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The Abduction: MFM Menage Alien Romance

Page 51

by Nichole Allen

  “I need to go home and shower,” she said breathless once more.

  “I’ll walk you home,” Adam purred.

  Adam held her hand all the way home, and she felt like she had a bodyguard with benefits on her arm. Her tiny frame fitted against his Gerard Butler-esque beefcake body. She had spent her life hiding away, being a shy little mouse, becoming invisible. Now, she walked with her head held high, her shoulders back, and a constant pulsing ache between her legs.

  She didn’t know what would become of her trio, these things were not usually long term and she didn’t know if she wanted this much pleasure on a long-term basis, she didn’t know if her human body would survive it. Humans were built for war and punishment just as much as they were designed to receive and give pleasure.

  When Josie walked into the office, she felt different but she wasn’t expecting to be treated differently. Everyone turned their heads as she walked past and the creepy supervisor even sniffed her as she breezed past him. She turned and gave him a withering stare and he scurried back to his seat.

  “Honey, did you get a makeover?” asked one of the girls who had never spoken to her before.

  “No,” she answered and then turned her back.

  She heard the gossip, and it made her secretly smile. She felt different and maybe she was carrying herself differently. She was certainly walking with care because her core was still buzzing and her panties were still a little on the damp side, especially when Ryan walked in and she had a flashback of his head between her legs. She would never forget how his tongue felt on her most sensitive parts.

  “Hi beautiful,” Ryan said brushing his hand across her neck and causing her to shiver.

  “You are late,” she said laughing.

  “I am running out of clothes, somehow they keep ending up in pieces,” he said. “Meet me in our favorite supply room.” He whispered into her ear and she closed her eyes.

  He walked straight out of the office and she sat there for a minute trying not to grin stupidly and then got up, forcing her legs to walk slowly. She opened the door to find it dark and shadowy but strong arms grabbed her around the waist and swept her into the back. She relaxed against him and when he started kissing her she ran her hands under his shirt making him groan.

  “I’ve missed you,” he whispered.

  “You just had me this morning,” she said.

  “I need you naked all the time,” he replied lifting her shirt to reveal her white lace bra.

  Their session in the supply room wasn’t long and leisurely, it was short, sweet, and hit the spot. Ryan lifted her skirt and pulled aside her panties, lifting her onto his rock hard manhood. She slid on with a jolt of pleasure and she knew it wouldn’t take long before she reached her climax.

  Josie climaxed with her teeth clamped on his shoulder to stifled the moans and he followed her, managing to knock a stack of files from the shelf in the process.

  Josie’s usual bun was untied and her hair was loose and wild. The pins were somewhere on the floor and she wasn’t about to hunt for them. She didn’t need to tie her hair back, instead, she just flipped it over one shoulder, straightened her skirt and shirt, and left Ryan to clean up the room.

  “Hello,” a man said as she walked past him. “Haven’t seen you here before, are you new?”

  “In a way, yes,” she said flashing him a sweet smile.

  She knew he was watching her, and she didn’t care. Now that she’d found her panther shifter boys, she wouldn’t be needing human men. She knew exactly what her type was and she wouldn’t settle for less.

  When Ryan emerged from the room, he looked disheveled but in a ‘I just had crazy good sex’ way. She watched as all the women looked up and eyed him. His eyes were fixed firmly on hers, and he looked like he wanted to eat her, which was exactly what she wanted him to do.


  See the next bonus story at the next page!

  17 of 25 Bonus Stories

  Tunes of the Heart

  What had they gotten themselves into?

  Lillian Callahan stared down at the eviction notice, reading it for the tenth time just to be sure her brain processed all of the information. She and her fiancé, Damien, were behind in their rent. Hell, they were behind in every bill they had, but the rent was the one taking center stage right now. They had thirty days to come up with five thousand dollars or they would be homeless. And being homeless in Los Angeles, despite the beautiful weather, was not something Lillian imagined at all when she and Damien moved last spring. In fact, nothing at all was turning out the way she had envisioned it.

  I could call Mom, Lillian thought. Sure she’d have to hear her mother’s mouth about being right that the move from Winston-Salem to Los Angeles was a horrible idea. “Singing won’t get you anything but bills and tears,” her mom had said. And right now, Lucie was right. But Lillian also knew her mother wouldn’t bat an eyelash at sending her the five thousand dollars needed to pay the rent. Damien wouldn’t like the idea at all, she knew. He hated to depend on anyone. When he was just a teenager, Damien left his family and lived on the streets. He learned to survive on his own. Neither charity nor public assistance were options for Damien. He would find a way. Lilian just hoped he found a way fast.

  Setting the note aside, Lillian stood and went to the kitchen to find something to make for dinner. They no longer had any gas to cook, but they did have electricity. Lillian scoured Craigslist using a computer at the library and found an electric single burner for twenty dollars. When she met with the woman selling the burner, Lillian told her she only had ten dollars. The woman gave the burner to Lillian for free. “My Christian conscience won’t let me take money from someone who looks like they’re in need. I hope your situation improves, dear,” the woman had said.

