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Meat Market Anthology

Page 11

by S. Van Horne

  Dylan Lexington, a man I met not even four hours ago, is standing in front of me, half-naked, and I do the only thing I can. I launch myself into his arms, knocking him back a step, but he manages to recover before we both take a header onto the floor. “Hi.”

  “Boring my ass, babe,” he murmurs.

  I wrap my arms around his neck as my legs lock around his waist, needing to feel him against me. “You caught me at a non-boring moment.”

  “Sweet cheeks, you seem to talk out of your ass sometimes.”

  I slap his shoulder. “Didn’t your mother ever teach you not to be an ass when a woman has her legs wrapped around you?”

  His eyebrow quirks, and he shakes his head. “Can’t say I ever had that conversation with my mother. She was rather straight-laced and didn’t talk about how I should act with a woman wrapped around me.”

  “Well,” I ponder, “I guess most moms wouldn’t.”

  “You think we can stop talking about my mom now? Because as much as it turns me on to have you pressed against me, that is the one thought that can bring this train to a crashing halt.”

  I cringe and shrug. “Maybe I’m more awkward than boring, which in turn makes me boring because if I let my awkward out, well, things get awkward.”

  His body shakes as a laugh thunders from his lips. “You’re definitely going to keep things interesting around here.”

  “We’ll see how long that lasts.”

  “Sweet cheeks,” he murmurs, before spinning around and setting me on top of his desk, “you have no idea how much I’m going to enjoy proving you wrong.”

  The wood of the desk cools my skin, and I glance to my right, realizing I just missed sitting on my empty plates.

  Dylan reaches around me, grabs the domed plate, and sets it in my lap. “Don’t open that yet.” He clears off the rest of the dishes, haphazardly tossing them on the floor.

  Then he rises and stands between my legs, resting his hands on my bare thighs, and looks down at me. “You ready for this?”

  “I have to say, I haven’t been ready for anything that’s happened tonight, so I’m going to have to plead the fifth.”

  He smirks and lifts the lid off the plate. It’s full of plump strawberries and raspberries and has two small dishes filled with whipped cream and chocolate sauce. “Oh hell,” I whisper. Visions of not only me but also Dylan covered in sweet chocolate flash before my eyes.

  Dylan dips his finger in the chocolate and presses it against my lips. I open my mouth, sucking the sweet sauce from his finger. “Son of a bitch, Ginger,” he growls, his eyes on my mouth.

  I dart my tongue over my lips, licking off the excess chocolate. “I can’t say no to chocolate,” I inform him.

  He swipes his finger through the chocolate again and smears it across the swell of my breast. His tongue lashes out, and he looks up at me. “Neither can I.”

  Oh Lord in Heaven above, I’m likely to self-combust from this man’s touch.

  He dips a strawberry into the cream and holds it to my lips. “You aren’t going to be good for my waistline,” I mutter around the strawberry.

  “I want you just the way you are.”

  And that, right there, is something I’ve never heard before. No one ever seems to be content with what they have and are always looking for ways to change. Hell, I’m always looking for the best way to shed a little weight with the least amount of work. “How is it that I don’t believe you?”

  He shakes his head and moves the plate from my lap. “Because you’ve been fed a pile of shit from every guy you’ve dated in the past, so you can’t see the truth when it’s right in front of you. I want you, Ginger. I want you the exact way you are right now.”

  He kneels between my legs and motions for me to lift myself up. He hooks his thumbs in the waist of my panties and tugs them down my legs. I brace my arms behind me and scoot to the edge of the desk. My eyes fall on the gorgeous man between my legs, and I know my world is about to be rocked.

  His fingers slide over the lips of my pussy, teasing me. “Do I get to have you, Ginger?” he asks, his voice low.

  I bite my lip and nod. Pretty sure I would agree George Washington is my father if it meant Dylan would keep touching me. “Oh yeah. I’m yours.” I cringe, hoping I don’t seem too eager.

  A smirk spreads across his lips, and his fingers deftly part my lips. “Time to see if you taste as sweet as you look.”

