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Meat Market Anthology

Page 6

by S. Van Horne

  A deep voice from the other side of the bar interrupts my panicked thoughts. “What can I get for you?”

  “Vodka tonic.” I open my eyes and look up at the attractive bartender.

  “Coming right up, sweetheart.”

  My stomach flutters while the bartender, who’s covered in tattoos and sporting a sexy bun, eyes my chest like he’s a starving man who’s about to feast on his first meal in weeks. With my confidence slightly renewed, I sit up straight, ready to test my ability at holding a meaningless conversation, when I feel a hand slide up my back.

  “Sorry I kept you waiting, baby.” After tucking a strand of my long, wavy, ash-brown hair behind my ear, a man wearing a black long sleeve shirt standing next to me brushes his lips across my cheek. Then he places his hand over mine—almost possessively—as he motions to the bartender with his head. “Make that two.”

  I turn on the bar stool, capturing my first real look at the man who accepted money from my friend to sleep with me. From the moment I agreed to Liv’s crazy plan, I’ve allowed my mind to run wild. I pictured a muscular model who lives in a gym. Instead, I’m greeted by a sexy down-to-earth guy with short, lightly tousled copper hair, warm chocolate eyes, and a nice bronze tan who’s sporting a short beard that’s dusted with a few grey hairs, which tells me I’m dealing with a man, not a kid.

  “Hello,” I say through a nervous breath. “You’re from…from…”

  He nods his head with a smile that barely tugs at the corner of his mouth. “Yes, and you’re gorgeous.”

  The bartender sets our drinks down and moves on without another look my direction.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mr.…” I clear my throat, hating the fact that tonight, I’m a foregone conclusion.


  “Well, it’s nice to meet you Mr. James.”

  “James isn’t my last name,” he corrects with a laugh as the maître d’ appears next to us. “Your table is ready.”

  I pick up the glass in front of me and down my drink in one long gulp before grabbing my clutch off the bar. “I’m ready.”

  James chuckles next to me, but I choose to ignore him and follow the man to our table. As I’m walking through the restaurant, it feels like everyone is staring at me. I might as well have a bright neon sign with the word whore flashing above my head because, right now, that’s exactly how I feel.

  “Your waiter will be with you in a moment.”

  The flutters in my stomach return when James pulls my chair out for me. “Thank you,” my voice cracks while I sit down as Mazzy Star’s “Fade Into You” starts playing in the background.

  “You’re welcome,” he replies before taking the seat across from me. James’ gaze locks with mine. Minutes pass and I start to feel sick to my stomach as an uncomfortable silence lingers between us. “I’m sorry,” I say, leaning into the table. “This is awkward. I feel awkward, don’t you? No, of course, you don’t, you’re just doing your job but I’ve...never done this before.”

  His eyes soften, and he reaches his arm across the table and slides his hand into mine. “Relax, Nora, and trust me to take care of you.”

  His words wash over me, instantly calming the storm raging in my mind. “Oh…kay,” I sputter, wondering what in the hell I managed to get myself involved with.


  I told myself I was done. I’ve made more than enough money to pay for Aidan’s schooling and I can’t…no, I won’t risk him knowing I’ve accepted money in exchange for companionship…for sex. Jason, Dylan, Damian, hell, most of the guys don’t think twice about what we’re doing, but I’m raising a teenaged son, and that’s not exactly the example I want to set for him. Unlike some of the guys, I took Jason up on his offer because I’ve already loved and lost. That ship has sailed and, somehow, I convinced myself I wasn’t harming anyone. But I am…I could…and that person is my world.

  I met Jason for a beer and explained my concerns. He immediately told me family comes first, and that I should do what I think is best for me. Next, I set a plan in motion. I talked to my regulars and referred them to one of the other guys, then I stopped taking appointments altogether. Two weeks later, I noticed how lonely my life truly was, especially on the nights when Aidan was out with his friends.

  Meeting Nora tonight is a pure fluke. I happened to stop in the shop to see how things were going when a woman came in wanting to schedule a night for her friend. Jason was about to turn her down or ask her to reschedule because everyone was busy when I spoke up and told him I was available.

