Book Read Free

Sparks Fly

Page 15

by Lauren Runow

  Sage wraps my hand in his, knowing her comment set me on edge. “It’s okay, sweetheart, I promise,” he whispers into my ear before kissing my head.



  We enter my family’s home, and I hold my head high, ready to stand up to my father and make sure he knows I’m my own man, and there’s nothing he can do about it.

  I knock on his study door but hear nothing, so we head to the library, hoping to at least find my mom. When we turn the corner, I see her sitting by herself in the vast, opulent room lined with dark wood and books covering every wall.

  As we approach, I notice she’s looking through old family photos of us. “Mom,” I say quietly as not to startle her.

  She stares at me with red, blotchy eyes, and my heart breaks wide open.

  I rush to her side. “Mom, I’m so sorry. Please don’t cry. You know I had no choice. I wasn’t going to marry someone I don’t love. I love—”

  “I know you do, sweetheart,” she whispers. After standing and clearing her tears, she turns to Everly. “Dear, come here please.” Everly joins us and sits on the other side of my mother. “I want you to see these.” She turns the book back to the first page, showing the day I was born.

  “Is that Sage?” Everly beams as she takes in my baby pictures.

  “It is. He was such a handful, this little boy. Hasn’t changed much, as you can tell.” She winks at me before grabbing Everly’s hand. “I’m very happy for the two of you. I’m sorry for how it all went down and even more sorry that I missed my little boy getting married.”

  “Mom, I’m sorry too, but you know I had to,” I plead for my mom’s forgiveness.

  “I know, dear. But I want you to understand your father’s side as well.”

  “That he wants to keep up appearances? My life is more than what’s perceived on the outside.”

  “He just wants you to be happy.”

  “Are you happy, Mom?”

  She sighs, glancing down at the pictures. “These make me happy. You and your sister make me happy.”

  “But does Dad make you happy?”

  “He does. He gave me you two. I can never thank him enough for the both of you.”

  “But now what? What happens for you? Mya and I are getting older.”

  “Now I have grandbabies. And I hope to have many more to come.”

  She smiles at Everly and then back to me. We haven’t discussed anything beyond getting married, and I have no clue if she even wants kids. Everly meets my gaze, and I see nothing but love mirroring back at me. She’s not terrified at the mention of kids, and it fills me with hope. I do want kids, and the idea of Everly pregnant with my child makes my heart swell.

  “Is that enough for you though? What about Dad? Don't you want more?”

  “I know you don’t understand the idea of marrying someone you don’t really know or love, but I’ve grown to love your father over the years. And yes, he’s given me some of the best years of my life. He just wanted what he thought was best for you.”

  “Do you think Marie was best for me?”

  She reaches for Everly’s hand, enclosing it in her own. “No, I don’t. I knew the moment we met that you would pick Everly. She was spunky enough to challenge you and your father.” She turns to Everly. “I think you’re exactly what this family needs. With you by Sage’s side, I have no doubt he will accomplish everything he sets out to do. I admire you for being you and not changing who you are.”

  Everly’s eyes well with tears, but she blinks them away. “That really means a lot to me, Queen Katheryn.”

  “Oh, sweetheart. I’m your mom now, no need for formalities.” She reaches for Everly, giving her a hug.

  I mouth, “I love you,” to Everly without even thinking twice. It surprises me for a quick second that I thought it so naturally. Then I remember that I’ve been in love with the thought of her for years. Now that I’ve actually gotten to know her I sense it even more.

  I want to laugh at the irony of having an epiphany realizing I truly do love my wife after I married her, but I stop short when she blinks away wetness, returning the sentiment, mouthing my words back to me.

  I wait to enjoy our happy moment for a few seconds before I ask, “What about Dad?”

  Mom tilts her head down, saying everything I need to know.

  “Where is he?” I ask, trying to calm the rage building inside me.

  “He’s meeting with the council,” she whispers through shaky breath.

  “He’s really going to try to have me banished? He can’t do that. He won’t win.”

  Her eyes fill with more tears as she reaches for my hand. “I tried, Sage. He was just so upset you defied him. Especially in front of Marie and her family.”

  Anger finally bubbles over, and I stand, needing to do something. He’s only pissed because he’s always trying to keep up appearances, and I’ve disobeyed him in front of her family and the entire country. I’ve created the first crack in the façade of what people see and he knows he can’t go back. “Where are they?”

  “They’re at the chambers. He called an emergency meeting,” mom says, ashamed.

  I kneel down in front of her, making sure she sees me. “Don’t worry, Mom. I will make this better.”

  Her hands grip either side of my face. “I know you will. My sweet boy.”

  I turn to Everly. “I’ll be back, are you okay to stay here alone?”

  “I’m going with you.” She stands up, ready to take on the battle herself.

  “This is my battle, you—”

  “No. This is our battle. We’re a team remember? Change begins with us.”

  A smile covers my face when I wrap my arms around her. “Yes. Change definitely begins with us. Let’s go.”

  “Goodbye, Katheryn.” Everly hugs my mom again right before I do.