  I hold my breath, watching his face inching closer to my clit. “Holy hell,” I whisper. His tongue swipes over my clit, and I clench my fists as a moan rips from my lips.

  Dylan doesn’t ease into it. He knows exactly what it’s going to take to make me come, and that’s what he’s doing. His fingers work in time with his tongue, driving me closer to oblivion. I spread my legs as far as I can, yearning for him to never stop touching me.

  “So greedy,” he murmurs against my pussy while two fingers plunge in and out of my slick hole. I delve my fingers into his hair, holding his head to my core, demanding more.

  He devours me, driving me over the edge. My head snaps back, and I gasp, “Oh, my Christ.”

  He quickly stands, his fingers still pumping into me, and pulls down his pants with his other hand. My hands rest on his abs, and I look down at his rock hard cock. Another tremor rocks through my body knowing his dick is about to be buried in me.

  “Think you can stand, sweet cheeks?” he asks.

  Um, I’m not sure I can do more than lie down and let Dylan have his way with me, but I’m game to try anything as long as it includes Dylan and his mighty cock. A giggle escapes my lips with the words mighty cock bouncing around in my head.

  “Something tells me that goofy little smile and laugh means something awkward is about to come out of your mouth.”

  I shake my head and push back on his chest. I slide off the desk and stand on shaky legs. “Nope, I’m not saying it.” At least, not right now. I know it’s only a matter of time before I’ll blurt it out.

  He spins me around, presses his front against my back, and my thighs touch the desk. “Then I guess I’m just going to have to fuck it out of you.”

  If I haven’t said it before, let it be known now…if this is a dream, Do. Not. Wake. Me. Up.

  His hand firmly presses against the small of my back, and I slowly bend over until my breasts press flat against the top of the desk. He nudges my feet apart and presses his hard dick against my bare ass.

  “So, what’s all involved in fucking it out of me?” I ask, my voice husky. Leave it to me to need the specifics of fucking.

  He leans over me, his body flush against mine, and whispers in my ear, “I think I’ll just show you.”

  His hands glide up the sides of my legs, and he straightens, but I stay half-sprawled on the desk. He unhooks the clasp of my bra and pushes it off my shoulders.

  His cock nudges the entrance of my pussy, and my breath catches. He slowly slides in, the walls of my pussy contracting around him. I’m still coming down from his tongue and fingers, so his thick, hard dick is a welcome sensation.

  “Dylan,” I groan when he’s fully planted inside me.

  Two hands grip my hips, holding me in place. He slowly pulls out, then plunges back in. “This makes you mine, Ginger. For as long as you’ll have me, you’ll be mine.”

  “Yes,” I hiss out.

  Dylan pounds deep. He feels amazing, and I know I’m not going to last long before I explode around his dick. “Hold on, Ginger. Hold on. I feel you getting ready to come.”

  I slam my eyes shut, trying to focus on anything other than the god-like man moving behind me. “Dylan,” I plead. He has a good thirty seconds to catch up to me before I take off like a rocket.

  He pounds harder and deeper, trying to race to release with me. He gathers my hair that fell out of the pins and grasps it in his hand, while his other hand digs into my hip. “Fuck yeah, fuck yeah,” he moans.

  I bite my lip and press my cheek against the desk. My orgasm slams into
me as Dylan growls deeply and shoves into me again. His cum spills into me while our moans and groans surround us.

  He covers my body with his and slowly thrusts in and out, bringing us both down. “Holy fuck,” he breathes out into my ear.

  I quietly moan and close my eyes. Holy fuck pretty much sums it up. “I was right,” I murmur with my cheek still smashed against the desk.

  “About what?” he pants.

  “I figured you had a mighty dick. I was right.”

  His body shakes against me, and I know he’s laughing at me again. I’m destined to have this man laugh at my silly thoughts. “I’m going to keep you around to keep my ego boosted, sweet cheeks. Never been told I have a mighty dick.”

