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Bad Moon Rising

Page 15

by David Bishop

"No. And you never gave me the chance to tell you!"

  "Grud, what a mess," Miller said to herself.

  Riley stood up, still clutching his Lawgiver. "So I tried to forget it ever happened - but I couldn't. When I got transferred to Sector 87 I put in a request to become your partner but you refused. Do you have any idea how that made me feel? I had lost someone I loved, lost my best friend - and now you were rejecting me again. So Caine partnered me with Stammers, and look where that's led us! Congratulations, Lynn. You just wanted to make me feel better. How's that plan working out now?"

  "I didn't know," she protested. "I couldn't have known..."

  "Didn't know or just didn't want to know?" Riley raged. "Grud forbid anything should get in the way of your glorious career! I bet you've had to work twice as hard as everyone else to overcome that blemish on your record. So sorry that I've inconvenienced the rise and rise of Judge Lynn Miller!"

  "Is that how you see me? Too ambitious to care about anybody but myself? Too driven to give a stomm what happens to you?" Miller struggled to her feet to confront Riley. "You've no idea, have you? How many times I've covered for you and your precious partner! How many times I've cleaned up the messes you two left behind! Just a few hours ago I was telling myself I could never believe you'd had any involvement in that fire. I came here, hoping against hope to find it was just Stammers, that you had nothing to do with it!"

  "They killed my brother!" Riley bellowed. "The R'qeen gunned him down and then they took his body away and hung it on a hook for days and days and days. Finally, when the rotting flesh was hanging off his bones, they cut off one of his arms and they were eating it when the rescue squad found them. I saw the report from the Med-Judges identifying Danny's body - or what was left of him!"

  Miller shook her head. "You could never have seen a report like that! Such findings are confidential, never revealed to any family members. Who showed that to you? Stammers?"

  Riley ignored her question, too involved with his memories to hear it. "Afterwards, all I wanted to do was watch those monsters burn. They butchered my brother. I wanted them to suffer just a fraction of what he suffered!"

  "So you arranged for hundreds of innocents to be burned alive? Is that justice? Is that what your brother would have wanted?"

  Riley aimed the Lawgiver at Miller's head. "Don't you dare try to tell me what Danny would have wanted! You didn't know him, you never met him. You haven't got the right to talk about him! Just shut your drokking mouth before I do it for you, slitch!"

  "That's Stammers talking, not you."

  "You think so?" Riley moved his finger to the trigger. "Let's see."

  Riff had been working his way up Oswald Mosley Block, trying to coax information from the residents about the latest incidents. Few would talk and those that did gave accounts so heavily laced with expletives that any attempt to broadcast them would be pointless once the Justice Department auto-censor had done its job. But the reporter was able to glean enough facts to know what questions to ask when he reached con-apt 721.

  It took several minutes of insistent knocking and bell ringing before Riff heard movement from inside. Another two minutes had elapsed when the front door opened to reveal the scowling face of Kurt Sivell. "What the drokk do you want? Do you know what time it is?"

  "Sorry to disturb you, sir," Riff began, "but I'm interviewing residents about the missing child. What do you think has happened to her?"

  "To who? What missing child?"

  "I understand her name is Kasey Maguire. She's from this floor, actually. Did you know her at all?"

  "Did I know her?" Sivell was mystified by the questions. "Why are you using the past tense? Is she dead?"

  Riff admitted he didn't know, but that was one theory he had heard. "You seem unaware of Kasey's tragic disappearance. I've been told the Citi-Def squad had searched almost every con-apt in this building looking for her."

  "When was this?"

  "Just in the past few hours!"

  Sivell ran a hand through his greasy, thinning hair. "The past few hours?" The resident shrugged. "Well, nobody searched my con-apt. But I've been out cold since I took those Double-Doze. I'm amazed you managed to wake me."

  "Really? Well, that's fascinating." Riff was ready to move on, having had enough of this slow-witted, half-asleep simp. He almost missed out of the scoop of his fledgeling career - almost. But Sivell grabbed the reporter's shoulder, a look of revelation on his face.

  "Did you say Kasey Maguire was missing?"


  "But I saw her, just before I took the sleeping pills. She accidentally brushed against my doorbell and woke me up."

