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Sweetest Salvation

Page 7

by Kacey Hammell

  “Wolfe Island. I needed some space.”

  He sighed. She pictured him running his hand through his hair in frustration, like she’d seen him do many times.

  “How much longer will you be gone?”

  She picked at the small piece of lint on the quilt. “I don’t know for sure, but maybe three or four more days.”

  “Will you come see me the minute you’re home? I need to hold you, Andy,” he whispered.

  “Hunter,” she breathed, body shaking with need and yearning.

  “Dammit, don’t sound like that and expect me to just sit here and wait. Promise me you’ll be no more than three or four days. I can’t do this on the phone and not come for you.”

  That he would sweep in here, find her and take her in his arms…

  Her body ignited and juices gathered between her thighs.

  “Four days at the most, I promise. I’ll see you soon.”

  “I miss you, Andy,” he murmured.

  She was helpless to deny him. “I miss you, too.”

  She heard the click in her ear and hung up. Enough had been said. She laid her cell on the bed beside her and curled up on her side.

  A smile played on her lips, knowing he was thinking about her in this moment too.

  Though she wanted to rush back home and find him, she still needed a few days to remember the past and make certain she was ready for the future. Whatever it might be.

  There would be no turning back once she was in Hunter’s arms again.

  She suspected he would never let her go.

  And she wasn’t sure she’d be able to walk away either.


  Andy set the last of the folded laundry on her bed.

  She’d never been so exhausted in her life. The emotions over the last few days had taken a toll on her. Taking the trip to Wolfe Island had been a great idea but the drive tiring.

  She wanted to hurry to Hunter’s door, but needed to acclimate herself to being home again.

  But she wanted to be certain that she wasn’t just reacting to being lonely. She needed to prove that even while in the house she’d shared with Patrick, she could have the overwhelming urgency to see Hunter…

  The fact was proven. She’d missed him more than she ever thought she would. Hell, even while tending to menial tasks, he was continually on her mind.

  Andy turned away from the laundry, her heart still aching for all she’d lost, and for the time she’d wasted closing herself off from those that cared about her.

  Walking the short distance to the end bedroom, she stood in front of the closed cherry wood door.

  Andy traced the letters of Peter’s name that he’d proudly helped her hang on the door. He’d been so excited to see his name in different colors and call it his.

  With a deep breath, she grabbed the doorknob, and opened the door.

  Her eyes filled with tears as she crossed the threshold into her son’s dinosaur domain.

  Dinosaur wallpaper covered the walls, curtains her mother-in-law had made with fabric she’d searched far and wide for—just so he could have his favorite prehistoric animal on them—hung on the window. To match the curtains, Jeanine also used the same fabric to make the comforter and bedding. Peter had been ecstatic to see the Allosaurus, T-Rex and Stegosaurus everywhere. She and Patrick had shopped endlessly for every dinosaur stuffed animal and toy they could find.

  Andy swallowed hard and sat in the rocking chair in front of the window. She laid her head back and set the rocker in motion. With a deep breath, the blueberry scent her son loved to use in his baths carried into this room, and lingered still. The distinct fragrance washed over her. She smiled.

  Tears slid down her cheeks as she laughed aloud, thinking about her son.

  Peter filled her heart with his laughter and pleasure in life.

  She sobered. She’d done so wrong by him.

  Instead of pushing through the pain that losing him caused, she’d wallowed in grief and became someone even she didn’t know. She should have honored his and his father’s memories by dealing with the pain and finding the strength to move forward.

  She should have done something to make sure neither of their deaths was for nothing. She could have joined MADD, sought out other parents who suffered the loss of a child, other woman aching without their husbands.

  But she’d done none of that. She was angry with herself for the waste she’d allowed her own life to become. To turn her back on the charities that had counted on her, the love she’d had in her life.

  But she needed the time to heal. To be alone and work through the grief in her own way. She just never intended to shut herself off so completely from those who cared for her and counted on her.

