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The McCallans (Complete 5 Books Series)

Page 25

by Hadley Quinn

“You did, but you dropped out, right? You didn’t get kicked out?”

  He finally smiled. “Are you talking about stealing my dad’s car?”

  “So that was true?”

  “Did I steal his car? Yes. Did I crash it into the school? No. And for the record, I didn’t crash it at all. Someone plowed into me when I was parked.”

  “Sucks you got caught that way,” she said, biting back a smile.

  “Yeah it did,” he agreed, releasing a tiny chuckle.

  The tension eased a bit, and after a couple of blocks, Camryn said, “Turn right up there.” Teague pulled into the minute mart lot and they spotted Melanie’s car right away. “Oh, shit,” Camryn groaned. She was already unbuckling her seatbelt to hop out of a moving vehicle when Teague grabbed her arm to stop her.

  “Hang on, sweetheart. You stay with me, Camryn.”

  “That’s Jordan and I’m gonna kill him,” she said, yanking her arm from him.

  Camryn jumped onto the pavement before Teague even had the truck stopped. Jordan must not have seen her coming because he was still trying to talk to Melanie through her closed window.

  “Come on, baby,” he was saying, trying to sound patient. “Just come home with me.”

  “Get the hell away from her!” Camryn yelled as she approached and Jordan jolted upright to face her.

  “Hey, you stay away from me you crazy bitch,” he told her.

  “You stay away from my sister or I will cut your balls off and make Christmas ornaments out of them!”

  Jordan snickered and shook his head. “Still the comic, even in a psychotic rage.”

  “Stay away from her.”

  “She’s carrying my kid. She’s the mother of my child,” he smirked.

  “Who gives a shit? You told her you didn’t want anything to do with the kid!”

  “Maybe I’m coming around. And why the fuck are you in her business all the damn time. Why don’t you get your own life, stupid bitch?”

  “Take Melanie home and I’ll see you there,” Teague said from behind her. She knew he hadn’t been far behind, but she liked the look on Jordan’s face when he saw him. Teague was a lot bigger, but even just the look on his face and the tone of his voice was intimidating.

  Teague’s hand was on her shoulder and he gently pushed her toward the car but she stopped. “Don’t even bother, Teague,” she spoke quietly. “I’m not kidding. You get in your truck and leave, and then we’ll leave. This is my problem. I don’t need you in the middle of it.” She could see him eyeing Jordan like he was waiting for another reason to kick his ass.

  “It became my problem when he called you a bitch the first time. Two times is grounds for hitting him so hard he shits his fucking pants.”

  “I understand that upsets you, but please, Teague. Let’s go home.”

  He sighed, but after staring at Jordan for several seconds, he eventually nodded his head.

  Jordan was already headed for his car anyways, but when he opened the door he said, “Are you Camryn’s boyfriend? She’s a junkyard dog, if I ever saw one. How ‘bout you keep your bitch minding her own business and me and Mel will sort out our own shit, okay?”

  Teague moved before Camryn could even register that he was headed across the parking lot, but Jordan had already jumped into his car. The engine roared and the little coward peeled out on the pavement as he sped away.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “It’s unbelievable that you even have to think about this, Teague. What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  Teague had been glad to see Jay until the last five minutes happened. He heard Teague had been offered a spot on one of the most anticipated movies of next year and couldn’t believe he turned it down.

  Teague slid a surfboard out of his truck and handed it to his cousin. “It’s my dad’s movie.”

  Jay paused before saying, “Ah, fuck me. I didn’t know that. Your pops got the production rights to it?”

  “Yep. And guess who daddy’s number one star is going to be?”

  “Hell, that’s a double fuck me. ”

  “I swore I was never going to do another movie with him again.” He grabbed the board from Jay and walked it to the garage. He slid it up on the rack against the wall and headed inside.

  “What a movie to miss out on, Teague. Tell me you’re not sporting wood over the scenes in that mother.”

  “I didn’t say anything about not being interested in it. But after what happened on the set last year, I’m surprised I’m even getting the jobs I’m getting now. I’m fine with that, Jay. I’m not going to press my luck.”

