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His Xmas Surprise

Page 4

by Jordan Silver

  I made a mad dash for the closest washroom as Tanner followed behind me.

  He was holding my hair while I brought up my dinner, oh joy to the world.

  I noticed what a great caretaker he was though, so something good came from the experience.

  He didn't utter a sound as he cleaned me up, helped me brush my teeth with a new toothbrush he'd found in the cabinet and then he just sat on the commode with me on his lap.

  Of course the caveman couldn't keep that up for too long.

  "Does your father hit you?"

  Geez dead Steven that tone alone was killer.

  "No he does not, he's a good dad, a little absent minded maybe, but meh, he's no abuser."

  "Why did you become so ill then?"

  "Uh, Tanner, I ran away from home two days ago to get away from marrying the guy he chose for me, now you want me to call him and tell him I'm getting married to someone else just like that, he's going to lose it.

  I hate it when people get mad at me, I can’t help it, I'm a wimp."

  "You're not a wimp, I see what you're saying, but I'm not the type of man who hides, so we'll come to some sort of compromise ok?"

  "Okay, what, like we can get married first then tell him?"

  "First tell me what you're afraid of."

  It took me a minute to get the words out, what I was about to say would reveal so much, and it seemed so hokey, I mean we've only just moved our relationship to this point, and although we both claimed to have had the hots for each other all these years, it felt sort of rushed to admit what I was about to.

  "Speak up beauty."

  "What if he stops us from getting married?"

  "Not going to happen so if that's your only fear put it behind you, nothing and no one is going to stop that. Look at me."

  I turned my face up to his, well I had no choice really since he helped with a finger under my chin.

  "I take care of my own, no one stands in the way of what I want, ever, remember that, now I'll hold your hand while you talk to your father, then I'll talk to him myself okay."


  I can't believe she actually got sick, seems she has a soft heart, she's one of those please everybody types, it'll be fun to see how we work together because I'm one of those, don't give a fuck who's pleased or not types.

  I guess they're right, opposites attract, I'm waiting to see how things go with her dad, then we'll go from there, if he gives us shit, I have no problem finding a justice of the peace on the mainland and getting the deed done, we could always have a real ceremony later for family and friends.

  She sat on my lap as she dialed her dad's number.


  She reached over to press the button just as a gruff voice answered.


  "Anna-Maria Coulter, I'm going to tan your backside, are you trying to kill me?"

  I tensed under her but she shook her head and held her hand up, she actually looked more relaxed which made no sense.

  "Dad, I'm sorry...."

  "You're sorry, until Cynthia came and gave me that note I was on pins and needles, the one time I chose to look in on you and you weren't there, what the hell?"

  "Dad you wouldn't listen to me so I had to do something drastic."

  "What do you mean wouldn't listen to you..."

  "About marrying Mark, I tried telling you for months..."

  "Girl I thought you just had cold feet, I didn't realize, look Greg and I thought you two liked each other that way since you've been joined at the hip since birth...I'm not talking about that part anymore, but any way, after Cynthia gave me the note and a swift dressing down, you’re right by the way, she's a meddling pixie, anyway she lit into me for being a bad father, you would've thought I sold you at birth the way she carried on.

  "Close enough..."

  "Don't you start, any way like I was saying, Greg and I confronted Mark and he didn't want to get married either, wish you two had spoken up sooner. So where the hell are you anyway, for once I couldn't get something out of her, and she's been avoiding me ever since."

  "I'm with Tanner."

  She was tense again I ran my hand up her back to her neck where I massaged the tension until her shoulders relaxed again.

  "Who, who's that, your little boyfriend? Why didn't you just say you had one of those instead of making me waste Sue's time planning that shindig...?”

  "Dad are you serious right now? You were like a man possessed, all you talked about was the wedding and how great Mark and I would be together."

  "That's because I thought that's what you wanted how the hell should I know, you teenagers make me crazy, no means yes, bad means good, who the hell can keep up, look tell me about this Tanner, do I know him, is he nice, does he play any sports?"

  She looked back at me bewildered while I tried to hold in my grin.

  "It's Cynthia's older brother..." She crunched up her shoulders to her ears as if expecting him to blast her.

  "Who...the SEAL...? HooYah."

  Chapter 8

  "Hello Dr. Coulter, this is Tanner Reid."

  "Hi there son, I don't think we've met except in passing but your old man sure likes to talk you up."

  "He does does he?"

  "Yes sir, that was a nice job you boys did down there in that hellhole, I know you can't talk about that stuff but I just wanted to say thank you all the same. Now as to you and my daughter, what exactly are your intentions?"

  "OMG dad..."

  "Quiet, go ahead Mr. Coulter."

  I squeezed her hip as she sat on my lap and kissed her temple.

  Things had gone completely different from what she expected and I think she still expected her father to change his tune.

  After the way she'd acted I'd half expected a showdown myself but the doc seemed to be onboard.

  I guess it helped that he knew what kind of man I was from my dad so that was half the work done.