  Andy looked around the room.

  She needed to get her life back. To find the pleasures in life again that she’d always enjoyed. The family she still had in the Sheavers, her parents who were hundreds of miles away but still with her all the time.

  And Hunter.

  The love he had for her little boy. An uncle and godfather who’d loved him as if he was his own. Andy loved that about him.

  Yes, she loved Hunter. Deeply.

  He was everything she admired in a man—strong, supportive, kind and thoughtful, goal-oriented and sexy to boot. He’d be a wonderful father as well.

  While different from what she’d felt for Patrick, her love for Hunter was just as strong.

  Patrick had been everything to her, and would always love him.

  To find a second love in her life was more than she could ever have hoped for. It was more than most people experienced.

  It was time to move on and make something great out of the life she still had. Patrick would have wanted it for her. She would have wanted the same for him if roles were reversed. She would never want him to be alone or fall into a dark pit of despair that did more harm than good.

  Down deep, there would always be some of the guilt over losing the two people she’d loved most. But she needed to honor them by being the strong, resilient woman they could be proud of.

  And she’d hold on tight to new love. It was time to start over.

  Andy stood and moved across the room. She ran her fingers over the comforter on Peter’s bed as she walked by. At the doorway, she turned and gazed around the room once again.

  “I love you, buddy. Know that Mommy will always love you with all her heart.”

  She closed the door behind her and leaned her head back against it. Tears fell down her cheeks even as she smiled and the heaviness in her heart alleviated.

  New plans formed in Andy’s mind. Giddy over what the future held and the decisions she’d made, she headed to the kitchen in search of a pad and pen.

  She had to get her plans on paper for the future.

  Chapter Six

  Andy rang the doorbell, heart pounding hard in her chest and waited. She hoped Hunter was home. He’d mentioned working from home for a few days and she hadn’t considered calling ahead.

  The door swung open and he stood before her. Jeans and t-shirt, no socks…he looked spectacular.

  “Hello, Hunter,” she greeted, her body on fire.

  Damn he was sexy as hell.

  “Can I come in?”

  Wordlessly, his grey eyes turned smoky as they swept over her, and he stepped back.

  She crossed the threshold and closed the door behind her.

  Leaning against it, she stared at him. “I’m so glad to see you,” she whispered.

  He moved quickly, as if he had been waiting for some sign of encouragement. His body bracketed hers against the door and his head swooped low. His soft lips moved over hers gently, brushed against hers in the sweetest way.

  Their first kiss.

  Her heart pitched, realizing it was true. She could kick herself for withholding such an experience from herself. He tasted minty and delicious.

  She hadn’t been kissed or held like this in forever. To have a man hold her gently, as if he cherished her
dearly…she was blessed.

  Her mouth opened against his, her tongue brushing his bottom lip. Hunter pulled back with a groan. Andy shivered as she looked into his eyes. Yearning and fire blazed from within. He wanted her, and she relished it.

  “Umm, maybe we should talk,” he suggested, but then leaned in and gave her another quick kiss on the lips. “Really, there’s so much to say.”

  “Hunter,” Andy began and laid a hand on his chest.

  “Andy, look. I can’t stay here with you like this. I want you.” He groaned when her fist clenched and grazed his nipple beneath his shirt. “Dammit.”

  “It’s okay, just relax,” she implored.

  “No, it isn’t.” He grabbed her hand and put it down over the front of his pants. His cock was hard and jerked at her touch.

  “Oh,” she breathed.

  “Yes, oh.” Hunter chuckled, though she heard the strain in it. “It’s just what happens when you’re near me. One night was not enough.”

  Andy’s hand stilled over his cock. It twitched against her palm. She really needed to give him some space. But she really just wanted him to kiss her again.

  “No, one night was not enough. And neither was just one kiss,” she whispered, cupping the back of his neck and pulled his head down to hers. Her mouth claimed his this time, tongue plundering. They both groaned.