  “Fine. But what’s up with the board?” Jay asked as he followed Teague to the kitchen. “You’re not even putting in water time. What’s the deal with that?”

  “I let someone borrow it last year. But guess who’s in town to turn my happy life to hell?”

  Jay stopped in his tracks. “No way. Kate? Seriously?”

  “Unfortunately, yeah.”

  “To see you?”

  “Who knows.”

  “She’s talking to you again?”

  “Apparently I’ve been knocked off the shit list.” Teague opened the fridge and removed a pair of sodas, handing one to Jay.

  “So what’s going on?” Jay asked. “Isn’t she breaking the agreement? All hell is gonna break loose. What are you gonna do?”

  Teague slowly shook his head and sighed. “I guess I’ll have to see what’s up her sleeve first.”

  Jay popped open the can and took a drink. “And what about Chase? Have you been able to see him?”

  Teague left the kitchen with his can and cracked it open on the way to the TV room. “Not really. She’s playing her games again.”

  “What a damn psycho,” Jay murmured.

  “Let’s not talk about Kate, okay? I haven’t told Camryn anything about her. As long as it’s buried in the past, I just want to keep it there. Things are too good with Cam to bring all that up.”

  Jay dropped down on the couch and let the topic drop, which is what Teague loved about the guy. You say enough is enough, and he lets it go.

  “So you’re back for good, too?” Teague asked him, just to make sure.

  “Yeah, you’re stuck with me again, asshole.”

  Teague grinned. “Thick and thin, bro.” He held his fist out and Jay bumped it.

  “So tell me more about Camryn,” Jay said. “Things are that good, huh?”

  Teague slowly shrugged his shoulders as he turned the TV on and then he smiled. “Yeah, they are. She’s nothing like I’m used to, Jay. God, it’s so nice to be with a strong, independent girl for once. She lives her life and keeps truckin’, you know? But despite her tough character, she’s so fucking adorable. I sound like a total pussy, I know, but she’s sure a beautiful piece of work.”

  Jay smiled but shook his head with surprise. “Yeah, normally I’d call you a pussy for a remark like that, but I can see she makes you happy, man. That’s cool, Teague. I’m glad. You deserve it. But if she breaks your heart, I might not be accountable for my actions, pal.”

  Just the thought of that almost gave Teague a sick chill, but he shook it off. “No need to worry. She’s not like that.”

  “You haven’t known her for long,” Jay pointed out bluntly.

  “I didn’t say that I trust her entirely,” Teague scowled, feeling a bit riled. “That’s a whole other thing. But I’m just talking about her character. She’s sweet to the core. Feisty as hell, but she’s got a heart.”

  “And how does she feel about you?”

  Teague took a moment to consider it. Camryn had been scared to get close to him and he understood why, but the fact that she’d given him as much as she had told him a lot. “We’re on the same page. She’s overcome a lot in her life, which explains why she’s so guarded. When she was a teenager her dad died in a logging accident. Then she lost her fiancé overseas a few years later. Her mom is kind of a flake, and now she’s going through a lot with her sister.”

  “Like what?”

  Teague found some UFC to watch as he filled Jay in on a little bit about Melanie. Both girls were expected to show up sometime that night, so Teague figured he’d give Jay a heads up.

  “Is she hot?”

  Teague looked at him to make sure he was serious. “Melanie?”

  “Yeah,” he shrugged. “Does she look like Camryn?”

  “Yeah, you can tell they’re sisters. Melanie’s skinny, though. Wears more makeup.”

  Jay thought about it for a moment. “But she’s hot, right?”

  Teague chuckled. “Yeah, she’s cute. She’s way different than Camryn, though.”

  “Different how?”

  “Well, kind of a social butterfly, I guess. She’s young, very flirtatious.”

  “How old is she?”

  “Umm…nineteen, I think. But her birthday’s next month. Twenty.”

  “Hmm,” Jay considered.

  “What? You can’t be serious. And she’s pregnant, Jay. Don’t get involved in that kind of stuff unless you mean it.”

