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Meat Market Anthology

Page 36

by S. Van Horne

  Horrified at the image her words painted, my jaw dropped. “I’m not sure you and I can be friends anymore after hearing that advice,” I whispered violently into the phone.

  “Oh, please. You love me and you know it. Besides, you know I’m right. It’s time to take this sausage by its casing, baby girl. Go tell him what you want. Then, call me after. I’m gonna want all the deets,” she warned before giggling and disconnecting.

  Staring down at the cell phone in my hand, I swallowed hard. Did I have the lady balls to do as she suggested? Could I really simply walk out of this room and tell Lucca what I wanted?

  Slowly throwing my naked legs over the side of the bed as I pulled down the dark blue t-shirt Lucca had loaned me, I knew I’d hate myself forever if I missed this opportunity and didn’t try. Padding out of his bedroom on my bare feet, I quickly craned my head toward the living room and found it empty. With no noise coming from the direction of the kitchen, I knew he was probably still in bed. All the better for the conversation I wanted to have with him, I guessed.

  Pausing outside the guest bedroom door where I knew he’d been sleeping, I debated knocking, but decided that I might need the element of surprise on my side. Quietly pushing open the door, I caught my breath as I stepped inside the room. Laying on his back with his muscled arms above his head, he looked like some kind of sensual sacrifice sprawled out before me. The covers bunched around his narrow waist, and his chiseled eight pack was on full display as I tiptoed closer to the bed. Licking my lips, I couldn’t keep my eyes from trailing down his hard chest following the line of hair that disappeared beneath the covers. Biting my tongue as I eyeballed the happy trail that led down to the muscled vee that disappeared into the satin sheets, my pussy clenched as I realized I wanted to take my tongue down that path.

  My hands itched to touch him, to smooth my palms along the sculpted plane of his chest, to slide my fingers through the hairs and run my nails along that sensitive flesh. I wanted to nuzzle the curve of his neck while my fingertips danced down his concave stomach to slip beneath the covers and find the treasure trove I knew hid under those covers. My entire body was on fire with need, my nipples pebbling even as my slit dampened.

  It was wrong to ogle him in his sleep. I knew I should leave.

  I just couldn’t.

  Watching as his eyelids flickered and his mouth twitched, I saw Lucca slowly open his eyes, dark like melted chocolate. “Essex?” he asked, his voice raspy from sleep. “You okay, baby? What time is it?” He yawned as he raised himself on one elbow to glance out the window at the morning sunshine. “Bella, what is it?” he asked again when I still couldn’t find the words that would explain why I was standing beside the bed where he’d been sleeping, staring down at him like he was about to be my last meal on Earth.

  “I want you to fuck me,” I blurted, my blue eyes widening with unspoken panic at what I’d just divulged. “Oh, God,” I gasped, feeling as if I was going to hyperventilate at any second. “I can’t believe I just said that!” My hands flew to cover my hot face as he continued to stare at me from the bed. “Please, forget I said that,” I begged, turning toward the door to escape only to find him wrapping one strong arm around my waist and pulling me to rest against his chest.

  “Essex, I want you to breathe, baby. Take a breath,” he urged as my breath began to come in pants, and my face reddened even more as I bucked against the restraining grip on me. “I’m not going to hurt you, Bella. Settle down for me, Essex. You know I won’t hurt you,” he reminded me gently against my ear as my struggles subsided even as my shame multiplied. How the hell had I thought it would be okay to just blurt out an order like that? He had to think I was some kind of slut, didn’t he? Sure, I knew it was okay for women to be confident and secure in their sexuality, but for me to just proposition him like that? It was totally out of character. Horniness had gone to my head in a big way!

  “I’m so sorry,” I apologized huskily. “Just forget this. Please?” I whimpered, shivering as his warm lips rubbed the side of my neck.

  “No, I don’t think I can do that, angel. More accurately, I don’t want to do that,” he replied before pressing another gentle kiss to the spot behind my ear that made me shiver.

  “You d-don’t?”