  Lillian laughed bitterly. “Yep, we’ve surely improved alright,” she said sarcastically.

  Studying the contents of the refrigerator and freezer, which weren’t much, Lillian decided to save the few packs of meat they had left. She decided on tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches, a meal she had eaten plenty of times as a child during her weekend visits with her dad. He had called it a cheap man’s dinner, but Lillian considered it a life saver.

  She busied herself with the excruciatingly slow process of cooking with a single burner. Lyrics for a new song came to her almost instantaneously.

  When life beats you down, I’m here

  Not like the others, I will never disappear

  When you hold me tight

  Everything feels so right

  And I never want you to let go.

  She would dedicate the song to Damien if she ever finished it and got the chance to perform it. Their wedding was on hold due to lack of finances. When she told Damien she would be more than okay with a courthouse wedding, Damien absolutely refused. “You deserve more than that,” he had said. “You deserve the big wedding you’ve always wanted.” That big wedding would probably never come. And Lillian couldn’t help but wonder just how long Damien planned to wait to marry her. She wasn’t going to wait forever.

  Lillian cooked and sang. More lyrics for the song popped into her head. She tapped her feet on the floor and her hands on the countertop, trying to find the right beat. This part was Damien’s. He was a genius when it came to tunes. He said it was because of his keen sense of hearing, thanks to having to listen out for people trying to hurt him when he lived on the streets. He could hear things no one else could and would often claim that their apartment was haunted just to scare Lillian.

  When the food finished, Lillian tidied up the rest of the apartment. She didn’t like to eat dinner without Damien. There wasn’t much to do in terms of cleaning. She and Damien didn’t own a lot of things, mostly because they sold everything of value except for Damien’s drums and guitar. And the apartment was incredibly small, which left no room for clutter.

  Lillian checked her watch at half past seven. Damien usually scoured downtown LA searching for jobs. Some
days, he did construction work with undocumented workers and earned a meager, but welcomed, payment at the end of the day. He was usually home by six every afternoon. She began to worry. And since they had no telephone, there was no way for Damien to get in contact with her if there had been an emergency.

  “Where the heck could he be?” Lillian thought aloud. His instruments were still home, so it wasn’t like he was playing. Lifting her head into the air and sniffing, she tried to see if she could pinpoint Damien’s scent but smelled nothing. Her werewolf nose could smell things miles away, but today, she couldn’t smell anything.

  Lillian tried to keep calm and not let fear take over, but once she looked at her watch again and saw eight o’ clock, she put her slippers on to go ask her neighbor to borrow their phone. She’d call area hospitals, police stations, any place Damien might be.

  When Lillian opened the door to go out, she was scared nearly to death by the large, hulking figure of Damien on the other side.

  “Damien!” Lillian screamed. “You scared the shit out of me. Where have you been? I was getting really worried.”

  Damien smiled sheepishly. His normally bright blue eyes had turned cobalt blue now that the sun had set and it wasn’t so bright outside. He called them his night eyes. With them, he was able to see everything. So he said. “Sorry, babe. I stayed later at the site for extra cash and the owners tipped us pretty good. And guess what?”

  “What?” Lillian asked.

  “We got a gig. They’re paying us big!”

  “How big?”

  Damien spread his arms out. “This big. Come, let’s eat and talk. I smell grilled cheese and I’m hungry.”


  “I wish I would’ve known you would make this much today,” Lillian said, counting out the three hundred dollars that Damien handed to her. “I would’ve waited and gone to the store to make something better than tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.”

  “Babe, you know I don’t care about what I eat. Anything you make is delicious. Besides, when I show you this letter,” Damien pulled a letter from the pocket of his hoodie, “you’ll see we’ll soon have enough to cook whatever we want.”

  He handed Lillian the note and allowed her to read it through once before speaking again. “You see the amount they’re offering? Crazy right?”

  Lillian could do nothing but nod her head. She had never of Club Deviant, but they were willing to spend ten grand for her and Damien to perform plus offer two thousand dollars as a shopping bonus. Lillian figured this club was probably one that attracted Hollywood’s wealthy and she and Damien would have to look like they fit in.

  With that amount of money, Lillian knew they could pay off their rent, pay a month’s rent or two in advance and get their bank account out of the negatives. And if they were allowed to keep whatever they didn’t spend of the two-thousand-dollar bonus, they’d have even more to put away into savings. They’d be fools if they didn’t take the job. And who knew? Maybe it would lead to something better.

  “Have you heard of Club Deviant?” She asked Damien.

  He had already gotten his bowl of soup and grilled cheese sandwiches and sat at the table eating. “Nope. Probably won’t care about it after we’re done anyway.”

  They didn’t have internet to Google the place, but Lillian didn’t like the feeling of going in blind. Sure the money was too good to pass up, but what if this offer was too good to be true? And who was this Alexei Lazarev mentioned in the invitation? Was he the owner? She would Google him, too, when she got the chance.

