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The Necromancer: Necromancer Chronicles (Erotic Fantasy) Book 1

Page 7

by D. R. Rosier

  I considered slicing my arm and putting it under her nose, the shape she was in right now, I knew she wouldn’t be able to resist, but she would be pissed, so I picked her up and threw her in the back seat of the jeep. Just in case the vamps attacked I didn’t want to be driving any of my more expensive cars. It was very early but still dark, so I took a chance and drove where I could pick up a hooker.

  Amy would probably be pissed about that too, but I’d get a good laugh out of it, and she wouldn’t be that pissed off. It didn’t take long, I picked up a woman who looked desperate, handing her a fifty and telling her to get in the back. Then I turned to watch as I sent a burst of energy through our bond, waking her up. Her nose wrinkled and took in the nearby scents. I didn’t even see her move, one second she was sprawled on the backseat, the next she was sucking down blood from the woman’s neck like a parched man with a juice box.

  It didn’t take long, she couldn’t drink all that much, just what would fit in a normal stomach. Vampire deaths rarely happened, on the rare times a human actually died it was because the vampire was careless and ripped open the jugular past their ability to heal it. The hooker was moaning louder and louder as Amy drank from her neck. I thought it would be disgusting, but it was actually pretty hot.

  But then, I am a demon so my judgment could be suspect.

  I thought the woman might actually reach orgasm, but Amy stopped before that happened. The woman looked dazed as she stumbled out of the car. Amy looked up and saw my shit eating grin and snorted when I waggled my eyebrows.

  “Asshole,” she said, her voice acidic.

  I started laughing and couldn’t stop, forced to agree with her assessment, it was a couple of minutes before I gathered myself enough to be able to drive and headed to my client’s house. It was about an hour drive and just after dawn when we pulled up. Amy was passed out in the back seat so I put up a ward around the jeep after locking it up, just in case.

  It was early, but Hardin had told me the client couldn’t take a day off of work, so it was just as well. She was already awake and answered the door shortly after I knocked.

  Cindy was a thirty five year old human. Clear complexion, light blonde hair down to her shoulder blades and blue eyes. She looked to be in good shape and her breasts hovered between a C and D cup. She looked me up and down then blushed, stammering as she invited me into her home. I could tell she had been a ten, and she was still easily an eight or nine, age barely touching her beauty.

  I walked in and sent out my power looking for a ghost. I didn’t detect anything but that really didn’t mean anything. He probably felt me coming and either left this plane temporarily or simply left the house. Assuming of course, the place was really haunted.

  “Would you like a coffee or something else to drink?”

  Her voice was velvet and her face was flushed. It was so strange, people didn’t know evil when they saw it. They didn’t run from it screaming, no, they invited me into bed more often than not. Not that I thought I was truly evil, but the side of me she was finding so attractive was my demon side. Could they really be called victims when they came so willingly?

  “Thank you, I’d love a cup.”

  I followed her into the kitchen and asked, “So why do you think you are being haunted?”

  “I wake up with cold chills despite being under the warm blanket. I can’t bring a man here, if I do I feel an angry presence, pictures fall off the walls. Doors are slammed.”

  I nodded, detecting no deception, and asked, “Was he a jealous man when he was alive?”

  She pursed her lips, “I don’t want to speak ill of the dead, but yes, very much so. We didn’t go out much because of it, he always ruined the evening if I drew the attention of other men.”

  I nodded slowly, “Well, he isn’t here now, no ghosts are,” she handed me a mug and I took a sip, “Thanks. I can stay for a while and see if he shows back up, when do you need to be at work?”

  She stepped closer, “Not for a few hours,” she paused a moment, looking up at me through her eyelashes, “Maybe we could give him a reason to come back?”

  She reached out and put her hand on my arm, just in case her innuendo wasn’t obvious enough. To be fair with my abilities it was much easier to read the intentions of a woman, human men probably would need to have it rubbed in their face. I could see much more than that though, the woman did not like pain, but she greatly desired a man to take charge, to take her without regard.

