, 285n, 298n
Heubeck, Alfred, 99, 278n
Hexter, Ralph, 273n
hiring preferences, 51-52
Hitler, Adolf, 161, 273n, 285n
Hobbes, Thomas, 156
hobos, 155
Hoekstra, A., 278n
Hoffman, George “Sonny,” 86, 105, 276n
holy, experience of the, 242, 287n
home, idea of, 245-46
Odyssey as allegory of, 1, 2, 3, 36, 106
of veterans, 56
Homer, 103, 278n
honor, 95, 156
deference and, 250
in the Iliad, 250
for military personnel, 252
Hoover, Herbert, 155
Hoplite ideology, 298n
Horace (legendary Roman warrior Horatius), 153
Hornblower, Simon, 275n
hospitality and generosity, testing of, 129
hubris, law on, 161
Hudnall-Stamm, Beth, 276n
human nature, 162, 247, 248, 251
Hurbis-Cherrier, Katherine, 270n
Hurbis-Cherrier, Mick, 270n
hypochondria, 88-89, 160
ideals, 157
and recovery, 168, 174
IDF,see Israel Defense Forces
idiōtes (those ignorant of public affairs), 7
Iliad, xv, 6, 61, 62, 77, 82, 105, 140
Achilles’ portrayal in, 237, 243
Agamemnon’s portrayal in, 239-40
audience for, 104
author of, 103
biē of Achilles in, 205
fascination of death in, 91-92
funeral games for, 243
mētis in, 235
Odysseus’ portrayal in, 238
Odysseus’ reconnaissance in, 231-32
Sirens as voice of, 89
surface story of, 267n
themis betrayed in, 206
violence and honor in, 250
incarceration, of Vietnam veterans, 27
income, of Vietnam veterans, 136
individual replacement system, in U.S. military services,see replacement system, in U.S. military services
injury, PTSD as, 149-50
IN MEMORY program, 195-96
insomnia, 38, 39, 54-55, 246
Institute for Defense Analyses, 215, 302n
institutional validation, 168-69
“Instructions for the Government of Armies of the United States in the Field” (Lieber), 225
intergenerational transmission of trauma, 175
Internet discussion groups, 5, 41, 178-80, 198-201
IN TOUCH program, 196
Ion (Plato), 103
Iphigenia, 102, 112
irony, Homeric (or lack of), 69, 101, 272n, 278n
Ismarus, raid on, 20, 26, 32, 34, 35, 43, 61, 236, 256, 269n
isothumos (equal citizenship honor; not an ancient Greek term, modern coinage), 161, 250
aversion to military casualties in, 213
leadership practices in, 226
veterans, 50
Israel Defense Force (IDF):
breakdowns in, 218
cohesion in, 213, 219
Ithaca, Odysseus’ return to, 3-4, 121, 124
jargon and speech rhythms, of combat veterans, 89-91
jobs,see employment and career opportunities of veterans
Jodies, 124, 136
Johnson, Lyndon, 103
Jones, F. D., 291n, 293n, 296n
Jones, Franklin, 225
jus ad bellum, 291n
jus in bello, 291n
jus in militaribus, 291n
justice, divine, 105, 124, 272n
Kang, H. K., 290n
Kant, Immanuel, 249, 252, 301n
katharsis, 153
Kelley, Michael, 290n
Kelman, Herbert C., 286n
kerameikos (Athens’s military cemetery), 5, 287n
Kerrey, Bob, 110-12, 154, 279n, 283n, 297n
guilt as motivation for, 152
on Puller’s death, 183
Khe Sanh, siege of, 235
king or steward of the winds (Aeolus), 52-56, 59, 256
Kirkland, Fans R., 168, 216, 217, 287n, 291n, 294n
Kissinger, Henry, 103
Kitfield, James, 222
Klann, Gerhard,
kleos (fame), as motive, 48, 297n
Kohut, Heinz, 156, 284n
Korean War:
replacement system in, 209-10
veterans of, 155
Koziak, Barbara, 299n
Krulak, Charles C., 223, 296n
Kulka, Richard A., 270n, 281n
Laertes (father of Odysseus), 132, 145
Odysseus’ reunion with, 138-39, 143-44, 259
Laestiygonians, 60, 61, 63, 64, 236, 256
Laird, Melvin, 90
language, 247
Laocoön (Trojan leader), 234
Larsenn, S., 290n
Lateiner, Donald, 280n
Law enforcement, veteran career opportunities in, 22
“lawful combatant,” 110, 224
lawfulness, in conduct of nations, 250
Lawrence, T. E. (Lawrence of Arabia), 42, 44
Lazenby, John F., 279n
leaders,see civilian leaders; military leaders Leakey, Richard, 300n
lēthe (forgetting), 92
Leukos (soldier of Odysseus, killed in Iliad), 140
