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The McCallans (Complete 5 Books Series)

Page 80

by Hadley Quinn

  Gavin Bray recorded his very first studio session that night, and Tyse had enjoyed every second of it. Melanie had left by five o’clock, but everyone else stuck around until almost nine. Tyse was exhausted when he closed up the studio, but as he turned the lights off in the lobby, he perked up when he saw a familiar body walk by the building.

  “Hey, Sarah,” he called after her as he stepped onto the sidewalk.

  She slowed her pace, and Tyse could tell by her body language that she knew who it was and really did not want to talk to him.

  But whatever the hell her problem was, he was going to find out. He’d given her space the last couple of weeks, even though it didn’t settle right with him. Maybe his curiosity was getting the better of him, but he truly cared about Sarah’s life and hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her. He really desired to help her out if he could, or at the very least, get her to see that he wasn’t like any of the McCallans she might be used to.

  And he hated the fact that someone could think something bad about him. No, he wasn’t perfect, but he was a decent guy and wanted her to realize that. He was determined to change her opinion of him, whatever it was. Maybe that really was his ego coming out…

  He locked the door behind him and caught up to her. Even as he walked next to her she wouldn’t look at him.

  “Can I walk you somewhere?” he asked. “Give you a ride?”

  “No thank you,” she replied.

  Tyse paused but continued walking with her. “Are you sure? I have time. And I don’t like you walking by yourself in the dark.”

  She barely offered a side-glance but kept walking. He could hardly read her expression in the light of the streetlights, but she seemed annoyed. However, he kept walking with her since she didn’t ask him not to. He had never planned on addressing her aversion to him, but it had been bothering him so damn much, he couldn’t help it.

  “Can we just clear the air?” he finally asked. “How about you tell me why you loath me, and I’ll do whatever I can to fix it.”

  That got him another side-look but she shrugged. “There’s nothing to fix, Tyse. It’s just better to leave it in the past where it belongs.”

  “Leave what in the past? If you would just tell me why the hell my last name has anything to do with why you won’t talk to me anymore, I’d really appreciate it and maybe we could just avoid all of this.”

  “All of what? We can just avoid ‘this’ by you leaving me alone. It’s not more complicated than that.”

  Tyse took one long, quick step and turned to face her so she had to stop, almost running into him in the process. “It is more complicated than that,” he said softly, trying not to let his frustration take over the conversation. “And it isn’t fair that you’re lumping me in with whatever grievance you have with my family.”

  Sarah looked away when she sighed. “I understand that, and I agree. But it has nothing to do with you. It’s just better for me to avoid your family. If I avoid you, then I can avoid your family as well. Don’t take it personal, but I just don’t trust any of you.”

  “Fine, but I’d like to know what happened with the McCallans. I could find out from them, but I’d rather ask you first.”

  She met his eyes and studied him carefully. “Go ahead and ask them. I’m sure you’ll get whatever story they want you to hear.”

  “I’m asking you,” he emphasized, pointing to her. “Because I care and I feel like I deserve an explanation. I just moved here a few months ago. I never even knew I had a family here until recently. How can you hold that against me? What is your reason for treating me like you have?”

  “Tyse,” she sighed again, shaking her head.

  She paused for a really long time, but Tyse waited. Even when she looked away from him and wouldn’t answer or meet his eyes, he waited.

  Finally she looked at him and said, “Well, you’ve never asked me my last name.”

  He barely shrugged. “What’s your last name?”

  “Douglas,” she answered right away. “As in Dan Douglas’s daughter? I’m pretty sure you know who that is,” she stated knowingly. “You do work in the same industry, you know.”

  Tyse slightly lifted an eyebrow. “Dan Douglas as in…the founder of Douglas Elite Records? The Dan Douglas?”

  She watched him for a few seconds, as if she were trying to read more from him. For some reason she seemed really suspicious.