  "I plan on marrying her as soon as possible, we're just calling to get your blessing, I know it's kind of sudden, but I've been waiting for your daughter for a long time."

  "So you two didn't have some sort of relationship going on or something?"

  "No sir, your daughter was too young, but now she's of age more or less and my fighting days are over so I can be a husband to her, so I figure now's as good a time as any."

  "Well hell son, you almost didn't make it."

  I looked at her, her beautiful little face, those eyes that went from light to dark according to her mood that became a deep purple when I was buried inside her.

  My heart actually jerked in my chest and did a little trip before settling back into its natural rhythm.

  "No sir, I don't think so, I think we were destined for each other, there was never any danger of her marrying someone else."

  She smiled at me and laid her head against my shoulder.

  "Well now, sounds like she's in good hands, we still need to meet and have a chat maybe over a beer or two, listen son.... you watch sports right?"

  Anna rolled her eyes as I laughed.

  "I'm a red blooded American male, of course I watch sports."

  "Good man..."

  "I even have season tickets to the Mariners and the Seahawks games, maybe we could catch a game sometime."

  "Welcome to the family son, yes indeed, when's the wedding again?"

  "We haven't worked out all the details but we'll let you know as soon as we do."

  "Good enough, Anna you did good, I'm still going to tear a strip off your hide for scaring me half to death but all in all you did good."

  We made some more small talk before ringing off.

  "That was relatively painless wasn't it?"

  "I'll say, I thought for sure dad would throw some threats around or something, but, nothing, sold out for some season tickets, that's a shame."

  "Hey you still get me in the bargain, what're you complaining about huh!"

  "Nothing at all."

  We shared a kiss
that promised to turn into so much more but we weren't quite finished yet.

  "We have one more call to make love."

  I dialed my sister from memory she picked up on the second ring.

  "So am I planning a wedding or what, or do I have to leave you two stranded on that island for a few months together until you come to your senses?"

  "You took a chance there sis."

  "We'll talk about that later, first tell me if I'm planning a wedding or not."

  "Looks like you are."

  She screamed loud enough that the people on the mainland could probably hear her.

  "I knew it I knew it I knew it, so...deep breaths Cynthia...okay, I've already taken care of everything, Xmas was too risky so I planned it for the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve."

  "What if we hadn't fallen for your little scheme?"

  "Please, I know you both better than you think, the way Anna has been mooning over you for the last like three years, please, and you big brother, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why you started acting so strange whenever she was around."

  "Wow, you saw a lot."

  "It's because I love you both so much, I paid attention."

  "So what do we need to do?"

  "You have to be home a few days before the wedding, I already have the forms for the license, the officiate is already on board, the reception is taken care of, even the guest list, everyone just thinks they're coming to a formal party that night, oh this is going to be so much fun."

  "I guess my old tux still fits...."

  "No way, I got you a new one and Anna's dress is all ready..."

  "How do you know what dress I would like?"

  "You picked it yourself."

  "I did?"

  She frowned at the phone.

  "I'm pretty sure I would remember that."

  "Remember when I told you I was looking at dresses for myself and I had you play that game of make believe, and I got you to choose your favorite? Well there was this one dress that you kept going back to, that's the one I got you, it's so perfect Anna, squeeeeee, I can't wait till we're sisters..."

  She went off on a tangent about something or the other but Anna and I were once again lost in each other, our mouths moving together.

  "Are you guys there?"

  "Later Cindy."

  "Eww, gross..."

  I cut her off before she could finish.

  I can't believe the Doc, he sold me out for some season tickets, granted they were probably great seats knowing the Reids, but still, and what was with all the brown nosing anyway, he acted like Tanner had single handedly saved the free world or something.

  I could just hear him down at the practice bragging about his new son in law, I'll just be the after thought, like ' oh Anna, yeah, I guess she's alright, but did I tell you what Tanner did...?’

  Yep, I could see my future being like that.

  "What's got you frowning now beauty?"

  I glared at him, we were still sitting with me on his lap, though his hands were working their magic on my legs and had the cooch doing her stretches to get ready for the action.

  "My dad likes you more than me."

  Why the hell he found that funny was beyond me.

  "What's so funny, it's the truth."

  "No he doesn't baby, it's just a guy thing, guys think what I do is cool."

  "What, because I don't have a penis I'm not cool?"

  "Thank goodness for that, I like that you have this."

  His fingers landed right on the prize pushing my panties aside under his shirt, my legs opened of their own accord to give him better access.


  He turned my head and I opened my mouth for his tongue as his fingers did wonderful things to me. Long and thick and unghhhhhh;

  I covered his large hand with mine trying to get him to hurry his movements but he ignored me. So I ground my ass down on the pole that was poking me there and had him groaning and pushing up against me.


  That's all I heard before I was roughly turned around on his lap, lifted slightly and then brought back down on his length with my back to his front.

  I brought my hands up and back around his neck as he held my hips and pulled me up and down like a rag doll.

  "Fuck beauty, why do I want to destroy your little pussy?"