  “No, bella, I don’t. I’ve wanted you from the moment my eyes saw your picture in that file. The moment you opened your door for me Thursday afternoon, I knew I’d wait for you as long as it took. And every single second I have spent with you for the past two days has only proven to my mind what my heart already knew. You are the kind of woman a man would kill or die to protect. You’re worth every effort, every sacrifice, every obstacle. I’d wait an eternity to hear you invite me to share your body, but I’m beyond grateful that it didn’t take that long.” I shivered against him as I listened to his hushed voice say these beautiful things to me, his words slow and sure.

  However, in my heart at my core, I was still a damaged girl who didn’t believe she was worthy of true love and affection. The idea that this wonderful, successful man might actually want to be with me was laughable. Wasn’t it? “A-are you serious right now?” I questioned him breathlessly as his arm tightened around my middle possessively.

  “As serious as a heart attack, amore. I want you so much it hurts. Not just your body, but your heart, too. I’m a selfish man, bella. I want all of you,” he shared softly, his hot breath fanning against my jaw. “So, believe me when I say, if you want me to fuck you, there’s no force on God’s Earth that could tear me from your body. Just be sure this is what you want, Essex, because I know down to the marrow in my bones that you are it for me. The only question is, do you want me for you?” he asked me in that unerringly calm voice of his.

  Swallowing hard as I mulled over his advice, I felt his lips moving over my cheek, the touch tender and sweet. Did I dare reach for what I wanted? Did I deserve the pleasure and happiness that he offered me? After years of being married to a man that treated me with the kind of callous disregard that had left lasting scars, I wasn’t sure.

  Both my body and my heart, however, knew which fate it wanted even if my mind remained confused. Turning in his arms to stare into his eyes, nearly blackened with desire, I nodded wordlessly. “I don’t know how much I can give you, but I want to try. I don’t want to be afraid any more. I want you to show me that pleasure doesn’t have to include pain. Can you do that for me, Lucca? Can you be what I need?” I questioned him shyly as my hands settled over his broad shoulders.

  “Oh, I promise you that I can show you that and more, Essex, but I’ll be damned if I do it anywhere but my bed. When I make you mine, I want you in my room in my bed surrounded by my scent,” he replied with a wide smile as he slipped one arm beneath my knees and curved the other around my back, lifting me in his arms before carrying me back into the master bedroom.

  “Is that why you made me sleep in your room?” I asked curiously as I wrapped an arm around his warm neck. “You wanted me to smell like you?”

  “What can I say? I’m a caveman at heart,” he replied with an unrepentant grin.

  I held my breath as he lowered me back to the mussed bed. Watching as he slowly pushed his black silk boxers over his lean hips to slide down his long legs, my eyes widened as his hardened cock sprang forward, long and thick as it bobbed in front of me, drawing a gasp from my lips. It had to be at least nine inches, maybe ten, and I was suddenly unsure if I could even handle such a monster.

  “Breathe for me, angel,” I heard Lucca urge as my eyes remained glued to his penis. “It’s just a dick. Neither I, nor it, will ever hurt you,” he soothed gently as he lifted a hand to caress my cheek. “Look at me, cara mia. See that I’m telling you the truth.”

  Drawing my eyes away from his engorged, flushed length, I forced myself to stare into his concerned eyes. “It’s really big,” I informed him anxiously, my voice shaking. “Maybe too big.”

  “We’re going to do just fine, Essex. I swear we will,” he assured
me as he began to lower his head to mine. My look of disbelief must have amused him because Lucca only grinned and shook his head before he bent to press a kiss to my lips, his tongue patiently lapping against the seam of my lips until I parted them and allowed him inside. Once there, his mouth quickly engaged mine, encouraging my tongue to play a carnal game of parry and feint with his. For long minutes, I delighted in his voracious kisses, wrapping my arms around his neck as I arched my back, rubbing my tightened nipples against his chest as my legs moved restlessly against the bed.

  I moaned as I felt his hands slide down my torso until they reached the hem of the shirt he’d loaned me. Realizing his intent, I quickly gripped his wrists when he would have started to pull the material up over my body. “Lucca…wait. I need to warn you,” I whispered as a wave of shame began to fall over me.

  “No, Bella, you don’t,” he replied easily, dropping another slow kiss to the slope of my neck. “You’re beautiful. There’s no part of you that I won’t be convinced is gorgeous. Let me look at your pretty body, baby,” he murmured seductively between gentle sucks and nibbles of my neck.