  Hunter’s arms tightened around her. He held her tight as their tongues tangled and they breathed one another in.

  His mouth eased away, and reined kisses everywhere along her neck he could reach. “I’m having a hard time resisting you,” he whispered in her ear.

  Andy trembled, her fingers clenched around his biceps. “Hunter…” she gushed out, certain if he let go of her right now, she’d fall in a heap on the floor. His teeth grazed her neck, and she gasped.

  “One step at a time, sweetheart.” Hunter groaned and shifted back a bit.

  Their gazes locked and her hold on him tightened. Suddenly, taking things slow didn’t seem all that realistic. Their chemistry was too strong. She needed to be with him, like this, and was helpless to resist.

  “How about a new deal?” she whispered.

  Hunter’s gaze narrowed.

  “Don’t look at me like that.” She chuckled. “I didn’t think about this one step at a time business very clearly. I want you. Now.”

  His eyes darkened. “Deal,” he accepted, then slid an arm under her knees and one at her back and scooped her up.

  She tilted her head back and giggled. “You don’t need to think about it?”

  Hunter growled, “Hell no, I don’t need to think about it. But we’re not doing this here.”

  Andy held on tight as he walked through the living room, down the hall and through the door on the right. He carried her over to the king-sized bed and set her on the edge of it. He left her there, moved to the side table and clicked on a small lamp that cast the room in a light orange glow.

  Her gaze never left him as he lifted his blue t-shirt and pulled it over his head. He came back to her and stood before her. Her head tilted. He smiled.

  “I’ve dreamt about you many times in this bed,” he admitted softly.

  Her nipples tightened. She grinned, then lifted her hands to his belt buckle. “Was I doing this?” She made quick work of unbuckling the belt, undoing the button of his jeans and easing the zipper down.

  “You’ve done it a time or two,” he said gruffly.

  “Mmm, nice.” She eased her fingers into the waistband and pushed the jeans down his hips. His cock bobbed in front of her, stiff and swollen. Once his pants were at his knees, Andy cupped his fine ass in her palms. Hunter groaned.

  She smirked up at him, then lightly blew against his flesh. His hands lifted and pulled her hair back as her breath washed over his cock. Inch by inch, she moved closer to him, squeezing his ass cheeks while she blew again and watched his cock jerk.

  She pulled back. “What else have I done in your dreams?” she murmured, grinning.

  “Andy,” he moaned and tried to step away.

  “Stay,” she demanded and held him in place. Her fingers clenched his ass. “Did I do this?”

  Before he could object or try to move again, Andy lowered her head and licked the head of his dick. His hands fisted her hair and he blew out a ragged breath.

  Fueled and feeling wicked, Andy ran her tongue up and down his length, hands cradling his ass. She’d never hesitated when it came to sex, but with Hunter, she felt even more bold and daring.

  She fisted his shaft, then pushed her mouth over his entire length. She suckled him a moment, then pushed down onto him farther. Hunter huffed as she took him deep until his cock touched the back of her throat.

  Andy inhaled, then pulled back, and repeated the movements a dozen more times. Her mouth worked over him. His guttural groans filled her with pleasure.

  He pushed the sweater off her shoulders as she took him deep once more. Fists clenched, he jerked back. His cock popped out of her mouth and her hands fell away from him.

  “Hey.” Her protest was cut off as Hunter tossed the sweater over his shoulder as his lips met hers. His tongue violated her mouth.

  She moaned and started to fall back onto the bed, but his hands grasped the hem of her shirt and tugged it over her head, then let her fall.

  Hunter’s chest heaved as he looked down at her. She shifted, then leaned back on her elbows so he could see all of her.

  Sliding her hands behind her back, she undid the clasp of her bra. She left it there over her breasts, teasing him a little.

  Hunter lowered his body over her, his lips on hers again. Softer this time, he caressed hers with an open-mouthed kiss. Her strength gave out and she fell back. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders and returned his kiss with vigor. He was an amazing kisser.