  Now Riff was paying attention again. He activated the hovercam from its rest mode to record what Sivell was saying. "When was this? Can you remember when you saw Kasey Maguire, the missing girl?"

  "Yes, it was just before two this morning. I recall the time because I looked at the clock when I was woken up. I was going to give whoever rang the doorbell a piece of my mind!"

  "But it was Kasey who rang the bell-"

  "By mistake, yes. She must have leant against it on her way to the turbolift."

  "You saw her get into a turbolift?" Riff was excited now, he could sense something important was about to happen.

  "Yes, yes. But before that I asked Kasey where she was headed at that time of the morning. She said she was going to stay with a friend on a lower floor," Sivell explained. "Then I saw Kasey get into the turbolift and the doors closed behind her. That was the last I saw of her."

  "Are you sure about this, citizen? The girl's mother has made no mention of such an arrangement."

  "Yes, quite sure. The reason it stuck in my mind was I looked back to see what floor Kasey was going to - just being nosy I suppose. The turbolift went up, not down."

  Riff felt the hairs on the back of his neck rising. "Do you know what floor the turbolift went to?"

  "Yes, of course. It was the top, the one hundredth floor - where the aliens are." Sivell frowned, unaware his next set of words would set in motion a tragic series of events. "You say Kasey is missing? I hope those vultures on the top floor haven't got her - they eat human flesh you know!"

  Riff thanked the citizen for his time and apologised again for disturbing him. Once Sivell had gone back to bed, Riff contacted his news editor. "Tell me you got all of that!"

  "You better drokkin' believe it!" Yablonsky screamed into Riff's earpiece. "Give an intro to the hovercam and we'll cut it together here. You have five minutes before it gets broadcast. Get up to the top floor now and confront the aliens with what you know. We'll cut to you live when you're ready!"

  Riff smiled. Fame and fortune, here I come...

  Dredd rode into the dust zone, scanning his surroundings for any sign of Miller. A call to PSU had provided her point of entry but surveillance beyond the perimeter was almost non-existent. That made the dust zone a perfect rendezvous point for anyone wanting to meet in secret. Dredd slowed his motorcycle to a crawl and activated the bike's on-board computer while calling Brady at Sector House 87. "Miller's gone missing and I have reason to believe she's in the dust zone," Dredd said. "Is there any other way of tracking her besides PSU's spy-in-the-sky cameras?"

  "You could try her transponder," the Tek-Judge suggested. "Justice Department vehicles have a transponder built into them. They transmit a constant homing signal, unless they are destroyed or tampered with."

  "I thought only H-Wagons and flying vehicles had a transponder?"

  "That was recently extended to Lawmasters and other ground-based transportation," Brady explained. "We've been fitting them over the past month. I put one into your bike when you arrived at the sector house."

  "And Miller's Lawmaster also has one?"

  "Yes. I've been recalling its data, in case anyone asked. Normally the PSU cameras are enough to track anyone within the city, but..."

  "Can you upload that data to my bike's computer?" Dredd asked.

  "That'll take a few s
econds, but I don't know how much help it will be," Brady said. "Miller's transponder stopped an hour ago."


  "Either her Lawmaster has been destroyed or the transponder was sabotaged. Okay, your on-board computer should show Miller's last recorded location and the route her Lawmaster took to get there."

  A map of the dust zone appeared on Dredd's computer screen with a red line leading into the area. The line stopped not far from Dredd's position. "Thanks for that, Brady."

  "Don't mention it. I just hope you find her alive."

  "One last thing. Who else knows about these transponders?"

  "Everyone in Tek-Division, some Street Judges, Sector Chiefs, plenty of people at Justice Central. An announcement about them is due any day. Oh, and the external company that supplied them - Summerbee Industries."

  "Second time I've heard that name tonight. Dredd out." He switched off his motorcycle and dismounted. If Miller's ride had been sabotaged or destroyed nearby, those responsible might still be in the area. Advancing on foot could provide an element of surprise. Dredd crept forwards on foot.

