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Page 7

by Terry Towers

  He pulled me tighter to his mouth, probing deeper and making me cry out. The tension within me increased; I was coming so close, so close that my stomach began a giant coil in anticipation of release. His day-old shadow on his chin rubbed against my tender skin, taking me even higher, propelling me faster to my building release.

  I began to buck wildly, my fingers digging so deep into his shoulders that had it not been for his t-shirt protecting his flesh, no doubt I would have drawn blood. He didn’t seem to mind or notice. He was a man on a mission, intent on feeling me unravel for him, and he was not to be denied.

  Just when I thought I couldn’t take another moment of his mouth and fingers’ sweet torture I cried out, my body vibrating as the tension that had built within me came unleashed as my pussy clenched around his tongue for a split second before a gush of my juices greeted his tongue and awaiting lips. However, his fingers and tongue refused to quit their sweet torture until a second and third set of spasms rocked through my body.

  It was as if every ounce of energy within me drained as the final spasm rocked through my body and my limbs became limp, unable to support my weight. Sensing my exhaustion, Jaxson quickly stood and gathered me into his arms. Without a word he carried me across the room and into my bedroom. Gently, he laid me onto the bed and leaned over me, capturing my lips with his in a tender, heart-warming kiss. The taste of my juices greeted my lips and tongue as our tongues briefly danced before he pulled back and placed one final kiss on my forehead.

  “Stay with me.” I reached for him, but he stepped away and gave his head a shake.

  “Not tonight, honey.”

  “We don’t have to…”

  He grinned that hot, sexy grin that made my stomach do flip-flops. “If I stay I’ll never be able to hold myself back.”

  I wanted to protest, but knew he wouldn’t change his mind, and dammit I was tired. So tired. But happy.

  “Sweet dreams.”

  I barely heard him as my exhaustion took over.


  “Fuck.” The word came out as a hiss between my clenched teeth as I closed Anastasia’s door and leaned back against it. There was a severe fight going on within me and it was taking all of my willpower not to go back in there and take what my cock was demanding. Dammit, she’d asked me to fuck her, invited me into her bed. It was what I’d been wanting from the day I’d first met her – two months ago.

  What in the hell was I waiting for? But here I was on the other side of the door harbouring one of the worst cases of blue balls I’d ever had in my life. The fact that the taste of her was still on my lips wasn’t helping matters; it only reminded me of how much I needed her. If she were any other woman I’d have fucked her weeks ago.

  But I’d meant what I’d said. I suspected her husband wasn’t the only man who’d mistreated her. And those scars on her stomach… I had so many questions it was driving me to insanity. I didn’t want to be another of a long string of assholes only wanting her for what they could get from her. I wanted to be different.

  And then there was the kid. The kid deserved a good male role model – a proper father.

  Pushing myself off of her door I crossed the hallway and entered my apartment, pulling my t-shirt up and over my head and tossing it onto the back of the sofa as I passed through the living room, toward the bathroom.

  What I needed was a shower, a cold shower. Leaving a trail of clothing in my wake, by the time I reached the bathroom I was naked, my cock jutting out before me standing strong and proud, the head swollen to maximum potential. There was only one way to relieve the pressure and pain. Turning on the shower, I stepped in under the warm stream of water. Positioning myself with my back against the stream of water I took my shaft in my hand and began to stroke it.

  Visions of Anastasia, naked and moaning softly came to the forefront of my mind, the taste of her still on my lips enhancing the memory. I envisioned her on her knees before me, her tiny hand grasping as much of my length as possible, as her tongue teased the tip.

  My grip on my cock tightened as I increased the speed of my hand. I had no desire to prolong this, or continue with my agony. I wanted to come, fast and hard.

  How tight would she be? Would her pussy be as wet and eager as it had been earlier?

  Closing my eyes I envisioned her lying on the bed, naked, her golden hair spread on the pillow around her head like a satiny, golden halo. I’d settle between her legs, and she would moan out my name, begging me to take her. I groaned as I rapidly came to my point of no return. I began to rock against my hand, my hips thrusting in time with my strokes.

