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For Sparrow (The Dream Dominant Collection Book 3)

Page 16

by Pandora Spocks

  Jessi grinned gleefully as she reached down to release his growing erection, sliding herself down on top of it. Leaning forward, she steadied herself on his shoulders as she began to raise and lower herself on his cock, squeezing on every upstroke as she felt her moment building.

  “Angel, you are something,” Judd groaned as he gave himself over to the moment. Leaning up, he captured her lips in his, and as they climaxed they called out together, collapsing in a breathless heap on the sofa.

  JESSI AND JUDD LEFT his townhouse together, Judd heading in to the station while Jessi drove home to spend her Sunday in the quiet of the big house. It had never bothered her before. Of course, right after Graham had died the house seemed empty. But as she let herself in the front door, she glanced around. Graham had insisted on bringing in a decorator after the kids had moved away, and while the house looked like a showplace, Jessi had never really liked the frou-frou décor. It seemed impersonal, like someone else’s belongings.

  Shrugging off the thoughts, Jessi went upstairs, took a shower, threw on a pair of denim shorts and a pink tank top, and took Buddy for a walk around the neighborhood.

  “SO, WHAT GIVES, FARRIS?” Alex and Judd had stopped for lunch after dropping a patient at the hospital.

  “What gives what?” Judd questioned, munching on a handful of fries.

  “What gives with that extra swing in your step and that shit-eating grin? Inquiring minds wanna know.”

  Judd suppressed a grin and looked down at his meal. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Yes, you do. You got laid, didn’t you? Who was it?” Alex grinned knowingly. “It was that hot nurse over at St. Mary’s, Stacy, wasn’t it? She’s always trying to chat you up. It was Stacy.”

  “You’re an engaged man. Why are you worried about me?”

  “I gotta live vicariously through you now, my brother. Tell me all about Stacy.”

  Judd shook his head. “It wasn’t Stacy. It was Jessi.”

  “Jessi? The hot redhead? Oh, man, I knew it. I knew you got some. No way you’re going over there to fix her pipes and shit, and not tapping a little something.”

  “Yeah, well, we’re not having this discussion. Jessi’s...” He gazed off out the window. “Jessi’s special.”

  “Special? Like ‘the one’ special?”

  Judd shook his head irritably. “We just got together. Way too early to be talking about ‘the one’. I just want to ride it out and see where it leads.”

  “I want to meet her. See if she’s good enough for my partner.” Alex leaned back in the booth and crossed his arms.

  “You’ve met her. Remember, she came to the station. She’s doing the Chief’s retirement party.”

  “No, I want to meet her meet her. You and Jessi should go out with me and Trish.”

  Judd nodded thoughtfully. “Yeah, that would work sometime.”

  “Don’t just say that and not mean it. Wait until I tell Trish. She’s going to insist on us all getting together.”

  “Fine. I’m not trying to wiggle out of something. But first, we need to get back to work,” Judd laughed, finishing the last of his fries.

  Chapter 29

  “Hey, there, Angel.” Judd’s voice over the phone was soft. Jessi felt a wave of heat wash over her.

  “Good evening, Sir,” she replied, smiling. “How are you?”

  She heard him sigh. “I’m at work, but it’s been okay so far. How was your day?”

  “It was nice. Quiet. After I got home, I took Buddy for a long walk. Then I piddled around, did a little work on that retirement party. That kind of thing.”

  “I’ve been a little distracted today, thinking about you.”

  Jessi giggled softly, unconsciously reaching to wind a wisp of hair around her finger. “Is that a fact? What kinds of things did you think about?”

  He lowered his voice. “Dirty, depraved kinds of things.”

  “That sounds good to me.”

  “I thought it might. Tell me... Are you sore today?”

  She felt the heat on her face. And lower, too. “A little.”

  “Good. I want you to remember who claimed you. But like I said, we have some things to discuss.”

  “Yes, Sir. About limits and that kind of thing.”

  “That’s right, Angel. What are your plans for tomorrow night?”

  Jessi furrowed her brow in thought. “I don’t have any that I can recall.”

  “Perfect. I’ll pick you up at 7:00. We’re going on a date.”