  “I didn’t know that was your dad, if that’s what you think,” Tyse said, finally understanding what she was getting at. “You seriously think I’m interested in you because of your dad?”

  She inhaled a deep breath of air and released it. “Are you?” she asked flat out.

  “No,” he answered right away. “What does he have to do with anything? Just because I’m starting up a recording studio? I’d say that’s kind of a coincidence, nothing more. That’s really why you’re leery of me? Because you think I want an in with your dad?”

  She sighed again. “It did cross my mind.”

  “Well it’s not the case. I had no idea who your father was. Is that the only issue you have with me? I kind of thought it had to do with the McCallans.”

  “It does. There’s more to it.”

  “And you’re going to fill me in?” Tyse asked impatiently. He hated sounding like a dick, but what he’d found out so far had caught him by surprise.

  “Sure, why not. My sister is Olivia Douglas,” she shrugged. “Heard of her? She’s an actress, kinda famous?”

  He could detect her sarcasm easily, but Tyse raised an eyebrow. It wasn’t what he expected to hear, either. Yes he knew who Olivia Douglas was. Everyone probably did, just as much as they knew who a McCallan was. She was big news several years ago. He hadn’t, however, really studied the family tree to know she was Dan Douglas’s daughter.

  “That’s how I know your family,” Sarah said. “Particularly Max and his dad.”

  Instantly Tyse didn’t like how that sounded, and he felt his chest tighten. “Know them meaning…?”

  “Max dated my sister, and he used her. End of story. That’s why I don’t trust your family. I really don’t want a repeat of that mess.”

  She brushed past him but Tyse couldn’t move as he tried to let her words sink in. When his legs had feeling, he quickly turned around and jogged to catch up with her.

  “Nothing more, Tyse,” she told him firmly. “I told you what you wanted to hear, so leave me alone, okay? You’ve obviously not seen anything from her in five years since they screwed over her career. Now I don’t even know where she lives.”

  “Just answer me one thing,” he practically pleaded.

  She slowed a little bit and then stopped. “You mean about Max? He’s an asshole and that’s a fact. Things didn’t last and they went their separate ways.”

  “So they worked together?”

  “Yes, when they were cast in Eighty-Eight Weeks together. It didn’t end up working out after that.” She brushed past him again and added, “I told you what you wanted to know. Just leave me alone. I don’t want anything to do with you or your family, okay?”

  She turned at the corner but Tyse stopped. He felt a long list building in his head of things he could say, but for some reason he chose to say nothing.

  He watched her walk until she disappeared in the dark, and then he returned to the studio for his motorcycle.

  He needed a long ride to clear his head.

  Chapter Ten

  “What the hell?” Jay scoffed with a shake of his head.

  He’d pulled himself out from under the ’67 Impala and was now facing Tyse. He paused for a long time as he stared across the garage in thought.

  “So what’re you gonna do? Talk to Max about it?” Jay finally asked.

  “Talk to him? You think I want to just ‘talk’ to him?” Tyse laughed bitterly. “I don’t know what happened, but I automatically feel like I want to beat the living shit out of him. I want the damn truth right from his mouth, and then I want to
beat his ass again.”

  “Fair enough,” Jay shrugged a single shoulder. “Sounds like a plan that would come from myself. But…”

  “But what?” Tyse narrowed his eyes. He thought for sure his brother would have his back on this one.

  “Just make sure it is what she said it is. I mean…I know Max. Trust me, I know what a piece of shit my cousin can be and what he’s done to other people because he thinks he’s a fucking god. But before you start investing time and energy on things McCallans may or may not have done, think about what you’re really getting yourself into. I’m not saying you have to give a shit about any of them, but do you really want to get involved in this?”

  Tyse took a deep breath and slowly released it. Shaking his head, he answered, “Of course I don’t want to get caught up in headline-making drama, but…” He sighed again and then shrugged. “It’s one of those things. I can’t explain it. And I know I can’t just pull up information online, articles and shit. You know what that does. It only causes more questions because you can never believe what’s true. I think I need to hear it from both sides.”

