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Luscious Beginnings [Love in Luscious, Kansas 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting ManLove)

Page 12

by Mia Ashlinn

  Sarah squealed in unmistakable delight. With quick kisses to him, Sam, and Brett, she hauled her cute, petite self over to her fiancés. Then all three of them were gone, and Ethan was alone with Brett and Sam once again.

  Ethan sighed as Sam came around the bar to stand with him and Brett.

  “So, what was that about?” Sam asked. His open face was overflowing with intrigue. “Anything good?”

  “Well—” Ethan started but surprisingly Brett interrupted him.

  “Ah, nothing we need to discuss right now.” Brett cut Ethan a keep your mouth shut look.

  Ethan hesitated. But in the end, he didn’t say a word. Brett always had a reason for his madness. And Ethan just had to trust in that. Besides, they had two more weeks with Sam before they had to make any life-altering decisions. They should just enjoy this time together. Things would work out. Ethan had to believe that because the alternative wasn’t an option. He wasn’t giving Sam up—ever.

  Chapter 11

  “Dude, I hate this show,” Ethan grumbled the following week as he sat in Sam and Tate’s apartment with his ass glued to the couch.

  “Be quiet,” Brett whispered from his spot at the other end of the sofa. “I don’t want Sam to hear your whining in the kitchen.”

  “That would be such a tragedy.” Ethan heaved a dramatic sigh. “How would he ever survive?”

  Brett flipped Ethan the bird. “Sam wanted to watch The Voice. So we’re going to watch it, even if we end up dying of mind-numbing boredom.”

  Ha! Boredom didn’t cover it. This show sucked—as in makes me want to beat my head against the wall so I can black out and not be forced to endure another second sucked. Why couldn’t they watch something more entertaining, like say Top Gear? Or porn. Oh yes, porn would be a definite improvement. At least his rapidly elongating dick thought so.

  A bright idea popped into Ethan’s head. “You know we could…”

  Brett cut Ethan a look. “Don’t even think about it. I won’t condone one of your stunts tonight.”

  Ethan returned Brett’s admonishing stare with an irritated glower. “It’s not a stunt.”

  “Bullshit. I know that tone.”

  Unfortunately, Ethan knew that tone, too. It was his I’m up to no good voice. And it usually preceded one of the pranks that got his ass into a shitload of trouble with Brett. Still though, he didn’t let the possibility of future problems stop him. It wasn’t like an ass-chewing couldn’t be fun, especially seeing how arguing with Brett generally led to hot, sweaty makeup sex.

  With an overly theatrical huff, Ethan remarked, “The channel could magically change. And the remote might just accidentally disappear.” He shrugged indifferently. “Stranger things have happened.”

  Faster than Ethan could see it coming, Brett grabbed the pillow next to him and flung the stupid thing at Ethan’s head. “Let it go, pretty boy. We did what you wanted last night.”

  Ethan ducked, dodging the flying object as it zoomed over his head and slammed into the nearest wall. “You act as if it’s a hardship to shop for music.”

  Brett scoffed. “You didn’t shop for a damn thing. You went to Eartastic for that stupid signing.”

  Ethan slapped his hand across his chest. “Well, I never.”

  “Well, you always.”

  Ethan sniffed disdainfully. “What are you saying?”

  “You know exactly what I’m saying.”

  Straightening up, Ethan clipped out, “No, I don’t.” Of course, he really did.

  “I love you, and I think you’re pretty fucking sexy. But seriously, stupid just doesn’t suit you, E.”

  Ethan gasped. “Blow me.”

  Brett’s mouth spread into a seductive smile. “You blow, and I’ll suck.”

  Ethan snorted. “You wish.”

  Licking those full, decadent lips of his, Brett quipped, “Pretty boy, I don’t waste my wishes when I know eventually they’ll come true.”

  Brett’s wicked comment had lust mounting in Ethan’s balls, and he groaned. “Fuck. Me.”

  Brett smirked. “Is that an offer?”

  “I hate you.”

  “No, you don’t.” Brett’s reply was swift, sure, and so damn cocky.

  “Whatever. I still think we should—”



  Ethan could practically hear Brett’s teeth grinding. “You picked Eartastic. Sam picked The Voice. Deal with it.”

