For Sparrow (The Dream Dominant Collection Book 3)

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For Sparrow (The Dream Dominant Collection Book 3) Page 10

by Pandora Spocks

  “Thanks,” she squeaked, choking back the lump in her throat as she reached to lightly squeeze his right forearm.

  When they parked the F-150 in Jessi’s driveway, Judd insisted on coming around and getting Jessi’s door.

  “Can I get you some coffee?” Jessi asked as they stepped into the foyer.

  Judd considered the innocent-enough question, but he didn’t miss the look in her eye. At first, he thought it was a delay tactic—she knew she was in for a maintenance spanking. But tonight, there was something different. Something he wasn’t sure he wanted to acknowledge.

  He shook his head. “No, thanks, little one. No putting off the inevitable. Get into position.” He arched an eyebrow dramatically.

  Jessi’s eyes popped wide. “Oh, yes, Sir.”

  While he gave Jessi time to transition, he took Buddy outside for a potty break. As he watched the dog sniff around the yard, Judd considered the gleam he’d seen in Jessi’s eye. Did she want him? Or was that just wishful thinking on his part?

  He ran a frustrated hand through his hair. It was maddening, really. The intimacy of a D/s relationship without the sex. That Graham had been a sadistic son of a bitch.

  When he returned to the house, he put Buddy in the laundry room with a milk bone and closed the door. Entering the den, he saw that Jessi was in position as he’d prescribed, kneeling with her head bowed, arms clasped behind her waist. The fact that the position of her arms popped her tempting breasts out in front wasn’t lost on Judd. It hadn’t been his intention when he’d initially assigned her the position, but it was an added bonus.

  Or challenge. Whichever way he chose to look at it.

  He stepped up to her, placing his right foot between her knees and pulling her head to his right thigh. At his touch, Jessi sighed and rested against him, her breathing slow and deep. He stroked her hair lightly, closing his eyes and savoring her submission.

  “Alright, little one,” he said softly, gently rousing her from her meditative state, “someone needs a spank.”

  He helped her to her feet and watched as Jessi automatically leaned over the rolled arm of the leather chair. The sight of her shapely ass neatly packaged in a nicely-fitting pair of jeans brought his cock to attention. Not that it hadn’t already been aroused by the idea of her red head at crotch level.

  But he shoved those thoughts away in favor of the task at hand. “Okay, little one, this will hurt you more than it hurts me,” he chuckled lightly.

  He smoothed his hand over the curve of her ass before bringing his palm down for a sharp smack, which Jessi dutifully counted out.

  “One. Thank you, Sir.” Face down over the arm of the chair, her voice was muffled.

  Judd continued to rain spanks over her twin cheeks, pausing to smooth away the sting after every few smacks. Jessi continued to count and thank him. But Judd’s thoughts strayed.

  He envisioned himself spanking Jessi’s naked ass, pausing between smacks to check her arousal level, stroking and fingering her pussy. He could almost taste her on his fingers, and he longed to savor her, to make her taste herself. He’d put her on her knees on the ottoman that matched the chair, use his thumbs to open her wide, and drive his cock so deeply...

  As he fantasized about making Jessi his, well and truly his, he amped up the level of the spanks more than he realized. She was sniffling by now, although to her credit, she’d kept up with the count and the thanks. The last number of which he’d been aware had been 53.

  Pulling his thoughts back under control, he gave two final sharp smacks before gathering her to himself and sinking down into the chair with her on his lap. Gently, he wiped the tears from her cheeks and pulled her to his chest, tucking her neatly beneath his chin. He rocked her gently and murmured softly into her hair, pressing kisses onto the top of her head.

  “How are you doing, little one?” he asked quietly.

  Jessi sat up a little. “I’m okay. That was a lot of spanks, though.”

  “We have to make up for not getting it in next week. Was it too much?”

  She sniffed. “No, just... I think I’ll feel it tomorrow.”

  Judd grinned. “Good. It will remind you of to whom you belong.”

  Jessi rested her head on his shoulder again. “Yeah.”

  Twenty minutes later, Jessi walked Judd to the door. He turned, a concerned expression on his face. “I did get a little carried away with the spanks. Are you really okay?”