  “A date,” Jessi laughed. “I haven’t been on a date in years.”

  “Then it’s high time. Be ready at 7:00. Wear a dress, preferably one that shows cleavage. And Angel,” he paused. “Don’t wear panties.”

  DON’T WEAR PANTIES. She got wet every time she heard that line in her mind. Later that night after they’d hung up, she was tempted to get out her wand and give herself some relief, but he hadn’t mentioned permission for a cummie and she hadn’t thought to ask. Besides, she was reasonably certain he’d allow her the pleasure when they went out the following night.

  Monday passed interminably slowly, as Jessi went about making final preparations for the retirement party. She’d even broken down over lunch and confided to Sarah about having slept with Judd.

  Rather than the judgement she’d feared, Sarah had been supportive. “Good for you, sweetie. It’s about time.”

  A few minutes before the appointed time, Jessi was pacing back and forth in front of the living room window, waiting for Judd’s truck to pull into the driveway. She wore an embroidered black halter-topped sundress that showed more cleavage than she was used to. The drop-waist skirt hit her about mid-thigh, and as prescribed, she was wearing no panties. She’d completed the look with jeweled black wedge sandals, knowing that even with the heels, Judd would tower over her. A fact that pleased her tremendously.

  Just before 7:00, Judd’s familiar silver truck pulled into the driveway. Jessi felt a flutter of nerves as she swiped her damp palms on the skirt of her dress.

  “Okay, just breathe,” she murmured to herself.

  Judd climbed out of the truck and made his way around to the front walk, grinning as their eyes met through the window. Jessi opened the front door.

  “I wanted to ring the bell,” he teased.

  “I could close the door, and we can try again,” Jessi offered.

  “So sassy, Angel. You know what that kind of behavior gets you.” He raised an eyebrow and Jessi felt a fresh surge of moisture in her unclothed core.

  She stepped back to allow him into the house.

  “You are stunning. Come here.” His free hand he wrapped around her waist, drawing her to himself and plunging his lips onto hers. Jessi was surprised to hear a light moan from within her chest and was powerless to stop it. When he released her, she stepped back, breathless.

  “You look amazing yourself,” she said. And he did. He wore dark jeans and a white dress shirt with small grey windowpane checks, topped off with a navy blazer. His shoes were dark brown suede.

  “I clean up okay, when I put my mind to it.” He scanned her up and down. “But you. You are breathtaking. Did you remember my instructions, Angel?”

  Jessi flushed. “Um, about panties? Yes.” She flipped up her skirt to briefly flash him.

  He shook his head. “Oh, no, I need to check for myself.”

  She suppressed a smile as Judd wrapped her in his arms, pressing his lips to the side of her neck while sliding one hand over her ass and under her skirt. She gasped as he reached further, fingers probing until they found purchase in her seam, now damp with desire.

  He stroked her languidly and chuckled against her neck. “Good girl. You’re nice and wet for me. Wait until you see your surprise.”

  “You brought me a surprise?”

  “Mm-hmm.” His lips tickled her neck, sending chills all over her body. Judd stepped back and reached in to his pocket, pulling out something wrapped in a white silk handkerch
ief. “I went shopping today, Angel. Tell me what you think.”

  Jessi’s belly fluttered as she reached for the mysterious gift. It was heavier than she expected and as she unwrapped the handkerchief, a silver anal plug glittered into view. Shaped like a silver teardrop, it was medium in size, and it had a sparkling red jewel in the shape of a heart on the flange.

  “Oh, my,” Jessi choked.

  Judd’s lip curled in an amused expression. “Not what you expected?”

  “I didn’t really expect anything, so...” she returned, feeling the heat in her face.

  “Like I said, I went shopping today.” Judd lifted the plug from her hand. “It’s heavy, made of surgical steel. I know you had plugs in the past, but they were plain silicone. Nothing plain for my Angel.” He handed it to Jessi. “I want you to wear it for me tonight.”

  “Oooo-kay,” Jessi replied tentatively.

  “Put it in your mouth. Warm it up a little,” he urged.

  Jessi complied, locking eyes with his as she sucked sensuously on the plug, pleased with herself when she saw the lust in his eyes.