  Damn, I wish I were across the hall with her right now. I cursed myself for not being the selfish womanizing man-whore I’d built the reputation of being. I could have been indulging in her instead of jacking off in the shower like some desperate teenager.

  But in the blink of an eye, it no longer mattered. My cock pulsed, thickened and I groaned loudly as a stream of my cum shot from my cock and onto the shower floor at my feet.

  Oh, thank God. Giving my cock a final jerk, I released my deflated dick and went about taking a quick shower before heading to bed.

  Chapter 8


  The first thing I heard when I awoke was the brisk chatter coming from the kitchen. A frown creased my brow as I sat up and strained to hear what was being said and by whom. With my door closed I couldn’t make it out. Tossing the blanket to the side, I slipped out of bed and in my pajamas padded barefoot across the bedroom floor to the door.

  Taking a deep breath in, I could smell Jaxson’s cologne, which still lingered on my top and my skin. Or maybe it was my imagination. I’d spent over an hour after he left thinking about him and the pleasure he’d given me, re-enacting those minutes over and over in my head until I fell into an exhausted sleep. But despite that there was still a sting from his rejection. He’d rejected me in such a sweet and admirable way, but it was still a rejection.

  Forcing the memories from my head I opened the bedroom door. As soon as the door opened, the voices in the kitchen turned silent and a surge of fear rushed through me and I froze in the spot, fear escalating to terror. What if Alexander were here?

  The thought of Alexander forced me into action. I ran across the living room and skidded to a stop as I rounded the corner and came face to face with Ura sitting at the kitchen table eating a bowl of cereal as Jaxson, wearing a tight-fitting black t-shirt and jeans, placed bacon into a frying pan then turned to face me, flashing me his oh-so-sexy grin.

  Heat raced to my cheeks as a quick flash of his mouth on me came racing to mind. My mouth dropped open momentarily; I quickly snapped it shut again. “Jaxson? What are you doing here?”

  “I was hungry,” Ura offered, then spooned another scoop of chocolaty cereal into his mouth.

  “And?” I motioned toward Jaxson. “I’m still confused.”

  Jaxson left the stove, pulled a wooden kitchen chair out and motioned for me to sit down. “He said he couldn’t wake you up so he came to get me.”

  “Ura!” Shaking my index finger at him I sat down on the chair Jaxson pulled out for me. “You should never, ever leave this apartment without me knowing.”

  “Awwww. Mamo. It was just Jaxson.” He scooped another load of cereal and shoved it into his mouth.

  “It wasn’t a bother.” I looked up and met Jaxson’s gaze. The bugger winked at me, the corners of his lips twitching, as he placed a hand on my shoulder giving it a light squeeze. “You had an exhausting night last night.”

  I continued to keep my stare locked to his, despite the flush that once again heated my cheeks. “Not as exhausting as it could have been,” I was quick to retort.

  We stared into each other’s eyes for what felt like an eternity, but was closer to seconds. Desire flared up into his dark eyes and I patted myself on the back. You had your chance pal, I silently scolded him.

  He was the one to break the stare-down as he cleared his throat and released m
y shoulder, heading back to the stove and fiddling with the bacon and eggs. “Are you up for some bacon and eggs? Ura wanted cereal, but I figured I’d make you something as well. I was planning on waking you with breakfast in bed when it was done.”

  Breakfast in bed? For me? No one had ever treated me to breakfast in bed before.

  “Then play Xbox with me.” Ura’s voice broke into my thoughts before I could spend much time overthinking it. He looked up at Jaxson. “We playing Xbox. Yes?”

  “Sure, little man.” Jaxson turned to Ura and ruffled his hair. “As long as your mother says it’s okay.”

  “How are you feeling Ura? You should be in bed.”

  Ura shrugged and pointed to his throat. “Okay. Choke still hurt. But okay.”

  “You mean your throat still hurts,” I corrected him.

  He nodded.