  “It’s like Thor’s hammer, but better.”

  He wraps his arms around me and lifts me off the desk, straightening us both up. “Ginger, where the hell have you been all of my life?”

  “Working at a boring law firm, waiting for you.”

  “Well, that shit is about to change.”

  “Yeah,” I agree, “I may still work at the boring law firm, but now I have you to come home to every night.”

  “Damn straight.” His hands roam over my body while I let my bra slide down my arms and onto the floor. I tilt my head to the side, giving him access to blaze a trail of kisses up and down my neck. “Although, now I have to smuggle you out of my office while I know each and every one of my staff is waiting to see who I’ve been hiding in here all night.”

  I look over my shoulder at him. “You mean you don’t have a secret tunnel that leads to the street?”

  “No. But that’s a damn good idea.”

  I laugh and press a kiss to his cheek. “I’ll have to keep the good ideas coming so you’ll keep me around.”

  He slaps my ass and steps back. I instantly miss the heat of his body against mine, and the telltale sign of our activities drips down the inside of my leg. “Also add a tunnel to the bathroom in those plans,” I mutter.

  Dylan grabs one of the unused napkins from the desk and quickly helps to clean me up. “I can always take care of you, sweet cheeks.”

  Damn the man for being so perfect. I gaze around the office, trying to figure out where my panties had sailed, and locate them hanging off one of the knives on the wall. “I don’t know if your mentor would appreciate you using his knife to hang my panties off of,” I snicker.

  Dylan roars with laughter and pulls his boxers on. “You have no idea how wrong you are. He would probably be applauding us right now.”

  I snag my panties from the wall and tug them up my legs. “Well, that’s good to know.” My bra is laying at Dylan’s feet, and he bends over to grab it. His butt is right in front of me, and I know the next time I get the man naked, I plan on exploring every inch of him.

  He turns around, tossing the bra to me. “Get dressed, and I’ll take you home.”

  Hmm, I thought we were going to go for round two when we got back to either his place or mine, but maybe he doesn’t want that. “Okay,” I mutter. I quickly hook the bra behind my back and slide my discarded dress over my head. I tug on the hem, and I’m reminded the damn thing is still too short. “I’m ready.”

  Dylan is buttoning up his shirt as I look up, and his eyes are on me. “Fuck, you are beautiful.”

  I bite my lip and rock back onto my heels. “Um, thank you?” Taking compliments is not something I’m used to.

  He shakes his head and hands me my purse that was laying on the side of the desk. “You’ll get used to hearing that, sweet cheeks.”

  Yeah, and pigs fly. That is not going to happen.

  He pockets his keys and grabs my hand. It’s crazy to think not even ten minutes ago, we were both naked having sex on his desk. “Shouldn’t we clean up?” I ask, looking at the discarded dishes and office supplies that had been pushed off the desk.

  “I’ll get it in the morning.”

  Oh, well it’s good to know he isn’t going to send one of his staff to come in here and clean up. Lord knows what they would think we were doing in here. Although, whatever they thought would probably be right.

  Delicious food and hot sex.




  “Sweet cheeks, the man wasn’t going to let us leave if I hadn’t told him to zip it and get back to work.”

  Ginger crosses her arms over her chest and huffs. “Well, he was friendly. You don’t have to be so caveman about me.”

  Caveman. She really has no idea.

  We had been so close to getting out the back door of the restaurant, before Kane cornered us by the cooler and insisted on talking to Ginger and me like we were long-lost friends. After his third story about me making a fool of myself in the kitchen, I finally told him to get his ass back to work and to stop trying to embarrass me.

  “I’m not a caveman, I just know what’s mine and like to keep it that way.”

  “Total caveman,” she mutters under her breath.

  “I have to say, you didn’t mind the whole caveman thing when I had you bent over my desk before.”

  She scoffs, and I slip out of the truck before she can lay into me. Riling up Ginger is quickly becoming one of my favorite things to do.

  “You can’t say things like that,” she hisses as I open her door. After she gave me her address, I realized why she took an Uber to the date. She only lives five blocks away from the restaurant where we met.