  “Hey, I’m just thinking about being a good friend to her.”

  “Right. I’m warning you right now to back off. She’s a very…persuadable girl. It’s what she and Camryn fight about all the time.”

  “Fine, fine, I’ll be the usual ass.”

  Teague laughed. “Just don’t mess with her or Camryn will castrate you.”

  “Yeah, I don’t doubt that,” Jay murmured.


  “Why are there so many cars here?” Melanie asked as Camryn pulled up to Teague’s house that evening.

  Camryn recognized Kellie’s car, but there were a few other vehicles there as well. “Hmm, I don’t know. Teague said Jay was back, but I didn’t know anything about other people.”

  “Ooh, this will be fun!” Melanie squealed. She hopped out of Camryn’s car and grabbed her bag from the back.

  But Camryn was a little skeptical as she eyed the four-bedroom house. Teague had invited her to stay with him for the week since she didn’t have any dance commitments, and he included Melanie too, but he didn’t say anything about having a houseful tonight.

  “Don’t look so grumpy,” Melanie scolded, looping her arm through Camryn’s.

  “I’m not,” Camryn smiled. “I’m just…”

  “Over thinking, as usual. Grab your bag, let’s go!”

  Camryn removed her bag from the trunk and followed Melanie up the walkway. Her sister just walked right into the house like it was her own.

  “Hey everyone!” she announced cheerily.

  Several heads craned their direction and Camryn wanted to hide. But Melanie waved and said, “I’m Melanie. This is Camryn.” Then she spotted Teague as he stuck his head out of the kitchen and she said, “Teague, you didn’t have to surprise us with a party! How sweet of you!”

  All of the guys were already drooling over Melanie, Camryn noticed. She shut the door behind her as her sister dropped the bag she was carrying and went right into being adored by a crowd of people.

  “How come you still don’t make yourself at home like that?” Teague joked as he joined Camryn in the entryway.

  “Because I’m not an obnoxious teenager?” she replied.

  He smiled as he gathered her in his arms and held her tight. “Did your drive go okay? Last I heard you were a half-hour away, and now it’s seven.”

  “Someone claimed her baby was craving Taco Bell.” She pulled away to look at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “And I told her I needed to see my man, but she promised I could name her firstborn if I stopped. Sorry, hon.”

  “Well hell, how could you pass that up?” he chuckled.

  “I know, right? I mean she’s gonna resent choosing Taco Bell over her little Bartholomew, but what can I say? A deal’s a deal.”

  “You’re gonna name it Bart? What if it’s a girl?”

  “Even better.”

  “You’re wicked,” he smiled. “But can I be there when you tell her?”

  “Of course.”

  Teague pulled her closer to give her a proper hello. During their lip lock Jay patted them both on the back and said, “Is this the new guest greeting policy? I’m next.”

  “Back off, fucker,” Teague smiled, shoving him away.

  Jay grinned and said, “Hey, Camryn. Nice to see you again.”

  “You too. You have more hair now?” she observed. The dark hair looked good on him with his sapphire blue eyes and charming McCallan smile.

  He rubbed the inch of hair that had grown out. “Yeah, got tired of the old ladies up north thinking I was a cancer patient. But I might shave it again. Dunno which I like better.”

  She shrugged. “I think you look good either way, so it doesn’t matter.”

  Jay smiled and slapped Teague on the back. “Your girl just said I’m hot.”

  As Jay walked away, Camryn laughed and said, “Whatever gets him through the day.” But another face caught her attention and the guy saw her at the same time. She narrowed her eyes at his baby blues when he smiled. “Ken doll?”

  Teague was visibly confused as Kenton walked over to them.

  “Hello again, Camryn,” Ken greeted her.

  “Ken doll?” Teague asked, looking between the two of them.

  Understanding was finally setting in as Camryn looked from Teague to Ken and back to Teague again. “You sent him over to do some recon?” she accused with a half-smile. She lightly shoved Teague as he chuckled. “On New Year’s Eve? That’s low, Teague,” she teased, shaking her head.