  “It was intense. But not overly so. What were you thinking about?”

  Judd froze. Fucking you senseless. He sighed. “Oh, just about the week ahead, Angie’s visit and everything. I’m sorry, Jessi. I didn’t mean to lose track.”

  She smiled softly. “No worries. I like it rough.”

  His eyes widened. “Ooo-kay, on that note... Have a great week, Jessi. I’ll be in touch.” He hugged her briefly before heading out to his truck in the driveway.

  “You have a great week, too. Be careful.” She smiled and waved as he drove away, but inside, she cringed. I like it rough? What the everloving...?

  Chapter 20

  As he drove the distance between Jessi’s house and his own, Judd’s mind raced. She likes it rough? If she had any idea what was going through my mind...

  But it was almost like she did know. Or, the same thing was going through hers, he considered.

  Graham’s voice echoed through his mind. Jessi is a passionate woman, Judd. She craves great sex, and anymore, it’s difficult for me to give her what she needs.

  “Graham, what kind of position have you put me in, old friend?” Judd asked out loud.

  Once he was home, he grabbed a Blue Moon from the fridge and sank onto a cushioned chair on the patio. The sound of the waves and the gentle breeze on his face usually helped him relax. But his fantasy and Jessi’s words nagged at him. “Maybe I just need to get laid.”

  He raised his eyebrows. There was an idea.

  How long has it been? Not since...

  He thought for a moment. Not since he’d started spending time with Jessi. He tried to remember his last visit to the Keys, to the BDSM club where he lived out his fantasies with willing submissives. He’d allowed his membership to lapse right about the time of Graham’s death, due partly to the expense, and partly because his down time was now occupied with helping Jessi. Not that he begrudged her in the least. He enjoyed being with Jessi, and she met his Dominant needs. Well, most of them, anyway.

  Taking his beer with him, Judd went back into the house and headed for his laptop on the desk in the corner of the living room. Taking a slug of Blue Moon, he pulled up FetLife. There had been a time when he trolled the site regularly, but it had been months since he’d scrolled through the posts. As usual, there were a handful of messages from would-be submissives looking for a Dom. These he generally ignored on principle.

  Bypassing the messages, Judd zeroed in on a chat group that was local to the area. Members all lived in southeast Florida. Scrolling down the page, he found a thread where people were posting about night clubs they liked to visit.

  Before long, he was chatting back and forth with a sub named Kit, a pretty young woman with jet black hair and a penchant for black eyeliner, if her profile pic was any indication. She was a fan of Respectable Street, one of Judd’s personal favorites for dancing until four in the morning. An hour later, they signed off with plans to chat online again soon.

  IT WAS THE MIDDLE OF the week when Jessi pulled up to Palm Beach County Fire-Rescue Station 62. She’d received a call from Judd’s supervisor, Capt. Fred Marshall, the previous day and had arranged to meet him to discuss plans for a retirement gala.

  As she got out of her silver Volvo and reached in for her tan leather satchel, she heard a familiar voice. “Hey, there, Jessi!”

  She pulled her head out of the car to see that Judd was crossing the driveway to greet her. Her smile was automatic. “Hi, Judd, how are you?”

  “I’m good. At work, but good.” He watched her for a beat. “
How’s your behind?”

  She blushed bright red, and his eyes twinkled impishly. “Still a little tender, to be honest.”

  He gave a satisfied nod. “Good to hear. Cap’n said you were coming by today. I’m glad I was here. Thought I wouldn’t see you at all this week.”

  “Yes, I told him I’d come by and talk about the party. You weren’t kidding when you said you were close. I could probably have walked from my house.”

  Judd walked her to the door, holding it open for her as she entered the station. “Hey, everybody, this is Jessi. Jessi, everybody.” He waved his hand to indicate a group of five firefighters. Two were sitting in recliners watching television. Three were in the kitchen eating. “There are a few guys out working on the rigs.”

  Jessi followed Judd out a door and into the huge bay where the rescue vehicles were parked. “Hey, Gomez,” he called.

  An athletic Hispanic man of medium height climbed out of the back of one of the trucks. When he saw Jessi, his face lit up. “You’re Jessi!” he exclaimed. “I’m Alex Gomez, but we’ve met before. Farris introduced us that time we were called out to a party.”