Lewis, Mark, 296n
Lidz, Brett T., 281n
Lieber, Francis, 225
Lieber Code, 225
Linderman, Gerald F., 212, 293n
Lloyd, Janet, 277n
Longinus, 278n
Lotus Eaters, land of, 36, 38, 41, 256
among military comrades, 196, 211, 212, 269n
philia (philotēs in Homer) and, 158-59
“Love and Whores” (Spector), 71-72
Luttwak, Edward, 293n
lying and deceit:
cowardice and, 236
fear and, 236
as military skills, 151
of Odysseus, 121-22, 126, 127, 132, 151, 237
in Trojan Horse incident, 233-34
Lynch, James (VWAR), xiv, 197
MacArthur, Douglas, 64
Makary, C., 287n
Mallory, Jack (VWAR), xiv, 186, 288
manic-depressive behavior, 40
Marine Corps, cult of death in, 91
Marine Expeditionary Units (Special Operations Capable), 220
marriages, of veterans, 57, 59, 68, 69, 84, 94
intimacy and sex in, 114, 116-18
suppression of emotion in, 137
Marshall, George C., 108-9, 295n
Martin, Richard P., 299n
Mason, Patience C. H., 137, 262, 281n
Mason, Robert, 281n
Masters of Truth in Archaic Greece, The (Detienne), 92
materialism, 247
Matsakis, Aphrodite, 39, 118, 137, 262, 271n, 279n, 281n
McBride, Bill, Web site, 261
McCarthyism, era of, 155
McCombs, Mike, Sr., 188-89
McGlew, James R, 285n, 299n
McMaster, H. R., 278n
McNamara, Robert, 102
McVeigh, Timothy, 95
MedEvac, 23, 29, 199
medicinal purgation, 153
megalomania, 161
megalothymia, 299n
Mehlum, L., 290n
Melantho (faithless maid), 131-32
memorial validation, 169
memory, 92
loss of authority over, 38
resuscitative function of, 80
and truth of Kerrey mission, 111
Menelaus (king of Sparta, husband of Helen), 37, 104, 140
Telemachus’ visit with, 231
mental clarification, 153
mental health professionals, 177-78
“Mentes” (Athena in disguise), 144
“Mentor” (Athena in disguise), 145
meritocracy, 104, 279n
mētis (cunning, deception), 14, 46, 47, 125, 151, 161, 205, 231, 243, 272n, 297n
biē and, 206
in Iliad, 235
of Penelope, 74-75
Meyer, Edward “Shy,” 226
Milford, L., 284n
military education and training, 214-16, 222-23, 229
and cohesion, 211
COHORT program, 214-17
ethics and, 223-25
recommendations for, 265
retraining component of, 217-18
military intelligence, in Vietnam War, 234-35
military leaders, 61-62, 225-27, 229
abuse of authority by, 224
betrayal of “what’s right” by, 240
careerism of, 167, 228, 264, 286n
and COHORT program, 217
creation and maintenance of trust by, 206, 226, 227
ethics and, 227-30
“going native,” 166
love and fear in, 211
Odysseus, 6-7, 61, 62, 231, 236-37, 241
and prevention of psychological injury, 6-7, 225
truthfulness of, 228
and U.S. defeat in Vietnam, 103
military personnel policy:
on career management systems, 286n
obsolete assumptions about, 263
and prevention of psychological injury, 5-6
recommendations for, 265-66
on retirement system, 265
military service, peace and, 252
military unit associations, 40-41, 91, 92, 265
and prevention of psychological injury, 221-22
Web site, 261
Miller, William I., 272n, 279n, 293n
mind, 162, 247-48
money, veterans’ lack of interest in, 57
Moore, Harold G., 277n
moral education of citizens, arts and, 242
More, Thomas, 19
Morris, Ian, 279n
Morrison, A. P., 284n
mortality, awareness of, 248
Mortality of Vietnam Veterans—The Veteran Cohort Study 1997, 290n
MOS (military occupation specialty), 209
Moses, 102
motivational tools, Agamemnon’s, 240
Mullen, William, 275n
multiplier effect,see combat strength multiplier effect
Munroe, James, 165, 167, 276n, 286n, 287n, 291n
Murray, A. T., 268n
Murray, Warren K. (VWAR), xiv, 185, 191
Muses, 244, 299n
“Musselman” (catatonic state in concentration camps), 160, 285n
Myrmidons (Achilles’ contingent at Troy), 238, 298n, 299n
Nagy, Gregory, 78, 165, 268n, 269n, 275n, 279n, 298n, 299n
narcissism, 156-61, 277n