  “Hey, had to do what I had to do,” he argued. “So what if I took a buddy with me for moral support? It was mainly so I’d have someone to drive my crying ass home if you rejected me.”

  “I call bullshit!” she laughed. “You sent him over to test the waters. I’m not sure if I should be upset about that or not.”

  “You think I invited him here thinking you’d forget a face? I know you were totally ready to go home with Kenton if he hadn’t pushed you away.”

  She smiled at Ken, who seemed unsure if they were joking or not. “Hell yeah I would’ve,” she answered. “Who would pass up that face?”

  “Hey, I’m just a pawn, here,” Ken protested, holding up his hands. “I was asked a favor, and then I sent the text. Mission accomplished.”

  “Oh? And what text would that be?” Camryn asked sweetly.

  Ken fumbled for an answer until Teague said, “Don’t look into her eyes,” and pulled her away from him. He picked up her bag and headed for the hallway, taking her with him. “Don’t use your charm to get information from my friends,” he warned playfully.

  “Ooh, or what?” she smiled as he pushed her into his room.

  “Or I’ll have to teach you a lesson.” He dropped her bag on the floor and locked the door behind them.

  “No, please don’t do that,” she replied, trying not to laugh.

  He shut all the curtains and switched a lamp on, watching Camryn the entire time. She was turned on by the hungry look in his eye, and as he stalked a predatory circle around her, she slowly licked her lips to entice him. He stopped and tilted his head to study her, and the way his eyes undressed her like that, she felt a hot reaction between her legs.

  “Didn’t you say you wanted me to show you what I did to myself during our phone sex?” she finally asked him. She held in a laugh when his eyes went big and he swallowed. But he only stood there and stared at her. “Is that huge boner affecting your speech?” she smiled.

  The corner of his mouth twitched. “Something like that.”

  She walked over to him, and since he was standing next to the bed, she shoved him backwards onto it. Climbing over him and straddling his lap she smiled seductively and said, “Well we don’t need words anyways, do we big guy?”

  She attacked his lips like she couldn’t get enough of them. Which she couldn’t, since it’d been two days since she last saw him. After the whole ordeal with Melanie and Jordan, Teague stayed
two nights instead of one, and makeup sex was phenomenal. Whatever appointment he had to get back to LA for got blown off, and he spent a second day with her instead. Last night she called him just as he was getting in from the gym, and all it took was to whisper, “What do you think I’m wearing?” and she had his full participation.

  “This is getting in my way,” she now said, impatiently tugging his shirt up. She sat back on his thighs as he removed it, and then Teague gripped her hips and pulled her forward.

  “Take yours off too,” he told her.

  With a smile she shimmied her shirt up, revealing a black and green bra that was trimmed in lace.

  Teague wet his lips and exhaled. “Okay, here are the terms. You wanna play?”

  She slowly smiled. “Of course.”

  He continued to move against her as he said, “If your panties match your bra, we sixty-nine it right off the bat. Deal?”

  She tried not to laugh. He was so betting that she was wearing a matching set. “And if they don’t?”

  “You striptease for me.”

  She gave him a questionable look. “So there’s no downside for you with these terms.”

  “Uh, no?” he smiled at her. “We just let a silly fact decide our fun.”

  “Silly, huh. You think my panties are silly?”

  He grunted. “Hell no. But take off your pants before I rip them off you.”

  “I thought if my underwear doesn’t match, I striptease for you.”

  “You’re saying they don’t match?”

  “I’m saying you ripping off my pants defeats the purpose of a striptease.”

  “Then you’ll start from your bra and underwear. And you’ll dance for me like the other night.”

  She raised an eyebrow. He was beginning to think she didn’t have matching underwear now and was trying to get more out of the deal. This was too fun. “But wait,” she smiled. “What if I’m not wearing any underwear?”

  His eyes went huge. “Holy shit. Well, um, then I tie you to the bed and fuck you like mad.”

  “So there really isn’t a downside to this?”

  “Jesus Christ, woman. I’m gonna jack myself off if you don’t get with it.”

  She covered her mouth so she didn’t laugh out loud. “You’d really deprive yourself of—”


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