  After the details were finalized, I started to regret my decision when I learned I had to dress up and drive clear across the city only to eat at a stuffy restaurant. But a strange ache formed in my chest the second my eyes landed on Nora. She’s fucking beautiful, yet I watched with interest while she sat at the bar doubting herself. I have no idea how long I stood there staring at her, but when I noticed the way that jerk-faced bartender was checking her out, I decided it was time to come to her rescue.

  On the way to our table, I had to fight an erection while I watched the way her ass swayed in that fucking tight little dress, a dress I very much want to rip off her body.

  Snapping out of my thoughts, I make sure to smile while I squeeze her hand. “Tonight doesn’t have to be anything more than you want it to be.”

  Her eyes go wide. “Shit. I was right,” she groans, pulls her hand from mine, and places both of them over her face. Before I have the chance to ask her what she’s talking about, a voice, one I’d recognize anywhere, hollers through the restaurant.

  “Oh my…Evan,” my mother says, her face beaming with excitement as she stops at our table. “Your father and I are here with the Thompsons. Sandy said she thought that looked like you, but I knew she had to be wrong, only…she’s not.” Mom turns to my date, holding her hand out. “I’m Heather, Evan’s mother. It’s so nice to meet you.”

  “Evan?” Nora sputters. Her eyes are now as wide as sliver dollars when she glances in my direction. I open and close my mouth several times, trying to decide what I should say while my mother continues talking like I wasn’t just stabbed in the chest with a ten-inch butcher knife…pun intended.

  “How long have you two been dating? Aidan mentioned that you’ve been going out a lot, but I didn’t believe him, at least, not until now.” She places her hand over her heart. “Oh, Evan, I can’t tell you how happy this makes me.” Tears shimmer in her eyes, and I’m suddenly presented with a serious problem.

  My parents loved Bethany. Like me, they were devastated when she died, but unlike me, they feel enough time has passed, that I should be ready to move forward with my life, romantically speaking. I haven’t seen my mother appear this ecstatic—at least not regarding anything that directly involves me—in a very long time.

  “I’m Nora Shaw, it’s very nice to meet you.”

  “Oh, Nora. That’s a beautiful name.” Mom’s eyes continue to gleam. “I want you to come for dinner tomorrow night. I’ll fix Evan’s favorite, City Chicken.”

  Nora gapes, immediately looking at me for help. “Mom. I think Nora has plans.”

  “Oh,” Mom replies, a crestfallen expression replacing her earlier excitement. It feels like someone is twisting that fucking knife in my chest, at least, that’s my only reasoning for what I say next.

  “Unless…you’re free?”

  At my comment, Nora’s head twists back and forth like she’s in the Exorcist. “Ummm…oh…yes? I’m free?” she finally mumbles, making her comment sound more like a question.

  Mom instantly claps her hands. “Six o’clock, Evan, and make sure Aidan is with you.” She turns and looks directly at Nora, placing a hand on her shoulder. “It was a pleasure to meet you. I can’t wait until tomorrow.”

  Nora’s voice cracks, “Yeah, it was great meeting you.”

  Mom directs another huge smile toward me before she walks back over to where my dad and the Thompsons are seated.

  “Well, shit,” I
say through a long exhale.

  “Did I just get invited to your mother’s house for dinner?” Nora questions, with a raised brow.

  “I should have told her no. Sorry. I’ll come up with an excuse tomorrow.” I rub my temples, wondering how I’m going to get myself out of this mess.

  “Evan…that’s your real name?”

  Jason set up a virtually bulletproof plan when he asked his friends if they wanted to be a part of The Meat Market side business. Clients don’t have my phone number or my real name…at least, not until now.

  “Yes. My first name is Evan; my middle name is James.”

  “Okay.” She blinks her eyes a few times before asking, “Who is Aidan?”

  I hate the fact that I’ve finally—no matter how insignificantly—involved him in my business. I lower my voice and answer, “He’s my son.”

  Instead of judgment, she nods like she’s processing the last five minutes. “Okay, and your mother clearly has no idea what tonight’s truly about, but now she thinks you have a girlfriend.”

