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The Necromancer: Necromancer Chronicles (Erotic Fantasy) Book 1

Page 4

by D. R. Rosier

  I had felt it before, the need to dominate, control. I had learned to suppress it, my human side, my guilt at what I was, mastering the demonic side of me. I still had to feed, but I didn’t have to leave a swath of destruction in my wake, no matter how appealing it was at times. But this was much more powerful, and I had a real struggle with myself. Humans were weak, it was easy to suppress the desire then, because I had nothing at all to prove.

  Kim was another supernatural, another predator, an alpha female. It was much harder this time around. I took a deep breath and managed to get a hold of myself, barely. I focused on Sara, that perpetual ten year old girl, held her in my mind’s eye. I knew there was manipulation involved, but it would kill me to see the look of disappointment in her eyes if I lost it in this place. I was half demon, but I refused to be a monster.

  She came over and put the beer down, looking at me warily.

  “Who are you, what do you want?”

  I said, “You aren’t going to like it, but I am here to give you a warning. Mark killed your mother through deception. Poison and… other things.”

  It was a bit blunt, but I wanted to get the warning out just in case she freaked out about me being a necromancer.

  She narrowed her eyes and said angrily, “Who are you, how do you know this?”

  Her body was shaking and she looked furious. Her eyes were a bright gold, and her body was shaking. She looked to be on the edge of losing it. Damn, she was so hot I wanted to grab her and take her right there on the table.

  I cleared my throat, “My name is Vince. I made a deal with your mother, she sent me to tell you.”

  I saw the alarm on her face and she took a sniff of air, her eyes widening a little. I felt both my demon side preening, knowing I could dominate this bitch, and also… shame. I did not want this strong proud woman to fear me. Or at least, a part of me didn’t.

  I deliberately took a sip of my beer and took on a relaxed pose.

  She growled out, “Why should I believe you. My mother would never be stupid enough to deal with a necromancer after death. Did you enslave her, what is your purpose here.”

  I sighed. “It is a desperate act of a mother to protect her child. Stupid perhaps, but she would not see you fall to the same man and similar treachery. She was desperate to prevent it. I agreed to pass on the warning if she served me for ten years. After that she will be free to move on. I don’t expect you to believe me, but I think enslaving the dead against their will is a perversion of my gifts. There is also a number of benefits to the way I do it, so it isn’t entirely selfless.”

  Blah, I shut my mouth. I hated trying to justify myself and now I was pissed. It wasn’t like she would believe me anyway.

  “I gave you the message, I’m done here.”

  I threw a twenty onto the table and stalked out the door. I walked a few blocks and went into another bar. Alcohol wasn’t much of a solution but it was all I could think of. I ordered a beer and sat down. May appeared before me looking both apprehensive, and grateful. Using the amulet I bound her for a term of ten years. Then I ordered her to watch her daughter. I could draw power from the bound ghosts wherever they were, and she looked too much like her frustrating kid, so I sent her away. I figured it might make her happy too, but mostly, I felt alone. Alone and angry wasn’t a good head space for a half demon. I was too dangerous for that.

  Oh, I had the other ghosts, and although I didn’t know really where I stood in Amy’s mind I enjoyed her company too. But ghosts and a bound against her will vampire weren’t a replacement for people who were alive and had their own will. Friends and family, they were only concepts for me. Problem there is, people were my victims. So I drank. Stupid, I know, but I had a good buzz on by the time I left to meet with the council.

  I made it about two blocks before heard Sara and Miri yell in my mind, “LOOK OUT!”

  I saw an explosion of light as someone nailed me from behind in the side of the head. If I hadn’t been half drunk, and paying attention, there was no way someone could have snuck up on me. My last conscious thought was that I’m an idiot.

  It was with some surprise when I woke up, head splitting. I took stock of myself and seemed okay, outside of the pain in my head anyway. I took a look around, I was in some kind of wooden building, a large shed, or a small barn. I was trussed up and in what looked like a stall, but there were no doors. I tried calling out with my mind and drawing power from my ghosts, but it didn’t work. I felt the cuffs around my wrists, it was definitely cutting off my necromancer magic.