  “I love you. Don’t worry,” I say as I release her.

  Reaching for Everly’s hand, we hop in my BMW to head straight to the chambers.

  As I reach for my seatbelt, Everly asks, “What’s your plan?”

  I wink her direction. “For love to win.”

  “Oh, yeah, that’s a good plan.” She rolls her eyes. “Seriously though.”

  “I’m serious. No one in that room would want to be forced to marry someone they don't love. I followed their rules. You were on that list, and we’re already married, so if they want to run this through the country to the people then so be it. We’ll win.”

  “You’d really take this that far?”

  “Watch me.” I plant a hard kiss on her lips before turning back to the road ahead of me.

  I speed away from the house while reaching for her hand, holding tightly as we drive the mile down the road to the chambers where the parliament meets. They forgot one thing though; I’m supposed to be there too.

  We walk through the doors, and the security guards instantly stand. “Prince Sage. I’m sorry, but you can’t go in there.”

  “I’m sorry, but yes I can. I’m officially a king in training which means I go where I want when I want. Now, are you going to stop me?” I ask, being stern with the guy but not trying to be a dick.

  “No, sir.” He backs away and lets us through.

  I nod as I grip Everly’s hand firmer, bringing her up to me and open the door with her directly by my side. “Hello, gentlemen. Am I missing our first meeting?”

  “Get out, Sage,” Dad’s voice bounces around the room. “And Everly, you will never be welcome here.”

  I hear Everly’s intake of breath in shock. I pull her closer to me, ready to protect the woman I love from my father’s harshness. “We belong here.”

  “Not anymore. When I’m finished, you’ll be banished from this land to go live with your commoner of a wife.” He flips his hand in the air like he’s dismissing Everly. The motion disgusts me.

  I step up to the table. “Why do you always think you’re so high and mighty? Just because you were born from a certain bloodline, you think t
hat makes you special? But did you also forget that she’s of the approved bloodline as well? I followed your rules, you’re just upset that I’m actually happy about it.”

  “How could you be happy with her? She’s not to our family’s standards.”

  “Well, you know what?” I wrap my arm around her again, making sure he knows that she’s staying. “Neither am I, and I’m still here.”

  “Why are you here?” He stands up and walks toward us. “You’ve never wanted to be king. This is your chance to leave. To walk away.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. I never wanted to be king under your rules.” I turn to Everly, who stares back at me with those big, beautiful blue eyes, giving me the courage to stand up to my dad. “But with Everly by my side, we’ll make our own rules. I want to change the perception of this family. I want to use who we are to make Canterbury, and the world around us, great again. I’ve finally found the woman I need to have by my side to do just that, and you bet I’m not going to miss out on this opportunity.”

  For the first time in my life, my dad stays silent. I’m shocked, but I don’t want to press my luck. I’ve said my peace. They will either move forward with the banishment or allow me my birthright and start the official training.

  I meet eyes with all the men in the room, then my father, before bringing my attention to Everly again. She nods as her lips tilt up into a small smile, reassuring me.

  “Gentlemen, I hope you can see my side. I wasn’t trying to disobey my father. I was just willing to fight for what I wanted. If you give me a chance, I will prove my worth, and I promise, one day, you will be proud to call me king.”

  In the room full of silence, Everly and I turn to leave them to their thoughts, praying I’ll get the chance to make everything right.



  The tabloids have gone crazy, searching for any story they could get on Sage and me, or what his father was going to do. It’s been a few days, and we have yet to hear any official ruling either way.

  We’ve been lying low, staying at the hotel we booked on our wedding night and enjoying the lives of newlyweds. At least there’s one good thing in our life right now. I almost don’t want all of this to be resolved. I’m enjoying being with Sage with just him and I. In here we get to be ourselves and not once have we had to worry about being seen or photographed. I knew it couldn’t last though.

  He wasn’t kidding when he told the crowd he would do community service, so today we set up a time to visit the Boys and Girls Club.

  As we left the hotel, he spoke to the news stations asking them politely to respect the privacy of the kids and not to videotape him at the facility. This was not about him or us. It was about playing with the children and being who he wanted to be—on his terms.

  He may have told them this was his community service from the fire, but I know the truth. This is nowhere near a punishment for him. This was the kind of thing he loved to do, and I have a feeling we’ll be visiting here more often even after he’s finished.

  As we entered, the kids all huddled around him, looking at him in absolute awe. When they put together a game of soccer, I seriously thought Sage’s face was going to split with happiness.

  As I sit on a bench under a shade tree watching my husband play with eleven kids of different ages, nothing but joy brightens my world. I can’t help but grin to myself at how crazy these past few weeks have been. Then I look at him and butterflies swarm within me, something I’ve only ever felt with him.

  He truly is the entire package. Of course he’s gorgeous, but the real him, what’s on the inside, is what I’m truly in love with.

  My mom was, of course, elated when she heard the news, and she came to the hotel to meet us for dinner last night. She was a little star struck, and I had to keep hitting her leg to stop her from staring at Sage. He would laugh it off, teasing her by saying he was her son now.

