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Loose Ends (Magnolia Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Dawn, Taylor

  Grabbing the unfinished railing Ava let her hand glide over the planate surface as she took each step one by one to the lowest level. Once her feet left the last step and were secure on the floor below, she stood stock still and craned her neck to listen. Thump. Whatever it was sounded like it came from the kitchen. She soundlessly padded to the source and stood in the doorway, glancing around in a room that, like the rest of the house, was illuminated only by moonlight. The thumping noise sounded again by the doorway that led outside. Ava tip-toed over to it and looked down to where the wood of the door met the floor. Laying there gasping for air was a bird. Its wings flopped around like it was trying it’s best to escape its confines but it wasn’t getting very far. Having loved animals, Ava picked the creature up and held it out in the rays of moonlight that streamed through the glass window in the door. The poor thing was still gasping for air as she held it gently and looked it over. It wasn’t going to make it. After she’d come to that reality she unlocked and opened the back door to take it outside. At least it would be free while it took its last breath. Just as she went to step outside, Ava heard the thud of footsteps coming up the basement steps. Shit. She quickly ducked behind the door. Clearly it wasn’t Luke; he was still upstairs sleeping soundly. So it had to be Cole. Why she was hiding she didn’t know. But her circle of trust didn’t extend very far and she wasn’t about to be alone with someone she’d met only hours earlier.

  The poor bird flopped around in her palms while she stood hidden and soon it took a breath and went still. She listened as the footsteps came closer to the door and could hear Cole talking on his phone.

  “Yeah, I’m here. Don’t worry; I’ve got my eye on things.” Cole let out a laugh. “Not sure how deep he’s in but the fucker is going to be shocked, that’s for sure.” There was silence before the door opened and then, “Nah, I’ll have it all tied up soon. You know I’m the best at making sure loose ends don’t unravel too far.”

  Ava pretty much stopped listening after that part. What was he talking about? Was it something to do with his job? Or was he discussing Luke? So many scenarios played through her head. Ava wasn’t a trusting person—not after the shit she went through a little over two years ago—but for some reason she trusted Luke. If he was in trouble, she’d want him to know.

  The door swung open so violently Ava didn’t have time to stop it. She felt the heavy wood batter her body and let out a yelp.

  “What the fuck?” Cole’s voice sounded on the other side. He pulled the door shut and Ava stood there holding her head where it’d smacked her. “What the hell are you doing back there?” he bit out, his expression was full of suspicion. She tried to focus her eyes but everything looked blurry. “Is that a dead bird?” She’d forgotten all about the deceased animal in her free hand.

  “What the hell is going on down here?” Ava heard Luke’s voice.

  “I don’t know, man. I flung open the door and she was hiding behind it,” Cole explained.

  “Ava, sweetheart, look at me,” Luke said softly, lifting her gaze to his. “What the heck is that? Jesus, a dead bird? Do I even want to know why you’re holding a dead bird?”

  “It was trapped,” Ava tried to explain.

  “Let me have that thing.” Luke wrenched the animal from her hands and flung it out the back door. He looked at her face which held a bit of sadness. “Oh, no. We are not having a fucking funeral or a candlelight vigil for a bird.”

  Ava rubbed her head and winced. “I didn’t say I wanted a funeral for it. But it deserved better than to be tossed out the door like that.”

  Cole snickered beside her. “Look, I’m heading back to bed. You might want to put some ice on that bump.” He left the room and Ava was standing there with a worried Luke.

  “Here.” he pulled out a chair from the small kitchen table. “Sit down. I’ll make an ice pack.” Sounds of rattling ice trays and a bag being opened was all she could hear while Luke worked to make a pack to help her head. When he was done he pulled up a chair next to her and held the bag to her injury.

  “Thanks,” she groaned.

  “What were you doing down here anyway?” he asked.

  “I heard a noise. I think that bird got in here somehow and was injured. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “It’s fine.”

  Ava waited for a bit before bringing up the one-sided conversation she’d overheard Cole having. “Luke, I heard Cole on the phone. I think you’re in trouble,” she whispered, not wanting the other man to hear her if he was within earshot.