  Getting anyone on the top floor of Oswald Mosley to open their door proved even more difficult for Riff than further down the building. His report suggesting aliens were responsible for Kasey's disappearance was due for broadcast any minute. It was doubtful the new arrival on the hundredth floor would be watching Channel 27, but some human residents below might be. When that quote from Sivell went out, the trouble inside Oswald Mosley could only escalate. This was Riff's last chance to get the aliens' side of the story.

  He had hammered on the doors of all the top floor con-apts without success. Either those inside did not hear him or they were refusing to answer. Eventually a fearsome R'qeen appeared. One of his arms was broken and his head badly bruised. The reporter recognised him as the offworlder who had fought the two Judges outside Robert Hatch. Could abducting the girl be some kind of revenge for that incident? Riff kept his speculations to himself and smiled broadly.

  "My apologies for disturbing you at this time of the night."

  "What are you doing here?" Nyon demanded in Allspeak.

  The reporter hoped Channel 27 had access to auto-translators and asked his next question in halting Allspeak. "I understand there has been some commotion in Oswald Mosley Block tonight. Residents have complained about their con-apts being subjected to an unauthorised search by the building's Citi-Def squad."

  "Are those the thugs who stormed in here and assaulted my pairling?"

  "Yes, I believe so. I'm investigating this for Channel 27. Would you be willing to talk about what happened?"

  Nyon smiled. "Yes! The truth about this must be told!"

  "Perhaps I could come in?" Riff asked, smiling ingenuously.

  The R'qeen stood aside, letting Maltin and the hovercam enter. Once they were inside Nyon began ranting and raving about the methods used by the Citi-Def. "One of them threatened our broodling Misch. We have only been in this building a few hours and already we are accused of a crime!"

  "What crime was this?"

  "The humans claimed we had taken one of their young. They searched this and all the other con-apts, but could not find her because she is not here. They probably thought we planned to kill her and then eat her!"

  Riff nodded. "There is a lot of misunderstanding about R'qeen ways."

  "We have endured enough. No more humans should be allowed to set foot on this floor. Those that try will learn exactly what R'qeen do to their enemies!"

  Lleccas emerged from one of the side rooms. "Nyon!" she said in R'qeen. "What have you been saying to this human?"

  To Riff her alien speech sounded harsh and frightening. Perhaps now was a good time to make his way back to safer territory. He had no urge to end his days as a rotting corpse in an R'qeen charnel pit. The reporter began backing towards the front door. "Thanks for your time and hospitality," he said in Allspeak. "Perhaps we shall meet again soon."

  Nyon marched towards him and threw open the door. "Go now and tell the others. None may come here anymore. We have suffered enough at the hands of the humans. We will defend ourselves - by any means necessary!"

  Riff ran for the turbolift, the hovercam hurrying after him.

  Misch closed the door, having witnessed the encounter between her broodfather and the human. Bringing Kasey here had seemed like a good idea. But now events were beginning to spiral out of control. Misch did not know what to do next. If she sent her new friend back home, Kasey would probably suffer another beating. But if the human girl stayed here, Misch felt certain some greater tragedy lay ahead of them of all.

  The R'qeen child returned back to the hiding place beneath the lean-to. Kasey was fast asleep, her face happy and contented in contrast to the dark bruises on its surface.

  I can't send her back, Misch decided. She's my friend. I have to protect her.

  "For Grud's sake, Riley, put the Lawgiver down," Miller pleaded. "We both know you're not going to shoot me."

  "Do we?" Riley asked.

  "Maybe it's not too late for you. I could testify on your behalf, say Stammers had some hold over you. He was threatening to tell everyone about us, what we did on that hotdog run."

  "One lie to solve another?"

  "What are your alternatives?" she asked.

  "Kill you and push your body in the same chem pit as your Lawmaster. Say Stammers attacked me when I discovered he was behind the fire at Robert Hatch and I killed him defending myself. I'll probably get a commendation."

  "I wouldn't hold your breath," a voice growled from the shadows. Riley spun round to see Dredd walking towards him, with his Lawgiver ready to fire. "You might be able to get off a shot before I do. I'm getting old and some people think I'm slowing down. Maybe they're right and maybe they're wrong. But you better kill me with the first shot to be sure - you won't get a second chance."

  Riley's glance flickered sideways to Miller. "How long have you known he was watching us?"

  "Long enough," she said.