  Annoyed, Ethan dropped his hand from his chest. “Are you saying you didn’t want to get Benjamin Black’s autograph last night? Dude’s a serious bad ass on guitar.”

  Brett stretched his arms over his head, revealing a delicious sliver of tanned skin just above his belt. “He lives in Luscious, dumbass. He’s working on his new album with Tate.”

  “And so?” Ethan asked, pretending to be confused, not aroused.

  Sam’s voice appeared unexpectedly. “So…he’s here every day in the apartment. You don’t have to stand in line to see him. You can just catch him when he’s coming out of the bathroom like the crazy stalker you are.”

  Ethan’s heart jumped, as did the rest of his body. “Motherfucker! You scared me.”

  “Sorry,” Sam muttered. Only he didn’t sound repentant, not in the slightest.

  Ethan frowned. “How long have you been standing there?”

  “Long enough.”

  Ethan growled. “How long?”

  “Long enough to know you don’t want to watch The Voice with me,” Sam said as he skirted around the edge of the couch and handed Brett a bottle of beer. “And long enough to hear your plan to change the channel and hide my remote.”

  “It’s not that I don’t want to watch it with you,” Ethan explained. “It’s that I don’t want to watch it at all.”

  “I know you don’t like the show.” Sam passed Ethan a beer bottle then collapsed on the couch. “Actually, it’s sweet that you’re watching it with me.” He winked. “Kind of hot, too.”

  Smirking, Brett interjected, “I hate the show. Don’t I get brownie points?”

  Sam rolled his eyes then patted Brett on the knee. “Sure. Whatever you want.”

  Brett pushed Sam’s hand away. “Don’t be patronizing, asshole. I don’t need your pity.” He quickly looked up at the ceiling but not before Ethan saw the mocking smile on his face.

  “Who said I pity you?” Sam took a long swig of beer. “You’re about the last man I’d ever pity. Now Ethan over there, he’s a different story.”

  Tilting his bottle back, Ethan squinted one eye and acted as though he were staring down the long neck. “Pity away.”

  Sam smiled. “Maybe I will.”

  Ethan took a sip of beer. “Good. Why don’t you come a little closer? That way you can pity me—up close and personal.”

  “I do like up close and very personal.”

  Ethan did, too.

  Sam sighed. “But I don’t know. You’ve been awfully bad tonight, especially threatening to steal a man’s remote. Who does that?”

  Mischief flickered to life inside Ethan, and he couldn’t stop himself from saying, “I do.” As soon as the words were out, he changed the channel to a random number then stuffed the remote behind his back.

  “Give it to me, angel boy.” Sam’s words came out through clenched teeth. “Don’t make me hurt you.”

  Yeah, that was going to scare Ethan—not. “You can hurt me or spank me, lover boy. But it’s mine.” Like you are.

  Sam laughed. “No, it isn’t. It’s mine, and I want it.”

  “Technically, it’s Tate’s,” Brett chimed in.

  Sam growled. “Give it.”

  Ethan shook his head. “Nope. I hid it. You have to find it first.”

  “Knowing you, it’s in your pants, you dirty pervert, you.”

  “I’m the pervert?” Ethan chuckled. “That’s rich.”

  “Boys…” Brett started but he didn’t finish. He merely grimaced and took both Ethan and Sam’s beers. “You b
reak it, you bought it. You bleed on it, you clean it. My ass is out of this one.”

  Ethan didn’t so much as flick a cursory glance at Brett. His eyes were trained on Sam as he threw down the gauntlet. “Come on, Sam. You know you want it. So come and get it.”

  Sam arched an eyebrow. “Is that a dare?”

  “It’s whatever you want it to be.”

  “Shit,” Brett swore before hopping off the couch and out of the way. He stumbled into one of the nearby chairs. But Ethan barely noticed Brett’s movement because Sam was already lunging for him.

  Prepared for Sam’s attack, Ethan fell back against the arm of the couch. Then wearing the brashest smile in his arsenal, he threw his arms out and clamped his hands around each of Sam’s wrists. He lifted his chest up and thrust Sam’s hands behind his back. “Gotcha.”