  She shivered as his fingers feathered along her sides and up to her breasts. He removed her yellow bra and withdrew his mouth from hers. Andy breathed in deep as he lifted himself up, his arm muscles bulging as he looked down at her.

  “You are beautiful, Andy,” he murmured, gaze serious. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

  She reached up, ran her hands over his glorious chest. “I don’t want you to fuck me, Hunter.”

  His body jerked as if punched, and his smile faded.

  Unwavering, she whispered, “I want you to make love to me.” Her palms slid over his shoulders and down his chest as she smiled up at him. He grinned.

  She reached down to the button of her pants and undid them. Hunter stepped back, grabbed the top of her khakis and pulled them down her hips.

  Naked, she lay still, arms over her head, and let him look his fill. He stood between her spread legs, the fire and hunger in his eyes warming her as they roamed over her body.

  Andy’s breath caught. He made her feel so cherished and beautiful. And her pussy tingled as he stroked himself before her. He was gorgeous, head to toe.

  And all hers.

  Palms flat on the bed, she shoved her body backward, sliding along the comforter until she reached the middle. She pushed the pillows off the bed, and raised her arms toward him.

  He crawled up the bed without hesitation. She spread her legs for him, her arms wrapped around his back as he covered her. Their lips met, gently brushing against each other as he found his spot between her thighs. His dick nudged her opening. She clutched him closer.

  Hunter held her head as his tongue dived into her mouth, dueling with hers. Her hands slid down his back to his ass. She widened her legs and pressed his hips tighter into hers. He lifted his head and gazed down at her.

  “Andy, sweetheart,” he whispered as his cock nudged inside her. Her hips came off the bed as his arched.

  A thrill swept through her as his hard, straight cock, entered her with no restriction. His hips dropped and seated his shaft inside her. Andy gasped, surprised at the ease and unexpected rush of him being inside her.

  Hunter closed his eyes and groaned. Neither moved. The
ir breathing was the only sound in the room. His lids lifted and he looked down at her.

  He slid his fingers from her hair and down her cheek. His eyes were soft, loving and heated. Tears filled her own.

  “Sweetheart…” Hunter began.

  Andy smiled, and tried desperately not to move her hips. She loved the feel of him seated inside her. She could lie like this forever.

  “It’s okay, it’s just…” Emotions overwhelmed her. She had no idea how to put what she felt it into words.

  Hunter brushed his lips against hers, then pulled back.

  Andy huffed, surprised. His hips moved again, pushing even deeper inside her. She panted, and the rush of pleasure swept through her as he filled her over and over again.

  “I know, sweetheart. I know,” Hunter whispered above her. “Being inside you like this is a dream come true. Christ,” He swore and angled his hips. Hers arched higher as his cock hit deeper.

  “Hunter,” she gushed, feeling as if there was no air for her to breathe. She let herself go and just lived in the moment. This man, this amazing friend-turned-lover, was all she could ever want inside her.

  Making love with him was more than she could ever imagine. She felt alive in his arms.

  “I’m going to love you every day for as long as you’ll let me.” Hunter’s gaze bore into her, determined and full of promise.

  Andy lifted her legs and wrapped them tight around his waist. He moaned his approval and plunged deep.

  Their lips met. Every gasp and moan shared.

  Andy hadn’t felt this free in so long. She was learning to live again, letting herself heal. There would be no more longing for pain to drown out her guilt. Only Hunter taking care of her, loving her.

  Andy wrenched her mouth from his and shouted as her orgasm took over. Swept away in the tide, she trembled and clung to him.

  She heard Hunter’s harsh shout from a distance. Her ears rang and her heart beat rapidly. Tears fell down Andy’s cheeks as happiness bloomed inside her. As her mind settled and body relaxed, her hold tightened on the man above her.

  “You’re everything I could want,” she whispered.


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