  I called upon my demon side, wrapping my head in shadows, numbing the pain. It would help me think, and also increase my natural healing. I couldn’t heal like the sorcerers could, but I could speed up what was natural while preventing anything from getting worse by eliminating germs and foreign substances.

  I tried to dispel the cuffs, but I still wasn’t able to concentrate enough on that while keeping my head numb and healing. If I lived I would have to practice multitasking. I could hear breathing nearby, someone else and they were unconscious. What the fuck was going on? Who would do this and allow me to live? I should be dead. I’m so stupid, dealing with the other supernaturals for the first time and I have to drink… idiot.

  I heard a door open then slam shut.

  “Wake up ya hoar!” the sound of a foot meeting flesh reached my ears.

  I heard a voice cry out, I was pretty sure it was Kim’s voice but it was hard to tell as it was distorted by pain.

  Kim screamed, “Mark, what the fuck is this?”

  Mark said, “You’re just like your slut mother ain’t ya. I saw you spending time with that guy tonight.”

  Kim growled, then cried out as he kicked her again.

  She said, “What are you talking about, some crazy asshole told me…” her voice trailed off.

  I’m ashamed to say I felt smug at that moment, when she realized I told her the truth. I think I may have even smiled. He dragged her out of her stall into the open section, assumingly so I could see.

  “I’m gonna fuck you silly bitch, then kill the both of you. You’re mine.”

  Okay, and I thought I was evil… The look on his face was very disturbing. I heard Kim start to hyperventilate, her body twisting in desperation, but she appeared to have the same type of cuffs on that I did, and it prevented her from changing or breaking free. I gave up trying to unravel the spells, instead I wrapped the cuffs and chain in darkness, solidifying it like armor, pouring my anger into it.

  My necromancer powers rushed back, and I saw May in her wolf form. She was growling and snarling at Mark, jumping through him, trying to bite and claw him. But of course, she couldn’t, no one could see her, or feel her. I gathered my strength, preparing to break the cuffs now that they weren’t interfering with my power, but then smiled grimly. I had a better idea.

  I reached out to all my ghosts and pulled, funneling all that power through me and into May. I ignored Kim’s gasp and Mark’s panicked exclamation as she started to glow and solidify, becoming visible. She was surrounded by a powerful silver nimbus and her growl as well as the power of her aura filled the room. I smiled as she went for Mark’s jugular, her teeth digging into his throat, ripping and tearing as his high pitched girly scream turned into gurgle.

  May threw back her head and howled before shifting to her human form. I watched with a smile as she searched Mark’s pockets and pulled out the keys, unlocking the cuffs from me, then her daughter. I watched in awe as mother and daughter hugged, both too surprised and shocked to speak at this opportunity to say goodbye one last time, and at May being able to take revenge for her own death.

  They said their goodbyes as May left, fading from sight.

  Kim turned to me with glowing eyes, her magic swirling, pulsing around us. She was so beautiful I couldn’t look away. She walked up to me and wrapped her arms around me and put her head against my chest.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t believe you. Thank you for what you did, my mother wi
ll be able to cross now with her honor restored when her time comes, and thank you for saving me.”

  I was mesmerized by her presence, her power. The feel of her body yielding against mine, the warmth seemed to seep through our clothes. I gently pulled her head back by her hair and kissed her without a conscious decision. I wondered if she would slap me, but she deepened the kiss and I felt her chest rumble with a low growl as she nipped my bottom lip playfully.

  I was a demon, able to seduce almost any human with ease, but I found myself under her spell instead. The feel of her power, and the intensity of her stare. My demon side was quiet for once, she wasn’t challenging me, she was exultant and relieved, glad to be alive. I moved to pull her against me, but she pounced before I could, taking me to the ground. Her body on mine, grinding against me.