  A laugh escapes my lips at the memory, but it’s short lived when I hear someone approach me from the side.

  “This is your doing, isn’t it?” I hear a man growl.

  I turn to see King William staring down at me.

  I stand nervously. “No, sir. I had nothing to do with this. This is who your son really is. With or without me, this is what he wants to do with his life.”

  “You’ve made a mess of my monarchy. We had it all lined up. He was to marry Marie, and everything would have been the way it should be.”

  “Way it should be?” I raise my voice slightly then stop myself from getting angrier. “He would have been miserable. You would honestly be okay with that?”

  “What are you doing here?” Sage runs up, putting his arm around me protectively.

  “I heard you were here. We need to talk,” William replies.

  “So you come here? In front of everyone?” Sage questions.

  By now the kids have all gathered around us, and when I glance to the fence, I notice news stations setting up their shot.

  “What’s your name, young man?” King William leans down to the little boy.

  I glance at Sage, confused, and he drops his head down in frustration.

  “I’m Liam.” The little boy beams with pride as he holds out his hand to shake the king’s.

  “Well, Liam. Are you having fun with Prince Sage here?” William asks, his voice a tad higher than when he spoke to me.

  “Yes! We are. He taught me how to bounce the ball on my knee. Want to see?”

  “Of course I do.”

  The little boy steps away from us and bounces the ball on his knee just how Sage showed him earlier.

  “Well done, Liam. Well done.” William claps his hands together.

  Sage steps closer to him and grits out, “You are not turning this into a photo op.”

  William narrows his eyes ever so slightly. “Of course I am. I know what little game you’re playing, but I play it better.”

  “This isn’t a game. I like this. I want to be here,” Sage whisper-shouts to his father.

  “Then you better enjoy it because your time is limited.” He turns to the little boy. “I’m sorry I could only stop by for a minute. You have fun now, you hear.”

  Without another word to Sage or me, he turns to leave, and my stomach lurches itself firmly into my throat.

  “What just happened?” I ask, still at a loss for what transpired.

  “That’s good ole Dad. Isn’t he wonderful?” Sage asks sarcastically.

  “Why was he here?”

  “To put on a public show of course.” He points to the cameras. “And to piss me off. I swear that’s his favorite thing to do.”

  “But why?”

  “Hell if I know.”

  “What’s going to happen, Sage? Can he really banish us?”

  “I won’t let that happen. I promise. We just have to beat him at his own game.”


  My phone dings with a text message from my mom.

  I’m sorry. You know I did all I could. I love you.

  I stare at it. Confused. This isn’t like her, and anger creeps up my spine, knowing this has something to do with my father.

  “Sage?” Everly asks when she sees me staring at my phone, scowling at the screen.

  “Something’s up.” I stand, searching for the remote in the suite we’re staying in.

  I click the power button and start flipping the channels to see if I can figure out what’s going on. Not to my surprise, I quickly find my father standing behind a podium, addressing the nation.

  “I want to publically apologize for the behavior of my son recently. His mother and I are disappointed and ashamed of the boy we raised.” Dad tilts his head down, putting on a show of emotion that I know goddamn well is fake.

  “I hate to have to admit this, but this is why we have kept him out of the limelight for so many years.”

  “That’s bullshit!” I growl at the television, having to clench my fists, so I don’t throw them at the wall.

We thought if we sent him to boarding school and got him the best tutors and teachers that he would learn to be more of a man, someone you would be proud to call your king, but I’m here today to say I’ve”—he looks to my mother—“we’ve failed our country.”

  I stare at my mom as she sits there, lifeless. How dare he do this! Not only to me but also to her. This is all a fucking lie, and she’s standing by his side, not saying a word.

  He continues, “I know you all saw the silly show he put on the other day where he supposedly married Miss Everly Stanley. I’m here to let you all know that not only was their marriage not sanctioned, but it is also null and void.”

  Everly grabs my arm, “Is it really?”

  “No. It’s not. I promise, and I have all the paperwork to prove it. He’s lying.”

  “Will they believe him?”

  “Of course they will. He’s King William. People treat him like a God. Fuck me, if only they knew what a slimeball he is.”

  We turn our attention back to the screen. “I hereby say, from this day forward, my son is no longer my son. His mother and I are banishing him from the country. My daughter, Mya, will become the queen in training immediately since there is no longer a royal son to take my place.”

  I stand, throwing my phone on the bed and pacing the room. When I see Everly, she’s stunned and standing frozen. I grab her shoulders, leaning down to meet her vision, calming my breath so I can make sure she’s okay.

  “I did this?” she whispers in disbelief.

  “You did nothing,” I try to reassure her.

  “Sage. This is all because of me. How can you say that?”

  “Because I know my father and deep down I bet he’s happy he finally gets to kick me to the curb. It would have happened sooner or later because without you I never would have married and I’d be out anyway.”

  When her eyes meet mine, they are saturated with unshed tears.

  I run my fingers through the back of her head, holding her steady with my gaze. “Do you love me?”

  She nods her head. “I do, Sage. I love you. So very much.”


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