  Jessi smiled. “Right, I remember. The lady tripped over the curb. How are you?”

  Alex stood grinning, his gaze shifting from Judd to Jessi and back again. “I’m great. I hear you’re going to take over the party for Chief’s retirement.”

  “I’m hoping to try. Judd was just giving me the grand tour.”

  “Well, don’t let me hold you up. Welcome to Station 62!”

  Jessi laughed. “Thanks! It was nice to see you again, Alex.”

  “Take care, Jessi.” Alex watched the pair head back into the station before he returned to sorting supplies in the rig.

  Inside once again, Judd led Jessi down a hallway and stopped, knocking on an office door. “Cap’n? Jessi Crenshaw is here, the party planner.” He winked at Jessi.

  “Come in, come in,” boomed a voice from inside the office.

  “See ya later, Jessi,” Judd said quietly.

  “See ya. And thanks!” Jessi returned.

  Half an hour later, Jessi gathered her notes, slipped them into her bag and stood. “I think I have what I need, Captain. We’ll make sure this turns out to be a very special occasion.”

  The look on the man’s face was one of relief. “I can’t tell you how glad I am that Farris pointed us in your direction. Directing firefighters at a 5-alarm blaze? I’m all over that. Planning a retirement celebration for a veteran firefighter, who happens to be one helluva guy?” He held up his hands in surrender. “That’s way out of my skill set.”

  Jessi laughed good-naturedly. “Don’t worry about a thing. All you’ll have to do is show up.”

  “Perfect! Thank you again, Ms. Crenshaw.”

  Jessi slung her bag over her shoulder and made her way back up the hallway. Judd was seated at the kitchen table working on a report. “Hey there! All finished?”

  She nodded. “Yep, I’m on the job.”

  “That’s great! Let me walk you out.” The pair make their way outside and across the massive driveway to Jessi’s car.

  Jessi unlocked her door and set her bags on the passenger seat. Turning around she smiled. “Listen, Judd...” She looked up at him. “Thanks for the referral. If this party goes well, it could really open a lot of doors for Sea Star Celebrations. So, well, thank you.”

  He stared down into her wide blue-green eyes for a moment. Then he blinked. “My pleasure, Jessi,” he said quietly. He took a step back and laughed. “Although, I’m pretty sure Cap’n feels like you saved his life, so...”

  A loud message from a PA system cut him off. Jessi couldn’t understand what it said, but the station suddenly sprang into action.

  “Gotta go, Jessi,” Judd called as he hurried into the station. “I’ll call you later.”

  Jessi started her car, but waited until the emergency vehicles left the station before she pulled out and headed back to the office.

  Later that evening, she heard on the news that there had been a roll-over accident on the Interstate. There was video footage of several fire/rescue vehicles, and she looked closely to see the numbers on the trucks. Following that story was a report from Montana about a firefighter who’d been shot and wounded at a housefire, but Jessi had returned to searching for the perfect venue for the retirement party.

  Chapter 21

  “Uncle Judd!” The squeal came from a pint-sized brunette as she ran out of the secure area of the concourse and leapt into Judd’s arms.

  “How are you, Olivia? How did you get so big?”

  “Cuz I growed, that’s how,” came the matter-of-fact response, blue eyes all seriousness.

  “I guess you did. Where’s your mom?”

  The little girl wriggled out of his embrace and pointed behind her. Judd spied Angie making her way through the crowd of passengers just off the flight from Charlotte.

  “Hi, big brother,” Angie smiled warmly.

  “Hi, sis. It’s great to see you!” The pair embraced fondly. “Now, what do you say, we get your bags and blow this pop stand?”

  Olivia giggled gleefully as Judd scooped up the little girl and plopped her on his shoulders.

  A FEW HOURS LATER, Judd and Angie were relaxing on beach chairs, toes in the sand as they watched Olivia skirt in and out of the gentle surf washing up on Juno Beach behind Judd’s townhouse.

  “So you have a great new job opportunity, but it’s in Nashville?”

  Angie nodded. “And it really is a step up in my career. I mean, I wouldn’t even consider moving if it was merely a lateral position. But I’d be director of sales for that region.”