  Jay studied him for several seconds. “Okay, I understand that. So unless she told you not to look into it any further… If it’s that important to you, then figure it out. I honestly know nothing about it, and I doubt Teague does either if it was swept under the rug McCallan style. Maybe he’s got better insight on it. But just so you know, talking to any of the big shot McCallans will be just like sifting through tabloids. They don’t know how to tell the truth either.”

  “Noted,” Tyse nodded. “You think I should ask Teague, then?”

  “Yeah, pal, I’d start there.”

  And that’s exactly what Tyse decided to do after he left Beckett’s Restoration, so he headed to a warehouse in Studio City where Teague was working for the day. Tyse had about an hour before he needed to get to the clinic that morning, but he hadn’t been able to sleep all night because he’d been thinking about Sarah and whatever had happened to her sister. A dozen scenarios had been rolling around in his head ever since and he just needed some answers before the mystery killed him.

  When Teague had a few minutes for a break, Tyse filled him in on what he’d already told Jay. Teague seemed uneasier hearing it than Jay had been, but Tyse expected that. Max was Teague’s half brother and had screwed him over enough in the past to have every right to feel leery.

  “Yeah, I actually do know her sister,” Teague finally replied. “Max worked on a movie with Liv and it was a huge deal. The movie made record numbers, even. But…that’s really all I remember. She’s kind of disappeared from the industry since then.”

  “So what do you know about her and Max?”

  “I can’t help you there, man. Sorry. I do know they dated, though. And I know she was at some family stuff here and there with Max. They were in the news everywhere.”

  “What, like the next hot celebrity couple or something?”

  “Because of who her dad is,” Teague shrugged matter-of-factly. “Dan Douglas? If Olivia is Sarah’s sister, then she might be a Douglas, too.”

  “Yeah, she mentioned she was. I had no idea her dad was a fucking music mogul.”

  “Yep,” Teague nodded. “My dad and Dan used to be pretty good friends years back, but I’m not sure if they still are or not. Liv and Max were big news five years ago, but as for what happened between them, I really couldn’t tell you, man. I didn’t keep up with Max’s relationships back then.”

  “Yeah, no worries,” Tyse answered, although he felt utterly disappointed. “I’ll talk to Max myself.”

  Teague looked him over for a moment and said, “Uh, not sure if that’s a good idea, Tyse. He’s nothing like talking to me or Jay. He’s an entirely different sort, I’m warning you now. I can talk to him if you want.”

  “No, I need to do this myself. Thanks anyway. But I need to get to work, so I’ll head out and let you get back to yours.”

  “Yeah, no problem,” Teague said, giving him a fist bump.

  It wasn’t until a couple days later that Tyse actually had a chance to meet up with Max. He’d met him before—he was a key member of the family, obviously—but Tyse had not spent more than a couple minutes here and there with him, usually only when Max was dropping off Chase to spend time at Teague and Camryn’s. He had nothing in common with the guy, and yes, he knew what Teague meant when he’d mentioned Max being an entirely different sort. He was the epitome of a spoiled Hollywood rich kid; a big name in the industry, and a face that the public generally adored.

  Max McCallan was the McCallan of the decade.

  He arrived at Max’s eleven-million-dollar mansion on Sunday morning, not knowing what to expect. But no matter what came out of the rich kid’s mouth, Tyse decided above all else he needed to rein in his own temper if it came to that. Like Jay had warned, he really didn’t want to get involved in McCallan drama.

  “This is unexpected.” Max came from the back of the house after security had allowed Tyse inside. He looked him over for a second and with a smirk added, “So what’s with the visit, long lost cousin of mine?”

  He motioned into the huge front room and Tyse sat down on an Italian leather couch. Max sat across from him in a matching chair and crossed a leg over the other.

  “I’ll get straight to it so I don’t waste any time here,” Tyse stated.