  "So the offer to lie for me. That was another betrayal?"

  "I had to keep you talking long enough for Dredd to get into a better position."

  "Grud but you're a bitch, Miller!"

  "No, I'm a Mega-City One Judge doing my job," she snarled, leaping at Riley. He tried to bring his Lawgiver round to fire but she was too fast. She knocked him to the ground and sent his helmet flying off. Dredd moved towards them, trying to get an angle for a clean shot, but the pair kept rolling over and over, the gun trapped between them. Then a single shot echoed around the dust zone.

  "Miller! Are you all right?" Dredd shouted.

  She rolled away from Riley, her chest covered in blood. "No, no..." she sobbed. But it was Riley who lay dying, a gaping wound underlining his fate.

  Dredd crouched beside the body, straining to hear any last words. "Have you a final confession to make?"

  Riley nodded, blood welling in his mouth then running down either side of his face. He coughed a red mist before speaking. "They-they used us... Used me... Showed me a file-"

  "Who used you?" Dredd hissed.

  "Summ-Summerbee..." Riley whispered. Then his eyes rolled back into his skull and he was gone. Dredd leaned forward and brushed one hand over the dead man's eyes, closing them.

  "Rest in peace," he murmured.

  Miller was still sobbing on the ground between the corpses of Stammers and Riley. Dredd waited until the worst of it had passed before speaking again. "Looks like you've been in the wars."

  "Is that a joke?" she asked.

  "Simply stating a fact. You should know by now, I don't make jokes."

  "Jovus, do I look that bad?" Miller staggered to the nearest chem pit to look at her reflection. "Yes, I do. How'd you find us?"

  "A tip from Brady got me to the remains of your Lawmaster. Riley's ranting and raving was loud enough to bring me here." Dredd pulled an electronic key from his utility belt and undid the handcuffs behind her back. Miller winced as
she tried to rub some life back into her arms, the wrists red and raw from where the metal had cut into her flesh. Dredd helped pull her bodysuit back up into place.

  "Stammers wanted to get up close and personal," she said. "I persuaded him it was a bad idea, Mean Machine style."

  "That explains your black eyes."

  "What did Riley say before he died?"

  "That he'd been used. Someone showed him a file."


  "Summerbee." Dredd studied the dead Judges. "Miller, do you know anything about this file he mentioned?"

  She zipped up the front of her bodysuit. "Riley saw a sealed report on how his brother was killed and eaten by the R'qeen during the Colony Wars. That's why Riley was willing to see Robert Hatch burn. But how would Summerbee Industries have access to that file?"

  "A good question," Dredd replied. "I think it's high time I paid a visit to Werner Summerbee, to find out if he has the answer."

  "You want me to come along as back-up?"

  "I can handle anybody called Werner," Dredd said. "Besides, you need to have Med-Division check your injuries and get a fresh uniform. What's left of that one doesn't exactly meet regulations." He activated his helmet radio. "Dredd to Control: I've found Miller. Judges Stammers and Riley are dead - they were holding Miller prisoner in the Sector 87 dust zone and planned to execute her. Have you got a trace on my signal?"

  "That's a roj," Control replied.

  "Good. Send a meat wagon for the stiffs and an H-Wagon to take Miller back to the sector house."

  "SJS will want to interview both of you."

  "Stammers and Riley will still be dead at the end of my shift. Tell the SJS they can interview me then. Dredd out!" He switched frequency on his helmet radio. "Bike to me!" Within seconds his riderless motorcycle had rolled into the clearing, responding to his summons. Dredd removed emergency flares and a first aid kit from the motorcycle and threw them to Miller before riding off, calling, "See you on the streets!"

  Conchita felt as if she were losing her mind. Frustration, anger and worry all fought for control of her feelings. Not only was Kasey still missing, but Dermot and Ramone had not returned from their rendezvous with Stammers. The Judge had been the investigating officer when Conchita's husband died. Stammers wanted to have the offworlder cubed for murder but was overruled by his superior officer, Judge Temple. Afterwards Stammers approached Conchita, expressing his dismay at how the case had gone. They had become lovers for a brief time but she broke off the relationship, not wanting to get Stammers into trouble with his superiors.


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