  I looked from Ura to Jaxson and then back again, both pleading me with their eyes. Letting out a sigh, I nodded. “All right.” Straightening up in the chair I wagged my finger at Ura, then at Jaxson. “Not long. You need sleep, Ura, so you can get better.”

  “Awww. Mamo.”

  I gave him my best no-nonsense look and his protest immediately quieted, but a pout remained on his lips. “Yes.”

  “Breakfast is served.” Jaxson placed a plate in front of me with bacon, eggs and hash browns and then proceeded to place a second plate next to mine and took a seat between me and Ura.


  “How about you get the game started and I’ll be in to join you in a minute. I need to talk with your mother a minute,” I said to Ura as I cleared the breakfast plates from the table. Ura readily agreed and took off to his room, a wide grin on his face. I’d beaten him during our previous ring-gathering challenge. Ura was determined I wouldn’t beat him again.

  “You don’t need to do that, Jax,” Anastasia protested as I began to fill the sink with water to do the morning dishes. “Really, you cooked breakfast, the least I can do is do the dishes.”

  “We need to talk anyhow.”

  “If this is about last night…” Her cheeks turned rosy and she redirected her gaze, grabbing a dishcloth from one of the kitchen drawers.

  I chuckled at her reaction. “It is and isn’t...” Turning her gaze back to me she lifted a brow, but said nothing. “I’d like to take you out on a date.”

  The look that she gave me as if she couldn’t comprehend what I was asking was comical, but at the same time confusing.

  “A date?” Her brow furrowed. “What do you mean?”

  It was my turn to feel uneasy. This wasn’t the reaction I normally got when I asked a woman out. Surely she knew what a date was. “You know, I take you out to dinner, maybe a movie, maybe something more original. We go. Hopefully have a good time. You know… A date.”

  Her frown deepened as she began to wring the dishcloth in her hands. “We’re friends, Jaxson. I don’t think…”

  “I think we both know that isn’t entirely true, Anna.”

  “I’m married, Jaxson.”

  I scowled down at her. It pissed me off how her life and happiness were ruled by that asshole, married or not. “Yes, you’re right. We shouldn’t go on a date because we don’t want to destroy the happy marriage you have going on with your abusive husband you’re on the run from.” As soon as the words came past my lips I regretted them. Seeing the look of hurt flash in her blue eyes tore at me. I could be such an unthinking bastard sometimes. Removing the dishtowel from her hands, I took her hands in mine, brought them to my lips and kissed the backs lightly. “I’m sorry, Anna. That was a dick thing to say. I’m sorry.”

  She gave her head a shake, pulling her hands from mine and turning off the water flowing into the sink just as it was about to overflow. “You don’t understand the situation.”

  My frustration grew. Of course I didn’t, but whose fault was that? It wasn’t as if I hadn’t tried for over two months now. “I want to understand, Anastasia.”

  “I can’t.” She pulled her hands from mine. Using the washcloth she began to scrub down a plate. Once done she passed it to me to dry off.

  I began drying the plate, set it on the counter and waited for the next one. “We’re getting off topic here. Fact is we’re not friends. We both know it, no matter what you want to tell yourself.”

  Dropping the plate she was washing down into the sink she turned to look at me, her eyes staring into mine. “You’re the one who said you don’t do relationships. The love and leave them bachelor. I’m not going to be that. Some one-night stand.” Her expression softened, although her accent had become thick. “Why ruin our friendship?”

  It was already ruined. We both knew it. I was just willing to admit it – although I deeply regretted allowing her to see my selfish side when we’d first met. Until that moment, I never thought or cared that it might one day come and bite me in the ass.

  “What will it hurt? Honestly. How will going out, just you and me, change how things are between us? We spend every day together as it is anyhow.”

  She was silent for what seemed like an eternity. “Okay. Okay. A date. We’ll go. Might be fun.”

  Her lack of enthusiasm was disheartening, but I’d take what I could get. “Good. I have an idea for us for tonight.”

  Her blue eyes grew wide. “Tonight?”