  “I’ll say whatever I want, sweet cheeks. You’ll come to find that out real quick.” She grabs my offered hand, and I pull her out of the truck. I tuck her under my arm, and we move to the front door of her duplex.

  “I’m going to be permanently blushing anytime when you’re around,” she mumbles.

  “Another thing you’ll get used to.”

  She spins around in front of her door and bites her lip. “Is there anything else that I should add to the long list of things I should get used to?”

  I shrug and cage her between my arms against the door. “I’m sure there’s more, but those are the top two on the list. Regretting being mine?” I ask. I want Ginger, but I also want her to want me.

  “No, I’m just trying to take it all in.”

  I lean in, my lips brushing against her ear. “Why don’t you let me in, and I’ll help you take it all in.”

  She visibly gulps and presses a hand to my chest. “I wasn’t sure you were going to want to come in.”

  My head moves back, and I look down at her. “Were you not present when you came all over my tongue and dick? I sure as hell want to come in, and I don’t plan on leaving until work, and that’s only because I know you are going to need time to rest before I have my way with you again tomorrow night.”

  The corners of her mouth tip up in a smile, and a sigh whooshes from her lips. She digs in her purse for her keys and turns around to the door. Her ass presses against my dick. He appreciates the feel of her lush cheeks against him, and I press a kiss to her neck. I don’t know what I did to get this woman, but I damn sure know I’m going to do anything to keep her.

  She pushes open her door and looks over her shoulder at me. “Then, come on in.”




  THE CLOCK ON MY DASHBOARD tells me I’m ten minutes early as I pull into the parking lot of one of Chicago’s public libraries. I reach for the hardcover suspense thriller in the seat next to me and check my hair in the rearview mirror before getting out of my truck.

  My teenage daughters, Kinsley and Katie, have been here since early this morning. Their high school internship started a few weeks ago after school let out for the summer. It’s a good program, keeping the girls busy and out of their mother’s hair.

  I didn’t object to the idea of the internship, even when I knew I would have to drive an extra half an hour to pick them up on the days they spent with me. I didn’t mind it because it gave me the opportunity to see her again.

>   The sexy librarian I haven’t been able to get out of my head, not since the day I first laid eyes on her. It was a few months back. Since my company specializes in working on historical buildings, the city hired us to oversee some minor modernizations.

  She was sitting at the main desk, the last stop on my walkthrough with the city planner and my foreman. She looked up from her book, gave us a shy smile, and answered all our questions with a delicateness I’ve never seen before. Her soft voice was like music to my ears; the more she spoke, the more I wanted to listen. I found myself entranced by her, soaking up every detail of the beautiful creature in front of me.

  I cross the threshold, push open the door of the building, and spot her right away. She’s sitting in the same place I saw her all those weeks ago. Taking a second to catch my breath, I remember the book in my hand, and then I slowly approach the desk. She looks up at me, and I see her eyes light up with recognition.


  Where did that come from?

  “Good afternoon, Ben,” she says, closing her book and granting me her undivided attention. When she smiles up at me, I feel it in my cock. I shift, moving closer to the desk, trying to hide my body’s reaction to her. All I can think about is how much I want to make her smile like that every day, right before I bury my cock inside of her.

  “Hello, Cami.” I nod, giving her a smile back, fighting the primal urge to lean over and kiss her senseless. Instead, I lift my book and place it on the counter. “Thought I’d return this, since I’m done reading it.”

  “Great. Tell me, what’d you think of it?”

  “It was pretty good. Thanks for the recommendation.” When I picked the girls up last week, I asked her for a book recommendation, mostly to have a reason to speak with her.

  “I have a little confession to make.” Her face grows serious as she leans closer and lowers her voice. “I haven’t read it, but in my defense, I’ve been told it’s a great read.”

  “I see.” I smile down at her. Her confession isn’t surprising; she doesn’t come across as the Dean Koontz type. “Mind if I confess something, too?”


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