  “What makes you think that?” Luke sat back and crossed his arms over his bare chest. Of course her girl parts had to come to life right now. Ugh. But she pushed those feelings aside and told him what she’d heard. Luke didn’t interrupt or try to interject anything until she was finished. “It’s nothing. He has all kinds of problems with his work. Probably some dickhead got out of line again,” Luke defended.

  Ava trusted him so why would she question what he was saying. He knew his cousin better than anyone, she supposed. “Okay. I just wanted to make sure.” She felt the ice melting in the bag and pulled it away from her head. “I think I’m going back to bed. I’m tired and of course have a brain ache now.” Luke took the pack from her and tossed it into the kitchen sink.

  “I’ll be up in a bit.”

  Disappointment swamped her knowing he wasn’t coming back to bed with her right away, but maybe he had something he needed to do. So she traipsed through the house, up the staircase and back to Luke’s bedroom. Slipping under the sheets she lay back and let her eyes drift shut while catching Luke’s scent in the bed. Everything smelled like him. It was one of the most heavenly aromas she’d ever inhaled. Damn, she sounded like a creepy stalker now.


  “Fuck,” Luke bit out after he heard Ava close his bedroom door. He sat at the table and leaned forward, propping his elbows on the antique wood.

  “Problems?” Cole walked in and took a seat across from him.

  “She heard you talking, you know. I told you to be careful. What about that didn’t you understand?” Luke was pissed. He’d laid the ground rules for the other man but he didn’t seem to give a damn.

  “How the hell was I to know she’d be up at three a.m. trying to save a damn bird?” Cole sat there with nonchalance all over his face.

  “What were you doing downstairs?”

  “Making some adjustments.” He stood. “Want to see?” He opened the basement door and motioned to the bottom.

  Luke stood and followed him. “Why the hell not.”

  The men descended the steps into the damp basement. Cole flipped on the overhead light and bathed Luke’s worktable with illumination. He then threw back the cloth covering that hid the items underneath.

  Cole picked up the high powered rifle and aimed it at a far wall. “Your wind-gauge was fucked up. I took it apart and readjusted it. See for yourself. It should turn a lot better now.” Cole handed him the gun.

  Luke sat the firearm on the table, pulled the bipod into position and leaned down, putting his face to the cheek piece. He peered out the scope and twisted the wind-gauge. “Yeah, you’re right. It needed that.” Luke laid the piece of equipment back on the table.

  “Where’s your other stuff stashed?” Cole asked as he rounded the table. “I looked but didn’t see anything but this one.”

  Luke let out a laugh. “Sorry, buddy, that’s for me to know and you to wonder about. Anyway, I’m beat, I’m gonna head back upstairs. Do yourself a favor and stay out of my shit,” he said over his shoulder.

  “You wound me, man,” Cole laughed.

  Luke had known Cole for about ten years, but that didn’t mean he appreciated him digging around in his stuff. One rule Luke had was the one where no one was allowed to touch his tools unless it was him. Those were the tools of the trade and Cole knew better than to put his meat hooks all over them. Luke switched off the small light and made his way back to the kitchen. He went over to the sink,
bracing his hands on the edge and peered outside. Letting out a puff of air he grinned and shook his head while thinking about Ava and the dead bird. Silly woman. He chuckled out loud at the absurdity of her feeling bad about the dead creature.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The next morning Ava woke to the sound of her phone ringing so loud it could’ve woken all of Mississippi. She rolled over and snatched it off the nightstand. Brandi. Before she answered it she chanced a look behind her; nope, no Luke. He must’ve gotten up early to go for a run.

  “Good morning,” Ava greeted her friend.

  “I thought you were supposed to call me last night?”

  “Damn. I must’ve forgotten. I’m sorry.”

  “Yeah, well it’s good to know you weren’t hacked into bite-sized chunks. How are things going?”

  She heard the sound of Brandi taking a sip of something. Probably coffee which was something Ava had a hankering for, big time.

  “I’m still in one piece. Although Luke’s cousin showed up last night. He’s quite strange.”

  “Oooh, is he hot?”