  “I…I…have scars, Lucca. Ugly, hideous marks,” I tried to warn him, to stall, to buy a moment to prepare for the look of revulsion that was sure to come.

  “Basta!” he hissed against my cheek before lifting his head to stare into my eyes. “I won’t listen to you degrade your body. The only thing I will ever feel when I see your scars is pride, Essex. Pride that you survived. Pride that you endured. Pride that you didn’t surrender to that filth that would mar your flesh. Your scars have honor. And I admire honor, preciosa. I admire you,” he whispered vehemently.

  Lifting an unsteady hand to run my fingers along his five o’clock shadow, I blinked up at him. “I almost didn’t. There were so many times I wanted to give up, but I knew there had to be something better for me. I think that…just maybe…you might be my something better. My reward for surviving hell on Earth.”



  WHEN I HEARD THOSE WORDS…that she thought I was her reward…I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry. I understood where her sweet words were coming from. I even understood why she might feel that way. I wanted to laugh because I knew I was unworthy of such a sentiment.

  I was never what I’d consider a good man. I’d sinned. I’d made more than my share of mistakes.

  And yet Essex still thought me worthy of her.

  That sentiment alone was enough to move me to tears.

  All I could do now was try to be worthy of the faith and trust she had shown me. There was no doubt from this day onward I’d strive every day of my life to be a man she felt proud of.

  “You humble me, Essex,” I whispered before covering her mouth with mine. I kissed her like I wanted to consume her—because, honestly, that’s what I wanted. I needed to feel like we were a part of each other…like we’d never be separated. I reached for the hem of the shirt I’d given her wear to bed and began inching it up her succulent body as I kept her distracted with deep, stirring kisses. It was no hardship since she tasted like sunshine and sin, two distinctive flavors that I knew I’d never get enough of.

  I kept her delicious lips occupied until I was ready to pull the soft cotton material over her head, and I released her mouth only long enough to tug the shirt off before I reclaimed what I considered mine. Twining my tongue with hers, I slowly wrapped my hand around the alabaster globe of one firm breast, nearly groaning when I found her nipple already hard and erect. Forcing my lips from hers, I stared down at the flesh I held as I used both hands to fondle Essex’s tempting mounds. “Christ, you are gorgeous, bella. Tell me I can suck them. Tell me I can wrap my lips around these sweet little morsels and suckle,” I groaned as my thumbs tortured the aroused peaks in the sweetest way.

  “Oh, G-god! Please!” I heard her beg as her back arched and pressed her flesh closer to my parted lips. I was a man unable to resist such beauty, and I quickly captured one stiff nipple with my mouth, laving her raspberry-colored nipple with my tongue before slowly sucking her ripe peak more deeply into the cavern of my mouth. I took long minutes worshiping at both her breasts, licking and sucking the heavy weight of her tits as she gyrated beneath the weight of my body while she pressed her slick pussy against my cock in a desperate bid to gain some much-needed friction.

  As I felt her sticky honey bathe my aching cock, I knew I needed at least one taste of her before I made her mine, her earthy, sensual scent too much of an aphrodisiac for me to resist. I dotted quick kisses over her well-loved breasts as I slid down her body while I ran my tongue down the center of her chest, pausing only to circle her belly button. I heard her breathless giggle as my mouth found a ticklish spot and I relished the sound of her delight. “You like that, preciosa?” I asked as I painted a wet path around her belly again.

  “Tickles,” she gasped as she sank her fingers into my dark hair and tried to stop my quest to find her honeypot. “W-what are you doing, Lucca?” she asked me in a small, slightly frightened voice as my mouth reached her abdomen.

  I raised my head from her body just enough to connect with the uncertain gaze she directed at me. “Nobody’s ever eaten your delicious cunt before, Essex?” I asked quietly as I moved my hand to the apex of her thighs and found her throbbing bud with my thumb. I rubbed her little clit as she quickly shook her head from side-to-side and watched as her body reacted to my erotic touch. I smiled as her hips rocked up and down and quickened the flicking of my thumb as she cried out in pleasure.