  “Now, Angel, bend over the arm of the chair.” He indicated the one she thought of as Sir’s chair. He took the plug from her as she obeyed, leaning over the rolled arm of the leather chair as she’d done many times for a spanking session. She waited, wondering what he would do next, and jumped slightly when she felt the cold steel at the entrance of her pussy.

  “You’re so juicy, we probably won’t need any other lube.” Jessi closed her eyes as he played the steel bullet at her entrance, dipping it slightly into her core. She could hear the proof of her arousal, a soft, wet, squelching sound.

  “Nice. Okay, Angel, relax and just breathe.” Jessi felt the cool steel pressing at her back pucker and fought the urge to tense up. It had been a long time since she’d been invaded thusly, but just the thought of it brought renewed moisture between her thighs. Judd pressed gently but insistently, murmuring encouragement to her all the while. Finally, she felt a pop, and the plug was in place.

  He helped her stand. “Now, how’s that?”

  Jessi stood shifting her hips slightly. “It’s, um...heavy. The others I’ve used in the past? I didn’t really feel them, once they were in.”

  “But you feel this one.”

  “Oh, yeah.” She glanced up at him quickly. “I mean, yes, Sir.”

  Judd laughed good naturedly. “Good. We’re going to have fun.”

  He kissed her lips gently and released her. “Let’s go to dinner.”

  THEY SAT OPPOSITE EACH other at the white linen-covered table, candlelight bathing them in a golden glow. Pop art graced the white walls, in stark contrast to the bare concrete floor. Near the bar, a singer was warming up.

  When they’d been shown to their table, Jessi had gingerly lowered herself onto the chair, finding that the weight of the plug was more bearable when she was seated than when she stood. Judd had watched her, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes.

  “This is a beautiful place,” Jessi said as their server left with their orders.

  Judd glanced around. “You haven’t been to O-BO before?”

  She shook her head.

  “The owner is a friend of mine. We were at FSU together. He started this place a couple of years ago.”

  “I like it. It feels fancy, but welcoming.”

  Judd nodded. “I think that was what he was going for. So, Angel...”

  He was interrupted when the waiter returned with their wine. “Here you are madam, sir. Your starter will be up momentarily.”

  Judd smiled gamely, and cut his eyes back to Jessi. “So, Angel, I’ve done some thinking about you and me.” Jessi watched as he reached into the inside pocket of his blazer, retrieving a folded paper. “I wrote a few notes.”

  Unconsciously, Jessi wiped her palms on the napkin covering her lap. “Um, okay.”

  Once again, he reached into his jacket producing a pen, which he twisted to open. “First of all, I don’t know your safe words.” He looked up at her expectantly.

  “Safe words.” She licked her lips. “Well, I never wanted to be complicated about that. Just red, yellow, and green are the ones I like, if that’s okay.”

  He frowned a bit. “And red is for...”

  “Oh, sorry. Red is for stop, yellow for slow down, and green means everything is okay.” Jessi felt her face redden as she watched him jot on his paper.

  “Now,” he looked back up at her, eyes sparkling. “What kinds of toys and implements have you used previously? Besides butt plugs, obviously.”

  Seated or not, the pressure in her ass was transferring to her sex, causing a tingle she worked to ignore. She glanced anxiously around the room before leaning toward him. “Well, you saw the box. There were the butt plugs...”

  “Here’s your coconut shrimp. Careful, the plate’s hot,” the waiter cautioned.

  “Holy shit,” Jessi breathed, but Judd beamed at the man.

  “Thanks! It looks great.”

  They both watched as the waiter headed to check on another table. “You were saying...”

  Jessi huffed, before she continued, her voice a whisper. “I was saying, you saw the butt plugs, the different dildos, the nipple clamps...oh, and you know about the rabbit and the wand.”

  She watched as Judd carefully inventoried the items she listed. When he’d finished, he looked back up at her. “Anything else?”

  She blinked. “Um, not that I can recall.”

  “Wooden spoons, crops, canes?”

  “Oh, no canes. But the wooden spoon on occasion, as you well know.” She’d have been annoyed at his smirk if it hadn’t been so damn sexy. “We had a crop, but it broke.”