  He slapped my clitoris with the flat of his palm and had me seeing double. I liked his kind of destruction.

  "Lean forward."

  I did as he said while holding on to the arms of the chair.

  He rocked me up and down and back and forth as I tried to catch my breath after each pounding, the gusset of my panties rubbing against me felt amazing.

  "Not enough..." He growled and the cooch aka slut girl, creamed.

  We ended up on the floor with me on my knees and him behind me.

  He was so deep, deeper than any of the previous times, it was pleasure and pain together and I reveled in it.

  I love the way she looks back at me while I hit it from behind, so fucking sexy.

  I pushed four fingers in her mouth as I used the panties that I'd pushed aside like a harness to pull her back on my cock.

  "Suck baby."

  "Uhmmmmm..." She sucked my fingers into her warm mouth.

  The way she rolls her hips as she takes my cock deeper deeper, like poetry in motion.

  My cock looks obscene as it stretches her tight pussy to the max, her juices are flowing, and my pre cum is in there somewhere as I pummel her.

  Her mouth hung open and my fingers fell out as I banged into her pussy with ferocious speed. Easy Tanner, she's new to this, but fuck she was such a natural, those eyes of hers were almost black as they rolled back in her head.

  With my hand wrapped tight around her throat I pull her head back for a kiss, biting into her plump bottom lip as I hit her cervix with the flared head of my dick over and over again.

  "This pussy was made for me, only me, you so much as think about another mother fucker I'll end you."

  I growled as I bit into her neck, marking her as mine, while flooding her pussy with my hot seed and bringing her off with me.

  Pulling out I moved around in front of her, smacking her cheek softly with my still hard shaft.

  "Open." She assumed the position, head back, throat exposed as I fucked her neck, emptying the last of my cum down her throat.

  I don't think I'll ever be able to touch her and not want to consume her completely. Something snaps inside me every time.

  It's fucking insane, I just pulled out of her and I want in again, her pussy is my new high, my new adrenaline rush.

  It's a good thing I'd never had her while I was in active service, it would've been hell leaving her behind, fuck, how did my men do it?

  "Let's go clean up then I'll help you make your cookies."

  "Can't, I have no feeling in any part of my body, my tongue's the only working organ left."

  I smacked her fine ass soundly and made her yelp.

  "Get the lead out."

  "It's midnight...."

  "Who cares, I'm starving, you took it out of me."

  "Geez gramps, maybe I ought to rethink this age thing, one little teaser and you're moaning and groaning..."

  I made a grab for her and she howled with laughter as she ran from the room with me hot on her tail.

  Merry Xmas Reid, you hit the fucking jackpot.

  Chapter 9

  The next day, Xmas Eve, I took the boat to the mainland under the pretense of picking up supplies, some wine or the other that we didn't have which was a lie.

  I just couldn't stand the thought of our first Xmas passing without getting her a gift, something special.

  Knowing her she'd probably bitch that she didn't get me anything, but as far as I'm concerned, she's the gift, the happiness I feel, the love, that's gift enough for me.

  Her sassy mouth had been in full attendance as we rolled out of bed this morning, when she'd complained about
the mess I'd made while helping her make cookies.

  It wasn't my fault that seeing her all domesticated with an apron tied around her middle had made me hard, and she's the one who started flicking flour at me.

  We'd slipped effortlessly from laughter to loving as I backed her up against the counter, picked her up with her legs wrapped around me and surged into her heat.

  Best cookie making I'd ever done.

  Now I've passed the neighboring island of St. John and I'm headed to St. Croix, there are some excellent gemologists on this island, the higher end Jeweler's carry some of the world's best gems.

  I'm in the market for a purple stone the exact color of her eyes as she's about to climax, dark purple almost black.

  Of course I'll get her some regular amethyst and diamonds but that stone will be for every day wear, whenever I look at it I would know what it represented even if no one else did and no one else ever will.

  It feels like I left one of my limbs behind, unfuckingbelieveable, one day, one hour away from her and already she was missed.

  It took me hours to find what I was looking for, but time was not wasted like I said, I'd found her some great amethysts pieces, but purple diamonds were among the rarest and wouldn't be as easy to find.

  It was only in the last shop that I found what I was looking for a perfect heart shaped purple diamond hanging from a fine gold chain, something she could wear always.

  It cost more than all the other things combined but who cared, it was worth every dime.

  I found a three foot yellow teddy bear of all things and decided to have him hold this gift. She'd probably enjoy the bear more than the jewelry but that was okay.

  She was in the kitchen with that damn apron again when I finally made it back.

  There were pies all over the counter and she was still pulling things from the oven.

  "Babe you expecting the army?"

  "I don't trust your sister."

  "What do you mean?"

  “This is Cynthia we're talking about here, expect the unexpected, I don't know how, but somehow now that she knows her work is done, that we've fallen into line accordingly, I don't see her leaving us alone on Xmas, you know how she is about the holidays and since you're like her favorite person on the earth, something just tells me to be prepared."


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