narratives, personal, and recovery, 168, 169, 174
National Center for PTSD Web site, 262
nationalism, 250
National Training Center (NTC), Fort Irwin, 223
National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study, 27, 136
Nausicaa (Phaeacian princess), 65, 256
Nellis Air Force Base, 223
Neoptolemus (son of Achilles), 275n
Nestor (king of Pylos, guest-friend and ally of Odysseus), 140, 141, 232, 298n
Newberry, Joan Duffy, 171
New Manning System, 293n see also COHORT program, U.S. Army
New York Times Magazine, The, 110
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 220
nightmares, 29, 38, 94
noble character, in Athenian society, 235
“normal,” in diagnostic system, 282n
North Vietnamese Army, cohesion in, 213
nostalgia (as combat stress reaction), 160, 285n
nostos (homecoming), 18
“not ready” unit classification, 217
Nuremberg Principles on war crimes, 154
Nussbaum, Martha C., 112, 284n, 285n, 290n, 298n, 299n, 301n
blind, 160
critical, of leader to his superiors, 227
trust and, 224
in World War II, 226, 227
Ober, J., 270n, 279n, 285n, 299n
Ockham, William of, 251
Odysseus, 104, 105, 271n
Achilles contrasted with, 235, 298n
Agamemnon and, 237, 238
> boar-tusk scar of, 133, 139, 142-44
bravery of, 237
craftiness and guile of, 46-17, 298n
disguises of, 4, 123-24
greed of, 232
lies of, 121-22, 126, 127, 132, 151, 237
loyalty to troops, 237
as man of pain, 242
meaning of name, 2, 143
mētis of, 205-6
as military leader, 6-7, 61, 62, 231, 236-37, 241
military practices of, 237, 238
and olive tree bed, 246
Palladium stolen by, 233
reconnaissance by, 231-32, 237
self-introduction of, 17, 33, 121
and simple PTSD, 151
as spy, 231-32, 237
trauma and character of, 140-44, 243
trust destroyed in, xv, 59, 64
Odyssey, xv, 6, 104
allegorical interpretation of, 2-3, 105, 106, 268n
author of, 103
Books 1-4 (home without Odysseus), 255
Books 5-8 (Odysseus starts last lap for home), 256
Books 9-12 (Odysseus tells Phaeacians of his adventures), 256-57
Books 13-16 (father and son return to Ithaca), 257-58
Books 17-20 (Odysseus arrives at home), 258
Books 21-24 (Odysseus triumphant), 258-59
Calypso episode, 65, 113-14, 118, 256, 257
Circe episode, 38, 66-67, 69-73, 75, 76, 83, 96-98, 236, 237, 257
Cyclops episode, 42-50, 61, 236, 256
dangerous women in, 65-66
deadly fjord episode, 60-64, 236, 256
as homecoming epic, 1, 2, 3, 36
king of the winds episode, 52-56, 59, 256
Lotus Land episode, 36, 38, 41, 256
mētis of Odysseus in, 205-6
Odysseus among the dead episode, 76-80, 82-84, 174, 257
Odysseus at home episodes, 3-4, 120-45, 246, 257-59
Phaeacians episode, 12-18, 33, 104, 105, 118-19, 256, 257
raid on Ismarus episode, 20, 26, 32, 34, 35, 43, 61, 236, 256, 269n
Scylla and Charybdis episode, 96-99, 107, 112, 257
Sirens episode, 86-87, 89, 91, 92, 95, 96, 257
sun god’s cattle episode, 100-102, 107, 236, 257
and traumas of Odysseus, 243
Trojan Horse ruse recounted in, 233 see also Odysseus
Olson, Monte (VWAR), xiv, 188
Olympic Games, 77-78
Olympus, Mount (as home of Homeric gods), 107, 145, 256
101st Airborne Division Association, 40, 41
One Station Unit Training (OSUT), 293n see also COHORT program, U.S. Army
open spaces, fear of, 64, 150
opiates, 38
opposing force (OPFOR) units, 223
Orsillo, Susan M., 281n
OSUT (One Station Unit Training), 293n see also COHORT program, U.S. Army
Otto, Rudolf, 287n, 299n
Oulixes, 143 see also Odysseus
overexcitement, 40
Owens, Wilfred, 137-38, 172
Palaima, Thomas G., 7, 269n
Palladium (statue of Athena at Troy), 233
Panathenaea (Athenian festival), 103
Pandarus (Trojan archer), 298n
Parameters (journal), Achilles in Vietnam reviewed in, xvi
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