  “And moving to Nashville would mean moving away from Marty.”

  “He was a shit husband, but he’s a good dad. Can I take Olivia away from him?” Angie sighed.

  “I don’t know, sis. I see your dilemma. On the one hand, you should consider what’s best for your career. But you always have to put Olivia first. Have you talked to Marty about it? Maybe he’s willing to work something out.”

  “I was so freaked out by the job offer, I haven’t even mentioned it to him yet.” Angie shook her head. “You’re right, I suppose. I should talk it over with him. Maybe he’ll be willing to help me make it work.” She grinned at him. “Thanks!”

  He gave her shoulder a playful shove. “What are big brothers for?” They both laughed.

  “We’re not keeping you from a hot date tonight, are we?” Angie asked, laughing.

  At Judd’s hesitation, her eyes widened. “We are,” she gasped. “So tell me all about your love life.” She rested both of her forearms on the arm of the chair and leaned toward Judd.

  He shrugged his left shoulder and avoided her gaze, looking out over the gentle waves washing up onto the sand. “No love life to speak of, really. And you’re not keeping me from a hot date. I’m glad to have you here, both of you.” He watched Olivia overturn a pail full of sand to form a tower. “It’s just...”

  Angie eyed him patiently, waiting for her brother to more to say.

  “Well, there’s this woman—“

  “I knew it! Do I know my big brother or what?”

  Judd shook his head. “It’s not like that. We’re good friends.”

  “But you’d like to be more than that.” Angie nodded confidently.

  Judd sighed. “Maybe. Maybe I’d like to be more than friends. But it’s complicated.” He filled Angie in on the situation, leaving out the BDSM details.

  When he’d finished, Angie leaned back in her chair. “Wow. Like you said, it’s complicated. But Judd,” she said, “I think you owe it to yourself, and to her, to see if this goes anywhere. I mean, you don’t want to spend your life wondering ‘what if,’ you know?”

  He pursed his lips thoughtfully. “That thought keeps swirling through my mind. But the timing...” He gazed back at Angie. “It’s only been a few months. What is the appropriate waiting period, do you suppose?”

e laughed. “Oh, for Pete’s sake, this isn’t Victorian England. She doesn’t have to wear black for a year and all that BS. What does your heart say?”

  Judd shook his head. “My heart has no clue.”

  His sister gave him a sideways smirk. “I imagine other parts of you have ideas.”

  “Just stop it!” Judd snorted, fishing an ice cube out of his cup and tossing it playfully at Angie.

  Later, following a dinner of steak on the grill, Judd, Angie, and Olivia roasted marshmallows over the fire pit, squashing the gooey confections between graham cracker squares and bits of chocolate. Having worn herself out on the beach all afternoon, Olivia passed out on her chair, sticky bits of marshmallow and chocolate still smeared across her face.

  Judd carried the little girl upstairs to the guest room she was sharing with her mother. After Judd placed the sleeping child on the bed, Angie gently wiped her face with a damp washcloth before the adults retreated downstairs. In companionable silence, the pair sipped wine on the back patio and watched the moon rise over the Atlantic. The fire in the pit had reduced itself to mere embers.

  “It’s good to have you here, sis.” Judd’s eyes crinkled with his smile.

  Angie reached to place her hand on his. “It’s good to be here.” Her voice was soft with emotion.

  “I know you’ll figure out this thing with work.”

  It was Angie’s turn to sigh. “Yeah. The distance...” She waved her hand vaguely in the direction of the ocean. “It helps me think more clearly.”

  “In any case,” Judd placed his other hand on top of hers, “you and Olivia are welcome here anytime.”

  JESSI HAD ARRIVED HOME Friday evening following a successful anniversary party. The event had gone off flawlessly, and she and Sarah had high-fived each other in the privacy of the empty parking lot following the celebration. Years ago, who would have thought their little venture would be supporting both of them?

  As she dropped her bag and purse onto the kitchen island, she glanced at the clock on the microwave and saw that it was barely after 10:00. The good thing about 50th wedding anniversaries, she chuckled to herself, was that the honorees and their guests weren’t exactly the ‘party all night’ kind of clients.


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