  Despite her slight apprehension, Lillian knew she and Damien would be doing the gig on August sixth, just as the letter said. She prepared herself a bowl of soup and a plate of grilled cheese sandwich and sat next to her handsome fiancé, who ate like he had never eaten before. Probably because he hasn’t eaten since this morning, she thought sadly. Because he was such a large man, Damien required more food than the average person. He required a lot more things than the average man did, too, like sex. But Lillian was okay with that. She loved her sexy, six-foot-nine, brown-haired man with his crazy high sex drive. She loved every bit of him.

  “How are we going to get to this address tomorrow?” Lillian asked. “I don’t even know where it is.”

  “Laguna Beach. Maybe we can rent a car for the day? Have any idea how much that would cost?”

  “No clue,” Lillian said. “Hopefully not too much. Let’s take all the money you made today and save it for tomorrow.”

  “Good idea. I’ve never been to Laguna Beach. Let’s make it a day trip. We can go to the beach, eat out.” Damien emptied his plate and walked over to Lillian, capturing her mouth in a soft kiss. “I miss you,” he whispered.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I feel like I never see you,” Damien replied. “I’m gone early in the morning and back when the sun is setting. I hate this.”

  Lillian had to agree. There had been a time when she and Damien were with each other all day, just singing and wedding planning. But then things took a turn for the worst. The gigs stopped, money became tight and their dreams were put on hold. Lillian couldn’t remember the last time she had sang in front of a crowd. She missed performing with Damien and the connection they shared when performing. She didn’t want to admit it, but it felt like there was a wall being built between them. She was afraid the wall would eventually grow so large that it completely separated them from one another.

  Lillian stood up on her tip toes, the only way she could reach Damien’s face and kissed him back. Their tongues intertwined and Lillian moaned. Wetness seeped through her panties. She gasped out loud when Damien lifted her and placed her on the counter. He dragged a chair from the table and placed it right in front of Lillian.

  “What are you doing?” Lillian asked.

  Damien didn’t reply. Instead, he pushed Lillian’s dress up to her stomach and ripped her panties off with a single tug. She watched with wide eyes as he sat on the edge of the chair and pulled her forward so that her butt as on the edge of the counter. It was uncomfortable, but once Damien spread her legs wide, Lillian was overcome with pleasure knowing what he was about to do. But just as Damien’s tongue made contact with her pussy, Lillian swatted his head away.

  “We can’t, Damien,” Lillian sad sadly.

  Damien’s eyes went from pleasure-filled to confusion in seconds. “Why not?”

  “I’m not on birth control. And we already know that if we start, we won’t finish. Last thing we need is a baby.”

  “I’ll pull out in time.”

  Lillian gave Damien her signature look that meant “you know you’re lying.” Damien couldn’t pull out if his life depended on it. They’d had one too many close calls and now that Lillian wasn’t on birth control and they had run out of condoms, she wasn’t risking it.

  “Fine,” Damien said. He pulled Lillian’s dress back down and helped her off the counter. “But you owe me. As soon as you get your birth control, you’re mine.”

  Lillian laughed at Damien’s serious face. He did not like being turned down. Lillian knew his ego was a bit bruised, but she wasn’t changing her mind. And besides, Damien had two hands that he could use to get the job done himself. When Lillian reminded him of this, Damien rushed out of the kitchen, grumbling about taking care of something in shower. Lillian’s laughter followed him the whole way there.


  Lillian and Damien woke up early the next morning to get a head start on their journey. Lillian was not at all eager to set out when they locked their apartment door behind them and noticed the clouds in the sky.

  “I didn’t know it was supposed to rain,” Damien said.

  “Neither did I. Makes me a little nervous.”


  Lillian shrugged. “Approaching storms make my senses go all crazy. I’m not sure why. Just the way it is.”

  Damien nodded. Being that Lillian was a werewolf, there were all sorts of things that Lillian could sense that
Damien couldn’t. She did get particularly paranoid during storms and even shifted to her werewolf form uncontrollably a couple of times. There was no explanation, at least, none that Lillian knew. She figured it was just the way she was.

  “Alright, let’s get to this car rental place before the rain starts. I’d rather be inside of a car when the storm comes.”

  Lillian agreed. Maybe when she was inside of the car, her paranoia and discomfort would ease a bit. She matched Damien’s strides and they walked for twenty minutes before coming upon the car rental agency.

  Inside, a handsome young man sat behind a desk. He was the only one inside. “Hi,” he said. “Can I help you?”

  “Yeah, we’re looking to rent a car for the day.” Damien answered.

  “Okay, can I see your driver’s license? Here’s a list of all the models and the prices. Let me just photocopy your license and I’ll be right out.”

  Damien handed over his driver’s license and watched the man walk to the back. “You think he’s cute.”

  Lillian tilted her head in confusion. “What?”

  “You think he’s cute. You were practically drooling.”

  Lillian shook her head. “I was not!” She wiped her mouth just to make sure she really wasn’t drooling, but sure enough, she had saliva on the back of her hand.

  “I don’t mind if you look at other men,” Damien said softly. “But can you at least be discreet about it?”

  Lillian felt bad. She hadn’t even realized what she was doing. She did think the guy was cute, but he couldn’t top Damien. No man could top Damien.

  “I’m sorry,” Lillian whispered.


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