  Sam grunted but he kept up a good fight. He didn’t give up. He twisted. He turned. Then he bucked, and he jerked. He wrestled and wrestled—until Ethan tightened his hold and taunted, “Is that all you’ve got?”

  Ethan watched Sam’s face flame red, and he knew he’d scored. But the lead only lasted a second before Sam snarled, “No,” then leaned forward and smashed his chest to Ethan’s. “I’ve got plenty more. Want to see?”

  God, did he ever. “Bring it on.”

  “Oh, don’t you worry about a thing.” Sam swooped his head closer to Ethan’s, his disarming lips moving into kissing territory. Then he swung one leg over Ethan’s lap and straddled him. “I’m going to bring it. The question is, ‘Are you?’”

  Ethan knew he should say something in response. But he didn’t know what. At that very second, with Sam’s blue eyes blazing down at him, Ethan didn’t know anything. “Uh…”

  Sam stopped moving, a too-innocent smile splitting his face. “I thought we were playing, angel boy. Are you wimping out on me? Or are you going to get those sexy lips of yours up here and kiss me?”

  They were playing. The key word being were. Now, Ethan wasn’t playing. He was hot and hard and horny. And he’d never been more serious about anything in his life.

  * * * *

  Wide-eyed, Brett watched Ethan lift his lips to Sam’s. He held his breath and waited for the kiss that would change everything. But it never came. And the unexpected ring of his cell phone shattered the moment into a million, little pieces.

  “Goddamn it.” Ethan’s expletive was loud.

  But Sam’s was louder. “Son of a monkey biter!”

  Grimacing, Brett deposited the beer bottles he’d been holding on the table next to him then dug into his pocket and pulled out his phone. When he saw who it was, he groaned before finally answering.

  “Deke.” His greeting was terse, but he didn’t care. He wanted to get the conversation over with and return to their unofficial date.

  “Brett,” a feminine voice tinkled over the line. “It’s Sarah.”

  Despite his annoyance, he softened his tone. “Sarah, honey. Is everything okay?”

  Sarah laughed. “Of course, I was just going to check on Sam.”

  Brett’s eyebrows drew down. “Why call me then?”

  Another sweet laugh from Sarah. “Because I figured he’d be with you, silly. He always is.”

  Brett felt Ethan and Sam’s eyes on him as they disentangled themselves from each other. But he didn’t acknowledge them. Instead, he said, “He is.”

  “See.” She sighed. “Okay, you got me. I’m not calling about Sam. Well, not really. I just, uh…” There was a shuffle then a curse. And a second later, a man replaced Sarah.

  “Please excuse my sub. She’s being nosy.”

  “How is that different from any other day, Deke?”

  Deke chuckled. “It’s not. Why do you think she walks around with a perpetually red ass?”

  “I know better than to answer that,” Brett replied.

  “Smart man.”

  “What does he want?” Sam mouthed.

  Brett shook his head at Sam.

  “It’s probably about the job,” Ethan whispered.

  Sam’s mouth formed an O.

  Brett frowned. He kind of hoped the call wasn’t about the job. He figured it was. Still though, he could hope. After all, the three of them had casually discussed the job a couple of times, but they’d yet to decide a damn thing for definite. “So, what’s up, Deke?”

  “Sarah’s worried you and Ethan are going to bail on the job,” Deke murmured.

  In the background, Brett heard Sarah. “Not worried about the job. Worried about Sam. You three are meant to be—” He heard her squeal then Adam’s smooth voice say, “Sweet pea, you need to worry about you. Not a job. And not some other man. You.”

  After that, the background noise faded and Deke said, “Please excuse us. We shouldn’t have bothered you tonight. I know how…busy evenings can be. We can talk another time.”

  “Sure thing,” Brett replied.

  “Have a nice night, my friend.”

  “You, too.”

  Without another word, Deke hung up, and the phone line went dead in Brett’s ear. “Well, that was fucking pointless.” He tossed his cell onto the table next to the three beer bottles.

  Sam stood. “He didn’t call about the job?”

  “Nope,” Brett said as he got to his feet. “Sarah did.”

