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The Cloister and the Hearth: A Tale of the Middle Ages

Page 43

by Charles Reade


  LETTERS of fire on the church wall had just inquired, with an appearanceof genuine curiosity, why there was no mass for the duke in this time oftrouble. The supernatural expostulation had been seen by many, and hadgradually faded, leaving the spectators glued there gaping. The upshotwas, that the corporation, not choosing to be behind the angelic powersin loyalty to a temporal sovereign, invested freely in masses. By thisan old friend of ours, the cure, profited in hard cash; for which he hada very pretty taste. But for this I would not of course have detainedyou over so trite an occurrence as a miracle.

  Denys begged for his arms, "Why disgrace him as well as break hisheart?"

  "Then swear on the cross of thy sword not to leave the Bastard's serviceuntil the sedition shall be put down." He yielded to necessity, anddelivered three volleys of oaths, and recovered his arms and liberty.

  The troops halted at "The Three Fish," and Marion at sight of him criedout, "I'm out of luck; who would have thought to see you again?" thenseeing he was sad, and rather hurt than amused at this blunt jest, sheasked him what was amiss? He told her. She took a bright view of thecase. Gerard was too handsome and well-behaved to come to harm. Thewomen too would always be on his side. Moreover, it was clear thatthings must either go well or ill with him. In the former case he wouldstrike in with some good company going to Rome; in the latter, he wouldreturn home, perhaps be there before his friend; "for you have a trifleof fighting to do in Flanders by all accounts." She then brought him hisgold pieces, and steadily refused to accept one, though he urged heragain and again. Denys was somewhat convinced by her argument, becauseshe concurred with his own wishes, and was also cheered a little byfinding her so honest. It made him think a little better of that worldin which his poor little friend was walking alone.

  Foot-soldiers in small bodies down to twos and threes were already onthe road, making lazily towards Flanders, many of them penniless, butpassed from town to town by the bailiffs, with orders for food andlodging on the innkeepers.

  Anthony of Burgundy overtook numbers of these, and gathered them underhis standard, so that he entered Flanders at the head of six hundredmen. On crossing the frontier he was met by his brother Baldwyn, withmen, arms, and provisions; he organized his whole force and marched onin battle array through several towns, not only without impediment, butwith great acclamations. This loyalty called forth comments notaltogether gracious.

  "This rebellion of ours is a bite," growled a soldier called Simon, whohad elected himself Denys's comrade.

  Denys said nothing, but made a little vow to St. Mars to shoot thisAnthony of Burgundy dead, should the rebellion, that had cost himGerard, prove no rebellion.

  That afternoon they came in sight of a strongly fortified town; and awhisper went through the little army that this was a disaffected place.

  But, when they came in sight, the great gate stood open, and the towersthat flanked it on each side were manned with a single sentinel apiece.So the advancing force somewhat broke their array and marchedcarelessly.

  When they were within a furlong, the draw-bridge across the moat roseslowly and creaking till it stood vertical against the fort, and, thevery moment it settled into this warlike attitude, down rattled theportcullis at the gate, and the towers and curtains bristled with lancesand cross-bows.

  A stern hum ran through the Bastard's front rank and spread to the rear.

  "Halt!" cried he. The word went down the line, and they halted. "Heraldto the gate!" A pursuivant spurred out of the ranks, and, halting twentyyards from the gate, raised his bugle with his herald's flag hangingdown round it, and blew a summons. A tall figure in brazen armourappeared over the gate. A few fiery words passed between him and theherald, which were not audible, but their import clear, for the heraldblew a single keen and threatening note at the walls, and came gallopingback with war in his face. The Bastard moved out of the line to meethim, and their heads had not been together two seconds ere he turned inhis saddle and shouted, "Pioneers, to the van!" and in a moment hedgeswere levelled, and the force took the field and encamped just out ofshot from the walls; and away went mounted officers flying south, east,and west, to the friendly towns, for catapults, palisades, mantelets,raw hides, tar barrels, carpenters, provisions, and all the materialsfor a siege.

  The bright perspective mightily cheered one drooping soldier. At thefirst clang of the portcullis his eyes brightened and his templeflushed; and when the herald came back with battle in his eye he saw itin a moment, and for the first time this many days cried, "Courage, toutle monde, le diable est mort."

  If that great warrior heard, how he must have grinned!


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