  She sat up, rubbing her center on my bulge as she pulled the shirt over her head. Her breasts were perfect B cups, her nipples pink and engorged, stretching the skin around them. I pulled my shirt off and she ran her hands across my chest, tracing the muscles. I pulled her down for a deep kiss, regretfully letting go long enough so we could strip our pants off.

  I felt an empty longing when the heat of her body left me, and sighed in pleasure as joined me again, her nipples teasing my chest, her soft long hair teasing my neck and shoulders as her core rubbed up and down my length aggressively. She smiled at me, drawing out one of my own in reflex.

  She was beautiful, and I mean everything about her. Her power, her confidence and the beauty of her supple and inviting body. I had the absurd thought that maybe drinking wasn’t such a bad idea after all. I ran my hands down her sides and around to her ass, squeezing the tight yet soft fleshy globes.

  “What are you? You’re so… not typical for a necromancer.”

  Her body shivered and she kissed me hungrily, not waiting for an answer. I ran my hands back up her body and around, teasing her nipples, lost in her kiss, and her scent. She growled, and I gasped as she ran her hand down my body, wrapping her fingers around my hardened flesh. She stroked it a few times and nipped my lip again as she angled my manhood and impaled herself on it.

  She was amazingly tight, snug and her hot slick walls started to undulate and massage my length. I had never felt anything like it before. I gasped and she smiled.

  She winked and said almost smugly, “We shape shifters have perfect control over our forms.”

  Despite that claim she started out slow, getting used to my length and girth filling her center as she rode me. I reached up and tweaked her nipples, pulling slightly on them drawing a gasp from her full lips, her pleasure tightened around me in response. She started to speed up, riding me up and down, our bodies slapping together as I pushed up to meet her down stroke.

  “Oh god! Fuck! I’m going to cum!” she screamed. Her voice cut out to a gasp as her molten core tightened around me.

  Her whole body shook as she went into orgasm, her energy, her life force, started to fill me. It was just as mind boggling as the rest of her. Compared to feeding on a human… It was the difference between a dry cracker and a succulent beef. It overwhelmed me and I cried out, spilling my seed into her greedy womb as her sheath milked me.

  It affected me profoundly. I almost cried because I knew I could never again sleep with her. She looked content, fully sated, but exhausted as she rolled off of me and put her head on my chest. We laid there, in the dirt and I felt her soft mewl of contentment as she had an aftershock of pleasure.

  She fell asleep on my chest. I carefully laid her down and got dressed. I looked at the dead body and sent a whisper of power into it. It had no soul, but it was enough to get it to go dig its own grave and pull the dirt in on top of itself. I sent it off into the forest to do just that. I put her clothes back on her and sent a message to may, asking where she lived.

  I just couldn’t leave her lying in the dirt, next to a puddle of blood. She lived in the Chicago suburbs, and we were way out, in a forest somewhere. I found asshole’s car and drove to her house, May giving me directions. When I got there, I surround both her and myself in shadows, disguising the sounds and our scents, I really didn’t want to meet another pack member with her passed out in my arms. I didn’t know if any lived near or even with her, better safe than sorry.

  After dropping her in her home, I decided to go to mine. I wasn’t really in the mood to deal with the council and it was probably too late anyway, I was still high on her energy and what we shared. Plus, my clothes were completely screwed. It would keep for one more night. I stepped out of her house and built wings. I wasn’t the best flyer, flying was usually exhilarating, with moments of terror thrown in. But I took to the skies and headed for my neighborhood. I collected my car from the Metra station and then I headed home.

  Chapter 4 – Anise

  Anise Thomas. It wasn’t a bad name, I would miss Golde though. I had to sneak out of town, I couldn’t really report to the council where I was going as was standard policy. Last thing I needed was them calling ahead to Chicago and letting them a known Angel was on the way. I would miss Seattle, it rained a little too much, but it was a good city.