  Ethan reclined back against the couch and stretched his feet out in front of him. “I’m not surprised.”

  “Me either.” Sam strode to the table next to Brett and picked up the beer bottles. Then he carried all three of them into the kitchen, calling out, “Be right back,” over his shoulder.

  “You have to be fucking kidding me,” Ethan snapped. “That has to be the worst timing ever.”

  “No shit.”

  Their conversation never got any farther than that because Sam returned, and the three of them squeezed back onto the couch together. For the next few minutes, silence reigned. Then Sam remarked, “I noticed that you didn’t give them an answer.”

  Brett heard the anxiety in his best friend’s voice, and he felt compelled to ease him. “No, we haven’t decided anything yet.”

  “Oh,” Sam said.

  “Yeah,” Ethan murmured. “We figured we’d discuss it with you again at the end of the month when we…when things were more settled. That way we can decide together about staying here or going back to Serenity or whatever.”

  Sam nodded. “That makes sense. I would hate for you to rush into anything. It is a big decision.”

  Inwardly, Brett scoffed. It wasn’t a big decision for him. And it wasn’t a big decision for Ethan. They’d already decided they would be with Sam, whether it was here in Luscious or there in Serenity or pretty much anywhere on the planet. As long as they were with him, they didn’t give a fuck. But they didn’t think they should dump all that on Sam yet. They wanted him to be in a better place before they unloaded on him. So for now, they both held their silence about the future.

  Although after Ethan and Sam’s near kiss, Brett wasn’t sure how much longer things would remain the way they were. And for the life of him, he couldn’t dredge up an ounce of regret. He was ready for the next step. He just hoped Sam and Ethan were, too.

  * * * *

  Driving down the road an hour later, Ethan tightened his hands on the steering wheel. “I don’t know what was worse about tonight.” He growled. “Getting that close to Sam, getting interrupted, or getting the hell out of there so I didn’t jump his bones.” He pivoted his head and peered at Brett beside him. “What about you?”

  Brett dropped his head back against the headrest. “Leaving. Definitely leaving.”

  Of the three, that wouldn’t have been Ethan’s guess for what had bothered Brett most. “Really? Leaving?” Ethan inquired, his voice curious but not to the point of nosy, as he returned his attention to the road ahead of him.

  Brett sighed. “Yeah, after you two almost kissed, I kind of assumed we’d stay. I figured tonight was the night. So it was a letdown when you shoved me out
the door after The Voice ended.”

  Shocked, Ethan whipped his gaze to Brett. “Excuse me? I didn’t want to leave.”

  Brett’s head came up with a snap. “Then why the hell did you?”

  “We had a pact,” Ethan reminded Brett. “I wasn’t about to break that without talking to you first.”

  “The moment Sam challenged you to kiss him, the pact became null and void. As far as I’m concerned, you got the green light from him. If he gave you that, then we’re good to go.”

  Without a word, Ethan glanced around. When he didn’t see anyone coming, he made a dangerously fast U-turn. He heard Brett’s quick intake of air and out of the corner of his eye, he saw Brett brace one hand on the dashboard and one on the door. But he didn’t slow down. In fact, as soon as the car was righted, he gunned it.

  “I wish you’d told me this before we left,” he grumbled to Brett. “Now we’ve wasted time. And you know how much I hate to waste time.”

  Tenderly, Brett curved his hand around Ethan’s neck. “E, we’ve all wasted years. But no more. Tonight, we’ll make up for everything.”

  “Fuck yeah, we will.”

  “And come morning, we’ll make up some more.”

  Ethan grinned. “Bring it on.”

  “Oh don’t you worry. We’re going to bring it. Sam and I can take you down in a heartbeat.”

  Ethan suppressed his laugh at Brett’s intentional use of Sam’s earlier words. He, however, didn’t restrain the challenge on the tip of his tongue. “I look forward to seeing you try.”

  Brett chuckled. “Well then put the pedal to the metal, and we’ll get this love, sex, and rock and roll show on the road.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Ethan rolled his eyes. “You realize we have a man waiting for us, and he doesn’t even know it.”

  Oh yes, they did. And, boy oh boy, was he going to be surprised—orgasmically so.


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