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Intrinsic: Book One of the Terran Cycle

Page 47

by Philip C. Quaintrell

  “With respect councillors,” He converted the molecules around his hands to create organic plasma, more light than matter though. Li’ara stepped away feeling the heat on her skin as the light increased. “You can try.” Kalian had no intention of using his abilities; he just wanted to make a point.

  “Are you threatening us?” Lordina spat as a dozen armed guards flooded the chamber. Telarrek appeared partially relieved at the sight of Uthor, who led the security team. There was no evidence that the great Raalak had suffered at the hands of the beast.

  “If you aren’t going to ensure our safety within your borders, and give us somewhere to live, we will stay on the Gommarian. It seems to me that ship is the safest place for us. It’s more powerful than anything you have, and so are we.” He was hoping that last part would make them think. It was entirely possible that more humans might develop his abilities; it was just unlikely to be in this generation. But they didn’t need to know that.

  “And if this other threat is real, it might pay to have us on your side.” The council had been sceptical about the creatures Esabelle and ALF had hinted at. It didn’t help that they had left out ALF and Esabelle from their report, making the source of their facts questionable. The council were silent after that.

  After a moment of silence, Kalian knew nothing would change. He reached for Li’ara and motioned for her to follow him back to the craft.

  “Wait.” It was Elondrasa that made the command. The councillors looked to her as this was clearly not part of their plan. “You have not been accepted into the Conclave, but the Novaarian council will allow you to remain in our borders. Charge Telarrek here will be our liaison.” Kalian heard the councillors gasp and raise their hands to protest. Elondrasa raised her own and silenced them. Kalian had no idea what was next for the human race, but he wouldn’t refuse help if it came their way.

  “You have the gratitude of my people, Councillor Elondrasa.” He surprised himself with his new found level of diplomacy, even if it was a little heavy-handed. With that, they made their farewells to Telarrek and Ilyseal who would both have to keep in contact on behalf of Nova Prime. Kalian was truly thankful for that; in a chaotic new world, Telarrek and Ilyseal had become his friends. He wasn’t sure how he was supposed to feel having more alien friends than human friends. Thinking about this new society they would have to get along with, Kalian realised that such differences would have to be ignored. Despite the multitude of species they were now surrounded by, they all inhabited the same galaxy.

  An escort of armed guards walked them back to their ship where they departed for the Gommarian. Kalian sat next to Li’ara in the cockpit while admiring the spectacle of the Conclave fleet against the turquoise of Nova Prime. He had no idea what was coming their way. Humanity was at a crossroads it had never faced before. In the strangest twist of events this history lecturer had been thrust into leading a people that weren’t technically the same species as him anymore. He pushed the thought away, preferring to consider himself a human rather than Terran.

  “The universe just got a lot bigger. Are you ready for what comes next?” Li’ara turned to him in her seat. Kalian rested his head back and smiled at the starry vista.

  “Absolutely not...”




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