  “Would you stop it? I didn’t realize you were so hard up.”

  “Are you kidding? I could rub against every fence post between here and Texas and it still wouldn’t relieve this damn tension,” Brandi complained.

  “And I’ll never look at a fence post the same way. Listen, I’ll call you back later. I want to grab some coffee and wake up more.”

  “Alright. But if I don’t hear from you, my ass is driving out there with guns-a-blazing.”

  “Deal. Bye.” Ava hung up and tossed her phone back on the nightstand. She swung her feet over the side of the bed and quickly made her way downstairs.

  Searching the living room and kitchen she didn’t see any sign of Luke or Cole. She shrugged and grabbed a mug down from the cabinet. As the coffee poured into her cup she happened to look out the window above the sink and saw Luke with a shovel. He tossed it down by a tree and bent down to lower something into the hole. What if he’s really a serial killer and hiding bodies out there? Ava thought. But that was insane; Luke wasn’t a killer. He was just a sweet southern guy who she’d grown extremely close to in a short period of time. Besides, the hole wasn’t big enough to hide an entire body. Maybe a hand or foot, but not the whole thing. Ava laughed at the thought.

  As she filled her cup and took it to the table to enjoy, Luke walked in, brushing soil from the front of his jeans. “Damn it’s a hot one out there,” he commented.

  “It’s Mississippi. Comes with the territory.” Ava chuckled.

  “Smartass.” He bent down to kiss the top of her head.

  “So, what were you putting in that hole? You suddenly decide to have a green thumb?” Ava laughed again.

  “Nope. I was burying a body.” Ava’s head shot up and goosebumps covered her body. “Relax, it wasn’t a human body.”

  “Oh. Then what was it?”

  “Your dead bird.” Luke shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal, but it was a huge deal to her. He’d taken the time to dig a hole and make a grave for the unfortunate winged creature.

  Ava laid her hand on his arm. “Luke, that was so sweet. Thank you.” She leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to his warm cheek.

  “It was nothing.”

  “You may think it was nothing but I happen to think it was kind and considerate.” She took her empty mug to the sink and leaned her butt against it. “What are we doing today? You don’t want me to open my shop, so what sort of things do you have to keep me busy?”

  “I could think of several ways to keep you busy. Most of them would involve screaming orgasms,” he teased.

  “Ugh, get a fucking room,” Cole said as he strode in. Ava’s face flamed as he pinned her with a heated stare. Damn she didn’t like him. “Hey, man, I’ve gotta head over to Gulfport for the day. I’ll be back later.” Cole slapped Luke on the back and then left.

  “What’s he doing in Gulfport?” Ava asked.

  “No clue.” Luke stood and headed through the house.

  “I’m gonna take a shower. Get dressed.”

  “Where’re we going?”

  “Town. Grocery shopping to be exact. Figured you could help me.”

  “Okay,” she called as he took the steps two at a time.

  How strange that Luke wanted her to do another domestic thing with him. He still didn’t seem like the kind of guy to love any sort of domestic duties. Oh well. Ava wanted to grab a few things anyway. She tromped up the steps and into his bedroom where the steam from the shower was escaping the bathroom through the open door. Riffling through her bags she pulled out a summer dress that would keep her cool for the day. The heat was about to get to her. Of course she was used to the weather now, but it didn’t make her like it. She changed quickly, slid her feet into a comfy pair of flip flops and went back downstairs. She’d just mill around while Luke finished with his shower.