  “Fuck,” I groan. “I’m not even sure how this happened. I’ve never run into my parents before when…” I wave my hand back and forth between us. “Well, you know.”

  The waiter walks up to the table and, without asking Nora what she wants, I order for the both of us, including an expensive bottle of wine. When I glance back at her, she’s watching me, with a gleam of interest. “I hope you’re hungry,” I joke.

  “What should I call you? Evan or James?”

  I chew on my bottom lip, deciding how I should answer. More days than not, I feel like two completely different people. James is fun, carefree, relaxed, while Evan is faithful, caring yet somber. But now that she knows my real name, it feels weird to continue to be someone I’m not. “You can call me whichever name you prefer.”

  “Okay, but…I’m confused. Am I going to your parent’s house tomorrow? Because I think I just gave your mother the impression that I am, and I’d hate to lie.”

  I burst out laughing while relief soaks through my skin like a hot summer day. “You lying to my mother is the least fucked up part of this situation.”

  She smiles at the same time the waiter fills our wine glasses. “I was worried when I got here. You’re not at all what I pictured. Better…” she quickly adds when I lift a brow in question. “I just thought this whole night would be crazy awkward but now that I know you’re...I guess for lack of a better word, normal, my nerves have finally settled.”

  “Good to hear.” I glance across the restaurant, taking in the way my mother is casually watching us. “Why don’t you tell me a little about yourself?”

  Her amber colored eyes sparkle while she unknowingly plays with a strand of her long, silky hair. “Oh, that’s easy. Boring but easy. I work for Shiver Investments. I’m a transplant from New York. I’ve only been in Chicago for a few months.” She sucks her bottom lip into her mouth for a quick second before she adds, “Sadly, this is the first time I’ve been anywhere other than work or my apartment.”

  “Did you leave anyone behind in New York?” My question comes out of nowhere. I don’t inquire about anything personal. I smile and listen. I’m a shoulder to cry on when needed. Unless a client volunteers information, I steer clear of anything personal…until now.

  “No, I left New York free and clear. However, if I’m being honest…” She places her chin in her hand. “I’m not even sure why I’m here tonight. This…you...what I agreed to…it’s not me.”

  Her confession doesn’t surprise, what does is the amount of relief I feel knowing she doesn’t make a habit of calling escort services. When I first noticed her, she appeared sweet, almost innocent, and I’m happy to know my first impression wasn’t wrong. “I’ll repeat…relax, and trust me to take care of you.” Her mouth quirks up, and I swear, it’s like I can see the unease drain from her body as she nods her agreement.



  THERE ARE A FEW MOMENTS in life that I’ll never forget, and tonight, meeting Evan is currently at the top of that list. Seconds after I told myself to get up and make a run for it, I discovered that Evan James—whatever his last name is—is one of the good guys. At least, that’s what my heart is telling me.

  “You said you moved here for work? What exactly is it you do?”

  At his question, I stop rubbing my finger on the stem of my wine glass. “I started working for Shiver Investments straight out of college. I currently do a little of everything. Before I moved here, I managed personal portfolios. Mainly, I helped individuals financially prepare for the future, for…what ifs.”

  A muscle in his jaw twitches before he repeats, “What ifs?”

  “You never know what might happen. Tomorrow is a gift not everyone will receive. Preparing a future for someone you love, especially one that doesn’t include you, is hard but necessary.”

  Evan turns his head to the side and gazes out the restaurant window, leaving me to believe I said something wrong. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…”

  I trail off when he looks back at me with a haunted expression reflecting in his eyes. “You didn’t say anything wrong. Your comment just hit a little too close to home.”

  “Believe me, I understand. My parents died when I was a kid.”

  His eyes soften before he gives me a weak smile. “I’m sorry.”

  “Thank you. It was ages ago, but some days, it feels like it was yesterday.” I brush my finger under my eye, wiping a tear away. “The point in telling you my sob story is my dad prepared for the future, for my future. He set up several investments that did more than help provide for me. They paid for college and left me money to start my life with.” I blow out a long breath. “I’d give anything to have one more day with them, but that’s not possible.”