  “Yeah, let’s not waste my time, so that sounds like a good plan. I’ve got shit to do.”

  Tyse gave him a level gaze and replied, “I meant my time.”

  With an arrogant smile, Max shrugged. “Whatever makes you feel better. Start talking.”

  “Olivia Douglas. Or Liv, however you refer to her.”

  There really was no point in beating around the bush. Tyse said her name and watched for a reaction. Max, being the talented and suave guy that he was, barely wavered. But Tyse could see something change, right there in his eyes.

  “You know what I’m talking about, so I want to know the truth,” Tyse told him. “No bullshit, just the facts.”

  “Who the fuck do you think you are, coming into my house demanding answers to shit that’s none of your business?” Max shot back.

  “Because her sister is a friend of mine,” Tyse replied evenly. He wasn’t sure if that was entirely true, but he cared about her. That needed to be good enough for now. “Let’s just say it came up, and I want to hear your side of it.”

  “Her sister,” Max stated warily, eying Tyse carefully. “Sarah?”

  “Yeah, Sarah.”

  “She doesn’t even live around here as far as I know so I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”

  “No, of course you don’t,” Tyse scoffed sarcastically. “You don’t know anything about using Olivia five years ago?”

  It was a bold accusation, being that Tyse had no idea what any of the details were. For some reason, he felt more inclined to side with Sarah over Max, even without knowing the whole story. It might have been stupid on his part, but he felt he had nothing to lose.

  “You have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.” Max narrowed his eyes and leaned forward. “I think you need to get the hell out of my house. The family freebie card is over, cuz,” he added snidely.

  “So nothing happened between you two while you were working on a movie together? Just tell me the damn truth, Max. There’s nothing I can do about it; I just want answers.”

  Max scoffed with amusement. “I don’t owe you anything, but what the hell? Classic case of teenager being star struck, if you really want the truth. She had a fucking crush on me. Big time. I had no interest in her whatsoever. Yeah, she was a cute girl, but I had better options, you know? I tried to be nice about it and gave her a little attention. Then she wanted to use it against me when I wouldn’t give her more.”

  “What kind of ‘attention?’ Like you flirted with her, kissed her? Or did you take it further than that and just drop her?”

  Max popped up from his seat. “Get th
e fuck out. I don’t have to answer to you.”

  “Why not?” Tyse stood just as abruptly. “Why not, Max? Why not speak the truth for once and just tell me.”

  “I already answered you. She was like a kid to me, so why would I waste my time on that when I could get any pussy I wanted? Huh? Seriously. Eighteen-year-old TV star going from teen movies to the big time, crushing on the lead star on the set. I took her out a few times and that was that. It’s pretty simple, now get the fuck out of my house before I have security remove you. I don’t care who you are, family or not.”

  Tyse headed for the door not because he was told to, but because he really didn’t want to be around this type of shit any longer. But he paused in the entryway and looked back.

  “Since you don’t want to fill me in, I’ll find out what happened on my own.”

  Max’s face darkened and his agitation was apparent. “You’re really messing with the wrong family. I don’t care if you’re a member of it or not.”

  “Yeah, I don’t care if I am or not either,” Tyse smiled, and he left the house, slamming the door behind him.

  He was late to work that day because his mind was everywhere except where he was headed. He’d made three wrong turns, and when he finally met up with his first patient for the morning, he was pissed with himself for allowing personal shit to set the tone to his day.

  However, when he walked through the back door to the recording studio later that afternoon, he heard two voices up front instead of just Melanie talking to Cade like usual.

  He knew to whom the second voice belonged to without a doubt.

  “Even if I didn’t think that, I’d still worry,” he heard Sarah laugh.

  Melanie laughed with her. “I know, right? So ridiculous!”

  Tyse emerged from the hallway almost cautiously. He’d wanted to see Sarah so badly since the other night, but it made him anxious at the same time.


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