  I put down the coffee mug and pulled her into me, turning her so her back was to my chest, my arm wrapped around her under her breasts. She gasped in shock, then pushed back against me, my hardening member nestled between her butt cheeks. I tilted my head down and whispered in her ear in a firm voice, exactly what I would do to her.

  “I’m going to bend you over that table and fuck you mercilessly until I fill you up with my seed.”

  She drew in a sharp breath and ground her ass against my now hard cock.

  “Please,” she whispered.

  “Please what?”

  She replied, at first uncertain but then almost begging, “Fuck me, use me, get off in me.”

  And I had just met her five minutes ago, my life was so unreal sometimes. I pushed her gently but firmly to the table and bent her over before pulling down her pants. She looked really good like that, I could see her labia glistening in the sunlight entering the kitchen window. The strong scent of her arousal told me she was ready for me.

  Even more than that, she didn’t want foreplay, she wanted to be used, she wanted to feel desirable, and for her that would do the trick. As if she was so beautiful, so irresistible, I had lost control and couldn’t help rutting her like an animal. Who was I to argue her desire? I couldn’t help the small upturn at the corner of my lips when I slapped her ass hard and gave her a sharp order while I dropped my own pants.

  “Stick your ass up higher, now.”

  She looked really sexy when she got on her toes, arching her back and raising her ass as high as she could, eager to please. I lined up my manhood and slid into her hot slick silky passage. Then I started to slam in and out of her as fast and hard as I could as she cried out in pleasure. I angled myself just right to drive her to a quick and intense orgasm, while acting like I really didn’t care. That was what got this woman off.

  I certainly didn’t mind.

  I felt the ghost approaching, and it was with a negligent thought I trapped the ghost in a cage of my necromancer energy. Okay, I was probably an asshole for making him watch, but I was too busy to deal with him right now. I still felt full from Kim, so I experimented as she came all over my cock, her body bucking back into me as she gasped in pleasure. I tried to block the feeding. First with necromancer energy, then I stupidly tried demonic and I almost killed the woman as it dove to consume her entire soul.

  I was a bit disappointed, but didn’t really expect anything else. It wasn’t the first time I had tried after all. Her second orgasm hit and her velvety heat locked around me like a vice. She was a very good fuck.

  “I’m gonna fill you,” I growled as I felt my legs go weak, I slammed into her twice more before filling her up.

  She collapsed onto the table, a hot whimpering mess. It was the least I could do after all, if I was going to feed from her soul, I always make sure they enjoy it and get what they want.

  She whispered, “Shower.”

  I grinned and followed her upstairs where we got cleaned up. I noticed she was wearing a necklace.

  “Do you wear that necklace all the time.”

  She nodded. “It was my mother’s.”

  I reached out and held it between thumb and index finger, putting a trap and a ward on it, keying it to the ghost I still had trapped downstairs.

  I said, “Good, don’t take it off, and your ex won’t be an issue anymore.”

  She raised her eyebrow.

  I hated this part, they never believed me, “I put a spell on it, it will keep him away.”

To be fair, that was a lie, it wouldn’t keep him away, but she didn’t need to know that.

  She nodded slowly, looking torn on if to believe me or not. Really though it wasn’t her fault, fucking fae.

  I kissed her and let her know to call back if there were any issues. I wasn’t going to ask for money, not when we just fucked and showered together. Too awkward. Hardin can send her the bill. I got dressed and dragged the very pissed off spirit with me as I went out to the car. When we got in I turned to him to lay down the facts.

  “Look asshole, I don’t know or want to know why you are haunting Cindy. Here is some truth for you. I am going to drain your energy which will pop you into limbo. I would suggest you move on, although you will probably have enough energy to come back in a couple of weeks, which comes to part two. You really need to listen to this, it’s important.