  “No!” she gasped. “That feels so good, Lucca! I…I don’t know what’s happening!” She keened to me as her sticky cream began to flow even faster. It was as if she had no idea her body was made to experience this kind of pleasure.

  “Then think how good it’s going to feel when it’s my tongue touching you here instead of my thumb,” I advised her as I pressed a little harder on her throbbing button. “Do you want that, baby? Do you want me to put my mouth right here and lick your wet pussy?” I rumbled as I continued to flick her swollen clit, my voice thick with passion as my mouth watered for a taste of her sweetness.

  I watched as Essex lifted her hands to grip my headboard and raised her hips to present her pretty pink pussy to me. Shiny with her essence, its scent enticed me, luring me closer until my nose nuzzled her puffy folds. “Christ, you smell amazing, Essex. I bet you taste even better, don’t you?” I questioned huskily before taking a long lick, running my tongue from her little rosebud all the way to her throbbing clit. I heard her low moan of pleasure almost distantly, so concentrated on the lush taste of her coating my tongue that I was hard pressed to notice anything else. God, she was amazing. Decadent. Her peaches and cream flavor nearly rendered me insane with need. But a quick glance up at her face centered me, reminding me that this first time was for her.

  “You taste delicious, bella. Like a warm peach pie melting against my tongue,” I murmured before I set bringing my sweet angel off with a spectacular orgasm. I was no inexperienced boy. I knew how to please my woman, and I put myself into proving it as I began to lash her straining, engorged clit with my tongue while I slowly filled her with first one, then two fingers.

  “Oh, yeah!” Essex whimpered, her narrow hips churning against the mattress as she pushed her pussy against my greedy mouth. “Right there, Lucca! Don’t stop! Please don’t stop!” she implored me as I sucked her clit between my lips and rubbed the tip of my tongue against her little button while my fingers fucked her tight pussy with slow, steady strokes.

  “You wanna cum for me, bella? You wanna cream all over my fingers while I make this hot little pussy feel good?” I asked seductively, lengthening my strokes inside her as I curled my fingers and searched for that magical spot within her that would send my woman flying high.

  “Yes, yes, yes!” Her chants were mindless, and I couldn’t help grinning against the sweetest pussy I’d ever tasted. I pressed my cock into the mattress and tried to ignore my own buildin
g need. Instead, I concentrated on pleasing the gorgeous woman beneath me as the tips of my fingers found that rough patch of nerve endings inside her. Essex’s scream of pleasure was all the reward I’d ever want as I felt her snug channel began to contract around my fingers. Her walls pulsed as her essence flooded my fingers.

  “That’s it, baby,” I encouraged her as I gave her clit one last suck. “Ride those fingers and give me that pussy’s honey. You are such a good girl for me,” I praised as I felt the last clench release my thrusting digits. Slowly pulling my fingers free of her, I slid up her body and presented them to her parted lips, gasping for air. “Taste how delicious you are, bella,” I ordered as I offered her my fingers, still shiny with her thick honey.

  I felt my cock jerk as her red lips slowly surrounded my fingers and her tongue slid down their length. I couldn’t help my groan as I felt the tight, wet heat of her mouth sucking my digits. If I didn’t sink my cock inside her soon, I was going to cum on the sheets like some horny teenager with his first chick. Staring into her eyes, heavy with desire, I demanded, “Tell me you want me, Essex. Tell me you still want my dick buried inside you.”

  Her eyes lit up with eagerness as she quickly nodded, and that was all the consent I needed. Quickly reaching for the nightstand, I opened the drawer and blindly searched for the little packet I needed. Thankfully, I located it almost instantly and set a record for sheathing myself in the thin latex barrier. That done, I palmed her hips and dropped a kiss to her lips before I ordered her to wrap her legs around my hips. My breath hissed as she complied, and I nearly lost my mind as her pussy opened to nestle the blunt head of my cock at her entrance. Slowly sliding inside her slick channel, I kept my eyes on hers, only going a few inches deep to give her body a moment to get used to me. “You okay?” I questioned, my voice nearly strangled by passion. She felt so good…so right wrapped around my dick. It was like being enveloped by tight wet silk and I couldn’t wait to dive balls deep.


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