  Finding a narrow hallway with a high ceiling, Ava walked down it and ended up at a closed door. Her better judgement told her to turn back but the curious side of her told her to open the door and see what was in there. So she did. She grabbed the antique brass knob, twisted it and pushed the door open. Stale air surrounded her as she stepped into the sparse room. It was a bedroom—half the size of Luke’s, with only a bed and a wooden chair sitting close by. Two of the spindles on the chair were missing but that’s not what caught her attention. The matte black pistol laying there caused her to take a step back. Cole had taken up residence in this room. But why would he have a gun in here? The hairs on the back of her neck stood to attention as she neared the chair and crouched down to get a better look at the menacing firearm. It still had the serial number intact so that meant it wasn’t hot. Well, it could’ve been stolen but a good criminal would’ve filed the number off to keep heat off themselves. She’d seen plenty of that in her old life back in Chicago. She knew the basics of the trade and this gun didn’t look like it had ‘fallen off the back of a truck’. It looked closer to a police issue weapon. Ava sucked in a sharp breath. Was Cole law enforcement? Oh shit. Did he know who she really was? Ava lifted her hand toward the gun and ran a finger over the semi-rough surface. The grooves bit into her finger like shark teeth trying to devour her entire being. Panic began to bubble up in her stomach and bile rose at the thought that Cole might be here to hurt her.

  “What are you doing in here?” Luke’s voice cut through the haze in her brain.

  She couldn’t help her reaction as her nerves jumped so hard and landed her on her ass. “I was…” she couldn’t even finish her sentence.

  “Ava, you need to stop snooping around.” Luke grabbed her under her arms and pulled her upright. She turned around to look at his face. “What’s wrong?” He asked.

  She turned around to the chair and pointed at the black menace lying on the wooden chair. “Why does Cole have a gun?”

  “A lot of men carry guns. It’s nothing unusual.” He blew it off.

  “But that one is law enforcement issue,” she said with a shaky voice.

  “How do you know that?” Luke raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

  How was she going to explain she knew all about guns? She couldn’t. If she even tried, she’d blow the story she’d so perfectly constructed. That wasn’t happening. “I’ve watched a lot of crime shows.” She hoped he believed her stupid lie.

  Luke placed his hands on her shoulders and lowered his face to meet hers. “Cole has a gun, big deal. I have a gun in the basement, right?”

  “Yes,” she said nodding.

  “So, like I said. It isn’t a big deal. Now, let’s get out of here and grab some supplies. Okay?” he cajoled.

  “Okay.” She took one last look at the pistol before following Luke out the door and shutting it firmly behind her.

  She still didn’t like Cole. Something was off about him and she intended to figure out what that something was. She needed to get ahold of Brandi to have her do some digging. Ava didn’t own a co
mputer for fear that her online activity could be traced. Her phone was a prepaid one she changed out every month; new number and all. She wasn’t taking any chances. One wrong move and they would be able to pinpoint her location and move in. She’d spent the last two years being cautious and it wasn’t going to stop now. Hopefully Brandi would be willing to do some digging around and find information on Cole.


  Jesus, if Ava didn’t stop snooping around, Luke’s cover would be blown in no time. Damn Cole Matthews and him leaving his shit out where anyone could see it. The man knew better. But he was a fuck head who had no regard for being caught. Luke made sure his shit was hidden at all times—besides his rifle in the basement. And that was an easy lie to pass off. Ava believed him and he hoped it stayed that way. But currently driving his truck down the two lane highway while watching the beautiful creature stare out her window, he considered telling her everything. But he just couldn’t do that. It would devastate her and make her hate him. He would keep his secrets for a bit longer and hold on to her while he could. He only hoped Cole didn’t open his fucking mouth and let everything hang out.

  “I was thinking…since Cole is staying, maybe we could invite Brandi for a barbeque or something,” Ava said sweetly.

  “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. When were you thinking?” He tightened his hands around the leather of the steering wheel. He didn’t really want her friend there, but if it made her more comfortable he’d concede. Maybe she’d forget about what she’d seen earlier.

  “Tonight? I mean, if that’s okay with you?” She peered over at him. How the hell could he say no to an angelic face like that? He couldn’t.

  “Sure. Why don’t you give her a call once we get to the grocery store? Maybe she’ll want to bring something. I’ll give Cole a shout and let him know what’s going down, too. I have a couple calls to make anyway.”

  “Oh, okay.” She shrugged.

  They drove in silence for the remaining ten miles and when they got into town, he found the local grocery store. He parked a couple rows from the front entrance and cut the engine. “Here.” He handed Ava a couple hundred bucks in cash. “Go on in and grab what you need. I’ll be out here making my calls and I’ll come in and meet you.”


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