  I also changed my appearance a bit. Apparently Silas was head of the council there. A vampire, being long lived, might possibly remember me. Last time I was there he was just a fledgling… but he was there. I just made subtle changes though, my hair a little more golden, my eyes a deeper shade of blue. I also added a couple of inches, making myself five foot three.

  I thought about cutting my hair, but I liked it too much to bother. The subtle changes should be enough, I even wrapped myself in a spell that would change the scent of my blood slightly, for vampires doing that was required. I called a moving company, had them pack everything up the next day, I would call them with the information as soon as I had an apartment set up.

  The next day before I left I took the picture of my old family off the wall, the only thing I told the movers to leave for me. I needed to move on, it got harder each time, but I had to. Many of us have been killed over the years, but often Nephilim died when they just couldn’t stand living anymore. Where there was life, there was hope. I closed my eyes, picturing my vault in London, carefully wrapping my power around the picture and frame, I transported it there. I needed to move on, the picture would have no place in my next apartment.

  Yet, I never could throw it away. I had a vault with portraits of all my families over the years, yet, I never once went there to look at them. It was both a place to honor my family, and put things behind me.

  I did have money to easily buy a house, but renting was just easier when you were moving every three years. I was ancient, the vampires always joke about long lives and compound interest, well in my case it is quite a bit more. I took one last look around the apartment, it was so empty now, depressing. I was ready to move on. At least, that’s what I kept telling myself. I drew my power around me, cloaking myself from sight and transported to Chicago.

  Better than taking a plane any day.

  The city of Chicago was nice, I just didn’t like the smell and pollution. Not that older cities didn’t smell, they did, quite worse than the modern ones. But smog was different, more harmful if not as fragrant. I took the El over to where the council was, I could have appeared right in front, but that would have given things away, might as well take out a billboard add that a Nephilim was moving to Chicago.

  I entered and sat in the back as they went over their normal business. They seemed to be in the middle of a discussion about a local necromancer that bound one of their vampires into slavery. They were asking for help from the witches and sorcerers. Witches could create charms that would block a necromancer’s power from being able to enslave them, although it was a power struggle not a given, the witch creating the amulet would have to be more powerful than the necromancer. Often that meant for safety an entire coven would be needed to create the amulets, and they only lasted a week or two, less when actually used in combat.

  Sorcerers of course
, would be good in an attack with elements.

  I wasn’t really interested, I didn’t detect any lies, but I could feel the dishonesty behind the words, as if they were telling partial truths. I had no stomach for their games, the faces and names changed, but the game of power never did.

  I waited patiently and they finally asked if anyone else had business. I stood up to be recognized.

  Silas sounded bored when he asked, “Who are you and what is your business in our city.”

  “Anise Thomas. Sorceress. I am a healer and should be in town for a few years. I also need some medical documents forged for an RN.”

  He frowned, “You heal the humans?”

  I nodded, “Carefully. Never quickly, nor do I stick around in one place long enough for it to set off alarms. I’ve been doing it a long time. Of course, I would be willing to help out the community here in that way as well.”

  He looked at me distastefully as though he couldn’t understand why I would want to heal humans. I could also sense suspicion from him. I almost rolled my eyes at the predictability, he would never do something like help a human, so naturally no one else would either, so I must be up to something.

  I berated myself internally, I was probably right, but I shouldn’t be so cynical, people surprised me sometimes, once a century or so.

  He said, “Very well, get with the clerk and fill out a form on your way out. There will be a charge for the RN documents, but otherwise we expect you to obey the rules and come to the aid of the council if asked.”

  I nodded, that was expected, and completely reasonable. The rest of the council looked at me curiously, but held any comments or questions. That told me quite a bit about how this city was run. There was a witch, werewolf and sorcerer on the council along with Silas. No warlock, but they were rare and I didn’t expect to see the necromancer either. The werewolf was big, probably at least six foot five, but it was hard to judge as he was sitting. He was of course built like a weight lifter. The witch was a young short pixie like woman with short blonde hair. The sorcerer was an older gentleman, still handsome but with salt and pepper hair.


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