  “If you come back, and get within fifty yards of Cindy, my spell will detect you and kick in. It will bind you to a piece of jewelry where you will be powerless and quite bored, for the rest of Cindy’s life. I will not be coming back to check on things, that means you will be trapped until the spell dies, which is when Cindy dies. It’s up to you, but I’d advise you to stay the fuck away unless you want to be trapped and very bored for forty to sixty years.”

  He opened his mouth to talk but I really didn’t want to hear it, I pulled his energy and he popped out of this plane of existence.

  Amy said accusingly, “You didn’t even hear his side.”

  I shrugged, “It was safer for him that way. I can’t think of a good reason to stalk your girlfriend after death, there was a very good chance he would have pissed me off if he got to talk. Then I’d have stress trying not to do something I’d regret to the bastard. Trust me, it was better for him this way.”

  Amy rolled her eyes and looked away. It was still very early so I started heading for home. That’s when all hell broke loose, someone ran a red light as I was crossing and hit the driver side door and side panel. My body crashed into the door, I could swear I heard my skull crack as my head slammed into and shattered the window. My last thought was that we were so fucked as I passed out.

  I woke up slowly and opened my eyes. The light felt like needles piercing my eyes. I could see Amy fighting close to ten vamps, or were they doubled? I also saw a few bodies on the ground, quickly decaying into dust. I smiled, I loved that woman, I mean how she was a bad ass.

  I reached out with my necromancer power, fighting the pain, but felt spells of protection around them. My only other choice was to pull overwhelming energy, or get out and use my demon abilities. I moved and my head spun, I felt vertigo, no idea which way was up and it felt like there was an ice pick stuck in my brain.

  I quickly coated it with shadow to numb the pain and sighed in annoyance. Why was it every fight I was in I had some kind of head injury? That left the other alternative, I pulled power from my ghosts and sent a lance of it at one of the vampires. The idea of enslavement was as distasteful as ever, so I hammered through the shield and snuffed out the vampire’s life. The strain of it with my injury caused my vision to go black, I almost passed out again.

  I looked desperately at Amy, she was still fighting, there were six left and based on independent movement I was pretty sure I wasn’t seeing double. Amy was holding her own for now, already downed five to my one, but she was hurting. One of her arms hung uselessly, obviously broken. She also had a number of wounds over her body and my slow mind realized those assholes had long daggers.

  Well, I couldn’t fight, or channel enough to kill without passing out, so I improvised and started channeling all the energy I could from my ghosts and to Amy through our bond. She looked a little more alert, but still outnumbered and I could feel myself starting to pass out again. I was struck by desperate and probably insane idea.

  Bindings were done magically, connecting a sort of conduit from my mind, to the target’s spirit or soul. For me to send her energy I had to direct my magic, and feed it to her, while also drawing on my ghosts. But what if I grounded a conduit differently. Oh, this was probably the dumbest thing I ever did, but I used my power to create a new binding between us, but from my spirit to hers. In theory that would make it more of a partnership, and she could actually access my magic and pull from me, even if I was unconscious.

  If I wasn’t wrong that is, and about to kill us both.

  I established the conduit and bound our souls together. I immediately felt a roaring of energy pass through me, it didn’t hurt my head, because I had taken it out of the loop. Still, I was really dizzy and passing out again. I just barely managed to cast speed healing on myself at the last moment…

  I woke up and was surprised my head didn’t hurt. My head was on something extremely soft and I felt arms cradling me, and legs on either side of my waist. I slowly opened my eyes, despite my wariness it didn’t hurt at all. I could hear Amy whispering something into my hair, her lips touching the top of my head. Her voice kept changing in pitch and I thought she was crying.


  “Oh, Vince, what did you do? What am I?”

  “Vampire?” came out more like a question than an answer.

  She whispered half doubtfully, half in awe, “Not anymore.”

  I couldn’t feel a heartbeat, but her body felt warm, warmer than I ever felt before, almost human temperature. I slowly sat up, head was still good.