  “Yup. Give June a call when you’re done with the dishes and tell her it’s going to be a late night.” Rolling up the dishtowel I’d been using to wipe the plates, I gave it a quick flick across her bottom, causing her to yelp and scowl at me. Payback. Laughing, I tossed the towel onto the countertop and quickly exited the kitchen, before she could change her mind.


  A date. When was the last time I’d been on a date? Never. Not the kind of dates you read in romance novels or watched in those romantic movies. I went on arrangements. Been on tons of those. In regard to Alexander they were obligations. But none would be considered dates.

  “What you doing, Mamo?” I looked over at Ura strolling into my bedroom.

  “I have to find something to wear tonight.” If Jaxson had told me where we were going then I’d have an idea of what to wear. However, he refused to give me even a tiny hint. Ura pushed past me and peered into the small closet.

  “This one.” He tugged on the hem of a spaghetti-strap white dress with a form-fitting bodice that dipped low into my cleavage and a knee-length flowing skirt. It was very similar to the notorious Marilyn Monroe dress. Fun and sexy, but not too serious.

  “You have good taste.” I pulled out the dress and gave it one more inspection. Unless he was taking me bowling this would be perfect. “Thank you.”

  “Welcome.” Ura shrugged. “I like it.”

  I motioned for the bedroom door. “Okay. Now shoo so I can get ready.”

  “Okay.” He left, closing the door behind him.

  After dressing in the dress Ura picked out, I made my way into the bathroom and began to apply my makeup as I would every time I went out – dark and dramatic. I was nearly done perfecting the look when I froze with the tube of blood-red lipstick open and in my hand, staring at myself in the mirror. Did I even like how I looked with the dark cat-eye eyeliner accents? Did I really like red lipstick on myself? My hand lowered and I dropped the tube onto the countertop; it fell into the sink, leaving a dark red streak down the side of the white porcelain basin.

  I shook my head. No, I didn’t like either of those things. Alexander had liked them and demanded I look that way. He wanted me to look like I walked off some high-profile runway in Paris or Milan, not me. Anger rushed through me, making every nerve in my body vibrate. Damn him, damn him, damn him!

  Grabbing a washcloth from the holder on the wall, I drenched it with soap and water and began to scrub the makeup from my face until my face was a blank canvas, my ivory complexion rosy from the scrubbing I’d done. I’d been so foolish. Had I hated myself so much that I was fine spending two years of my life and Ura’s being Alexander’s puppet?r />
  What was wrong with me?

  “Mamo. Jaxson’s here,.” Ura called from the other side of the closed bathroom door while knocking loudly.

  Great. Raking a hand through my hair, staring at myself, it was at that moment that I realized something. I wasn’t under anyone’s thumb any longer. It was time to be me. I wasn’t quite sure what me really was, but maybe it was about time to begin figuring it out. This date with Jaxson, it was the beginning of that process.

  Chapter 9


  Each time the breeze would pick up the sweet hint of Anastasia’s jasmine-scented perfume drifted to my nose. I watched her intently out of the corner of my eye, trying not to be obvious, as we walked hand in hand down the beach. She had a look of wonderment and peace in her expression, something I rarely, if ever had seen from her before. At 11 pm the private beach was deserted and the perfect romantic setting. With the moon full in the clear night sky surrounded by thousands of bright stars, I couldn’t have asked for a better night.

  She looked stunning – but different. Good different – very good different – but if someone had told me she could look better than she’d looked previously I wouldn’t have believed it. It wasn’t necessarily how she appeared, but more the look in her eyes and the way she walked – without the sadness and anxiety, but instead with determination. Like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Something had changed within her and I longed for her to let me in enough to share with me.

  “I know I haven’t said it yet, but you look incredible tonight.”

  She’d been staring out onto the lake, which shimmered as the light from the moon and stars bounced off of it, and looked up at me. As she looked up and caught my gaze a lock of blonde hair whipped into her face, and she brushed it back. I couldn’t quite see the colour of her cheeks, but the way the corners of her lips curled up into a bashful smile, I knew she was blushing.


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