  “Still,” he nervously clears his throat, “I’m sure you feel that loss every day.” Evan’s deep brown eyes bore into mine like he’s searching for answers.

  “I love my parents, but I can’t or I won’t spend the rest of my life grieving their loss. Someone once told me not to taint my memories with sadness. For some reason, that really stuck with me.” His eyes widen just slightly while the air between us shifts, and I’m not exactly sure why. I don’t know anything about this man, but I think it’s safe to assume he was delivered a what if. The longer he stares at me, the more unsure I become. “I ruined the mood. Sometimes, I can be such a buzz kill, but if I’m being honest…I’m not sure I’m ready for tonight. For…” I lower my voice, hoping like hell the people seated next to us can’t hear me, “sex. At least, not with a stranger. So, if it’s all the same to you, I’ll tell my friend you were fantastic, which I’m sure you are, but…as much as I want to pretend otherwise, I’m not this woman.”

  “What kind of woman are you?” he asks, squaring his shoulders.

  “I’m a boring workaholic, but I don’t work because I have to. I get up every day hoping today’s the day I make a difference.” I slap my hand over my face. “Lame, I know.”

  “There’s absolutely nothing lame about you, Nora. And I’m nowhere ready for you to end our evening.”

  Holding his stare, I loudly swallow as flutters once again dance in my stomach.

  “I’m going to pay the bill and have my truck brought around front. Then, we’ll go back to your place.” Evan stands, walks to my side of the table, and places his hand on my chin, tilting my head back. “I can’t wait to taste every inch of your body. Meet me out front in ten minutes.”

  Holy shit.

  Moisture pools between my legs. I’d be crazy to let a man like Evan, to let a night like this, slip me by. Right? Swallowing down my fears, my gaze drifts back to his. “Okay.”


  I’m wading in uncharted waters. I should have taken Nora up on her offer to end our evening, but that same ache I felt when I first laid eyes on her returned, eliminating my ability to walk away.

  One night. That’s all I…we need.

she promised, Nora was outside when my truck was brought around to the front of the restaurant. Once she was sitting next to me, she mumbled her address then silently stared out the window until we arrived at her building.

  After unlocking the door to her apartment, she dodges my hand and ducks inside, leaving me to follow her. The sweet smell of honey and lilacs greets my nose, but instead of finding a place filled with personal belongings, her apartment resembles a waiting room at a doctor’s office.

  My eyes stop moving when they lock on the sliding glass doors where the view of the city is outright impressive. I turn back around. “Your apartment is…great.”

  “Thanks. The balcony’s what sold me on this place,” she timidly says while twisting a strand of hair around her finger.

  “Tonight can’t possibly be your first time. Why are you so nervous?”

  She gives me a humorless laugh before shaking her head. “I told you, I’m not this person. I don’t even know how I ended up here. Wait, yes, I do,” she groans. “A cheating ex and two nosey women later and I’m on the first date I’ve had in years, and it just so happens to be with a man I had to pay to have sex with me.”

  My jaw tightens when the color drains out of her face. “I’m guessing it was the cheating ex who filled your head full of shit, but I’m going to let you in on a little secret.” Keeping my eyes locked on hers, I take several steps her direction. “You’re beautiful. Fucking gorgeous.” I close the remaining distance between us and bring my hand up and brush my thumb across her lower lip. “You’re exactly what a man pictures when he imagines himself with a woman. If you don’t believe that, then you’re continuing to hand over your power to the same person who fucked you over.”

  Color starts to work its way back into her face, and she mutters, “I’m…I…don’t even know what to say to that.” Her gaze darkens as I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her body flush with mine.

  “Tonight, I’m going to show you how a man should treat you.” Her eyes flash with desire seconds before I place my mouth on hers. Her soft lips are exquisite, but it’s the moan that rattles from the back of her throat that urges me on. My hand slides up her side, and I cup her breast, feeling her nipple harden. Rather than protest, her body sags against mine while I do everything in my power to cram down the insane amount of anxiety I feel having this woman in my arms. Tonight is not different, I need to remember that. “Do you want me to fuck you on your couch or in your bedroom or…” I trail off with a smug smile, “or both?”


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