  “While it was in use, or did it have an unfortunate mishap?” The corner of his mouth twitched and Jessi was almost positive he must have read the post on Graham’s blog about the time he broke the crop on her ass.

  “The question was whether I’ve used a crop, and the answer is yes.” Jessi raised her chin defiantly.

  “Careful, Angel. You don’t want to be spanked right here, do you?”

  She started to dare him, but thought better of it. In the nanosecond the idea crossed her mind, Judd threw back his head and laughed out loud. “Damnedest thing I ever saw, Jessi. Your eyes say everything.”

  Sheepishly, she pressed her lips together.

  “Okay, now. We have a list of what you’ve used before. Are you open to new toys?”

  Jessi looked around thoughtfully. “I suppose.”

  “Angel, while we’re having this discussion, I want you to finger yourself.”

  “What?” she fairly yelped.

  “You heard me.” His voice was quiet but intense.

  Jessi glanced around as she slid her right hand under her napkin and pulled her skirt high enough to touch her pussy. She swirled her fingers against her pussy, then spread her thighs slightly to gain access to her entrance. Eyes on Judd’s, she slid her middle and ring fingers into her sopping core, a slight whimper escaping her lips as pressure in both holes increased.

  Judd fixed her with an intent gaze. “Good girl. Bring yourself to the edge, but don’t come. Now what were we talking about? Remote control vibrators, anal beads, ben wa balls? Weighted clover clamps? Would you agree to trying them?”

  Jessi’s butterflies flipped at the possibilities, and she squeezed her lips together, not wanting to appear too eager. “Yeah, I’m open to all that.”

  Beneath the napkin, her fingers worked her sex, and were drenched for their efforts. She found it hard to maintain focus on what he was saying.

  Judd frowned. “’Yeah’?”

  Her eyes widened. “I mean, yes, Sir. I’m sorry. My mind drifted a little there.”

  “No need to apologize, Angel. But be aware that I’m tallying your infractions. There will be consequences. You may remove your fingers. But I expect you to lick them clean.” A fresh round of moisture escaped Jessi’s core and she fidgeted, squeezing her thighs togeth
er. Glancing around the restaurant once again, she brought her fingers to her lips and quickly lapped up the evidence of her arousal, savoring the sweet taste.

  “Now what do you say, Angel?”

  “Um, thank you, Sir.”

  Judd smiled. “You’re welcome. Now...let’s move to limits. What are your absolute ‘no-gos’?” Again, he watched her intently. Jessi had the feeling he could see into her very soul.

  She cleared her throat softly. “Well, I—“

  “Porterhouse, medium-rare for the gentleman. And salmon for the lady.” The waiter presented their meals with a flourish as Jessi felt her face redden.

  Judd thanked the man graciously, then turned back to her. “Limits, Angel.” He ignored his steak, intertwining his fingers and leaning forward on his elbows.

  Jessi glanced at the retreating waiter and began again. “I’m pretty open. But I don’t want to do anything wet or, you know, messy.” She sipped her wine to have something to do.

  “You mean golden showers, scat play, that kind of thing?”

  Her face burned as she nodded wordlessly.

  “I’m with you. That’s not my thing, either. But what do you mean by ‘pretty open’?” He watched her struggle, knowing that they were building the intimacy necessary for taking their relationship to the next level.

  “I just mean that I’m open to regular sex, obviously, and oral...”

  “And you swallow.” It wasn’t a question. He watched her carefully. Again, she nodded.

  “And anal?” He quirked an eyebrow as she blushed a deeper red than he thought possible.

  “I haven’t. But I’d like to.”

  Judd frowned again. “You and Graham never had anal sex?”

  “We used the plugs just for play, you know.” Jessi gazed off across the room. “He was something of a germaphobe, so he never actually...” Her voiced trailed off.

  “But you’d like to.”

  Her reply was a whisper, the plug in her ass reminding her of her need. “Yes.”

  Judd’s smile broadened. “And I’ll be your first. That makes me very happy, Angel.”

  After that, the pair enjoyed their dinner. Jessi relaxed as the conversation drifted to less embarrassing topics.


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