  “What happened to my wound, how long were we here?”

  She said, “Only a few minutes, as for your wound, I healed you, with my witch power.”

  Being brilliant I said, “Huh?”

  She giggled, “You heard me. I’m also not… thirsty. And I don’t think I have fangs anymore. What did you do?”

  I explained what I did and the reasoning behind it. “I had no idea it would do this to you though.”

  She shivered and sniffled, wiping her eyes. “I am stronger and faster than I ever was as well. I seem warmer. It seems whatever you did traded my need for blood for getting my magic back. Not that I’m complaining, it’s wonderful. I’m just a bit nervous, what am I?”

  I checked the bonds and noticed there were only two, there should have been three. Somehow the other necromancer’s bond was gone. I didn’t even consider the consequences when I gleefully reached in and released my bond. I left the one connecting our souls, I didn’t know what would happen if I touched that one. What if she died? As far as I could tell, she didn’t need blood anymore because she was living off necromantic energy through the bond.

  And it was living in some way shape or form, if her witch magic had come back.

  Amy asked, “What did you do?”

  I couldn’t help but smile, “You are no longer bound to me as a servant, although I left the other one going. You are free, from all of us.”

  It became my turn to hold her as she gently sobbed in my arms. I couldn’t imagine what she was feeling, she had been a slave in one shape or form for the last two hundred years.

  “I love you… you know that right?” she asked softly, then said, “I could never tell you, not when I wasn’t free.”

  It struck me then of course, the bond that had built over time. The one we had covered up with snark and insults.

  “I love you too Amy, have for a long time,” I said, but it came out wrong. I was horrified by the depth of sadness my voice expressed in that moment.

  “Oh come on, I’m not that bad,” she grinned at me but in her eyes there was pain and a question.

  I caressed her cheek and tried to speak but I could not. Finally I said, “Take a look.”

  She looked confused, but understanding filled her face and she entered my mind. I forced myself not to shield and push her out, and she read me, what I couldn’t say, what I didn’t want to believe, how I fooled myself, lived with what I was.

  I was a monster. I ate souls, and enjoyed it. Resisting it, spreading it out, not killing anyone, doing it as little as possible, could not change that fact. It did not make me
a good man, just not psychotic. I still did it after all, that I needed to do it in order to live was a poor excuse.

  I did love Amy, but I could never express that physically, we could never ever be more than friends. The idea of even doing it even once, just taking a little bit of her soul away from her, even if it wouldn’t kill, or hurt her all that much, disgusted me. What did that say about me, that I would do it to strangers even as I knew it was wrong, I was willing to sacrifice parts of people to continue living, but I could never make love to Amy, I would die first.

  To say that in exchange I gave them a moment of pleasure to make it worthwhile was a sick joke. A way to delude myself, to live with what I was. I could always lie to myself, that was easy. But Amy, the woman I considered family and who I loved more than my own life. I had so longed for this day, to free her from bondage. Her, my love, I could not lie to her.

  She cried as she read that and I felt her pull out of my mind. I moved to hold her, but she pulled away from me and stood. She was shaking with both tears and anger.

  Her voice was just a whisper, but it was full of steel, “You dumb bastard. You are good in my eyes. The best man I have known in two hundred years. You could have been taking me against my will all this time, using me. Using all your ghosts. Every single thing in your life where you have a choice, you always take the noble path. Only in that one thing where you don’t have a choice do you stray. If you were at all an evil man, it wouldn’t bother you so much. Hardin is on his way with another car, he should be here in a moment. I need… I need to get this blood off of me, I’ll see you before it’s time to leave for the council.”

  She left at a speed I could barely track, for a human she would have been a blur, if they even perceived anything at all. I looked around, my jeep was a lost cause, the pickup truck that ran into me had a scrunched front end. Good thing I was in the large jeep, I might have died on impact if I had been in one of my sports cars.


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